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File metadata and controls

341 lines (250 loc) · 8.71 KB

Config File Syntax

Config is loaded from config.cfg file in current working directory.

Config file is a plain text format which looks like this:

background_image "test.jpg"
display_font "res/dejavu-sans-mono.ttf"

# comment
on (time=5s) set {
    on (time=5s) set(transition=0.1s) {
        background_color 255 255 255

on (time=10s) set(transition=0.1s) {
    color [channel=0] 255 0 0

on (time=15s) set(transition=0.1s) {
    color [channel=0][white_key=2n+1] 0 0 255 # other comment

on (time=0.5s) set {
    every (2s) set(transition=0.1s) {
        background_color 0 20 0
        on (time=1s) set(transition=0.2s) {
            background_color 20 0 0

every(5s) add_event Text(text="foo")


This list may not be up to date. The up-to-date list can be found by running midi --config-help.

animate_color <selectors: SelectorList> <color: Color<RGBA>>

Apply transition of tile color. Applies only to tiles matching selector. Some attributes (marked as non-animatable attributes) don't work with this property; use color instead. Is always overridden by color.

background_color <color: Color<RGB>>

Background color. The plain-color background is always covered by background image if it is specified.

background_image <path: string>

Path to background image.

color <selectors: SelectorList> <color: Color<RGBA>>

Tile color, applied only to tiles matching selector. Is not affected by transitions. This overrides animate_color.

default_color <color: Color<RGBA>>

Default key tile color. Used when no selector specified in color matches a tile.

display_font <path: string>

Font used for displaying e.g. labels.

label_fade_time <time: int(range 1-1000)>

Label fade time (in frames).

label_font_size <time: int(range 1-1000)>

Font size for labels (in pt).

max_events_per_track <count: int>

Maximum event count that are stored in track. Applicable only for realtime mode. Doesn't affect events that are saved to MIDI file; is used just for performance. Too small number may break display when there is a long key press along with many short key presses. It's recommended not to touch this value unless you know what you are doing.

overlay_color <color: Color<RGBA>>

Overlay (fade out) color.

particle_count <count: int>

Count of particles that are spawned every tick.

particle_glow_size <radius: float>

Particle glow size (in keys).

particle_gravity <value: float>

How fast particles fall

particle_max_wind <value: float>

Max force that can be applied to particle due to wind

particle_radius <radius: float>

Particle radius (in keys).

particle_temperature_decay <value: float>

How much temperature is left every tick

particle_temperature_multiplier <value: float>

How fast particles go up due to temperature

particle_x_drag <value: float>

How much particles are slowed down in X axis

scale <value: float>

Y scale (tile falling speed).

Argument Types


An integer number in range -2^31 - 2^31-1. This range may be limited by specific properties.

Examples: 1235, -54


A float (real) number.

Examples: 54.3, -43.2


A text. It must be quoted if contains spaces.

Examples: test, "some text with spaces", 'some text with spaces'.

Escaping is not supported for now.


A RGB color (without opacity). Stored as integers in range 0 - 255.

Examples: 255 0 0 (red), 0 0 255 (blue)


A RGBA color (with opacity). The opacity (alpha) argument is optional. All arguments are integers in range 0 - 255.

Examples: 0 0 0 128 (half-transparent black), 255 0 0 (opaque red)


A list of selectors. They are described in detail below.


A time value with unit. Unit can be s (seconds), t (MIDI ticks) or f (render frames).

Some examples:

1s      # 1 second
1t      # 1 MIDI tick
1.5s    # 1.5 second
2f      # 2 frames

Examples: [channel=0][black=2n+1]


Selectors can be used to select (as the name suggest) events / key tiles that should be affected by a specific property. The only command that supports selectors is color at the moment.

Selector is written like CSS attribute selector, that is:


Value may be:

  • an integer
  • a float
  • an inclusive range (e.g 12-24 - all values bigger or equal 12 and less or equal 24)
  • a linear equation (e.g. 2n+1 - select every second value, starting from 1)

Available selector attributes:

  • channel - A MIDI channel that event is stored on
  • note - Note value, as stored in MIDI
  • white_key - Index of white key (A0 key is 0, B0 is 1 etc.). -1 if key is black.
  • black_key - Index of black key, (A♯0 key is 0, C♯1 is 1 etc.). -1 if key is white.
  • time (non-animatable) - A MIDI tick the event is played.

on Statement

You can execute an action only when a condition is met, e.g. with some delay. This is possible with on statement, which looks like this:

on(condition=value) action

The on statement is checked on every tick.

See detailed description of Actions and conditions.


Set background_color after 1 second.

on(time=1s) set {
    background_color 255 255 255



True if the current time is equal to time. More specifically, the current tick must contain time point specified by time.


True only at the first tick (run only once at startup).


on(startup) set {

is functionally equivalent to just



True if mode is equal to mode specified in command line and only at the first tick. Valid values are realtime or play.


Many statements takes actions as arguments, for example, the on statement.


Executes a set of statements. Can be used to set properties or nest other statements. It can also be used to specify transition for properties.


set (property1=value1,property2=value2,...) {

Properties may be omitted (along with parentheses).

Available properties:

  • transition: Specifies transition time.
  • function: Specifies transition timing function (constant0, constant1, linear or ease-in-out-quad).


Just set background_color:

[...] set {
    background_color 255 255 255

Set background_color with 1 second transition and ease-in-out-quad timing function:

[...] set(transition=1s,function="ease-in-out-quad") {
    background_color 255 255 255

Set a next on statement to be executed 2 seconds after the set statement:

[...] set {
    on(time=1s) set {
        background_color 255 255 255

The timings are stacked, so that you can do several actions with a constant delay:

on(time=10s) set {
    on(time=1s) set(transition=1s) {
        background_color 255 0 0
    on(time=2s) set(transition=1s) {
        background_color 0 255 0
    on(time=3s) set(transition=1s) {
        background_color 0 0 255

These all on statements will run after 10 seconds, so the first will run at 11s, second at 12s, and third at 13s.


Adds a MIDI event to track 0 of the output. The event is also rendered as a tile.


add_event <Type>(property1=value1,property2=value2,...)


  • Text - Display a label (and also add TextEvent to MIDI)
    • text: A text to be displayed
    • type: Only track_name is supported and is the default.


Add a foo label as track name:

add_event Text(text="foo")

if statement

The if statement works (and looks) similarly to on statement, except it is checked only once, when statement is run.

This won't work as expected if the condition is time because of that


Do something only if mode is realtime:

if (mode=realtime) set {
    # These statements are executed only once, even though
    # the mode is "realtime" all the time.
    scale 1.0
    background_image "test2.png"

Invalid use of if with time condition:

if (time=5s) set {
    # This won't ever run because it is checked only once at startup.
    background_image "test2.png"

every statement

The every statement can be used to execute action in intervals.


every(<time>) <action>


Add a label every 5 seconds:

every(5s) add_event Text(text="foo")

Set background_color to rgb(0, 20, 0) every 2 seconds. Also, change it to rgb(20, 0, 0) after 1s in every iteration:

every(2s) set(transition=0.1s) {
    background_color 0 20 0
    on(time=1s) set(transition=0.2s) {
        background_color 20 0 0