It's a GELF implementation in pure Java with the Log4j appender and JDK Logging Handler. It has following features:
- UDP, TCP, HTTP and AMQP transports
- Large message support (chunked compressed messages)
- Configurable buffer sizes and timeouts
- Network failure tolerant (a fault barrier and retry mechanism)
- Custom field extraction from messages (extracted using reflection)
- Static custom fields (system properties and default log system configuration options)
- Asynchronous sending (configurable queue size and timeout)
- Configuration using System properties
gelfj-alt is based on gelfj
Drop the latest JAR into your classpath and configure your logging system to use it.
Add the following dependency section to your pom.xml:
Following configuration options are supported:
- targetURI: Target uri where client sends the GELF messages to. Currently supported schemes are TCP, UDP, HTTP and AMQP
- originHost: Name of the originating host; defaults to the local hostname (optional)
- extractStacktrace (true/false): Add stacktraces to the GELF message; default true (optional)
- addExtendedInformation (true/false): Add extended information like Log4j's NDC/MDC; default false (optional)
- fieldExtractor (class name): Field extractor, which is used to extract additional fields from log events / records; default org.graylog2.field.ReflectionFieldExtractor
- includeLocation (true/false): Include caller location. Generating caller location information is relatively slow and should be avoided unless execution speed is not an issue; default false (optional)
- reenableTimeout (integer): Timeout in milliseconds for setting open circuit breaker in half-open state; default 1000 (optional)
- errorCountThreshold (integer): Maximum number of errors before opening circuit breaker; default 5 (optional)
- maxRetries (integer): Maximum number of send retries before giving up with error; default 5 (optional)
- threaded (true/false): Dispatch messages asynchronously using dedicated sender thread; default false (optional)
- threadedQueueMaxDepth (integer): Maximum queue depth; default 1000 (optional)
- threadedQueueTimeout (integer): Timeout in milliseconds for waiting free space in the queue; default 100 (optional)
udp://<host>[:<port>][?sendBufferSize=<size>&sendTimeout=<timeout in ms>]
tcp://<host>[:<port>][?sendBufferSize=<size>&sendTimeout=<timeout in ms>&keepalive=<true/false>]
http://<host>[:<port>][/path][?sendBufferSize=<size>&sendTimeout=<timeout in ms>]
http://<host>[:<port>][?exchange=<exchange name>&routingKey=<routing key>]
GelfAppender will use the log message as a short message and a stacktrace (if exception available) as a long message if "extractStacktrace" is true.
To use GELF Facility as appender in Log4j (XML configuration format):
<appender name="graylog2" class="org.graylog2.log.GelfAppender">
<param name="targetURI" value="udp://"/>
<param name="originHost" value=""/>
<param name="extractStacktrace" value="true"/>
<param name="addExtendedInformation" value="true"/>
<param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>
<param name="fields" value="environment=DEV, application=MyAPP"/>
and then add it as a one of appenders:
<priority value="INFO"/>
<appender-ref ref="graylog2"/>
Or, in the format:
# Define the graylog2 destination
log4j.appender.graylog2.fields=environment=DEV, application=MyAPP
# Send all INFO logs to graylog2
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, graylog2
Configured via
# Define the console destination
log4j.appender.console.layout.fields=environment=DEV, application=MyAPP
# Send all INFO logs to console
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, console'
Sending custom fields using default reflection based FieldExtrator is very simple:
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.example");
Map<String, Object> fields = Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("applicationName", "LOG4JTest"); Message("This message contains additional fields", fields));
public static class Message {
private String description;
private Map<String, Object> fields;
public Message(String description, Map<String, Object> fields) {
this.description = description;
this.fields = fields;
public Map<String, Object> getFields() {
return fields;
public String toString() {
return description;
GelfAppender will use the log message as a short message and a stacktrace (if exception available) as a long message if "extractStacktrace" is true.
# Define the graylog2 destination
# Send all INFO logs to graylog2
Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger("org.example");
Map<String, Object> fields = Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("applicationName", "LOG4J2Test");
Message msg = new ExtendedMessageFormatMessage(fields, "This message contains additional fields");;
public static class ExtendedMessageFormatMessage extends MessageFormatMessage {
private Map<String, Object> fields;
public ExtendedMessageFormatMessage(Map<String, Object> fields, String messagePattern, Object... parameters) {
super(messagePattern, parameters);
this.fields = fields;
public Map<String, ? extends Object> getFields() {
return fields;
Configured via properties as a standard Handler like
handlers = org.graylog2.logging.GelfHandler
.level = ALL
org.graylog2.logging.GelfHandler.level = ALL
org.graylog2.logging.GelfHandler.targetURI = udp://
#org.graylog2.logging.GelfHandler.extractStacktrace = true
#org.graylog2.logging.GelfHandler.additionalField.0 = foo=bah
#org.graylog2.logging.GelfHandler.additionalField.1 = foo2=bah2
Configured via properties
handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
org.graylog2.logging.GelfFormatter.extractStacktrace = true
org.graylog2.logging.GelfFormatter.additionalField.0 = foo=bar
org.graylog2.logging.GelfFormatter.additionalField.1 = bar=heck
org.graylog2.logging.GelfFormatter.facility = test
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.example");
Map<String, Object> fields = Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("applicationName", "JULTest");
logger.log(new ExtendedLogRecord(Level.INFO, "This message contains additional fields", fields));
public static class ExtendedLogRecord extends LogRecord {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Map<String, Object> fields;
public ExtendedLogRecord(Level level, String msg, Map<String, Object> fields) {
super(level, msg);
this.fields = fields;
public Map<String, Object> getFields() {
return fields;