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hypaan: Hyper-Parameter Analyzer

Hyper-Parameter Analyzer is a tool for analyzing performance of hyper-parameters on machine-learning models. Hypaan provides a web interface for visualizing results over various hyper-parameter values.


  • Meta Research's HiPlot visualization HiPlot visualization
  • individual hyper-parameter impact analyzer hyper-parameter impact visualization
  • decision-tree visualization for analyzing the influence between different combinations of hyper-parameters hyper-parameter tree
  • table and line plotting based on attribute selection and grouping
    simple line plot
  • custom selection/filtering and grouping of results based on user-defined attributes

Loading of experiment runs:

  • an experiment run is defined with attributes and metrics (both as key-value pairs)
  • loading from user-defined multi-subfolder structures (with assigned attributes for each potential subfolder)
  • automatic searching of experiments by traversing all possible combination of subfolders
  • customizable loading:
    • user-defined metrics types
    • user-defined metrics file parsing (defaults to json files)


  • handling of over 50.000 experiment runs
  • hot-reloading of dataset definitions
  • caching of experiment runs

Installation and dependencies

Install as pip package:

pip install git+

Install as new conda environment:

conda env create --name hypaan --file=


  • Python>=3.6
  • streamlit>=1.1.0
  • hiplot>=0.1.31
  • others:
    • numpy, scipy, matplotlib, plotly, scikit_learn, tqdm, Pillow, dill

Run web interface

When installing through pip package, run using:

hypaan [PATH_TO_ROOT_DIR] [PATH_TO_DATASET_CONFIG] [streamlit_args]

Run provided demo by running from git source dir:

hypaan demo/ --server.port=6006

View results in browser at localhost:6006.

Running from source

When checking-out source from git, you can also run direcitly using streamlit:

# clone source from git
git clone . 

# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# using streamlit lanuch app `hypaan/`
streamlit run hypaan/ [PATH_TO_ROOT_DIR] [PATH_TO_DATASET_CONFIG] [streamlit_args]

How to load experiments

Each experiment is internally defined with attributes, i.e., (key,value) pairs, and metrics (metric is attribute as well).

Experiments need to be provided in folder/subfolder structure consisting of multiple levels of potential subfolders that hypaan will traverse over. Each level can be defined with multiple potential subfolders, where each potential subfolder can have unique attributes assigned to them.

For instance, for experiments saved in the following structure:

  • exp/
    • dataset_A/
      • subfolder1/
        • subsubfolder/
          • results_type1/results.json
          • results_type2/results.json
      • subfolder2/
        • subsubfolder/
          • results_type1/results.json
          • results_type2/results.json

you need to define the follwing list of folders together with corresponding attributes for each subfolder:

            'subfolder1/' : ['subfolder=1','attribute2=abc'],
            'subfolder2/' : ['subfolder=2','attribute2=xyz']
            '{}results_type1/' : ['type=1'],
            '{}results_type2/' : ['type=2']

Hypaan traverses over all levels of subfolders and generates every potential combination of paths where result can be found. First occurance of {} in any generated path will be replaced with the experiment type string, which must be defined in get_experiment_types() (e.g., for the example below, when using TEST experiment type it will try inserting '' or 'test_'). Attributes from each level are collected together to form the final set of attributes for one experiment.

Last string in the folder/subfolder structure MUST be a filename from which metrics are loaded. By default, hypaan uses json file as metrics, but this can be customized with user-provided loading function (see below).

Dataset config

You must provide DatasetDef class containing list of all possible datasets (with search folders and their attributes as hyper-parameters). This must be provided as python package folder either in [PATH_TO_ROOT_DIR]/.hypaan/ or in separately supplied [PATH_TO_DATASET_CONFIG] folder.

DatasetDef class must have the following members:

  • get_names(): list of datasets
  • get_folder_struct(name: str): folder structure with attributes
  • get_experiment_types(): types of experiments (e.g., TEST, TRAIN, VAL)
  • get_metrics_defintion(): types of metrics (e.g., AP, mAP, AR, F1, mae, ...)
  • (optional) get_metrics_file_parser_fn(): optional function to load/parse matrics file from provided folders

Example of the required dataset definition file is shown below. See provided demo example for more information.

from collections import OrderedDict

class DatasetDef:

    def __init__(self):

    def get_folder_struct(self, name):
        Returns list of strings or dict that represent the folder structure for searching. All possible
        combination of subfolders will be explored. Each subfolder is defined either by string (name of subfolder) or
        a dictionary where key is name of subfolder and values are list of attributes,

        The last element should be the name of the file containing metrics.

        :param str name: dataset name
        :return: list of str/dict
        return [
               'subfolder1' : ['subfolder=1','attribute2=abc'],
               'subfolder2' : ['subfolder=2','attribute2=xyz']
               '{}results_type1' : ['type=1'],
               '{}results_type2' : ['type=2']

    def get_names(self):
        Returns list of possible datasets to load (will be passed to get_folder_struct)
        :return: list of str
        return ['datasetA',]

    def get_experiment_types(self):
        Return list of available experiment types.
        Each type can have one or more strings that will be used to replace the
        first occurrence of {} in the provided folder structure.
        :return: dictionary with keys as name of experiment and values as str or list of str
        return OrderedDict(TRAIN='train_',
                           TEST=['', 'test_'])

    def get_metrics_defintion(self):
        Returns definition of metrics where that will be read from metrics file:
          - best_direction=1 indicates that high value is best, while for best_direction=-1, lowest value is best
          - best_val defines max best value
          - mod_fn applies modification of original read value
        :return: dictionary with keys as name of metrics and values as its options
        return OrderedDict(AP=dict(best_direction=1,  best_val=100, mod_fn=lambda x: x*100),
                           AR=dict(best_direction=1,  best_val=100, mod_fn=lambda x: x*100),
                           F1=dict(best_direction=1,  best_val=100, mod_fn=lambda x: x*100))
    def get_metrics_file_parser_fn(self):
        Optional member that provides custom parsers of metrics file (default version loads metrics from json file)
        Parser function must return two dictionaries:
          - a dictionary with metrics
          - a dictionary with additional attributes (can be empty)
        :return: pointer to function that must return two dictionaries
        def json_parser_fn(filename):
            import json
            with open(filename) as f: metrics = json.load(f)
            return metrics, dict(extra_attribute="my_additional_attr")
        return json_parser_fn