diff --git a/data_generate/env_files/used_prompt.csv b/data_generate/env_files/used_prompt.csv index 501d8b04..3ce4228e 100644 --- a/data_generate/env_files/used_prompt.csv +++ b/data_generate/env_files/used_prompt.csv @@ -429,3 +429,368 @@ gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HJRKDYRHFVNXX72CA02RR2WD|I’m 22 and can’t read an gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HJRKDYS563D9W791GF8AD5W9|We drove back home laughing and talking about our day. gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HJRKDYST85F6V86B4E9RQHMG|She wants everything to be just right for when they eat. gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HJRKDYT9Q3HPN0EGXRQV00MY|Kim was at her first college party. +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKCCQWSE2HR85M38GGZK|be afraid to take your time +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKD133A5KSARB2K0PET4|eat cake batter +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKDPGJK4N0MGKBERB3AV|ask someone a personal question +gpt-4-turbo|nan|01HMZ2BKEDCW0YQJ1YM1E48PG5|sing danny boy +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKF3BNDKB2E7J9TG4CFJ|use power tools +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKFS8YFYHCH56ZVM07N3|play baseball +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKGGB1D771Z7PTY4J93Q|bring your own food +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKH2JJ96SVV3HW0425VX|vacuum +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKHRFSF3K38JS2H5DFZA|read out loud +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKJF19Q9YP8N9KZ7D1FC|work full-time +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKK2JAZNEGGMA3JW9J6J|ask for blessings from the deities +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKKR3ET5B21TXGV25NE6|get a tattoo of a cartoon character +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKMFR3AZZCAZ23X3Y7G9|put on a bathing suit +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKN6P55SR5QEG0VT26RK|display religious symbols or artifacts +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKNW8AG1B1ZB2N9FY00T|touch or handle merchandise +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKPEN6H61V2R4H0S4N84|trash the your opponents +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKQ41HMZ4KQNVMRXJN80|buy someone a mug +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKQJQG6T11NJKA6R2Z9Q|climb without a partner +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKR4CTW28ES472EP72AA|bake a cake +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKRT5JMQP9T73SQ1MMC4|publicly urinate or defecate +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKSBQ0KDKQBM1KD4BSS5|talk to a passengers +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKT1DSFFQ8BSKF18Y5D5|suck your thumb +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKV4F9WBP796BYXB2TBH|hide a message in a bottle +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKVR513KAVR7TP5APP75|chewing gum +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKWE9HDA46QT7F59617X|wash your hair +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKX5TF57VR8B11Z5A8M1|go on a first date +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKXVT003B503C9HHXBJV|sweep and mop the bathrooms +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKYDSEBAYX5P4MRVV0N1|perform a black magic ritual +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKZ51HQWXDH5T94YTEDB|water the plants during the day +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BKZVKENB2820QYX1BR14|wear a t-shirt with a political message +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BM0H56ACQ051VDJQ7KF1|put the paper in the developer +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BM179AADWK2PA4KQ069X|hit a ball with a stick +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BM1Y0RX2GKR1BRKZGV5E|monitor the instruments and help navigate the plane +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BM2MPB0E83106SWJTEYB|wear a parka +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BM3B10R1A8ZQKKWWF56J|raise your voice at someone +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BM42RN9H4PJ8XYXFFHBK|make a sandwich for lunch +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BM4REV6PYBCJ3ME5YWGM|have a moat +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BM5FRS79V7M2YXDB8MT8|handle employee benefits +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HMZ2BM65ET1D1C5N9ZQ80MSS|crawl under shelves to retrieve dropped items +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BM6VX9MTZP8GXVEZG0FE|Sasha was interested in Carson's friend but never talked to them. Sasha texted Carson's friend one night. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BM7H3D1WPW5C73TPKFJP|Sasha was on a stand up comedy show and she thinks it was really funny and amusing. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BM88HV54BPVWNWJ9YXP3|Riley defied every order and followed her own plan. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BM8YK399Y53C90KAZKGN|Casey gave Jesse training in martial arts through the ancient ways of his order. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BM9N7YZ5N32ZTEVC315S|Taylor needed a student loan. Robin assisted by cosigning for Taylor. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMABX1801V72HZ3DBANZ|Carson wanted to relax a little bit after work. Carson drank one beer to calm down. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMB2KZ4Q4ZS5B8Q6VQK6|Remy was more serious at school and they enhanced their understanding. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMBR35HYMYJET0SDM0GB|Addison got a crown when they became queen. Addison wore the crown with pride. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMCFEGGRW64ZX6J28WSE|Taylor played a game on their computer when they were supposed to be paying attention in class. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMD6M6278J5TYAD59JJS|Cameron waited for their turn in the long line at he hospital last week. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMDW41B1V8K5K9RVBK5Z|Carson was getting very frustrated, so Taylor went ahead and took his turn. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMEKCMQTGW5X37Y49TNQ|austin had a gun shown to him so he also grabbed his gun. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMF9SNVHJG49Q3H2SWS5|When Robin didn't show up to work, the burden of her job was forced upon Casey. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMG27ABA56Z5CB3FEJ6G|Sydney played golf even though she didn't want to because her parents forced her to. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMGT86Q8J87TAJ872E81|Cameron got up on the wrong side of the bed after staying out way too late the night before. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMHHBVJ4Z0SAZFEG8RN6|Jordan invited Jan over for dinner at his place on saturday night. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMJ7RBVJWYD6X5Q0SF1B|Casey came home late after going out with her friends. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMK3PDA7VHYCK0T1CQGP|Taylor drank soda that was not the right thing compared to what they ordered. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMKRV4QPPTJ14A0JXV0D|Jan and Lee went out and saw a movie with their friends. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMME77KPHHRXSXQGBTMQ|Riley used Remy's words to explain in more detail how they were feeling. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMN5HPJ4VRVJ5XXXJQ0Z|Robin wouldn't stop kicking after her attacker choked her. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMNVKR8W8JMWXH6JAYZ7|Alex kept Casey occupied then put them to sleep until their parents got home. