Changes between 4.6.2 and 5.0.0 (as of 2014-01-12)
This release contains backwards-incompatible changes. See
http://willie.dftba.net/willie_5.html for more information.
Module changes (for users):
- YouTube no longer shows bizarre lengths when the bot is running under Python 3
- When Wikipedia links are posted, a snippet of the article is shown
Core changes (for users):
- WillieDB is entirely rewritten, meaning migration will be needed to access old data
- Logging output to the debug channel is improved
- The name of the NickServ user can be configured with nickserv_name in [core]
API changes (for developers):
- Deprecated WillieDB functions are removed
- CTCP actions are stripped prior to matching, and added to the 'intent' key of trigger.tags
- Deprecated Trigger functions are removed
- bot.debug is removed, in favor of standard Python logging
- tools.Nick is removed, in favor of the tools.Identifier introduced in 4.6.0