Releases: shimat/opencvsharp
Releases · shimat/opencvsharp
2.4.10 (20 Aug., 2015)
- Added ChamferMatching
- Fixed CascadeClassifier.DetectMultiScale bug
3.0 (19 Aug., 2015)
- Added KAZE, AKAZE, AGAST and connectedComponent
3.0 (16 Aug., 2015)
- support OpenCV 3.0
2.4.10 (04 Jun., 2015)
- Keep native DLLs under packages and reference them as links using an msbuild include (#104)
- Added Binarizer.Nick
- Fixed bugs
2.4.10 (09 Mar., 2015)
- Fixed
bug - Fixed
's destructor bug - Fixed
2.4.10 (04 Feb., 2015)
- Fixed bugs
2.4.10 (11 Nov., 2014)
- Fixed Mat bugs
- Fixed bugs of conversion Mat <-> Bitmap/WriteableBitmap
2.4.9 (06 Sep., 2014)
- Fixed Mat bugs
- Fixed CvMemStorage memory leak
- Added FAST_GPU and ORB_GPU
3.0alpha (08 Sep., 2014)
- The first tag for OpenCV 3.0
- This is filled with bugs!
2.4.9 (06 Sep., 2014)
- Fixed Mat bugs
- Added CascadeClassifier_GPU, MOG_GPU and MOG2_GPU