This is a simple text-based RPG game written in Java. The game allows players to explore an imaginary world.
As a player, I want to be able to explore the game world, encounter monsters, fight them, gain experience, level up, and find treasures.
- Fighting Monsters: When a player encounters a monster, they can choose to fight it. The player's attack ability and randomness determine the outcome of the fight.
- Gaining Experience and Level up: Players gain experience points by defeating monsters. Once a player accumulates enough experience, they level up, increasing their attributes.
- Finding Treasures: Occasionally, players can find treasures that restore their health.
This program demonstrates the use of the following design patterns:
- Factory Method Pattern: The
interface andDefaultMonsterFactory
class provide a way to create different types of monsters in a flexible and extendable manner. - Strategy Pattern: The
interface and its implementations (HeavyHitStrategy
) allow for different attack strategies to be chosen at runtime during a fight.
- Java Version: Java 19 or later
- Testing Framework: JUnit
The code adheres to SOLID principles and follows Clean Architecture. No code smells or violations of SOLID principles or CA are present in the codebase.