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File metadata and controls

142 lines (107 loc) · 5.6 KB

Event Subscribers

Several event subscribers are included and pre-configured to be enabled. These help with creating responses, formatting errors, etc. They can be disabled in the main configuration by setting the subscriber to false.

JSON to POST arg converter

This subscriber will automatically decode a JSON payload that has been POST'd to an endpoint and create a POST array of all the data. As this will override any other POST data, only expect one form of data.

This is useful if you want to allow both form and JSON submissions e.g.: if a service will only POST JSON instead of a more standard form request.

Exception to JSON Converter

Note: from 1.3.0 the error response format changed to:

  • message
  • errors
    • field_name/property_path -> error message
  • debug
    • message
    • class
    • trace
    • previous

The exception subscriber converts exceptions to JSON responses with appropriate HTTP error codes. Custom exceptions can be processed selectively via a class -> converter mapping. The converter can be loaded as a service (must be if there are dependencies). The exception will then be converted to an array of data with any additional context provided by the converter.

As of 1.1.0 the mapping and conversion is handled by a dedicated class: ExceptionConverter. This can be injected into other converters to convert wrapped exceptions using other converters.

The following converters are provided:

  • GenericConverter - fallback for converting any exception
  • AssertionExceptionConverter - extracts single failed property path from Assert\InvalidArgumentException
  • EntityNotFoundCOnverter - handles multiple entity not found exceptions and ensures a 404 error code
  • HandlerFailedExceptionConverter - extracts the first exception from a Messenger HandlerFailedException
  • LazyAssertionExceptionConverter - extracts all failures from a Assert\LazyAssertionException

You can tag services with: somnambulist.api_bundle.exception_converter and those will be pulled into the ServiceLocator that is injected into the ExceptionConverter.

        resource: '../src/Delivery/Api/Exceptions/Converters'
        tags: [somnambulist.api_bundle.exception_converter]

Note: previously the services needed to be public, but using the tagged ServiceLocator, this is no longer necessary.

Note: you still have to map the exception to the converter in the exception_handler config in the somnambulist_api.exception_handler.converters section.

You can add your own converters provided that they implement the interface and return an array containing: data and code keys.

use Somnambulist\Bundles\ApiBundle\Response\ExceptionConverterInterface;

final class GenericConverter implements ExceptionConverterInterface
    public function convert(Throwable $e): array
        return [
            'data' => [
                'message' => $e->getMessage(),
            'code' => $e->getCode() && $e->getCode() >=400 && $e->getCode() < 500 ? $e->getCode() : 400

data can contain any number of other elements but note that debug will be added if debugging is enabled. code is the HTTP status code to send with the response e.g. 500 or 422 etc.

Note: the code should be a valid and sensible HTTP error status code. For help determining an appropriate code see: - specifically 400 / 500 error codes.

Note: the mapping is specific and does not check hierarchy; therefore if you extend an exception you must explicitly map each one that needs converting. E.g. The Assertion library requires 2 entries for the InvalidArgumentException and the LazyAssertionException.

The current kernel.debug setting is passed to the exception converter, and if enabled (not prod) then the stack trace and any previous exceptions (if available) will be included in a debug key in the response to help with debugging.

Request ID Injector

The Request ID subscriber will check the headers of the incoming request for a specific header and then capture that and make it available to Monolog via an auto-registered processor. In addition, the request id will be attached to the response from the API, ensuring the id is propagated back / forward.

The default header field is X-Request-ID. If you wish to change this, define in your services.yaml or where you have added the somnambulist services the following parameter:

    somnambulist.api_bundle.request_id_header: 'My-Header-String-Here'

If no request id is found in the current request, a new UUIDv4 will be generated and assigned as the request id.

For micro-services systems, this allows for a correlation id to be passed through the various systems so that logs can be aggregated together to help with debugging and critical path diagnostics.

To use the processor with Monolog add a custom line formatter like the following:

        class: Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter
            $format: "[%%extra.request_id%%] [%%datetime%%] %%channel%%.%%level_name%%: %%message%% %%context%% %%extra%%\n"

And then in your monolog.yaml config file, add the formatter to the channels you want to use it on:

            type: stream
            path: "%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log"
            level: debug
            formatter: monolog.formatter.api_request

Note: the request id is set to clear via kernel.reset and will not be available when kernel.terminate is dispatched.