- [FIX] If the logical operator contained uppercase letters, production rule failed.
- Edit package comments.
- Add many, inneJoin, nonResult flags to meta info.
- Add checking that subquery on select clause is not allowed with aggregation query.
- Edit README.
- Add used functions, parameters, datetimeLiterals to meta info.
- Set max query depth to meta info.
- Add elapsed time to meta info.
- Add query graph to meta info.
- Add query id to ViewGraph.
- [FIX] Fix query depth.
- Add Depth, QueryDepth, Query to QueryGraph.
- Add view graph to query meta info.
- Add object max depth to query meta info.
- Set parent view id to object,
- Set query id to query.
- Add meta information to query object.
- [FIX] Fix fieldset parameter resolution.
- Register unregistered fields in the correlated subquery.
- Set ViewId to objects and fields.
- Add colIndex to SoqlFieldInfo.
- [FIX] Fix co-related subquery checking.
- [FIX] Subquery fields should be normalized after building per-object infos.
- [FIX] Fix field checking: item must be included in a Group By clause.
- Add and edit TODO comments.
- Edit wasm demo.
- Edit README.
- First release.