SaPGPU is a C++ template library which provides a SPIKE-based preconditioner for the solution of large-scale sparse linear solvers using Krylov-space iterative solvers on CUDA architecture GPUs.
The SaPGPU library is built on top of CUSP and Thrust.
Additional information available at
There are two top-level directories:
- sap/
- contains the library's header files.
- examples/
- provides several example programs using the SaPGPU solver.
SaPGPU requires CUDA and the CUSP library, available from
#include <sap/solver.h>
#include <sap/spmv.h>
#include <sap/exception.h>
typedef typename cusp::csr_matrix<int, double, cusp::device_memory> Matrix;
typedef typename cusp::array1d<double, cusp::device_memory> Vector;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// ...
// Read the matrix and right-hand side vector from disk files.
Matrix A;
Vector b;
cusp::io::read_matrix_market_file(A, "matrix.mtx");
cusp::io::read_matrix_market_file(b, "rhs.mtx");
// Create the SaP solver object and the SPMV functor. In the solver constructor,
// specify the number of partitions and a structure with optional inputs.
sap::Options options;
sap::Solver<Vector, float> sapGPU(10, options);
sap::SpmvCusp<Matrix> spmv(A);
// Set the solution initial guess to zero.
Vector x(A.num_rows, 0.0);
// Solve the problem.
bool success = sapGPU.solve(spmv, b, x);
// Extract solver statistics.
sap::Stats stats = sapGPU.getStats();
// ...
Use CMake to configure the provided example drivers:
- driver_mm - sample program for using SaPGPU with a matrix read from a Matrix Market file.
- driver_seq - sample program illustrating the use of SaPGPU on a sequence of matrices with the same sparsity pattern.
- driver_views - sample program illustrating the use of SaPGPU with CUSP array views.
- driver_banded - sample program illustrating the use of SaPGPU to solve banded systems.
To see a full list of the arguments for driver_mm as an example, use
driver_mm -h
Submit bug reports and feature requests at
Feel free to fork the github repository and submit pull requests.
The code is available from under a BSD-3 license. See the file LICENSE.