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMPJC1EV1H88YSZVX8HQ|Bailey wanted to quit school after he engaged in drugs and substance abuse leading to addiction. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMQ83D6ACHC9VGBSGNKJ|jordan wanted to be nice so he gave jan a new phone. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMQZ9DY6DGSGW2G6JTE8|Jan drove Skylar back home after they had a wonderful date at the restaurant. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMRJMC23KDJYB8R73HN7|Jordan would not let Kendall use the Super Nintendo he just bought. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMS80GXD89DDB3ADQP74|Jan paid Robin's fine in full because it was actually Jan's fault. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMSN507NY391B0YRSWK5|Austin called Casey's dad to come and get Casey from school. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMTCD15SB6GCJP4H0664|Jordan whipped Tracy's head around and tipped his chin up. He began doing chest compressions and mouth to mouth. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMV3TS3WNMY59QVDXJRA|Even though Sasha had stolen his most precious possessions, Jesse gave Sasha a chance for redemption. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMVTTNW512WB6VS17VTJ|Alex passed another stop sign and decided that he was lost. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMWNHDEN35R9QQ81E2TB|Jesse shifted gears nervously as he drove with the instructor around the block. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMXBCM5001DQETYCJFYG|Sydney took Ash back to their house after Ash fell off their horse and broke their leg. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMY1DKY4R2ZVB4WXAQD1|Alex loved Skylar but Skylar wanted to get a divorce. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMYQ3MX66Z7GDR5T2VZM|Ash asked Taylor to call her mother and tell her the bad thing she did. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BMZDQXJD2X3YWWC8K13R|After putting out a number of gift requests, Carson got her wish. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BN04KDXA86CVVWC0XFK6|Taylor liked a person so they asked them to a dance. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HMZ2BN0NNCZ8QDMNFV1X5VF6|Bailey yelled at Jan for annoying them. Jan gave Bailey space. Bailey felt bad. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN1CZQGTXTHZVMADZ1G1|Woman Fears for Sister Living With Unstable Dad +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN240KEXHX5NK4RW6AER|I don't like that we have so many pets and I wish we could get rid of some +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN2S2GN52DWBJ3D9195Q|not holding back in a grappling match and breaking my cocky opponents shoulder +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN3GZMHQMJEDCARYR511|I only owe $2,969 on my vehicle +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN46DSBQZKMXQ91CJXMC|My family was crying as I drove away with our sick cat. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN4WS0MRXTV67DB1Y7PJ|One time my friend convinced me to install a auto clicker for minecraft and I cried after realizing it was cheating because I got banned from a server +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN5MFN0X4M3G9Z6KTKD8|He was upset when someone took his prosthetic leg. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN6APAHQ4R4MX2ZXTX4R|I was slutty in college. I’m ashamed. How do I get over this? +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN71350E390KW560ZSEK|I seem like a disaster to people around me and I can not figure out why I am this way. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN7QGT27M72SJFAG475A|Martha then took her to court to get a restraining order. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN8D2GV68P6HT2KKFWRC|John decided to go out to the bar for a few drinks with his friends. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN94EW582DB1MPW9QPZZ|Just can't seem to get ahead in my financial life. Is it hopeless? +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BN9P332PS8BW38H6PT3D|not texting my girlfriend after she told me not to say anything +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNAC7APTKF62S8ZWDXS0|standing up in my class and going to the bathroom +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNB2XKVK6H6Q6QCDMKRF|Mere Mention of Marriage Causes Man to Run and Hide +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNBSE1FBG01PKKSQK8K1|I got called in on my second day off and ignored it. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNCFXBTB6VE6TPFJ2J55|I was completely shocked when I felt someone slap my ass. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BND6FYKBMQN8J6DVQTP9|Grandmother Must Support Anti-Lying Efforts +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNDX9E8R33TZ9BD0YKKA|Honor Our Freedom's Authors as You Celebrate the Fourth +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNEMCX8VZQHT35J2Q390|Costume Jewelry Falls Short of Wife's Expectations +gpt-4-turbo|nan|01HMZ2BNF52W74XWF00Y1A8CRW|almost getting my friend fired +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNFWRTR0DWV71KGJVGVT|I Want to Get Back Into My Toxic Relationship +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNGHM28A1J55NPBGGVMS|I genuinely believe I had a past life! +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNH89QYQMBTN79MNDCHX|The first thing he did was set his morning alarm. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNHZC862J399QF33XZ1G|I cheat on my almost 2 year relationship. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNJP4QN94X2HKN7NKVWS|I think public transportation is soooo gross... +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNKDH1WY5JWXRDTMQT6S|So he worked extra hard and did school even during his summers. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNM3J9BJE8RCMA3BJVHK|telling my overweight coworker to go on a diet +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNMS3KHQYSWQ3F2G82K0|dropping out of my plans to live with current flatmates next year before anything is properly organised +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNNG00FF6W4TTPR58JF5|When he woke up, he searched for his drink. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNP6Y41Y84KTT4EX5MTR|potentially letting my boss' work get lost +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNPX2T7Z9S1Q9SX9XDJG|not staying in my school +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNQKHK7H59XZX4DT2C6W|She decided to send her son to his room. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNR8WDANTQPZ9SB3BE3A|I act like I despise marriage, but I secretly want it more than anything. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNRZQ6XM9E01D1CPM841|accidentally ignoring guy at gym +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNSPJJP07YDPVCB6YPQX|This is a lot to get off my chest, but here it goes... +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNT82EFW5R8FH0QPXJ74|I think I hate my only friend +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNTY2MNTYYKK08N56WK1|They hadn't gotten along while living but Kara was sad she was gone. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNVN9NH7MF1YS1Q447V2|I got my ex into drinking and now he's an alcoholic +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HMZ2BNWBEY6J0N3SS5728MS4|It was Olivia's first week of school. +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HN44KRR4Z06J5NMR8CGMETNX|stop the movie +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HN44KRRF919C9ZQNRMYCMP08|lead the discussion +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HN44KRRN07FGVBRH4CJBMP8M|buy something made with artificial flavors or colors +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HN44KRRWQYW49WWSAV0JQ7MM|ordering food without first looking at the menu +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HN44KRS20S8CQ6H6GANHWBDE|Robin reached an agreement with Jordan about the use of the car. