Deployed 1ee672a to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 1ee672a to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed a78a166 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed a78a166 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 0859318 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 0859318 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Bump io.smallrye.common:smallrye-common-bom from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0
Bump io.smallrye.common:smallrye-common-bom from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0
dependabot[bot]created dependabot/maven/io.smallrye.common-smallrye-common-bom-2.9.0 • bbacfbf •
6 days ago
Deployed 95881f0 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 95881f0 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 4e2351a to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 4e2351a to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 32191d6 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 32191d6 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed d5a6317 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed d5a6317 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 40f5c29 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 40f5c29 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Bump kotlin.version from 2.0.21 to 2.1.0
Bump kotlin.version from 2.0.21 to 2.1.0
Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/maven/kotlin.version-2.1.0 • 64ce79a…a4b1c4a •
13 days ago
Deployed a5d4dd9 to 3.10.2 with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed a5d4dd9 to 3.10.2 with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 50f2ecb to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 50f2ecb to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Release 3.10.2
Release 3.10.2
Force push
Deployed b350b16 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed b350b16 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Bump kotlin.version from 2.0.21 to 2.1.0
Bump kotlin.version from 2.0.21 to 2.1.0
Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/maven/kotlin.version-2.1.0 • 72582e7…64ce79a •
13 days ago
Deleted tag
Deployed fa020fe to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed fa020fe to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Bump kotlin.version from 2.0.21 to 2.1.0
Bump kotlin.version from 2.0.21 to 2.1.0
Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot/maven/kotlin.version-2.1.0 • 8490908…72582e7 •
13 days ago
Deployed 8f70f15 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2
Deployed 8f70f15 to Main with MkDocs 1.3.0 and mike 1.1.2