condition: classical conditioning * Pavlov * US -> UR, NS, CS -> CR operant conditioning * Thorndike (partially) * Skinner (mainly)
law of effect
- Thorndike
- Tendency for conditioning to work
Thorndike, Skinner,
- invented behaviorism Pavlov,
- classical condition is a form of learning Bandura
- similarity-based learning?
- working memory Ebbinghaus,
- retention curve
- easier to relearn things that were rehearsed more times
- found by trying to memorize nonsense syllables
- forgetting curve
- forgetting is fast at first, and then levels out
- also, sleeping right after learning new information helps
- found by trying to memorize nonsense syllables Hebb
- nuerons that fire together wire together
mnemonics chunking, method of Loci, testing effect, encoding specificity principle
- more specific cues result in better retention
- context-dependent
metacognition, heuristic, serial position effect:
- faster recall of latest items w/o delay - RECENCY
- faster recall of first items w/ delay - PRIMACY
- primacy / recency
Theories of emotion: James-Lange, * awareness of physical effect causes emotion Cannon-Bard, * physical effect and emotion happen at the same time two factor * Schachter-Singer * physical arousal + cognitive labels
autonomic nervous system facial feedback effect