Containerized Web App using Docker, Flask, MongoDB
In this web app you can register, login, add/edit/remove products, add products to cart, get product info, and place order via webservices
You can download Postman to send the requests at server!
docker-compose is responsible for the simultaneous operation of 2 containers (MongoDB, Flask)
While the Docker image has base os Ubuntu 18.04, Python3, pip, data folder*, expose port 5000, and as entrypoint the"
Clone repo and then cd dsmarkets
$ cd dsmarkets
$ ls
docker-compose.yml flaskFrom this folder run docker with the command:
$ docker-compose up -d
When the 2 containers are running we will have the following message:
Coppy the 2 collections at mongodb container:
$ docker cp flask/data/users.json mongodb:/users.json && docker cp flask/data/products.json mongodb:/products.json
Finally, import at InfoSys b the 2 files:
$ docker exec -it mongodb mongoimport --db=InfoSys --collection=Users --file=users.json && docker exec -it mongodb mongoimport --db=InfoSys --collection=Products --file=products.json
Confirm that flask service is up and running without problem
$ docker logs flask
Since in this information system the users who can register through the web-service
have rights only as an ordinary user and not as an administrator, to add an administrator we run:
$ docker exec -it mongodb mongo --port 27017At "Users" collection we already added, the above admin has been already been added
$ db.Users.insertOne({"email":"","password":"admin","category":"administrator"})
########################### ### 1 User Registration ### ########################### Request: Type: POST Url : Body: { "email": "", "password": "passalex" }Response: alex was added to the MongoDB (status=200)
In case the email already exists it returns us "A user with the given email already exists" (status = 400)
########################## ####### 2 Login ########## ########################## Request: Type: POST Url : Body: { "email": "", "password": "passalex" } Response: { "email": "", "uuid": "6726435c-b57b-11eb-8fab-000c29b50a20" } In case the email + pass combination does not exist it returns us "Wrong email or password" (status=400)
############################ ## 3 Product Registration ## ############################ Request: Type: POST Url : Headers: key : authorization value: 877e8546-c77e-11eb-8996-0242c0a83003 Body: { "name": "Jose Cuervo Tequila Silver 700ML", "category": "Alcohol Drinks", "stock": 15, "description": "Μια πραγματικά ασημένια τεκίλα, η Cuervo® Silver είναι η επιτομή της απαλότητας. Οι κύριοι αποσταγματοποιητές στην La Rojeña δημιούργησαν αυτό το μοναδικό και ισορροπημένο μείγμα για να αναδείξει τις αποχρώσεις της αγαύης, καραμέλας, και φρέσκων μυρωδικών στο προφίλ της γεύσης της.", "price": 22.6 }Response: The product with name 'Jose Cuervo Tequila Silver 700ML' was added to the MongoDB
->In case one of the uuid is not in the list then it returns us "You do not have authorization, get out!" (status = 401)
Note: It presupposes that we have logged in as administrator and we have received the corresponding auth key
########################## ### 4 Product Deletion ### ########################## Request: Type: DELETE Url : Headers: key : authorization value: 877e8546-c77e-11eb-8996-0242c0a83003 Body: { "_id":"60be81cf8db7ab143482ccf7" } Response: Product with id: 60be81cf8db7ab143482ccf7, was deleted. -> In case one of the uuid is not in the list then it returns us "You have no authorization, get out!" (status = 401) -> In case _id does not exist then it returns: "Product with ID: 60be81cf8db7ab143482ccf7, not available on DB." Note: It presupposes that we have logged in as administrator and we have received the corresponding auth key
######################## ### 5 Product Update ### ######################## Request: Type: PUT Url :Αυγά%20Βιολογικά%20Medium%206%20Τεμ%20OFFER!!&price=3.80&stock=5 Headers: key : authorization value: 6726435c-b57b-11eb-8fab-000c29b50a20 Body: { "_id":"60be81978db7ab143482ccf6" }Response: Product's info updated: { name": "Αυγά Βιολογικά Medium 6 Τεμ OFFER!!", "category": "Dairy Products", "stock": 5, "description": "Τα «Αυγά Βιολογικής Γεωργίας» από τα ΧΡΥΣΑ ΑΥΓΑ παράγονται από κότες που ζουν ελεύθερες σε εύφορους αγρότοπους και τρέφονται αποκλειστικά και μόνο με τις πιο αγνές, φυτικές τροφές Βιολογικής Γεωργίας.", "price": 3.8 }
-> In case one of the uuid is not in the list then it returns us "You have no authorization, get out!" (status = 401) -> In case _id does not exist then it returns: Product dosen't exists in DB.
