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Florida, New York, San Francisco

CloudNimble is the company behind 🔥, the finance tool for GTM leaders. Founded by Robert McLaws, a 5-time Microsoft MVP with nearly 2 BILLION downloads of his OSS contributions, CloudNimble manages and contributes to numerous OSS projects.

Projects We Manage:

  • Microsoft Restier
    • The successor to WCF Data Services that makes building APIs easy
  • Breakdance
    • A DI-powered .NET Host + utilities for shipping reliable developer libraries & web APIs
  • BlazorEssentials
    • A clean MVVM framework & controls for building Blazor apps
  • SimpleMessageBus
    • A scalable solution for out-of-band processing that runs on-prem or in the cloud
  • Auth0.Actions
    • C# and TypeScript mappings for Auth0's Actions platform
  • PortableRest
    • A REST client library that runs on any platform as a near-drop-in replacement for RestSharp
  • Zlib.Portable
    • An implementation of the Zlib compression library that runs on any device

Projects We Contribute To:

  • Microsoft .NET
    • The single greatest platform for developer productivity ever invented
  • Microsoft OData
    • The .NET implementation of the OASIS standard for building RESTful APIs
  • Havit.Blazor
    • The BEST framework for Bootstrap support on Blazor
  • Microsoft Azure WebJobs SDK
    • A pluggable platform for processing trigger-based events from virtually any source

Why Sponsor Us?

Here's the thing: The tools we build are for ourselves first. Which means sometimes shipping gets prioritized over documentation.

Sponsoring our Open Source efforts helps ensure that we have the resources to provide up-to-date documentation for the amazing platforms that we share freely with the 6 million developers in the .NET ecosystem.


Reaching this goal will allow us to be able to build out the technical documentation for Microsoft Restier, Breakdance, and BlazorEssentials.

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