The following entity types are available:
ArrivalEstimation. Arrival Estimation
GtfsAccessPoint. GTFS Access Point
GtfsAgency. GTFS Agency
GtfsCalendarDateRule. GTFS Calendar Date Rule
GtfsCalendarRule. Smart Data Models. GTFS Calendar Rule
GtfsFrequency. GTFS Frequency
GtfsRoute. GTFS Route
GtfsService. GTFS Service
GtfsShape. GTFS Shape
GtfsStation. GTFS Station
GtfsStop. GTFS Stop
GtfsStopTime. GTFS Stop Time
GtfsTransferRule. GTFS Transfer Rule
GtfsTrip. GTFS Trip
PublicTransportRoute. A generic public transport route
PublicTransportStop. A generic public transport stop
TransitManagement. A public transit system Data Model
Link to the 11 current contributors of the data models of this Subject.
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