All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.4.3 (2020-01-25)
- datetime component can not show value correctly (91dcbf6)
0.4.2 (2020-01-21)
- add enter key to trigger search and click chip then focus input (0692d7a)
- add focused computed property to QInputEx (f2d9735)
- add inValue and outValue hook props to InputType (2111d5d)
- add on events to inputbox and the popup of attachment; the "on: {input} event can return new value" (adebd9d)
- add props and on for InputType to define additional properties and events (922c571)
- add props and on for InputType to define additional properties and events (e033f9a)
- add ref prop for InputPopupObject and getPopup(name) method (431cbea)
- add rules and mask to QInputEx (9f78ae7)
- add search input component (b00b157)
- add the external two slots: top and bottom (7d95d59)
- add the slotAfterAttach prop (5d62f39)
- add the tsx supports (3fda7fc)
- datetime use ISO Date string (fbfb891)
- date&time: add smartClosed attribute to date, time, fulltime and datetime type (d61f486)
- make date time type to show numeric keyboard (bb2de84)
- make date time type to show numeric keyboard (6906137)
- type prop can customize type directly via InputType object (741eee0)
- type prop for InpuType can merge exists Type now (via name) (fa84900)