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Workflow of de-identification approach

We are cognizant that the use of LBS data, and inferring meaningful locations in particular, brings forward specific privacy considerations and obliges us to seriously consider research ethics and potential harm. For this reason, we de-identify the dataset used through perturbation, random noise as well as spatial and temporal aggregation. Although this undoubtedly affects the precision and accuracy of any location inference, we argue that this is a fine trade-off for most analytical applications at the urban scale.

Ultimately, we only retain a (randomly generated) user ID, a location attribute, and a date/time attribute while any other variables such as content of tweet, user description, etc are removed from the source data.

Load dataset

# load your original dataset 
df <-   readRDS("path_to_original_dataset") %>%
  dplyr::select(u_id, created_at, lon, lat) %>%   # only keep essential information
  mutate(created_at = with_tz(created_at, tzone = "Asia/Singapore")) %>% #make sure the timestamp is in SGT timezone

# nest dataset by user 
df_nested <- df %>% nest(data = !u_id) 

Step 1: Remove explicit identifiers

Replace original user IDs with random generated numbers.

df_nested <- df_nested %>% 
  mutate(u_id = sample(1:100000000, n(), replace = FALSE))

Step 2: Remove users with too few data points

# users with fewer than 10 tweets are removed 
df_nested <- df_nested %>% 
  mutate(n_tweets = map_dbl(data, nrow)) %>% 
  filter(n_tweets >= 10)

Step 3: Remove top active users

Users with too many data points are likely to be bots, so we remove the top 0.1% the most active users according to the frequency of tweets.

#remove top 0.1% the most active users based on the frequency of tweets 
n_user <- n_distinct(df_nested$u_id)
df_nested <- df_nested %>% 
  arrange(desc(n_tweets)) %>% 
  slice(round(n_user*0.1/100):n_user) %>% 

Step 4: Swapping tweets

For each user, a 5% portion of their tweets is randomly swapped with other users, effectively introducing a small amount of noise.

#tweets pool 
df_pool <- df_nested %>% unnest(col = data) %>%
pool_ids <- df_pool$id

swap_tweets <- function(user_data){
    n_tweets <- nrow(user_data)# number of tweets sent by the user 
    n_keep_tweets <- ceiling(0.95 * n_tweets)  # number of tweets to kept by the user 
    n_swap_tweets <- n_tweets - n_keep_tweets # number of tweets to swap 
    # tweets ids from the user 
    user_tweets_ids <- user_data$id
    # sampling tweets ids from other users 
    noise_pool_ids <- setdiff(pool_ids %>% sample(5000), user_tweets_ids)
    # select 5% random tweets (noise) from the pool
    random_noise_ids <- sample(noise_pool_ids, size = n_swap_tweets, replace = FALSE)
    random_noise <- df_pool[id %in% random_noise_ids] %>% dplyr::select(-u_id)
    # select 95% random tweets from user's tweets 
    random_user_data <- user_data %>% sample_n(., size = n_keep_tweets) 
    output <- bind_rows(random_user_data, random_noise)

df_nested <- df_nested %>% mutate(data = map(data, with_progress(swap_tweets)))

Step 5: Temporal masking

The timestamps are shifted by a random number of seconds.

offset_timestamps <- function(user_data, timestamp){
  timestamp <- rlang::sym(timestamp)
  user_data %>% 
    mutate(hr = lubridate::hour({{timestamp}}), 
           min = lubridate::minute({{timestamp}}),
           noise = runif(nrow(.), min = -3600, max = 3600)) %>%  # generate random time is second
    mutate({{timestamp}} := case_when(
      hr == 0 & (noise/60 + min) < 0  ~ {{timestamp}} + abs(noise), # add positive noise avoiding date move to the previous day
      hr == 23 & (noise/60 + min) >= 59 ~ {{timestamp}} - abs(noise), # add negative noise avoiding date move to the next day
      TRUE ~ {{timestamp}} + noise
    )) %>% 
      dplyr::select(-c(noise, hr, min))
df_nested <- df_nested %>% mutate(data = map(data, with_progress(function(x) offset_timestamps(x, timestamp = "created_at_sg"))))

Step 6: Swapping day of the week

The day of the week is swapped with a similar day (weekday or weekend).

# swap day of the week (weekdays, weekends)
random_wday <- function(day){
  if(day %in% seq(1, 5)){
    random_day <- sample(seq(1, 5), 1, replace = T)
  } else{
    random_day <- sample(c(6, 7), 1, replace = T)

swap_days <- function(user_data, timestamp){
  timestamp <- rlang::sym(timestamp)
  user_data %>% 
    mutate(ori_day = lubridate::wday({{timestamp}}, week_start = getOption("lubridate.week.start", 1))) %>% 
    mutate(random_day = map_dbl(ori_day, random_wday),
           offsets = random_day - ori_day,
           {{timestamp}} := {{timestamp}} + lubridate::days(offsets)) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-c(ori_day, random_day, offsets))

df_nested <- df_nested %>% mutate(data = map(data, with_progress(function(x) swap_days(x, timestamp = "created_at_sg"))))

Step 7 & 8: Geomasking

Locations are offset by a random distance < 100 meters and then are aggregated to 750 hexagoral grid cells.

