value of IP portfolio
trademarks cheaper than patents by an order of magnitued
copyrights are automatic. Add a circle c for clarification
babyface and heel
shine, cutoff, heat (hate), come back, finish
pictures of characters/places are useful. Consider this for story development, Look for pictures of characters and spaces.
1000s of games. Everyone ignores yours.
- use specs to review and resolve conflicts
- How can we write specs to be as clear and effective as possible?
Designers are often really bad at writing clearly. Designers think their work is perfect.
Good writing and good technical writing are not the same thing. Interesting writing may get in the way of what you are trying to communicate.
You are not your spec.
- your design is stupid
- it's obvious and trite
Get your ego out of the process. You have actually just created a starting point of a conversation.
Specs are not arguments. Get some amount of by-in early.
It helps to think that your spec is crap, then you will be better able to get constructive feedback and incorporate it into your bad spec. Don't let your team on to this. It may look like false modesty.
two objectives
- technically correct
- easy to understand
be honest if the design is broken
lose an argument
slide deck available at twitter: @HBS_Kiva
How do we ensure that our creative discussions and collaborations focus on positive interactions?