Visit to learn about LSIF.
Binary downloads are available on the releases tab.
curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/lsif-go
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/lsif-go
curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/lsif-go
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/lsif-go
docker pull sourcegraph/lsif-go:v1.2.0
After installing lsif-go
onto your PATH, run the command in the root where your go.mod
file is located.
$ lsif-go -v
✔ Loading packages... Done (753.22ms)
✔ Emitting documents... Done (72.76µs)
✔ Adding import definitions... Done (86.24µs)
✔ Indexing definitions... Done (16.83ms)
✔ Indexing references... Done (93.36ms)
✔ Linking items to definitions... Done (8.46ms)
✔ Emitting contains relations... Done (294.13µs)
Wall time elapsed: 873.2ms
Packages indexed: 14
Files indexed: 53
Definitions indexed: 1756
Elements emitted: 35718
Packages traversed: 40
If lsif-go is using too much memory, try setting --dep-batch-size=100
to only load 100 dependencies into memory at once (~1GB overhead). Lowering the batch size will decrease the overhead further, but increase the runtime a lot more because loading a batch has a fixed cost of ~500ms and each additional package loaded within a batch only adds ~10ms.
Use lsif-go --help
for more information.
To keep your index up-to-date, you can add a step to your CI to generate new data when your repository changes. See our documentation on adding LSIF to your workflows.