Green Harmony (de: Grüne Harmonie, fr: Harmonie verte, es: Armonía verde, cs: Zelená harmonie, pt: Harmonia verde, jp: 緑の調和, ko: 녹색 조화, zh: 绿色和谐) is a filter that G2-harmonizes selected “smooth” nodes.
To harmonize the transition between two curve segments, select the green on-curve node between the two segments, and run Filter > Green Harmony. The selected on-curve node will be moved to the G2 position (‘harmonized’) between the two adjacent handles:
(Curvature visualisation: Speed Punk by @yanone.)
Hold down the Opt key to harmonize the same point(s) in all compatible layers of the same glyph(s).
You can run the filter on multiple on-curve points. If none are selected, all green on-curve points will be harmonized.
You can have the filter run on all smooth connections between curves at export time with a custom parameter. This can be useful for automatically fixing interpolations. To do so, go to File > Font Info > Exports, select an instance, add a Custom Parameter with the plus button, choose Filter from the menu that pops up, and write GreenHarmony
in the filter value:
Use of this filter may alter your shape(s) quite a lot, so make sure you make a backup (at least in the background layer) before you apply the filter to many glyphs. If you want to harmonize but still preserve the shape as much as possible, consider Tim Ahrens’ Remix Tools.
Green Harmony is available in the Glyphs 3 Plugin Manager. Click on the Install button next to it and restart Glyphs.
Copyright 2021 Alex Slobzheninov (@slobzheninov). Based on algorithm described by Simon Cozens (@simoncozens), and template code by Georg Seifert (@schriftgestalt) and Jan Gerner (@yanone). Help for the conversion into the plug-in by Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer (@mekkablue).
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
See the License file included in this repository for further details.