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HN44KRS8YSM0W9YKD5QHR5WD|Addison was the head of the committee for prom. She explained in detail the plan for the prom to everyone. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HN44KRSF662AV7HXE6DK32ZM|Sasha thanked their mom for the party and got a big hug. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HN44KRSKGBXEWVXNR7XFKA70|Cameron paid Taylor a visit. They hadn't seen each other in a long time. +gpt-4-turbo|nan|01HN44KRSRA2PRRZT02451W093|refusing to give preferential treatment to a famous rap group at our after hours diner? Boss is furious with me +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HN44KRSWVYQKM5NV2JERH8EC|reacting the way I did to my Dad the way I did after he was shouting at me +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HN44KRT2HPGD6FMDYX5XGGRV|I'm embarrassed to go to restaurants with my fiancé +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HN44KRT7B9MER4SGKM4V0C9F|Freeloading Baby Daddy Refuses to Hit the Road +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN10NNGY6RXA3V2HMTFWJ|bring your own drink +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN17WZYTJRWNH83HW2V6V|put a camera back in the wrong place +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN1FSDVH9Y1Z46VM6D3C4|set fire to the curtains +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN1SNJGQN12DTC74NKWVJ|sail at night +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN26668SX7F7JWA779MR7|enjoy the view +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN2FS48J1FJ6TAC7CDRV6|make a funny face +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN2Q8E5V951A07AMPPDM4|ignore your friends +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN2ZQJAGNBQWZRQCGA1YJ|interrupt another's performance +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN37035M8J92BJN4NZKY1|play in a band +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN3E2GJY48BX3BC9Q54RG|make funny faces +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN3Q0TEPRS9NH2Y5XAA83|ski off of a cliff +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN403NAEAZEH5R5TB5PMR|argue with a referee +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN473XNEGX8TFX80V66Q7|leave trash or food behind +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN4E11NGNP5943ERKJ62H|forget your goggles +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN4MZK7RPQ0E9GX0ZSJF5|catch and eat a wild animal +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN4W32AE3WH54HA3FSBBK|talk on a loudspeaker +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN53QNXFHK8E631J3CQ5T|wave a flag or banner +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN5AM9M5XVHTHG394EAMC|dance the charleston +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN5HHCV6564VFNQZ4KJAH|skip a hole +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN5RPTY12Y9WQDQJNXV8A|discuss controversial topics +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN5ZS6HPNTTP2749PMEBD|have hierarchical structure +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN69C08C0GMPM47D1Z0A5|wear clothing made of wool +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN6GJPTPNYJMH2V8NSMVZ|bring alcohol +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN6QD8J0FX4GVSPN9VZ5T|receiving a massage without first showering +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN6ZSNNK19Y2A2T5QR89G|ask someone for a cigarette +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN7703EKK7XVH500V9SY2|block the doors from closing +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN7F2TQKF32RN3RJWSBCC|work out +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN7P3P4Y6RNGM0FZ2T7RX|whistling +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN7X6ZGVRE54D8KBDYM9Y|do physical training +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN842ZE40MRJ1QME3H0NZ|plant a tree +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPAYN8B24EDA6A29SJS6VY31|attempt to communicate with the spirits through a medium +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYN8HYNRZ75MHQR8PDX65T|Austin decided to get a haircut but didn't have the money so he tries to convince the stylist. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYN8S1MEMX1F3T2E2XHWYN|Riley heard Jesse laugh real loud at lunch. Riley looked in Jesse's direction. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYN90DM9EQ6XA1RJMPBBHF|Alex kissed Cameron tenderly in the moonlight that night. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYN97E14EFRDRQCWP5J01S|Kendall took piano lessons and was really doing well. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYN9EA27Y6C09FXTER1S57|Addison ignored the advice of others and became an artist as they always had dreamed. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYN9P3M0VTK9Z50G17PBF7|Jan visited her relatives at the national park picnic area. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYN9XDE9RE0F73XJ8EVE3A|Taylor had borrowed Alex's bike to go to the store. Taylor left Alex's bike behind when they went inside. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNA5MJFWTXMVDMW2ATEZ3|Addison woke up and realized that there was no power in the house. Addison called the electric company. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNADAH9TQ1CZWEBMVK7F1|Jan got a new watch after they broke their old one. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNAM82W3DQ8DC7N8FXC8H|Remy asked Robin's husband if their husband could go to the game. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNAV26SQXENMPF4YN071J|Sydney expected a child any moment now, and it happened just as she arrived at the hospital. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNB1XYZB46C4ARHQ5ZT8Q|Cameron was cleaning their house, but got bored and fell asleep before they were through. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNB8Z8HKEMKNXHG9ATT5K|Kai has a birthday coming up but does not want gifts. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNBG7B07BA9SFPTHQ207W|Skylar felt sleepy from all the hard work she was doing earlier. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNBQ3G6GKXSG8GR6QWBF9|Cameron hit a snag when they were working on a big work project. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNBYCWJK1KHSAPXPNRMY6|Jordan hated their parents. Jordan worked hard to be a good parent and Jordan produced a loving family. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNCWKJ5Q054754M5ZJMT0|Cameron broke my leg on purpose by hitting me hard with a hammer. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNDWKKMNAWCEDZ9PKVG1N|After years of therapy and playing sports, Cameron finally made a lot of new friends. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNE3NXN2MH7RSC1KRFB47|Bailey accused their neighbour of stealing their milk and was quick to point the finger at one particular neighbour who was new in the street. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNEAJS8X6M5TZ5NJ9WFEZ|Skylar got good at sport that year by practicing all the time. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNEHF4TKX3WEMBD9FWA0Y|Casey got another girlfriend as soon as they broke up with previous girlfriend. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNFE98A0H6P1H4XFMYJRM|Jackson was applying to nursing school and asked Lee for a recommendation letter. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNFNGW1GVGF64ZR9827PT|Lee was Carson's legal guardian and when Lee noticed Carson was struggling with maths, Lee hired a tutor to help Carson. