The data scientists at BigMart have collected 2013 sales data for 1559 products across 10 stores in different cities. Also, certain attributes of each product and store have been defined. The aim is to build a predictive model and find out the sales of each product at a particular store. Create a model by which Big Mart can analyse and predict the outlet production sales.
A perfect project to learn Data Analytics and apply machine learning algorithms to predict the outlet production sales.
BigMart has collected sales data from the year 2013, for 1559 products across 10 stores in different cities. Where the dataset consists of 12 attributes like Item Fat, Item Type, Item MRP, Outlet Type, Item Visibility, Item Weight, Outlet Identifier, Outlet Size, Outlet Establishment Year, Outlet Location Type, Item Identifier and Item Outlet Sales. Out of these attributes response variable is the Item Outlet Sales attribute and remaining attributes are used as the predictor variables.
The data-set is also based on hypotheses of store level and product level. Where store level involves attributes like: city, population density, store capacity, location, etc and the product level hypotheses involves attributes like: brand, advertisement, promotional offer, etc.
- The data has 8523 rows of 12 variables.
Item_Identifier- Unique product ID
Item_Weight- Weight of product
Item_Fat_Content - Whether the product is low fat or not
Item_Visibility - The % of total display area of all products in a store allocated to the particular product
Item_Type - The category to which the product belongs
Item_MRP - Maximum Retail Price (list price) of the product
Outlet_Identifier - Unique store ID
Outlet_Establishment_Year- The year in which store was established
Outlet_Size - The size of the store in terms of ground area covered
Outlet_Location_Type- The type of city in which the store is located
Outlet_Type- Whether the outlet is just a grocery store or some sort of supermarket
Item_Outlet_Sales - Sales of the product in the particulat store. This is the outcome variable to be predicted.
- Problem Statement
- Hypothesis Generation
- Loading Packages and Data
- Data Structure and Content
- Exploratory Data Analysis- Univariate Analysis
- Bivariate Analysis
- Missing Value Treatment
- Feature Engineering
- Encoding Categorical Variables
- Label Encoding
- One Hot Encoding
- PreProcessing Data
- Modeling
- Linear Regression
- Regularized Linear Regression
- RandomForest
- XGBoost