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.shiki{ + @apply border-l-8; + @apply border-pink-lightest; +} + +.markup-shiki .shiki-good:before, +.markup-shiki .shiki-bad:before { + @apply absolute; + top: -0.5rem; + left: -0.5rem; + @apply shadow; + @apply z-10; + @apply w-6; + @apply h-6; + @apply rounded-full; + @apply flex; + @apply items-center; + @apply justify-center; + @apply text-white; + @apply font-bold; + @apply text-xs; +} + +.markup-shiki .shiki-good:before { + @apply bg-green; + content: '✓'; +} + +.markup-shiki .shiki-bad:before { + @apply bg-red; + content: '×'; +} + +.markup-shiki .line.add{ + @apply bg-green-light; + @apply bg-opacity-25; +} + +.markup-shiki .line.add:before{ + content: '+'; + @apply absolute; + @apply right-full; + @apply px-2; + @apply text-green; +} + +.markup-shiki .line.del{ + @apply bg-pink; + @apply bg-opacity-25; +} + +.markup-shiki .line.del:before{ + content: '-'; + @apply absolute; + @apply right-full; + @apply px-2; + @apply text-pink; +} + +/* Video markup */ + +.markup-video{ + 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