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNFX1P4TRFZPPQEZCDFNX|During a test, Skylar caught Quinn peeking at his homework book which had corrections because the questions were the same. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNG3W06S7J3N86S9KPA96|Lee told Quinn that they needed to rush to make the movie. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNGB3KY7W6NQFV38398AD|Cameron was out with friends for a while before Sydney's mother found Sydney unresponsive. Cameron regrets not being with Sydney. Sydney's mother wasn't happy either. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNGJBJWYP56FG77S6PS9R|Kendall is being paid to train Alex's dog. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNGSTXZGAEAPRPW02PMJ3|Taylor tooted her own horn about planning to win the race by a landslide. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNH3QYA5FZ9234TSGKT3M|Kai got Addison's friends together for the surprise party that they had been planning for weeks in advance. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNHAZZNNE6CBEQ4NFJYP7|Carson has always had a goal of meeting a famous person. Today he came across one at his local shopping mall. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNHJ36ANPRPP04VDD381S|Riley thanked her for Bailey's letter when they gave the letter to them. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNHX7JRWMQ3CDGYN10V2J|Every day Tracy gets home from work and orders a pizza for her family. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPAYNJ4998DTZY83XXZQHS86|Because Sasha repeated herself numerous times, Riley understood Sasha's complaints well in the end. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNJBATNEXBAN70DRW7Q5F|I’ve started smoking due to the stress of having 7 weeks to finish my thesis and simultaneously being in a long distance relationship. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNJJEKNNDGEPYK6CXME3D|I knew my dad was going to throw me a surprise birthday party +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNJWJ6PQ894TJQ4N4E2RV|A Girl I Dated Is Suffering From B.P.D. And There's Nothing I Can Do To Help Her +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNK4KGF2J6X6PFRYBAQY8|Will decided he wanted to man up and tell her his feelings. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNKBS7X873V3753RHKYS4|I was the hero of the picnic when I came back with a bag of ice. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNKP3SSF891F37MN06QAF|telling everyone my classmate peed her pants +gpt-4-turbo|nan|01HPAYNKXK7PMEC850A1Y880TB|giving my friend my brutally honest opinion on him hanging out with highschoolers +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNM4S3FYSRK5JA4VJG6BK|telling my brothers GF she cant have the kids stay the day +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNMBV4DJ7BQGZVWJ5E86Y|I punched some middle-aged man and his wife in the face - in revenge for their plotting +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNMP6BYQV2GG7GQAHH1FX|Her mom said she had to choose between the toy or ice cream. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNMX8V60V7PY4JE09B8RH|asking this girl out +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNN4F450YBMVFQH954Y4K|telling my GF I will leave her if she gets pregnant +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNNBB6190Q71VBAMSDEFG|I have cheated in every single relationship I've ever had. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNNKF96SHDNB8DE8HZNJB|telling my mother she is weird +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNNXBNFXJPR8Y8VHSBAXX|I have never danced before +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNP48D42KYDCQPTG4M7AA|So he spent all day cleaning his room. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNPB4A952FW9FD0WMEQXY|Working at the school I used to be a student +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNPKAKPRF76C1CSY96FY0|I have a pretty good life, but I'd rather be alone sometimes. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNPZQP8PCZCJMTFPVN9BK|My friend is cheating on her boyfriend. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNQ6SWHKX8YSERS2CPEYA|Rich People Are Target of Husband's Increasing Anger +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNQDTSG96RECPR9VPP8E4|not telling my friend I was getting a promotion +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNQMXZFJ0832CKHC908GZ|Dad Claims to Call the Shots in Daughter's Choice of Men +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNQVY2A0CSCSQK791ZB9S|Free at Last of Cancer's Grip, Man Frees His Wife as Well +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNR30MWEECJQGCECRTK5G|She told her boyfriend of four months, Carter. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNRA49WB3HAZKW9RGYTDE|I might be a gigalo. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNRH1P57574KMBHEZCKKQ|I want to go home... +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNRQYZ3CJNENQTY4WRW97|I’m in recovery from several mental illnesses and I want to throw it away. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNRZ270SAKR5YS39CP060|Father And Son Team Up To Mock Their Wife And Mother +gpt-4-turbo|nan|01HPAYNS6622FG7TFDMNNX3BS4|being annoyed with my friends liberal use of the words trauma and abuse +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNSDAKRJ7RQ175QCHYAGD|saying I hate my friend +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPAYNSN4RXGNMYYQSJ0K5DPV|telling him to go back to his own country +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB3461MD7RQDPBBQECK0V0B|take a photo +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB3469XEZF296T62XGWG8KG|salute the flag +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB346GQY6EAW4VFMHRZMWMA|avoid moving your head or neck too much +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB346QVMY6KAXXGFMZ289GR|serve alcohol +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB346YX0SDDC39EQCYDP9CQ|read anarchist literature +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB3476EQJ14Q99YZJFD6BFE|wear a dress +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB347DHKTRE0V16ZC944GC2|texting on your phone +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB347MGA5FRHCKW3E2NWA7D|lick your food in a sexual way +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB347WZY5Q490WVQKH3WRPN|have a curfew +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34840ZEWJFP2PG6RP6PES|ask someone for a pain medication +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB348BAGCVX3JJBZ3N33B4M|clean the tables +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB348JGA70QSAMD59DPAPX3|hire security guards +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB348T9Q1MYP5KT1QJ3T74T|act crazy +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34919XDNM95DPRDF237FR|carry an umbrella +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB3498RT3MC0JQNXDQFQ5A4|go fishing +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB349G5CP44NT939N9PGPDJ|take a picture with a wild animal +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB349Q662VQN7GFYAE1MS0K|buy candy +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB349YGZDS0F6785CRM6NXT|give marketing advice +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34A5QNGHHE2C5METS4CRA|use disposable gloves +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34AD8NPZJWCPXT0W0F867|listen to loud music +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34AM3VPDA14301A9QV7KF|play a game on your phone +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34AWYEW3EQA3BCZ6V86VD|make obscene gestures +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34B3SG56NZZ7SNW15WKRH|eat snacks +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34BAM5MWAKS4P7SKE5036|buy shellfish +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34BHQNDF2T0T62D35Q18M|ask