- rewrite Starship service and others to use oauth2
- find a way to launch config server in background during ci or had a test application.yml file to every servicesc
- config server cannot handle circuit breaker config of product-service. It needs a specials move -> see documentation: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/docs/current/reference/html/#config-client-retry
- update user endpoint
- Check number of addresses/emails/telephones per user
- check redondance of the data via set but if id is given its not working
- check redondante pseudo
- Transactional update
- What if we have the same id but with different value given many times in entry => error
Refactor domain objects:
- EntityInput si entité d'entrée pour la création = entité d'update
- CreateEntityRequest si entité de création si différent d'update
- UpdateEntityRequest si entité de création si différent de création
Add a default exception handler
Improve encodage of HATEOAS: ie create user return getUser + email link with encodage error for "@".
Only ask for id for DTO, entity name is useless and can result in bugs... only the id is used today
Change the response of each endpoints in a more complete one {meta, links, response} and the delete response.
Improve validation of data in controller.
Improve Advice response.
Improve HATEOAS response.
Change package name on github
Add jacoco analyze in sonarcloud like before
AccountService register must return SecurityUserDetail and need to be fully tested.
Replace Sysout by slf4j
see sonar fix recommandation and go up to 50% of code coverage to be able to push code
Install SonarLint
Had permission system over Authorities.
Secure existing endpoints