- Add actual_voc actual_co2, actual_aq_accuracy, and actual_aq_score to Runtime object
- Fix bug in case of missing/unrecognized attribute
- Reformat code using Black instead of Autopep8
- Migrate from PyCharm to VSCode
- Code refactoring and cleanup using Autopep8 and Pylint
- Add undocumented ecobee objects (Energy & TimeOfUse)
- Add fan_speed to Event object
- Handle KeyError exception in case of new property added by ecobee
- Add fan_speed to Settings object
- Code refactoring and cleanup
- Uplift the implementation to include all update to the ecobee API since mid 2017
- Internal __slots__ improvements
- Internal refactoring of EcobeeObject and EcobeeResponse
- Miscellaneous minor internal changes to facilitate the automatic generation of PlantUML Class Diagrams
- Added ecobee API operations that are only accessible by EMS and Utility accounts
- First public release supporting all ecobee API operations except those that are only accessible by EMS and Utility accounts