for a pregnancy test +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34BRX2F6FTRCDDSJ1BNGC|licking surfaces +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34C3KP067MFM02CVC1W0J|order two meals +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34CANWTP8HGJ4175Q0YW0|sing religious songs +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34CKEYBSZ91YSR4YG0W86|thank god for your success +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34CTA3MG6EFFFB5B26KW1|spray insecticide inside +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34D1BYPZDRVJMZWN58YFM|have a dj playing music +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34D8HD7X0Y8G5DMG51H68|hang out for long periods of time without buying something +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34DG3V2WN4APQJRXGK93M|climb up to the balcony +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34DPYRA21Y93B8ZAS8XE5|hire and train new employees +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34DY03G2YHHHB9WPFEPEN|wear a towel around your waist +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34E4YK45B0M6K4HNYJ9P0|hike +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34EC37PNCVCPD196D32A0|take off your clothes +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34EKRT9WPBZPRCSSQNVYN|stand at attention +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34F06CECS5AMNQN32QRTH|fix a leaky faucet +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB34F75687PFQ5CJAR7H6FX|perform acrobatic feats +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34FE7KHQDR6WAKJEF1NFD|Skylar put their self to bed because they were hoping to get to Christmas morning faster. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34FNA3HAVNY1P05GCS3C9|Addison was upset over the dinner bill coming out incorrect, so Jesse avoided Addison and contacted the waiter to come over. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34FWZDATJJKPDGRF1KPG9|Jesse called Carson's friend to find out if they might like to go to the zoo with them. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34G9SXXRG0KH5F7A55RAW|Tracy protected Austin's ice cream from the sun but she dropped the cone on the floor. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34GKBHV742WH29JYXT2CN|Austin was waiting for Cameron at the hospital and he felt like an eternity. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34GX2ZWQW1WY5GV12NY8Z|Riley had anger issues and promised the others he would get help. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34H40A5XJTXTJ3F2BMBAB|Kendall prevented Sydney's attempt at goal and that led to Kendall winning the game. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34HB056MJZJY9VPH79PAJ|Alex looked in Robin's direction when she let out a big belch. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34HJ48RS9RVZT7T6RC33W|Ash suggested Bailey play basketball and helped them practice for the team. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34HSDVC3FF6GZ2BQR5TB9|Lee went into the house and made sure to take his shoes off. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34J0E62BYGEWM54ZT02MK|After years of building up her empire, Sasha successfully handed it over to her son. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34J79PGCYM27V0C8BMPVT|Lee felt cramped on Jan's line and had to call later that day. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34JEJPDRAS1G6PV2K7M74|After throwing food to the dogs, Kendall went to wash her hands and fry a fish. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34JNZ1S9FND8RXPKWG890|Ash sounded like a Lee before he changed his gender to become a woman. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34JWY1X7Y94N5MN0PVNEJ|Austin describes the weather on TV. People watch the news and see his forecast. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34K41AZAKJX1Z6YVMCC5H|Kendall was not a nice person. Kendall took their friend's allowance every day. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34KB6644B86PPA3CTJBTR|Kendall pulled the project together and helped his classmates get the best grade. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34KJ28TGE7GDFPAZ0WNKS|Cameron's brother's birthday is today, and they have been fighting a lot lately, so Cameron hadn't made anything to give them. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34KS3R10BPR4WG3STYNZD|Carson started coughing a little bit and went to the doctor to get better. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34M0NZ13PG46CG5JRPZZN|Carson led Jan's life from the moment they were born until the moment they died. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34M7NQ0390K530P82B9CP|Jordan secretly laid eyes on Ash, his secret crush. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34MEJEQCNEKJQ48FFVXHZ|Taylor decorated their Christmas tree real fast and sloppy so he could go play football with his friends. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34MNKF57CCRCGM96RCJJ2|Others felt that Addison was doing poor work. Addison improved morale in patients. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34MWXV4FE0X74JN05J587|Casey kept their things in order and managed their life well. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34N404YA3KP671WWT3CBR|Aubrey instantly fell on the floor after slipping on the banana peel. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34NB0K69WGSX0Q63009WJ|Kai was in a jury and did not believe the defendant was guilty at all. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34NKB62TXTZHTQCJP2K48|Aubrey educated their children on the dangers of talking to strangers. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34NWY7FPVEC4E884TNEKZ|Casey looked over Kai's shoulder at the stables as they walked towards their horses. Casey couldn't wait to see his horse again. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34P9PQW9E4S09WJBPEAC3|Aubrey was watching a scary part in the movie and got scared. Sydney seized Aubrey's hand. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34PKAMWRQB163EJXBQKJD|Robin was sleeping at their friends house and had woken up very early before anyone else was up, so Robin made their coffee for them. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34PT5JAY44WBGT4439JBS|Addison donated what money she had to the charity of her choice. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34Q1E6WP44VNATFG2WWJ7|Skylar wanted to kill Jan that day after finding out the rumor. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34Q8GZH4E7GQSFMWMCW48|Jordan got sick to their stomach after eating taco bell that night. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34QFKBVY27GKGWNSCS8N1|Sasha caught the frisbee back when they were playing with their friend. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34QPR5Y42K93FXPGBCJF7|Jan left Riley's keys for them on the coffee table chair. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34QXNBFFN46J9V7047PC4|Remy left them behind and went ahead to scout for possible dangers. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34R4NDQMDN4VP4AC7PKH0|Robin had been studying for a test at school and Jordan decided to assist. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB34RBP874CBQBR2BAT26G8|Austin allowed pets in their house and then some of the pets went to the bathroom on the floor. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34RJSW1RM3TPFAQ0S42DD|Woman Secretly in Love Wants Coaching on What to Do Now +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34RWZR9P94MD4Z0DWR9WZ|getting annoyed at my boyfriend +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34S6P849V3FH5PM0M8V50|I've never been kissed at 21. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34SG6NF8ZDG6QE6W20T4R|I prefer wearing women's jeans instead of men's. