- Go to the place where you installed complete pack, such as ~/projects/SHMsoft/freeeed_complete_pack
- If you do not have that
there, copy it from this project's root directory
The jars in the 'lib' directory should be imported into the local .m2 repository
These instructions assume that you are in the
project directory
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId="com.ibm" -DartifactId="notes" -Dversion="7.3.4" -Dfile="lib/Notes.jar" -Dpackaging="jar" -DgeneratePom="true"
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId="com.independentsoft" -DartifactId="JPST" -Dversion="1.0" -Dfile="lib/jpst.jar" -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId="com.ibm" -DartifactId="notes" -Dversion="7.3.4" -Dfile="lib\Notes.jar" -Dpackaging="jar" -DgeneratePom="true"
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId="com.independentsoft" -DartifactId="JPST" -Dversion="1.0" -Dfile="lib\jpst.jar" -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
If you want to make your build with FreeEedReview included you must clone from our repo
It must be next to FreeEED folder
git clone https://github.com/shmsoft/FreeEedUI/
Checkout branch solr-branch
git checkout solr-branch
after all before starting release_freeeed_complete.sh
you have to do the following (only if you are on linux)
dos2unix release_freeeed_complete.sh
When testing, if you plan to use JPST, do the target assembly:single first
How to create your first 'settings.properties'
Copy settings-template.properties to settings.properties.
NOTE that settings.properties is ignored by git and will not be committed. It is safe to put your secret information there - such as Amazon keys.
For PST processing, normally you would use readpst. JPST is a special case for Windows.
To install readpst, go here https://github.com/shmsoft/FreeEed/wiki/FreeEed-Installation