A simple, light-weight, .NET Core parser for command line arguments, which makes it possible to access parameters from the command line via well-defined .NET data structures.
You can always get the latest stable version from NuGet:
Install-Package Salt.System.CmdLineArgs.Parser.Core --version 1.0.0 # Using the Visual Studio Package Manager
dotnet add package Salt.System.CmdLineArgs.Parser.Core --version 1.0.0 # Using the .NET Command Line Interface
paket add Salt.System.CmdLineArgs.Parser.Core --version 1.0.0 # Using the packet Command Line Interface
This project was built using Visual Studio 2019 and .NET Core 3.1. To build the solution, clone the repository and build it in Visual Studio or using the command line tools of .NET Core:
git clone https://github.com/softwaresalt/command-line-parser-core
cd command-line-parser-core
dotnet build
dotnet test ./test/System.CommandLine.Parser.Tests.csproj
To reference in your own .NET Core project:
using System.CommandLine;
Parser parser = new Parser();
- Install doxygen.
- Add doxygen.exe to the command-line path.
- Select BuildDoc.bat in Solution Explorer, then Alt+Space (opens command window to file location).
- In the command window, run
- Run BuildDoc.bat just run
doxygen .\docs\Doxyfile
I always greatly appreciate feedback and bug reports. To file a bug, please use GitHub's issue system. Alternatively, you can clone the repository and send me a pull request.