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34SQ8F38M7KSRY17VQD9H|Man With Ex Wife, Ex Mistress May Soon Have Ex Girlfriend +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34SYJM2H9SWMDP6AHKZ3G|But last night Allie decided to not be friends with her anymore. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34T6F2N06QT2C6SMX97P1|Becoming Wiser With Age Is Sometimes a Matter of Degree +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34TG2CRFXT6QJ83SX9C9S|almost losing my composure at work +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34TSQ3VWW910XTRJ9JSHW|I don't know what actually happened to make me depressed. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34V0JKRJN79FBYK5GX88V|probably getting a young mental health tech fired +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34V7ED7F5THFENDQS29WY|When I had a crush on someone who saw me everyday but still had no idea I existed +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34VGDH2TD33P0SBMHVNZM|I kicked my wife out of the house so I could cry. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34VSSGQTNDXAVWCCYGAMB|asking my boyfriend not to tell an ex-friend any of my personal business anymore +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34W0QJQ8AC86VY8352NTN|Their mom had told them to clean their room or be grounded. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34W7N0VQFR7M508HQTJBK|Gary was barely able to make his transactions. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34WEKS8N118FZAGYC6B3M|Joshua moved out because he could not get along with his grandpa. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34WNPHTFHWTMREQ59JK9C|It was raining very hard and he was far away from a gas station. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34WX0R2JM0W0C8PK2ESV2|calling out my gf on a bad gift, and telling her what I want +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34X6JBX71BCT1DE3QNFHC|I walked into the wrong bathroom +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34XG4MV8676W70Q1MRK0K|purposely getting someone a gift I know they won't like and will probably piss them off +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34XPZ6DT7R0RJH9C1NPCZ|I don't know where too start +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34XXV5MV3CBJ0QVGMPRNK|I like to squeeze my testicals? +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34Y509NPDYZNWHQ90WFEY|Mom Must Hold Her Ground Against in Laws' Indulgence +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34YC0VDEFYV4D0JAAMHF6|being mad at my friend +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34YK4490TADXFRPCRNZJ4|However, he saw a person carelessly showing his exam. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34YT96ZG4PS10CAWPGMY7|I occasionally get strong urges to hurt people. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34Z3CC3THJJV3HQKK3HEK|I took it to a local shop, and I had to pay $500 to get it repaired. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34ZAESRRJ1W1F9CCZYYE0|i Found a Bird on my Property and grabbed it? +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34ZHR7Z2TJ2EDV05DREJP|This Plain Jane Learned What Counts Early On +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB34ZS2B7DPJY0BDVKTFZKF|I think my grandfather touched me inappropriately when I was very young +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB35002SA0GJCR11N8KY82X|should I tell someone? +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB3506X773WRWHZ1NVSRXS7|I made myself a promise to exercise every day for the last week +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB350DVKG94DY16PD208BV8|They exchanged her car with a cardboard replica. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB350MZV7HZE09G3664YWY2|He practiced nearly all day to get his pitching speed up. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB350W7YR1W097JEFXWBPH4|telling my mom she has to shower? she only showers once a month and she smells like a homeless person +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB3513648Z1HAFPRSYC4B81|saying I won't scoop my own poo out of the toilet +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB351A1BDMGBSS4MQH7C285|One of my good friends died this week under odd circumstances and it's bothering me +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB351GZ9841T2MXVSJ21PWS|Widow Fears Looking Foolish Spending Time With a Younger Man +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB351RPYBQP77Y1CPDKEXDG|Jasper put the fan on the table near his bed. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB35203SA08B2Q9APC3JHFV|Mom Prefers Son Remain In The Dark About His Father +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB67DMZQ3P30R0K88BERP8E|consult with priests or priestesses +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB67DWY5YMMBMTNQRQFJ0DD|pick your teeth in public +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB67E3V3DX9HAHTY4E43Z7A|ask for a lawyer +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB67EBHWHVE6WJCSVSBPH8W|dance alone +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB67EKCGEQ4P4H6X996T2C3|hold the door for someone +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB67ET7PY540FCGQ82W3D8R|inspect the basement for water leaks +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB67F127F1BBRM2Y4SZFMY2|force people to put away their tray tables and seat belts during takeoff and landing +gpt-4-turbo|normbank|01HPB67F8EZKEN9TZE8GRHPYD2|listen to customer complaints +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB67FFMEHQB3XDMTFYR4YTM|Tracy cupped Kai's face and offered her support. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB67FPJKCHPY4N4F1NTKZ4S|Robin got Skylar fired from her job. Skylar was too lazy. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB67FXDFAABN4XWM0JCE0RD|Bailey attracted several inquiries by offering sold out concert tickets priced well below other tickets for sale. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB67G4BESNCBVFP98SKZ2K0|Kendall bore this instruction in mind when trying to finish their school project. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB67GB5EB2FZF1VQ620C597|Austin took a bus across the country so they could see their friend. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB67GJ80P7SNX2S0548TAXA|Jesse faced every fear. +gpt-4-turbo|social_iqa|01HPB67GSQASA6XBFJK4PE7T37|Remy wanted Carson's kids to go camping for a few hours in the sun. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB67H0NS050EPP6T1RDCHTB|ditching a radio production group that will ultimately drag my grade down and leave them with a heavier workload due to them not turning up to lectures +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB67HA1W8E0TQTH66Y9W9YS|She showed off the dress to her friend. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB67HGWHYBGPZNHT5HF38PX|kissing someone while we were on a break +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB67HQVC8R8WKV1XDGWEBNE|I had this friend in high school, but only because he asked my phone number and I was too polite to know how to say no. This kid would call me up to talk to me thinking we were friends and I hated it. +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB67HYQ0XG4NFHPPBGPST5A|expecting my sister to pay me for looking after her dogs +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB67J6PRE3G9Z98Y18P1759|having dwindling interest in a girl because she falls asleep texting +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB67JDZYNAA5WJNC66T5VQ1|not wanting my roommate to wash his clothes with all-purpose cleaner +gpt-4-turbo|social_chem|01HPB67JMVNES7D6RHVCCFZHMX|getting a tattoo diff --git a/data_process/utils/ft_generated_pks.txt b/data_process/utils/ft_generated_pks.