Releases: sopel-irc/sopel
Releases · sopel-irc/sopel
Changes between 4.6.0 and 4.6.1
This release starts preparations for Willie 5. See
for more information.
Module changes (for users):
- Fix regression in table creations and erroneously changed column names
Core changes (for users):
- Fix regression in db update function
API changes (for developers):
- Correctly print out deprecation warnings
Changes between 4.5.1 and 4.6.0
This release starts preparations for Willie 5. See for more information.
Module Changes (for users):
- The ^ operator in .calc is now equivalent to **
- .dice, .tr, and .addtrace give meaningful errors when no argument is given
- A number of database issues were fixed (more will be fixed in Willie 5)
- A number of Python 3-related issues were fixed.
- Malicious URLs are now detected with VirusTotal and malwaredomains
- .weather no longer shows pressure
Core changes (for users):
- The config wizard no longer configures the database, instead automatically creating a sqlite db
- MySQL and Postgres databases are deprecated; only sqlite will be supported in Willie 5
- Logging channel and level can be configured with logging_channel and logging_level in the config
- A --version switch was added to the willie command, to show the version in use
- Corrupt PID files will no longer prevent the bot from starting
- Non-ASCII values no longer crash the config wizard
API changes (for developers):
- Numerous functions were added to the db to ease the transition to Willie 5
- tools.Nick has been renamed tools.Identifier. Nick will be removed in Willie 5
- willie.web functions now specify a meaningful default user agent
- now supports dicts as the payload, and can optionally return headers
- config.get was added as an alias to config.parser.get
- Callables can now handle more than one event by stacking decorators
Changes between 4.5.0 and 4.5.1
Module Changes (for users):
- Version checking module no longer causes an error at startup
- URL handling modules no longer repeat themselves after being reloaded
- .isup now adds a .com TLD if none is used
- IPython integration now works with older versions of IPython
Changes between 4.4.1 and 4.5.0
Module Changes (for users):
- Willie will now alert the owner at startup, and every 24 hours, when a new version is available
- .calc will now time out on excessively long calculations, and is less likely to error out
- .help now works properly for command aliases
- .help will now output multi-line help in multiple messages, rather than all at once
- A new .uptime command tells how long the bot has been running
- .length can now handle astronomical units
- Absolute vote counts are no longer shown in reddit output
- Using .setlocation without a location will no longer set your location to Italy
- Time units for .in are now case-insensitive
- .duck no longer gives a long, unrelated URL
Core changes (for users):
- Scheduled tasks now work properly under Python 3
- Willie no longer accepts partial matches for admin status
API Changes (for developers):
- Setting attributes on the bot object now works as expected
- The status code is now returned from web.get as
in the headers - web.get now attempts to decode based on headers, rather than assuming utf-8
- web.iri_to_uri is now available to decode internationalized domain names
- A willie.formatting module is now available to simplify IRC bold, underline and color formatting
Changes between 4.4.0 and 4.4.1
Module Changes (for users):
- RSS no longer checks for malformed XML
- Starting RSS manually after bot restart is no longer needed
- Youtube video search properly handles spaces
- The .at command defaults to UTC if user's timezone is not set
Core changes (for users):
- Ping timeout handling is working again
- bind_host configuration option is working again
Module Changes (for users):
- .cur behaves better when bad arguments are given
- Fixed numerous unicode errors
- Added a command to open an IPython console within the module context
- Added mass units and millimeters to the
module - GitHub pull requests now get extended URL info
- .weather now displays wind in m/s instead of kts
- A security issue involving improperly named channel logs was fixed
- Misc bugfixes
Core changes (for users):
- Channel joins at bot startup can be rate limited with the
option in the [core] config section to work around server limits - Added the ability for SASL login where the nickname and username are different
- Improved loop protection and rate limiting
- Fixed multiple Python 3 errors
- Enable logging the bot in to Authserv at startup
- Added support for Postgres as the database backend
- SSL cert location detection now works on Debian-based systems
- Misc bugfixes
API Changes (for developers):
- Unicode in command decorators now works properly
now decodes the result from UTF-8, with adont_decode
