Module Changes (for users):
A new .cur command can convert a number of currencies, including Bitcoin
.c can now understand a comma used as a radix point (rather than a period)
.w can now look in the Wikipedia for a specified (or configurable default) language
Timezones are now more user-friendly, and used more consistently across modules
Misc bugfixes
Core Changes (for users):
willie.web now verifies HTTPS connections properly
The SQLite database file respects use of ~ in the configured filename
Willie can now run in Python 3
Willie now depends on python-backports.ssl_match_hostname (see README.rst for installation instructions)
Misc bugfixes
API Changes (for developers):
trigger.is_privmsg is added for an easy way to see if a trigger was created in a private or channel message
get_timezone and format_time are added to tools to make displaying time according to user/channel format easier
Added bot.notice and an optinal notice parameter for bot.reply for easier sending of IRC NOTICE messages
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