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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 May 17:58
· 741 commits to main since this release

Minor Changes

  • 469b021: Enables type-checking for the CodeBlock component. To opt-out of type-checking, use the allowErrors prop on the code block:

    const a = 1;
    a + b;

    This will disable type-checking for the code block and prevent erroring. To show the errors, usually for educational purposes, use the showErrors prop:

    const a = 1;
    a + b;

    Breaking Changes

    CodeBlock now throws an error if the code block is not valid TypeScript. This is to ensure that all code blocks are type-checked and work as expected.

  • bb372a8: Normalizes passing CodeBlock and CodeInline props to pre and code elements in the rehype plugin.

  • 0f49ee9: Adds previous and next examples metadata to data source.

  • f05b552: Normalizes the internal getEntrySourceFiles utility that is responsible for determining what TypeScript data sources are public based on package.json exports, index files, and top-level directories.

    To determine what source files should be considered public when dealing with package exports, createSource gets two new options used to remap package.json exports to their original source files:

    import { createSource } from "mdxts";
    const allPackages = createSource("../packages/mdxts/src/**/*.{ts,tsx}", {
      sourceDirectory: "src",
      outputDirectory: "dist",

    Using a subset of the mdxts package.json exports as an example:

    "exports": {
      ".": {
        "types": "./dist/src/index.d.ts",
        "import": "./dist/src/index.js",
        "require": "./dist/cjs/index.js"
      "./components": {
        "types": "./dist/src/components/index.d.ts",
        "import": "./dist/src/components/index.js",
        "require": "./dist/cjs/components/index.js"

    These would be remapped to their original source files, filtering out any paths gathered from the createSource pattern not explicitly exported:

  • 0a4bde2: Moves CodeBlock:sourcePath to a public prop and adds sourcePath to the code meta in the remark plugin.

  • 9cf1577: Cleans up type errors to be more understandable and adds a configuration to highlight errors in the terminal:

    import { createMdxtsPlugin } from "mdxts";
    const withMdxtsPlugin = createMdxtsPlugin({ highlightErrors: true });
    export default withMdxtsPlugin();
  • 2af35d0: Converts theme to object syntax and moves colors to top-level:

    theme.colors['panel.border'] -> theme.panel.border

  • 7726268: Adds a new sort option to createSource:

    import { createSource } from "mdxts";
    const allPosts = createSource<{ frontMatter: { date: Date } }>("**/*.mdx", {
      sort: (a, b) => -,
  • c42eb88: Removes panel border modifications which decreased the alpha channel of the panel.border theme color. This should now be modified in a custom theme.

  • 2af35d0: Rewrites the CodeBlock component to use the latest version of shiki as well as allows for better composition using newly exposed Tokens, Toolbar, LineNumbers, and LineHighlights components:

    import { getTheme } from "mdxts";
    import { CodeBlock, Toolbar, Tokens } from "mdxts/components";
    function CodeBlockWithToolbar() {
      const theme = getTheme();
      return (
        <CodeBlock source="./counter/Counter.tsx">
              backgroundColor: theme.background,
              color: theme.foreground,
            <Toolbar allowCopy style={{ padding: "0.5rem 1rem" }} />
                whiteSpace: "pre",
                wordWrap: "break-word",
                overflow: "auto",
              <Tokens />

    Individual CodeBlock elements can be styled now for simple overriding:

        container: GeistMono.className,
        container: {
          fontSize: "var(--font-size-body-2)",
          lineHeight: "var(--line-height-body-2)",
          padding: "1rem",
        toolbar: {
          padding: "0.5rem 1rem",

    Breaking Changes

    CodeBlock now uses a keyed className and style object to allow for more granular control over the styling of the CodeBlock components. To upgrade, move the className and style definitions to target the container:

    --  className={GeistMono.className}
    ++  className={{ container: GeistMono.className }}
    ++    container: {
               padding: '1rem'
    ++    },
  • 0b80bf5: Adds a fixImports prop to CodeBlock to allow fixing imports when the source code references files outside the project and can't resolve correctly:

    import { CodeBlock } from "mdxts/components";
    const source = `
    import { Button } from './Button'
    export function BasicUsage() {
      return <Button>Click Me</Button>
    export default function Page() {
      return <CodeBlock fixImports value={source} />;

    An example of this is when rendering a source file that imports a module from a package that is not in the immediate project. The fixImports prop will attempt to fix these broken imports using installed packages if a match is found:

    --import { Button } from './Button'
    ++import { Button } from 'design-system'
    export function BasicUsage() {
      return <Button>Click Me</Button>
  • 2af35d0: Rewrites relative import specifiers pointing outside of the project to use the package name if possible:

    import { getTheme } from '../../mdxts/src/components' -> import { getTheme } from 'mdxts/components'

  • 0e2cc45: Adds a renumberFilenames option to the next plugin for configuring whether or not to renumber filenames when adding/removing/modifying ordered content.

  • ad8b17f: ### Breaking Changes

    The CodeBlock highlight prop has been renamed to lineHighlights to better match the LineHighlights component nomenclature.

  • 7c5df2f: Fixes data source ordering to use strings instead of parseInt to ensure that the items are always ordered correctly.

    Breaking Changes

    The order property for a data source item is now a padded string instead of a number.

Patch Changes

  • 8802a57: Fixes hardcoded CSS properties in Toolbar copy button by using em values and currentColor.
  • 91e87c4: Renames getTheme utility to getThemeColors.
  • 85722e3: Fixes MDX code block meta values with an equals sign from being parsed incorrectly.
  • f21cf8d: Allows omitting CodeBlock filename extension and uses language if provided.
  • 2af35d0: Fixes splitting tokens when multiple symbols exist in a single token.
  • 58b9bd3: Fixes source links to direct line and column in GitHub.
  • 885a6cc: Fixes polluting CodeBlock globals by always adding a export { } declaration to the AST and only removing it from the rendered tokens.
  • c57b51f: Speeds up build by lazily executing dynamic imports.