argument to disable
Module Changes (for users):
- A new channel logging module is added
- Misc bugfixes, especially when running with Python 3
Core changes (for users):
- Fixed a regression that caused numerous errors in willie.web
- Misc bugfixes
API Changes (for developers):
- Nick instances now have an
attribute, which is True when the value is a valid nickname (as opposed to a channel)
Module Changes (for users):
- A new .cur command can convert a number of currencies, including Bitcoin
- .c can now understand a comma used as a radix point (rather than a period)
- .w can now look in the Wikipedia for a specified (or configurable default) language
- Timezones are now more user-friendly, and used more consistently across modules
- Misc bugfixes
Core Changes (for users):
- willie.web now verifies HTTPS connections properly
- The SQLite database file respects use of ~ in the configured filename
- Willie can now run in Python 3
- Willie now depends on python-backports.ssl_match_hostname (see README.rst for installation instructions)
- Misc bugfixes
API Changes (for developers):
- trigger.is_privmsg is added for an easy way to see if a trigger was created in a private or channel message
- get_timezone and format_time are added to tools to make displaying time according to user/channel format easier
- Added bot.notice and an optinal notice parameter for bot.reply for easier sending of IRC NOTICE messages
Module Changes (for users):
- A new .cur command can convert a number of currencies, including Bitcoin
- .c can now understand a comma used as a radix point (rather than a period)
- .w can now look in the Wikipedia for a specified (or configurable default) language
- Timezones are now more user-friendly, and used more consistently across modules
- Misc bugfixes
Core Changes (for users):
- willie.web now verifies HTTPS connections properly
- The SQLite database file respects use of ~ in the configured filename
- Willie can now run in Python 3
- Willie now depends on python-backports.ssl_match_hostname (see README.rst for installation instructions)
- Misc bugfixes
API Changes (for developers):
- trigger.is_privmsg is added for an easy way to see if a trigger was created in a private or channel message
- get_timezone and format_time are added to tools to make displaying time according to user/channel format easier
- Added bot.notice and an optinal notice parameter for bot.reply for easier sending of IRC NOTICE messages
Module Changes (for users):
- Admin-only .set command can now set non-existent config values
- The meetbot .endmeeting command now works properly
- Significant improvements made to RSS module
- The database structure for storing RSS feeds has been modified. The module will attempt to migrate old data.
- Command syntax has changed in multiple ways
- .rss help is now available with more detailed information on usage.
- Module is overall better-behaved and less buggy
- Traceback can now be attached to a GitHub issue from Willie's logs
- GitHub module no longer puts "IRC" tag on issues it creates
- A .listactions command is added to allow actions to be listed before the end of a meeting
- Dice now limits itself to 1000 dice, and output is cleaned up
- Willie now joins channels when invited
- Reddit module no longer gives an error if the submitter's account has been deleted
- A new .comments feature allows optional comments on meetings, e.g. from those muted in the channel
- .xkcd is more robust, and can now access the nth-latest comic
- calc module now uses an internal calculator, rather than the discontinued iGoogle calculator
Core Changes (for users):
- Memory lock and unlock no longer cause errors
- Debugging target no longer needs to be a channel
- Whitespace can now be used in the command prefix
- Line numbers are given when modules fail to load
- Error messages are more consistent across core and modules
- Willie now retries joining channels if it fails initially
- sqlite is now the default and recommended database type
- MySQL remains supported; support may be dropped in a later version
- MySQLdb is no longer listed as a recommended dependency
- IRCv3 is now largely supported
- Willie can now authenticate with SASL
API Changes (for developers):
- Modules can now provide a shutdown() function to clean up when the bot is quitting or the module is reloading
- web.get and can be told to limit how much they read from a URL, to prevent malicious use
- A new @unblockable decorator allows callables to be run even when triggered by otherwise blocked users
- Willie can now connect over IPv6
- If the channel given to bot.join contains a space, the part after the space will be used as the password
- IRCv3 is now largely supported
- Modules can now request capabilities from the server.
- Message tags, if enabled, can be read from trigger.tags