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Continuous Integration Process

This document explains the fabric-ca Jenkins pipeline flow and FAQ's on the build process to help developer to get more familiarize with the process flow.

We use Jenkins as a CI tool and to manage jobs, we use JJB. Please see the pipeline job configuration template here

CI Pipeline flow

  • Every Gerrit patchset triggers a verify job with the Gerrit Refspec on the parent commit of the patchset and run the below tests from the Jenkinsfile. Note: When you are ready to merge a patchset, it's always a best practice to rebase the patchset on the latest commit.

    • Basic Checks (make checks)
    • Documentation build (tox -edocs)
    • Unit tests (make unit-tests)
    • FVT tests (make fvt-tests)
    • E2E tests (Only after patchset is merged)

All the above tests run on the Hyperledger infarstructure x86_64 build nodes. All these nodes uses the packer with pre-configured software packages. This helps us to run the tests in much faster than installing required packages everytime.

Below steps shows what each stage does in the Jenkins pipeline verify and merge flow. Every Gerrit patchset triggers the fabric-ca-verify-x86_64 job and runs the below tests on x86_64 platform. Before execute the below tests, it clean the environment (Deletes the left over build artifiacts) and clone the repository with the Gerrit Refspec. Based on the file extenstions, Jenkins pipeline script triggers the stages. If the patchset contains specific doc extension, it only triggers Docs Build Stage otherwise it triggers all stages.

Basic Checks

  • We run make checks target to run the basic checks before kickoff the actual tests.
  • It's run against every Patchset.
  • You can run basic checks locally:
    • make checks (Runs all check conditions (license, format, imports, lint and vet)

Docs Build

  • We run tox -edocs from the root directory.
  • Displays the output in the form of HTML Publisher on the fabric-ca-verify-x86_64 job. Click on Docs Output link on the Jenkins console.

Unit Tests

  • We run make unit-test target to run the go based unit-tests and publish the coverage report on the Jenkins console. Click on Coverage Report link on the Jenkins console to see the code coverage.

FVT Tests

E2E tests

  • We run e2e tests in the merge job and it performs the following tests. The intention of running e2e tests as part of the merge job is to test the dependent tests of fabric-ca.
    • fabcar
    • fabric-sdk-node - We run gulp run-end-to-end target which executes most of the end to end tests of fabric-sdk-node which are depend on fabric-ca.
    • fabric-sdk-java - We run script which is pre-baked in fabric-sdk-java repository.

As we trigger fabric-ca-verify-x86_64 and fabric-ca-merge-x86_64 pipeline jobs for every gerrit patchset, we execute these tests in the below order.

After the DocsBuild stage is passed, Jenkins Pipeline triggers the Unit and FVT Tests parallel on two different nodes. After the tests are executed successfully it posts a Gerrit voting on the patchset. If DocsBuild stage fails, it send the result back to Gerrit patchset and it won't trigger further builds.

See below FAQ's for more information on the pipeline process.


What happens on the merge job?

After the patchset got merged in the fabric-ca repository, it follows the above pipeline flow and executes the e2e tests in parallel to the Unit and FVT Tests.

Merge Pipeline Flow

CleanEnvironment -- OutputEnvironment -- CloneRefSpec -- BasicChecks -- DocsBuild - Tests (E2E, Unit, FVT Tests)

Jenkins clones the latest merged commit and executes the below steps

  • Build fabric, fabric-ca images & binaries
  • Pull Thirdparty Images from DockerHub (Couchdb, zookeeper, kafka)
  • Pull javaenv, nodeenv images from nexus3 (latest stable images published after successful merge job of each repo)
  • Tests
    • fabcar tests
    • fabric-sdk-node (npm install, gulp run-end-to-end)
    • fabric-sdk-java (Run

What happens if one of the build stage fails?

As we are running these tests in fastFailure: true (if any build stage fails in the parallel process, it will terminate/abort the current running tests and sends the result back to the Gerrit Patchset. This way, CI will avoid runnning tests when there is a failure in one of the parallel build stage.

It shows aborted on the aborted stage on pipeline staged view.

How to re-trigger failed tests?

With this pipeline flow, you can NOT re-trigger the specific stage, but you can post comments reverify or reverify-x on the gerrit patchset to trigger the fabric-ca-verify-x86_64 job which triggers the pipeline flow as mentioned above. Also, we provided remerge or remerge-x comment phrases to re-trigger the failed merge jobs.

Where should I see the output of the stages?

Piepline supports two views (staged and blueocean). Staged views shows on the Jenkins job main page and it shows each stage in order and the status. For better view, we suggest you to access BlueOcean plugin. Click on the JOB Number and click on the Open Blue Ocean link that shows the build stages in pipeline view.

How to add more stages to this pipeline flow?

We use scripted pipeline syntax with groovy and shell scripts. Also, we use global shared library scripts which are placed in Try to leverage these common functions in your code. All you have to do is, undestand the pipeline flow of the tests and conditions, add more stages as mentioned in the existing Jenkinsfile.

How will I get build failure notifications?

On every merge failure, we send build failure email notications to the submitter of the patchset and send build details to the Rocket Chat jenkins-robot channel. Check the result here

What steps I have to modify when I create a new branch from master?

As the Jenkinsfile is completely parametrzed, you no need to modify anything in the Jenkinsfile but you may endup modifying file with the appropirate Base Versions, Baseimage versions etc... in the new branch. We suggest you to modify this file immediately after you create a new branch to avoid running tests on old versions.

What are the supported platforms

  • x86_64 (Run the tests on verify and merge job)
  • s390x (Run the same tests as part of the daily job)

Where can I see the Build Scripts.

We use global shared library scripts and Jenkinsfile along with the build file.

Global Shared Library -

Jenkinsfile - - ( is the only file you have to modify with the values requried for the specific branch.)

Packer Scripts - (Packer is a tool for automatically creating VM and container images, configuring them and post-processing them into standard output formats. We build Hyperledger's CI images via Packer and attach them to x86_64 build nodes. On s390x, we install manually. See the packages we install as a pre-requisite in the CI x86 build nodes.)

How to reach out to CI team?

Post your questions or feedback in or Rocket Chat channels. You can also create a JIRA task or bug in FABCI project.