Note: It presupposes that we have logged in as administrator and we have received the corresponding auth key
##################### ### 6 GET PRODUCT ### ##################### Request: Type: GET Url : Headers: key : authorization value: 6726435c-b57b-11eb-8fab-000c29b50a20 Body: {"name" : "Avga Viologika Medium 6 Tem OFFER!!"} or { "category" : "Dairy Products" } or { "_id" : "60be81978db7ab143482ccf6" } Response: Found 4 product(s) with the category: Dairy Products [ { "name": "Fresko Gala Elafry 1,5% Lipara 1 lt, OLYMPOS", "description": "Το 100% ελληνικό φρέσκο επιλεγμένο γάλα ΟΛΥΜΠΟΣ συλλέγεται καθημερινά από επιλεγμένες μονάδες που βρίσκονται σε μικρές αποστάσεις από τις εγκαταστάσεις μας και πληροί αυστηρότερα στάνταρ από αυτά που προβλέπει η ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία.", "price": 1.48, "category": "Dairy Products", "product ID": "60be81658db7ab143482ccf5" }, { "name": "Avga Viologika Medium 6 Tem OFFER!!", "description": "Τα «Αυγά Βιολογικής Γεωργίας» από τα ΧΡΥΣΑ ΑΥΓΑ παράγονται από κότες που ζουν ελεύθερες σε εύφορους αγρότοπους και τρέφονται αποκλειστικά και μόνο με τις πιο αγνές, φυτικές τροφές Βιολογικής Γεωργίας.", "price": 3.5, "category": "Dairy Products", "product ID": "60bf71b0fe789a2bdd2da523" }, { "name": "Avga Viologika Medium 6 Tem OFFER!!", "description": "Τα «Αυγά Βιολογικής Γεωργίας» από τα ΧΡΥΣΑ ΑΥΓΑ παράγονται από κότες που ζουν ελεύθερες σε εύφορους αγρότοπους και τρέφονται αποκλειστικά και μόνο με τις πιο αγνές, φυτικές τροφές Βιολογικής Γεωργίας.", "price": 3.8, "category": "Dairy Products", "product ID": "60be81978db7ab143482ccf6" }, { "name": "Avga Viologika Medium 12 Tem OFFER!!", "description": "Τα «Αυγά Βιολογικής Γεωργίας» από τα ΧΡΥΣΑ ΑΥΓΑ παράγονται από κότες που ζουν ελεύθερες σε εύφορους αγρότοπους και τρέφονται αποκλειστικά και μόνο με τις πιο αγνές, φυτικές τροφές Βιολογικής Γεωργίας.", "price": 6.4, "category": "Dairy Products", "product ID": "60bf710afe789a2bdd2da522" } ] ->In case one of the uuid is not in the list then it returns "You don't have authorization, get out!" (status=401) ->Search by name => alphabetical sort ->Search by price => price sort ->In case the search fails, always corresponding message is displayed Note: It presupposes that we have logged in as an ordinary user and have received the corresponding auth key
##################### ### 7 ADD TO CART ### ##################### Request: Type: POST Url : Headers: key : authorization value: 6726435c-b57b-11eb-8fab-000c29b50a20 Body: { "_id" : "60bf71b0fe789a2bdd2da523", "quantity": 2 }Response: Product Added to cart{ "60bf71b0fe789a2bdd2da523": 2 }
->In case one of the uuid is not in the list then it returns "You don't have authorization, get out!" (status=401) ->In case the product id does not exist or if the quantity is not int, then we have corresponding error messages ->If we resend the request then just for the same id the quantity increases depending on the request. ->It is always checked not to exceed the stock of the product
Note: It presupposes that we have logged in as a simple user and have received the corresponding auth key
