200 points
Category: Forensics
Tags : #pcap
Someone might have hidden the password in the trace file.
Find the key to unlock this file
. This tracefile
might be good to analyze.
Used WireShark to open the provided dump.pcap
, visually inspecting the packet payloads the following packet was found of interest, payload size stood out as unique in this capture also) :
Packet #48 @ Timestamp: 24.240874
Packet Type: Ethernet II
Data = VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgc2VjcmV0OiBwaWNvQ1RGe1IzNERJTkdfTE9LZF8=
Payload looked very reminiscent of a base64 encoded string :
$ echo "VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgc2VjcmV0OiBwaWNvQ1RGe1IzNERJTkdfTE9LZF8=" | base64 -d
Well thats a fragment of our flag, before continuing to search for additional payloads in the packet capture file I decided to try this as the password to unzip the supplied encrypted flag.zip
, which yields a flag
file containing the full flag (value redacted for the purposes of the write up) :