This Arduino project utilizes the LCDWIKI_GUI and LCDWIKI_KBV libraries to create an interactive display system with a touch screen. The display shows slokas, subhashithas (wise sayings), and sensor data (temperature and humidity). It is designed to be user-friendly and provides an engaging interface for users.
- ILI9486 LCD Display
- Arduino Board
- DHT22 Sensor
- Buttons for Slokas, Subhashithas, and Sensor Readings
- Connect the ILI9486 LCD display to the Arduino board as per the provided pin configuration.
- Install the required libraries:
- DHT (for the DHT22 sensor)
- Upload the provided Arduino code to your board.
Home Screen:
- The initial screen displays project information.
- Press the Sensor button to view sensor data.
- Press the Sloka button to cycle through different slokas.
- Each sloka is displayed for 3 seconds.
- Press the Subhashitha button to cycle through wise sayings.
- Each subhashitha is displayed for 3 seconds.
Sensor Readings:
- Press the Sensor button to view real-time temperature and humidity data from the DHT22 sensor.
- The data is displayed for 5 seconds.
- The project avoids rapid changes when buttons are held down with a delay of 500 milliseconds.
- The display is rotated to landscape mode for optimal viewing.
Feel free to modify the code and adapt it to your specific needs. For more information, refer to the documentation in this repository.