#################### ###### 8 CART ###### #################### Request: Type: GET Url : Headers: key : authorization value: 6726435c-b57b-11eb-8fab-000c29b50a20 Response: Here is your cart { "Jose Cuervo Tequila Silver 700ML": 2, "Fresko Gala Elafry 1,5% Lipara 1 lt, OLYMPOS": 2, "Avga Viologika Medium 6 Tem OFFER!!": 1 } Total: 51.96 ->In case no product has been added to the cart then returns us "First you have to add products to cart." (status = 200) ->In case one of the uuid is not in the list then returns us "You do not have authorization, get out!" (status = 401) Note: It presupposes that we have logged in as a simple user and have received the corresponding auth key
######################## ## 9 REMOVE FROM CART ## ######################## Request: Type: DELETE Url : Headers: key : authorization value: 6726435c-b57b-11eb-8fab-000c29b50a20Response: Product has been removed from cart Your new cart { "Jose Cuervo Tequila Silver 700ML": 2, "Fresko Gala Elafry 1,5% Lipara 1 lt, OLYMPOS": 2 } Total: 48.16
->In case our cart is empty then no product can be copied and therefore returns us "First you have to add products to cart." (status = 500) ->In case the product is not in the cart Our return "Product has not been added to cart." (status = 500) ->In case one of the uuid is not in the list then returns us "You do not have authorization, get out!" (status = 401)
Note: It presupposes that we have logged in as a simple user and have received the corresponding auth key
######################## ## 10 PLACE AN ORDER ### ######################## Request: Type: POST Url : Headers: key : authorization value: 6726435c-b57b-11eb-8fab-000c29b50a20 Body: { "card_no" : 1234567812345678 } Response: Here is your receipt We are charging the amount of 77.26 and then we place the order ********DS MARKETS******** AFM: 099360626, DOY:PEIRAIA Ilioupoleos 56, 17236, GR ************************** { "Patron Silver Tequila 35cl": 2, "Avga Viologika Medium 12 Tem OFFER!!": 3 } Value: 77.26 Thank you for choosing us! ***09/06/2021 09: 16: 55*** ->In case we have not given int or 16-digit int as "card_no" then it returns us "You have to enter a 16-digit number" (status = 500) ->In case the basket is empty it returns "Cart is empty." (status = 500) ->In case one of the uuid is not in the list then it returns us "You do not have authorization, get out!" (status = 401) Note: It presupposes that we have logged in as a simple user and have received the corresponding auth key
######################## ## 11 ORDERS HISTORY ### ######################## Request: Type: GET Url : Headers: key : authorization value: 6726435c-b57b-11eb-8fab-000c29b50a20Response: You have placed 2 orders. Details: [ { "Fresko Gala Elafry 1,5% Lipara 1 lt, OLYMPOS": 1, "Αυγά Βιολογικά Medium 6 Τεμ OFFER!!": 1 }, { "Patron Silver Tequila 35cl": 2, "Avga Viologika Medium 12 Tem OFFER!!": 3 } ]
->In case we have not placed any order ie orderHistory == 0 response: "You have to place an order first" (status = 500) ->In case one of the uuid is not in the list then it returns us "You do not have authorization, get out!" (status = 401)
Note: It presupposes that we have logged in as a simple user and have received the corresponding auth key
######################## ## 12 DELETE ACCOUNT ### ######################## Request: Type: DELETE Url : Headers: key : authorization value: 6726435c-b57b-11eb-8fab-000c29b50a20 Response: You are logged out. And your account has been removed. ->In case one of the uuid is not in the list then returns us "You do not have authorization, get out!" (status = 401) Note: It presupposes that we have logged in as a simple user and have received the corresponding auth key