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Releases: shd101wyy/vscode-markdown-preview-enhanced


14 Sep 04:07
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Fixed the extension for
Will migrate vsce publish to GitHub action.


14 Sep 02:24
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Fixed reading file as base64


14 Sep 01:21
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New features 🆕

  1. Complete rewrite of the webview, and improved the UI. 🌐💅

  2. Backlinks supported in the preview. Clicking the bottom right link icon will display the backlinks. This feature is currently in beta and might not be stable yet.
    If you want the backlinks to be always on in the preview, you can enable the setting:

    "markdown-preview-enhanced.alwaysShowBacklinksInPreview": true,
  3. Updated reveal.js to the latest 4.6.0.

Bug fixes 🐛

  1. 🐞 Issue 1752

Future plan 📋

We will further improve the markdown-it parser and we might remove the pandoc parser support. You can still use the pandoc export. This will not be affected. 📝✂️

We will add in-preview editing capability in the future. 🖋️

We will also add the backlinks graph view. 📈


06 Sep 09:02
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New features 🆕

  • ⭐ Added markdown-preview-enhanced.markdownFileExtensions config that allows users to specify the file extensions for preview.

  • 🌟 Supported pandoc-like code blocks, for example:

    ``` {.python}
    def add(x, y):
      return x + y
    ``` {.mermaid}
    graph LR
    A --> B

    The first class in the {...} will be regarded as the language.

Bug fixes 🐞



05 Sep 13:16
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0.7.2 is a breaking update! And yes, it might break many things and introduce more bugs. But don't worry, we'll fix them! 😅

What's new? 🚀

  • MPE is now available on VSCode for the Web 🥇 Yes, you can now use MPE in your browser. But some features are limited, like exporting files and code chunks, which are disabled in the browser environment. I am writing this CHANGELOG right now in using the MPE extension 😃.


  • The mume library, which powers MPE, is now renamed as crossnote. This is a complete refactor of the project. We will support more features like backlinks and in-preview editor in the future.

    • Now you can have a .crossnote directory for configuring the MPE extension for your workspace. In VSCode, running the command Markdown Preview Enhanced: Customize CSS (Workspace) will automatically generate several configuration files for you. There is also a global .crossnote directory located at ~/.crossnote if you are using Windows, or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.crossnote or ~/.local/state/crossnote if you are using *nix. The global configuration has lower priority than the workspace one. 🛠️

Bug Fixes 🐛


02 Sep 04:50
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01 Sep 08:33
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0.7.0 Release

  • 🆕 Added editor-light, editor-dark, system-light, system-dark class names to the preview panel.
  • ✨ Reduced the size of the bundled vscode MPE extension from 40mb to 8mb.
  • ➕ Supported to configure: markdown-preview-enhanced.mathjaxV3ScriptSrc, markdown-preview-enhanced.plantumlJarPath, and markdown-preview-enhanced.krokiServer.
  • 🔰 Updated @shd101wyy/mume to version 0.7.8.
    • 🤖 Completely refactored the mume project. It's not done yet, but it's a good start. The next release will be a major release.

      • 🎉 Now use the esbuild to bundle the project.
      • 🎉 Better support of both commonjs and esm.
      • 🔧 Replaced tslint with eslint.
    • 📰 Removed the plantuml.jar file from the mume project. Now you need to download the plantuml.jar file manually from here.

      • If you are using mume, you will need to pass plantumlJarPath to the mume.init({}).
      • If you are using VSCode, you can set the markdown-preview-enhanced.plantumlJarPath option in the VSCode settings.
    • 🗑 Removed ditaa.jar file from the mume project. Also removed the native support of rendering ditaa diagrams. But you can now use Kroki to render the ditaa diagrams.

    • 🗑 Removed rendering the js-sequence-diagram and flowchart.js charts.

    • 🎉 Updated MathJax to V3. MathJax V2 is no longer supported.

    • 🎉 Added Kroki support to render diagrams. This is a beta feature. For example:

      ```ditaa {kroki=true}
      +--------+   +-------+    +-------+
      |        | --+ ditaa +--> |       |
      |  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram|
      |Document|   |!magic!|    |       |
      |     {d}|   |       |    |       |
      +---+----+   +-------+    +-------+
          :                         ^
          |       Lots of work      |
    • 🎉 Updated mermaid to version 10.4.0, and supported rendering zenuml chart using mermaid.

    • 🎉 Updated vega to the latest version 5.25.0.

    • 🎉 Updated vega-lite to the latest version 5.14.1.

    • 🎉 Updated cheerio to the latest version 1.0.0-rc.12.

    • 🎉 Updated prismjs to the latest version 0.12.9.

    • 🎉 Updated viz.js to the latest version 3.1.0.


22 Aug 13:56
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v0.6.10 Pre-release
  • Added "markdown-preview-enhanced.jsdelivrCdnHost" setting support.
  • Added "markdown-preview-enhanced.previewColorScheme" setting support.
  • Updated mermaid.js to version 10.3.1.
  • Updated katex to version 0.16.8.


15 Apr 09:25
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v0.5.3 Pre-release


31 Jan 04:27
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v0.5.2 Pre-release

Upgraded mume to version 0.4.9