In this step pay attention in:
- command
docker compose up -d
may create postgres users/database - pgdump file may have code to remove actual selected user/database
Dump database to file
DB_DATABASE and DB_USERNAME variable take from .env file
docker compose exec db pg_dump --no-owner --dbname=fakturomat --username=fakturomat > pg_dump_$(date +'%F').sql
upgrade postgres version in docker-compose.yml
docker compose down
docker volume rm fakturomat_postgres
docker compose up --detach
docker compose exec -T db psql --dbname=fakturomat --username=fakturomat < pgdump.sql
Download pgdump.sql from server
scp USERNAME@IP_ADDRESS:prod/fakturomat/pgdump.sql .
docker compose exec db psql --password --dbname=fakturomat --username=fakturomat