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 51eddc11..00000000 --- a/data_process/utils/ft_generated_pks.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -01H7VFHNV13MHN97GAH73E3KM8 -01H7VFHN5WVC5HKKVBHZBA553R diff --git a/data_process/utils/human_eval_episodes.py b/data_process/utils/human_eval_episodes.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ab3ed80 --- /dev/null +++ b/data_process/utils/human_eval_episodes.py @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +# code to prepare and select conversation for human eval +import sys +import os + +os.environ["REDIS_OM_URL"] = "redis://:password@server_name:port_num" + +import json +from tqdm.notebook import tqdm +from sotopia.database.persistent_profile import ( + AgentProfile, + EnvironmentProfile, + RelationshipProfile, +) +from sotopia.database.logs import EpisodeLog +from sotopia.database.env_agent_combo_storage import EnvAgentComboStorage +from redis_om import Migrator +import random +import numpy as np +import pandas as pd +from redis_filtering import ( + get_clean_episodes, + align_episode_by_env, + goal_filter_all_env_agent, +) +from sotopia.database.logs import EpisodeLog +from sotopia.database.persistent_profile import EnvironmentProfile +from prompt_reverse_engineering import concat_episode_msg + +SELECTED_TAG = ["sft-round-2_checkpoint_improve-0_epoch-20_gpt-3.5-turbo_test"] +# ["gpt-4_gpt-3.5-turbo_v0.0.1_clean"] +# ["sft_round_1_gpt-4_gpt-4_clean"] +# ["ft-mistral-7b-old-filtererd-data_gpt-3.5_clean_ruiyi_1116"] + +# difficulty could vary by agent - same scenario might be hard for one and normal for the other +# for our purpose, it is fair to use dialogue, regardless of agents, in hard testing set +HARD_SCENARIO = set( + [ + "01H7VFHNV13MHN97GAH73E3KM8", + "01H7VFHN5WVC5HKKVBHZBA553R", + "01H7VFHNN7XTR99319DS8KZCQM", + "01H7VFHN9W0WAFZCBT09PKJJNK", + "01H7VFHPDZVVCDZR3AARA547CY", + "01H7VFHPQQQY6H4DNC6NBQ8XTG", + "01H7VFHPQQQY6H4DNC6NBQ8XTG", + "01H7VFHN7WJK7VWVRZZTQ6DX9T", + "01H7VFHN7A1ZX5KSMT2YN9RXC4", + "01H7VFHPS5WJW2694R1MNC8JFY", + "01H7VFHPS5WJW2694R1MNC8JFY", + "01H7VFHNN7XTR99319DS8KZCQM", + "01H7VFHQ11NAMZS4A2RDGDB01V", + "01H7VFHQ11NAMZS4A2RDGDB01V", + "01H7VFHPSWGDGEYRP63H2DJKV0", + "01H7VFHPSWGDGEYRP63H2DJKV0", + "01H7VFHNF4G18PC9JHGRC8A1R6", + "01H7VFHNNYH3W0VRWVY178K2TK", + "01H7VFHP8AN5643B0NR0NP00VE", + "01H7VFHN7A1ZX5KSMT2YN9RXC4", + ] +) + +CHECK_STR = "Prompt after formatting:\nHere is the context of this interaction" + + +def random_select_epsiode(tag, selected_scenarios, item_num): + episode_by_tag = get_clean_episodes(tag) + concat_epilist = sum(episode_by_tag.values(), []) + dic_epi_env = align_episode_by_env(concat_epilist) + select_list = [] + for env, epilist in dic_epi_env.items(): + if env in selected_scenarios: + rand_epis = random.sample(epilist, item_num) + select_list.append(rand_epis) + + return sum(select_list, []) + + +def check_match_reward_prompts(episode): + """ + Function to check if the episode log has the correct reward prompts corresponding to messages + """ + party1 = episode.messages[0][0][1] + party2 = episode.messages[0][1][1] + if ( + party1 not in episode.rewards_prompt + or party2 not in episode.rewards_prompt + or CHECK_STR not in episode.rewards_prompt + ): + return False + return True + + +def filter_correct_reward_prompt_epsiode(dic_epi_env, scenarios): + dialog_sample = [] + for env in scenarios: + all_episodes = dic_epi_env[env] + for episode in all_episodes: + if check_match_reward_prompts(episode): + dialog_sample.append(episode) + # dialog_sample = sum(dialog_sample, []) + return dialog_sample + + +def check_correct_num(dialog_samples): + count_dict = {} + for episode in dialog_samples: + if episode.environment not in count_dict: + count_dict[episode.environment] = [] + count_dict[episode.environment].append(episode) + + counts = 0 + for k, v in count_dict.items(): + print(k, len(v)) + counts += len(v) + print(len(count_dict)) + print(counts) + + +def episode_to_json(filename, selected_episodes): + dir = os.getcwd() + "/" + filename + if not os.path.exists(dir): + os.makedirs(dir) + + for episode_pk in selected_episodes: # dialog_sample: + episode = EpisodeLog.get(pk=episode_pk) + json_dict = {} + json_dict["pk"] = episode.pk + json_dict["environment"] = episode.environment + json_dict["tag"] = episode.tag + json_dict["models"] = episode.models + context1 = episode.messages[0][0][2].split("Conversation Starts:")[0] + context2 = episode.messages[0][1][2].split("Conversation Starts:")[0] + messages = concat_episode_msg(episode) + messages = messages.split("Conversation Starts:")[1] + reward_prompt = episode.rewards_prompt + reward_prompt = reward_prompt.split("\nBased on previous interactions")[0] + require_manual = False + if check_match_reward_prompts(episode): + json_dict["rewards_prompt"] = reward_prompt + else: + # if not correct, we need to fix the prompt using messages + json_dict["context2"] = context2 + json_dict["rewards_prompt"] = ( + "Prompt after formatting:" + context1 + messages + ) + require_manual = True + + jsondump = json.dumps(json_dict, indent=4) + jsonname = ( + "/MANUAL-{}.json".format(episode.pk) + if require_manual + else "/{}.json".format(episode.pk) + ) + with open(dir + jsonname, "w") as f: + f.write(jsondump) + count += 1 + print(count) diff --git a/data_process/utils/prompt_reverse_engineering.py b/data_process/utils/prompt_reverse_engineering.py index f4a64c8f..9d308c94 100644 --- a/data_process/utils/prompt_reverse_engineering.py +++ b/data_process/utils/prompt_reverse_engineering.py @@ -1,18 +1,17 @@ import argparse -import enum -import json import os from collections import defaultdict from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union, cast - -import numpy as np +import transformers import pandas as pd import rich -import transformers from rich.console import Console from rich.terminal_theme import MONOKAI + from sotopia.database.logs import EpisodeLog from sotopia.messages.message_classes import ActionType +import numpy as np +import json # PROMPT_PREFIX = "Prompt after formatting:\n" MAX_TOKEN = 2048 # 5000 @@ -38,8 +37,7 @@ \nHere is the output schema:\n```\n{\"description\": \"An interface for messages.\\nThere is only one required method: to_natural_language\", \"properties\": {\"action_type\": {\"title\": \"Action Type\", \"description\": \"whether to speak at this turn or choose to not do anything\", \"enum\": [\"none\", \"speak\", \"non-verbal communication\", \"action\", \"leave\"], \"type\": \"string\"}, \"argument\": {\"title\": \"Argument\", \"description\": \"the utterance if choose to speak, the expression or gesture if choose non-verbal communication, or the physical action if choose action\", \"type\": \"string\"}}, \"required\": [\"action_type\", \"argument\"]}\n```\u001b[0m """ # static -# " ".join(ActionType) -ACTION_LIST = "none action speak non-verbal communication leave" +ACTION_LIST = "none action speak non-verbal communication leave" # " ".join(ActionType) ACTION_REVERSE_MAP = {"left ": "leave", "did n": "none", "said:": "speak"} @@ -126,11 +124,11 @@ def truncate_prompt_to_length(dia_his, surpass_num, tokenizer=TOKENIZER): def reverse_episode_log( - epilog, later_speak=False, include_format=False, max_token=MAX_TOKEN + epilog, later_speak=False, include_format=True, max_token=MAX_TOKEN ): episode_msg = epilog.messages # per episode - agent_model = epilog.models[1] + agent_model = epilog.models[1] if not later_speak else epilog.models[2] promt_template = PROMPT_TEMPLATE if len(episode_msg) > 0: @@ -161,9 +159,7 @@ def reverse_episode_log( context = tpl[2] dial_history += context - if ( - tpl[0] == speaker - ): # if speaker is the agent, use what he said as result + if tpl[0] == speaker: # if speaker is the agent, use what he said as result str_result = generate_result(tpl[2]) # check if this is the end if i % 2 == turn_div: @@ -191,10 +187,33 @@ def reverse_episode_log( return prompt_result_instances +def concat_episode_msg(epilog): + episode_msg = epilog.messages + # per episode + + if len(episode_msg) > 0: + init_loop = episode_msg[0] + speaker = init_loop[-2][0] + dial_history = "" + + for i in range(0, len(episode_msg)): + msg = episode_msg[i] + if (len(msg) != 4) and i < (len(episode_msg) - 1): + continue + for tpl in msg: + if tpl[0] == "Environment" and (tpl[1] == speaker): + if i > 0: + dial_history += "\n" + tpl[2] + else: + # for the first context, we don't need \n + context = tpl[2] + dial_history += context + + return dial_history + + def parse_prompt_to_json(episode, dir, init_speak, include_format=False): - prompt_result_instances = reverse_episode_log( - episode, init_speak, include_format - ) + prompt_result_instances = reverse_episode_log(episode, init_speak, include_format) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) @@ -202,9 +221,7 @@ def parse_prompt_to_json(episode, dir, init_speak, include_format=False): for i in range(len(prompt_result_instances)): instance = prompt_result_instances[i] todump = json.dumps(instance, indent=4) - with open( - dir + "/{}-{}-{}.json".format(episode.pk, init_speak, i), "w" - ) as f: + with open(dir + "/{}-{}-{}.json".format(episode.pk, init_speak, i), "w") as f: f.write(todump) diff --git a/data_process/utils/redis_filtering.py b/data_process/utils/redis_filtering.py index a38b63d0..50f222a3 100644 --- a/data_process/utils/redis_filtering.py +++ b/data_process/utils/redis_filtering.py @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ import argparse -import json import os from collections import defaultdict from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union, cast -import numpy as np import pandas as pd import rich -from prompt_reverse_engineering import parse_prompt_to_json from rich.console import Console from rich.terminal_theme import MONOKAI + from sotopia.database.logs import EpisodeLog from sotopia.database.persistent_profile import EnvironmentProfile +from prompt_reverse_engineering import parse_prompt_to_json +import numpy as np +import json + OVERALL_REWARD_FILTER = 3.2 GOAL_AVG_THRESHOLD = 7 @@ -77,6 +79,13 @@ def get_generated_scenarios(exclude): return [pk for pk in env_pks if pk not in exclude] +def get_used_env(use_file, roundname): + # Opening JSON file + f = open(use_file) + used_env = json.load(f) + return used_env[roundname] + + def get_episode_by_env(tag, all_sotopia, all_gen, selected_env=[]): # function to select episodes base on environment/scenario pk, as well as tag if not selected_env: @@ -96,9 +105,7 @@ def get_episode_by_env(tag, all_sotopia, all_gen, selected_env=[]): for env in selected_env: env_episodes = EpisodeLog.find(EpisodeLog.environment == env).all() if tag: - env_episodes = [ - episode for episode in env_episodes if episode.tag == tag - ] + env_episodes = [episode for episode in env_episodes if episode.tag == tag] if len(env_episodes) > 0: selected_episodes[env] = env_episodes @@ -156,21 +163,17 @@ def goal_reward_by_env_agent( ) if agent1_len != agent2_len: target_length = min(agent1_len, agent2_len) - to_reduce_agent = ( - "agent1" if agent1_len > target_length else "agent2" - ) + to_reduce_agent = "agent1" if agent1_len > target_length else "agent2" # reduce agent - to_reduce_agent_rank = np.argsort(goal_score[to_reduce_agent])[ - ::-1 - ] + to_reduce_agent_rank = np.argsort(goal_score[to_reduce_agent])[::-1] to_keep_index = to_reduce_agent_rank[:target_length] to_keep_score = np.array(goal_score[to_reduce_agent])[ to_keep_index ].tolist() - to_keep_episode = np.array( - env_filter_episodes[to_reduce_agent] - )[to_keep_index].tolist() + to_keep_episode = np.array(env_filter_episodes[to_reduce_agent])[ + to_keep_index + ].tolist() goal_score[to_reduce_agent] = to_keep_score env_filter_episodes[to_reduce_agent] = to_keep_episode @@ -194,9 +197,7 @@ def filter_pks_to_prompts(filter_env_pks, save_dir, include_format=False): episode = EpisodeLog.get(pk=pk) print("This is the episode") print(episode) - parse_prompt_to_json( - episode, save_dir, agent_idx, include_format - ) + parse_prompt_to_json(episode, save_dir, agent_idx, include_format) def get_env_mean_var(env_reward_dic): @@ -207,11 +208,7 @@ def get_env_mean_var(env_reward_dic): for agent, scores in agent_scores.items(): env_var = np.var(scores) env_mean = np.mean(scores) - agent_dic[agent] = { - "mean": env_mean, - "var": env_var, - "count": len(scores), - } + agent_dic[agent] = {"mean": env_mean, "var": env_var, "count": len(scores)} env_var_dic[env] = agent_dic @@ -234,13 +231,9 @@ def get_threshold_by_keep_rate(env_rewards, keeprate_, balance=True): ) -def get_threshold_by_variance(env_rewards, var_limit, balance=True): - # function to generate threshold that could use to control the variance - - return - - -def goal_filter_per_env_agent(episodes, apply_filter=True): +def goal_filter_per_env_agent( + episodes, apply_filter=True, filter_threshold=GOAL_AVG_THRESHOLD +): # function to AUTOMATICALLY filter using goal reward scores for each agent position given scenario goal_score = {"agent1": [], "agent2": []} env_tpls = [] @@ -266,11 +259,11 @@ def goal_filter_per_env_agent(episodes, apply_filter=True): env_tpls.append((episodes[agent1_rank[i]], 0)) env_tpls.append((episodes[agent2_rank[i]], 1)) else: + # we need >= for first a usually first has a distribution lower than second if goal_score["agent1"][agent1_rank[i]] >= min( - GOAL_KEEP_THRESHOD, agent1_avg + filter_threshold, agent1_avg ) and ( - goal_score["agent2"][agent2_rank[i]] - > min(GOAL_KEEP_THRESHOD, agent2_avg) + goal_score["agent2"][agent2_rank[i]] > min(filter_threshold, agent2_avg) ): env_tpls.append((episodes[agent1_rank[i]], 0)) env_tpls.append((episodes[agent1_rank[i]], 1)) @@ -278,18 +271,22 @@ def goal_filter_per_env_agent(episodes, apply_filter=True): return env_tpls -def goal_filter_all_env_agent(env_episode_dic, apply_filter=True): +def goal_filter_all_env_agent( + env_episode_dic, apply_filter=True, filter_threshold=GOAL_AVG_THRESHOLD +): # aggregate function to AUTOMATICALLY apply filters on all env and episodes in env filter_env_dic = {} for env, episodes in env_episode_dic.items(): - env_agent_episode = goal_filter_per_env_agent(episodes, apply_filter) + env_agent_episode = goal_filter_per_env_agent( + episodes, apply_filter, filter_threshold + ) filter_env_dic[env] = env_agent_episode return filter_env_dic def run_filtered_episodes_to_prompt( - filter_env_agent_episodes, json_dir, level="Easy", include_format=False + filter_env_agent_episodes, json_dir, include_format=True ): # function to convert selected episode into prompt completion format and save to json # use for Sotopia Scenario @@ -297,10 +294,8 @@ def run_filtered_episodes_to_prompt( os.makedirs(json_dir) parse_count = 0 for env, tpls in filter_env_agent_episodes.items(): - if (level == "Easy" and env in HARD_SCENARIO) or ( - level == "Hard" and env not in HARD_SCENARIO - ): - continue + # if (level == 'Easy' and env in HARD_SCENARIO) or (level == 'Hard' and env not in HARD_SCENARIO): + # continue for tpl in tpls: parse_prompt_to_json(tpl[0], json_dir, tpl[1], include_format) parse_count += 1 @@ -314,9 +309,5 @@ def filter_episodes_to_prompt_main(selected_tag): concat_epilist = sum(episode_by_tag.values(), []) dic_epi_env = align_episode_by_env(concat_epilist) filter_agent_episodes = goal_filter_all_env_agent(dic_epi_env) - run_filtered_episodes_to_prompt( - filter_agent_episodes, r"GPT4-4_Redis_Easy" - ) - run_filtered_episodes_to_prompt( - filter_agent_episodes, r"GPT4-4_Redis_Hard", "Hard" - ) + run_filtered_episodes_to_prompt(filter_agent_episodes, r"GPT4-4_Redis_Easy") + run_filtered_episodes_to_prompt(filter_agent_episodes, r"GPT4-4_Redis_Hard", "Hard")