List all token holder addresses and balances at any specified blockchain height. This package makes queries to a SLPDB via the slpserve http gateway.
NOTE: All list results provided by this package should be double-checked between multiple SLPDB nodes because any instance of SLPDB may be out-of-sync, have an outdated version, or have a corrupted database. Be sure to know the SLPDB node instances you connecting to can be trusted and are properly maintained.
For a token this library can:
- List all token holder balances and addresses
- List all token UTXO values
- List all NFT token holders
- List tokens linked to a specific Token Document Hash
- List all NFTs that were ever part of an NFT Group
Applications can use this information to:
- Distribute Bitcoin Cash rewards to token holders, pro rata
- Airdrop existing token holders with new SLP tokens, pro rata
- Build a token staking rewards systems using coin age
- Public key and user coordination in decentralized applications
By default this package connects to a public SLPDB node, but this can be overridden using Config.SetUrl("__")
This demo app allows the user to print SLP lists to the console. User can then copy/paste list result into Electron Cash to distribute BCH rewards.
$ git clone
$ cd slp-list
$ npm i
$ npm start
npm i slp-list
<script src=''></script>
Get a list of token holder addresses and balances for a token using custom SLPDB instance:
let slplist = require("slp-list");
const blockCutoff = 620971;
let list;
(async () => {
list = await slplist.List.GetAddressListFor(
// result:
// 'simpleledger:qqwap3lfel8wevd4rk5w2hkjs35kxc82fyvalykv09' => '7',
// 'simpleledger:qpcgmrsal20mf8hvdqhja0w2m9s3q026l5gjqxd8v5' => '1',
// 'simpleledger:qz5wajf8f0mkpl4n5mmsfv3am3qfq6wdxu504vaajf' => '2',
// 'simpleledger:qrmvmvqqll53v8k4x5e64t0wdnwf4asp6uxx35vhag' => '1',
// 'simpleledger:qpuh688c60gfqe5agwrfztyaype4h69lnqu86n6c72' => '1',
// 'simpleledger:qqlrnm8pcc9jqkkq2glhp22tnjzzxpkv3cqvdts0tf' => '1',
// 'simpleledger:qzn02dvpz6js49ykrtjr6jeyvlyk0j4s0gl08f2prd' => '9',
// 'simpleledger:qrwnnkfc0z7er0vjw6wnf4m56agewjlj05s4wqzrqj' => '0.8'
// ...
List the individual UTXOs, coin age, etc for a specified token ID:
let slplist = require("slp-list");
const blockCutoff = 620971;
let list;
(async () => {
list = await slplist.List.GetCoinListFor(
// result:
// [
// {
// txid: 'bc866db744b680c359b7a54b873473e8905805cb65838c616f963455d2de9288',
// blk: 596025,
// slpAmount: '10',
// address: 'simpleledger:qrgnm2varn9ccvsswmk860u85qpz8m9lgukgmqzd0r',
// vout: 1,
// coinAge: 24946
// },
// {
// txid: 'bc866db744b680c359b7a54b873473e8905805cb65838c616f963455d2de9288',
// blk: 596025,
// slpAmount: '10',
// address: 'simpleledger:qpruj6ylx84k56xqfu4vtsrkrx09n5v4vgtah0aqgz',
// vout: 2,
// coinAge: 24946
// },
// ... more items not shown
// ]
List the NFT holders for a specific NFT1 Group:
let slplist = require("slp-list");
let list;
(async () => {
list = await slplist.Nft1List.GetConfirmedNftTokenHolders(
// result:
// Map {
// '44f339784c8afc2d26ac821ab68394dfceed803a3b987df6abe5de5a81664b33' => 'simpleledger:qqzjzzlmx8h3hum3drsuk894jnf8r909ku4lankkg5'
// }
// ...
List all tokens with a Genesis pointing to a specific Document Hash:
let slplist = require("slp-list");
let list;
(async () => {
list = await slplist.List.SearchForTokenIdInDocHash(
// result:
// [
// {
// stats: { block_created: 633158, approx_txns_since_genesis: 1 },
// token: {
// decimals: 0,
// tokenIdHex: '4b7d2757d155520e0c6a9653a9750d9b574bd9779e9cb106b9d7c1ac22226260',
// timestamp: '2020-05-01 03:41:12',
// timestamp_unix: 1588304472,
// transactionType: 'GENESIS',
// versionType: 129,
// documentUri: '',
// documentSha256Hex: '94dbe7179abd236cfb0fc5aaef86aad92214053f6de2885872dd85235cfa9f67',
// symbol: '',
// name: 'SLP Sage Chat Group',
// batonVout: 2,
// containsBaton: true,
// genesisOrMintQuantity: '100',
// sendOutputs: null
// }
// }
// ]
List all NFTs created for this specific NFT1 Group:
let slplist = require("slp-list");
let list;
(async () => {
list = await slplist.Nft1List.SearchForNftsInGroup(
// result:
// [
// {
// stats: { block_created: 626896, approx_txns_since_genesis: 1 },
// token: {
// decimals: 0,
// tokenIdHex: 'c67c6423767a86e27c56ad9c04581f4500d88baff12b865611a39602f449b465',
// timestamp: '2020-03-18 01:51:35',
// timestamp_unix: 1584496295,
// transactionType: 'GENESIS',
// versionType: 65,
// documentUri: '',
// documentSha256Hex: null,
// symbol: '',
// name: '',
// batonVout: null,
// containsBaton: false,
// genesisOrMintQuantity: '1',
// sendOutputs: null
// }
// },
// ]
- Added nft method "GetConfirmedNftTokenHolders"
- Slightly modified options for "SearchForNftsInGroup"
- (breaking change) Complete refactoring of all methods
- (breaking change) Added static Config class for setting SLPDB URL
- Complete unit test coverage
- Removed support for unconfirmed transactions
- Don't publish .ts files to npm
- Allow mempool slp list queries, use block height = -1
- Include Genesis balance in query.ts
- Removed BigNumber.js dependency from demo.ts in favor of Big.js
- NOTE: All number rounding in demo uses default of ROUND_HALF_UP
- Updated gRPC deps and utilized the new getMedianTime() method
- Switched to big.js from bignumber.js in deps (demo.ts still uses BigNumber.js)
- Added MTP block selection option in demo.ts
- Other minor updates