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How to make a Chainlinked contract

Thomas edited this page May 10, 2018 · 42 revisions

Creating Chainlinked Contracts

Making your contract "Chainlinked" allows the contract to request data from the Chainlink network. Feel free to ask us on Gitter if you have any questions!

Adding Chainlink to your project

The required contracts can be added to your project by using the following command:

$ yarn add github:smartcontractkit/chainlink

Importing Chainlinked

In order to make your contract Chainlinked, you'll want to import the Chainlinked.sol contract:

import "chainlink/solidity/contracts/Chainlinked.sol";

Then you can add inheritance to your contract:

MyContract is Chainlinked {

Requesting data

Here is an example of a Chainlink request, called a run:

  function requestEthereumPrice(string _currency) public onlyOwner {
    ChainlinkLib.Run memory run = newRun(jobId, this, "requestedDataCallback(bytes32,uint256)");
    run.add("url", ",EUR,JPY");
    string[] memory path = new string[](1);
    path[0] = _currency;
    run.addStringArray("path", path);
    requestId = chainlinkRequest(run, LINK(1));

You give the JobID in the constructor of your contract or you can supply it as a parameter for your requesting function.

function requestEthereumPrice(string _currency, bytes32 jobId) public onlyOwner {
  ChainlinkLib.Run memory run = newRun(jobId, this, "requestedDataCallback(bytes32,bytes32)");

Additionally, you may want the functionality to cancel a request, this is implemented through the deployed oracle contract:

  function cancelRequest(uint256 _requestId) 

Receiving data

In the example above, requestedDataCallback is the callback method supplied in requestEthereumPrice.

  function requestedDataCallback(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _price)
    emit RequestFulfilled(_requestId, _price);
    currentPrice = _price;

  modifier checkRequestId(bytes32 _requestId) {
    require(requestId == _requestId);

You can view additional examples of how to create Chainlinked contracts here.

Deploying to Ropsten

In order for a contract to make use of the Ropsten network, you'll need to have the address of the deployed Ropsten LINK token, and our oracle contract. The Ropsten LINK token's address is "0x20fE562d797A42Dcb3399062AE9546cd06f63280" and the oracle contract's address is "0x5be84B6381d45579Ed04A887B8473F76699E0389".

You will also need the JobID as bytes when invoking a new run. We have pre-made jobs available for you. Types with "x100" indicate that the value received from the given endpoint will be multiplied by 100 before being written to the blockchain.

| Type | String | | --- | --- | --- | | Uint256 | 5eadba6f077e4ca8ac88cc370eb66a5f | | Uint256x100 | d41a0bdf968a43aca8822cf81a2c1fa7 | | Bytes32 | 2660763707434f35bb58a9db33ee1803 | | Int256 | cdda8f68cb3e4108a83977c9c600d3a7 | | Int256x100 | 9a888d17f766458d99dfea62588c8280 |