basic info about positioning, box model, etc
advanced info about complex selectors, responsive web design, etc
DevTips on youtube is a great channel for CSS and design
Command Line Crash Course
basic shell usage -- commands like pwd, mkdir, cd, etc
Learn Ruby the Hard Way by Zed Shaw
- basics of Ruby (variables, if statements, loops)
- what’s an object, class, inheritance?
- writing tests
- tons of exercises
Ruby Koans
- download the koans, reach the path to enlightenment by making the tests pass
- learn Ruby syntax, structure, common functions and libraries
Exercises in Ruby (and other languages)
- solve small problems
- the tests are written for you, you just have to make them pass
- other coders can review your code
- you provide feedback to other coders
Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails tutorial by Michael Hartl
- build an app and deploy to Heroku
- intro to version control with Git
- walks though all of the main components of Rails app
- sessions, creating/updating users, testing, etc
- interactive (you build an app with the tutorial)
- awesome short tutorials about different parts of Rails development
- controllers, models, testing, debugging, etc
SQL If interested getting more comfortable with SQL
PostgreSQL Exercises
- great exercises that cover the basics, joins and subqueries, etc