#generate aggregated grid cells 
grids <- st_read(here("analysis/data/raw_data/MP14_SUBZONE_NO_SEA_PL.shp"), quiet = T) %>% # read Singapore map
  st_transform(., crs = 3414) %>% 
  st_make_valid() %>% 
  st_make_grid(., cellsize = 750, square = F) %>% # generate 750m hexagonal grid cells 
  st_sf() %>% 

The generated hexagonal grids dataset is in analysis/data/derived_data.

st_write(grids, here("analysis/data/derived_data/spatial_hex_grid.shp"))
offset_point <- function(point){
  #create 100m buffer for a geom point and get 1 random sample within the buffer 
  random_pt <- point %>% 
    st_buffer(., dist = 100) %>% 
    st_sample(., size = 1, type = "random") 
  while(length(random_pt) == 0){ # repeat the process until get a random point in the buffer 
    random_pt <- point %>% 
      st_buffer(., dist = 100) %>% 
      st_sample(., size = 1, type = "random")

geomasking <- function(user_data, grids){
  #convert to sf object 
  user_data_sf <- user_data %>% 
    st_as_sf(., coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326) %>% 
    st_transform(crs = 3414) 
  #offset points and aggregate point to grid
  grid_id <- st_sfc(unlist(map(st_geometry(user_data_sf), offset_point), recursive = FALSE), crs = 3414) %>% 
    st_sf(crs = 3414) %>% # offset points
    st_join(., grids) %>% # aggregate point to grid 
    st_set_geometry(NULL) # drop geometry 
  user_data_sf %>% 
    st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% # drop original geometry
    bind_cols(., grid_id) 

df_nested <- df_nested %>% mutate(data = map(data, with_progress(function(x) geomasking(x, grids))))

Step 9: Remove grids with too few users

Remove grids with fewer than 5 visited users.

df <- df_nested %>% 
    unnest(cols = "data") %>% 
    filter(! %>% 
    group_by(grid_id) %>% 
    mutate(n_user = n_distinct(u_id), 
           n_tweets = n()) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    filter(n_user >= 5 & n_tweets >= 5) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-c(n_user, n_tweets))

Step 10: Remove users at grids that have fewer than 5 residents

# first, you need to run 4 recipes implemented in homelocator package to get the identified residents at each location
# the input dataset is the anonymized dataset from step 9
## Recipe: HMLC
hm_hmlc <- identify_location(df, user = "u_id", timestamp = "created_at", location = "grid_id", 
                             tz = "Asia/Singapore", show_n_loc = 1, keep_score = F, recipe = "HMLC")
## Recipe: OSNA
hm_osna <- identify_location(df, user = "u_id", timestamp = "created_at", location = "grid_id", 
                             tz = "Asia/Singapore", show_n_loc = 1, recipe = "OSNA")

## Recipe: FREQ 
hm_freq <- identify_location(df, user = "u_id", timestamp = "created_at", location = "grid_id", 
                             tz = "Asia/Singapore", show_n_loc = 1, recipe = "FREQ")

## Recipe: APDM
### Generate neighbors for locations. This step is necessary for running APDM recipe
  df_neighbors <- readRDS(here("analysis/data/derived_data/neighbors.rds"))
  #generate grid neighbors 
  grids <- st_read(here("analysis/data/derived_data/spatial_hex_grid.shp"), quiet = T) %>%
    st_transform(crs = 3414)
  st_queen <- function(a, b = a) st_relate(a, b, pattern = "F***T****")
  neighbors <- st_queen(grids)
  #convert list to tibble
  list_to_tibble <- function(index, neighbors){
    tibble(grid_id = as.character(index)) %>% 
      mutate(neighbor = list(neighbors[[index]]))
  df_neighbors <-, map(1:length(neighbors), function(x) list_to_tibble(x, neighbors)))
  saveRDS(df_neighbors, here("analysis/data/derived_data/neighbors.rds"))
hm_apdm <- identify_location(df, user = "u_id", timestamp = "created_at", location = "grid_id", 
                             tz = "Asia/Singapore", keep_score = F, recipe = "APDM")
# Second, you need to remove users at grids that have fewer than 5 residents
hm_apdm <- hm_apdm %>% mutate(name = "APDM")
hm_freq <- hm_freq %>% mutate(name = "FREQ")
hm_hmlc <- hm_hmlc %>% mutate(name = "HMLC")
hm_osna <- hm_osna %>% mutate(name = "OSNA")
hm_all <- bind_rows(hm_apdm, hm_freq, hm_hmlc, hm_osna)

## get users with home that four recipes matched 
shared_user_uniqe_hm <- hm_all %>% 
  group_by(u_id) %>% 
  dplyr::summarise(n_method = n_distinct(name), 
                   n_home = n_distinct(home)) %>% 
  filter(n_method == 4 & n_home == 1)

# get home grids that have less than 5 identified home users
users2rm <- hm_all %>%
  filter(u_id %in% shared_user_uniqe_hm$u_id) %>%
  dplyr::select(u_id, home) %>%
  distinct(u_id, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  group_by(home) %>%
  mutate(n_user = n_distinct(u_id)) %>%
  filter(n_user < 5) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

# remove extracted users from dataset 
df <- df %>% filter(!u_id %in% users2rm)

The de-identified dataset is in analysis/data/derived_data.

#save de-identified dataset 
write_csv(df, path = here("analysis/data/derived_data/deidentified_sg_tweets.csv"))