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File metadata and controls

165 lines (126 loc) · 7.23 KB


An abstract ApiController can be inherited to provide a suitable base to work from. This extends the Symfony controller and adds wrappers to the various helpers including the response factory and argument helper.

The base methods are:

  • created() - return a 201 response with the specified binding
  • updated() - return a 200 response with the specified binding
  • deleted() - return a 204 response with a '{message: "..."}' payload
  • noContent() - returns a 204 with no content

The following pass through methods are available:

  • collection(CollectionType $type) - return a JSON response for a collection of objects
  • item(ObjectType $type) - return a JSON response for a single item
  • paginate(PagerfantaType $type) - return a JSON response with a paginated result set


FormRequest objects should be used for all API controller actions - especially if you want automatic API documentation generating.

api-bundle includes several custom FormRequests to help with some common tasks:

  • SearchFormRequest - for searches
  • ViewFormRequest - adds only includes / fields support

Note: Search and View FormRequests pull data only from the validated data bag and do not access the request query object. If validation is not performed, these will be empty or only contain the defaults.

SearchFormRequest includes:

  • includes (include is the argument)
  • filters (or filter, the search criteria to apply on the request)
  • fields (fields is the argument as: fields[object_name]=field,field2)
  • page
  • per_page
  • marker (used as offset value for pagination in OpenStack implementations)
  • offset (will use offset if provided and fall back to page otherwise)
  • limit
  • order (comma separated list using - to indicate DESC, also supports field:asc|desc)

When using these query arguments, you should add appropriate rules to the validation process to ensure that the data received is within the expected ranges. For example: page should never be less than 1, and order should only contain valid ordering values. For example:

use Somnambulist\Bundles\ApiBundle\Request\SearchFormRequest;

class MyFormRequest extends SearchFormRequest
    public function rules() : array
        return [
            'include'  => 'sometimes|any_of:object1,object2,object3.child',
            'order'    => 'sometimes|default:-updated_at|any_of:name,-name,created_at,-created_at,updated_at,-updated_at',
            'page'     => 'integer|default:1',
            'per_page' => 'integer|default:30|max:500',

Or for pagination the helper method can be used:

use Somnambulist\Bundles\ApiBundle\Request\SearchFormRequest;

class MyFormRequest extends SearchFormRequest
    public function rules() : array
        return array_merge(
                'include'  => 'sometimes|any_of:object1,object2,object3.child',
                'order'    => 'sometimes|default:-updated_at|any_of:name,-name,created_at,-created_at,updated_at,-updated_at',

The helper methods returns all rules for paging through results, configured from the current requests values for per page, max page size and limit.

Using form requests in this way ensures that your API docs (if using the documentor) are always up-to-date as the form request will be introspected to build the request / query body for the API docs.

Form requests can be further enhanced by using the validated data to return a data transfer object from the request instance that already contains the data necessary. For example: when POST'ing data to create a new record, you could return a pre-built CreateXXX command for dispatching, or a query object that is ready for executing.

Request Filter Support

New in 5.0 is support in FormRequest for filters. Filters are search criteria and several formats are natively supported, however additional types can be added. Filters are defined either on the filter or filters query argument. This is an associative array of field => value pairs, that depending on decoder, can be multiple values per field.

The following filter decoders are included in this library:

  • SimpleApi
  • OpenStack API
  • Nested Array
  • Compound Nested Array

These correspond to the API query encoders found in somnambulist/api-client package. Nested and Compound Nested are custom extended criteria types that allow fine-grained control of criteria including things like is null and is not null along with in, and and or compound statements.

JSON API approximates the JSON API filtering standard and supports all common operations defined within. Custom extensions are not directly supported, but array values for IN queries will work.

OpenStack follows the OpenStack API filtering standard. This allows for nested AND and multiple comparisons against the same field using eq|neq|gte|gt|lt|lte|like. api-client extends this to include nin (not in) and nlike (not like).

SimpleApi is the most basic and allows for single field -> value pairs, and will decode comma separated strings to array values for IN queries. SimpleApi additionally allows the filter query key to be specified if one is used (JSON API, Nested, and Compound Nested specify the key, OpenStack does not use one at all).

When using request filters, they should be included in the validation rules to ensure that only valid values are passed into the decoder. The decoders only check structure and not if the payload is potentially malicious.

As a further helper: an ApiExpression to DBAL QueryBuilder service is provided. This will take the APIExpression and convert it to a DBAL query builder instance. This requires providing a mapping of API query field to table column. All data parameters are set as named parameters and the various SQL functions are called from DBAL ExpressionBuilder.

For even for customising when converting to a DBAL query, a callback can be used. This will receive the current DBAL QueryBuilder instance as the first argument, and the API Expression part as the second. You are free to process this however you wish: provided that a valid SQL WHERE clause is returned. This clause will be added to the composite expression as determined by the request type i.e. if nested filters are supported, the SQL part will be added to any AND/OR clause. If additional parameters are generated they should be bound to the QueryBuilder.

Domain Helpers

If you are using somnambulist/domain library, there is now a trait to add the query, command, job, and event buses to the list of controller services. To use it extend the ApiController and use the AddDomainServicesHelpers to your traits. This will add helpers to access query(), command(), job(), and event() in the controller.

For example:

use Somnambulist\Bundles\ApiBundle\Controllers\ApiController;
use Somnambulist\Bundles\ApiBundle\Controllers\Behaviours\AddDomainServicesHelpers;

class MyApiController extends ApiController
    use AddDomainServicesHelpers;
    public function __invoke()
        $result = $this->query()->execute(new SomeQueryObject());
        $this->job()->queue(new SomeJob());