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Correction annotation guidelines

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 The purpose of the correction annotation

The purpose of the correction annotation is to make the learner corpus searchable for different types of deviations from a standard language norm. The annotation of the learner texts according to the correction taxonomy of the SweLL project, made with the annotation tool Svala, is hence an important step in making the texts in the corpus analyzable for research and educational purposes.

1.2 The purposes of this document

This document has three interconnected purposes:

  • It documents choices made by the SweLL project group regarding the principles of the correction annotation.

  • It provides guidance for annotators on how to apply the SweLL annotation taxonomy in order to ensure the greatest possible inter-annotator agreement.

  • It provides the essential material for a thorough description of the correction annotation for future users of the Swell corpus.

1.3 The organization of the document

The rest of this document contains the following six main sections:

  1. The most fundamental principles and terms, explaining what a correction is, and the basic terms correction, unit, link and tag.

  2. The general structure of the taxonomy, providing a description of the general structure of the taxonomy, short descriptions of each tag, indications of tag relationships requiring special attention, and a sketched algorithm for the choice of tag.

  3. General directions for the correction annotation, explaining the basic practices for using the Svala annotation tool, and providing directions for the annotation which are more general than the usage of specific tags.

  4. Descriptions of each tag, given in the order they appear in the Svala annotation tool.

  5. Discriminating between specific correction categories, providing guidance for discriminating between specific pairs or groups of tags.

  6. Other categorization issues, including the following six subsections:

    1. Non-Swedish words and sequences

    2. Verbal particles and reflexives

    3. Clause corrected or created?

    4. Spaces, hyphens and dashes

    5. Singular indefinite article removed from plural indefinite NP

    6. Exceptions to the default ranking of the word order tags

2. The most fundamental principles and terms

2.1 What is a correction? What is annotated?

By correction we mean a difference between the original learner text and the normalized version of the text. The correction annotation is thus a categorization of such differences.

This means that the correction annotation only indirectly indicates properties of the original learner text. What is directly indicated is the relationship between the original version and the normalized version of the text. The correction annotation is thus highly dependent on the preceding normalization.

While the purpose of the correction annotation is to make the texts searchable for deviations from a standard language norm, such deviations are only possible to categorize on the basis of assumptions of the learner's intended content, along with judgements of the suitability of standard language expressions communicating that content. This means that any annotation of "deviations", "errors" etc. in learner texts is actually an annotation of a relationship between (a segment of) the analyzed text and an assumed standard language version . By the choice of the term correction annotation (rather than, for instance, error annotation) the SweLL project emphasizes these conditions of learner language analysis. The normalized text versions make explicit this necessary assumption about the specific standard version of the text to which the original text is related. (The principles underlying the normalization are described in the normalization guidelines.)

2.2 Correction, unit, link and tag

A correction may consist of:

  • an addition of a unit; the unit is only present in the normalized text

  • a deletion of a unit; the unit is only present in the original text

  • a movement of a unit; the unit is present both in the original text and the normalized text, but it is placed differently relative to the surrounding text

  • a change of a unit; a unit in the normalized text is a corrected version of a corresponding unit in the original text

A unit normally consists of one token - a token unit - but it may also consist of a group of tokens - a group unit (see section 4.6).

The correction annotation is created by marking links between the original text and the normalized text. Tags are placed on to the links, representing the categories in the SweLL correction annotation taxonomy, which is presented and described in major parts of this document. A link may be tagged with one or several tags.

The links on which the tags are placed are visualized as lines in the Svala annotation tool. In the case of a movement or change correction, the link runs between a unit in the original text and the corresponding unit in the normalized text. In the case of a deletion correction, the link runs between the unit in the original text and "nothing" - i.e. an empty space between the tokens in the normalized text. In the case of an addition correction, the link runs between the unit in the normalized text and "nothing", in a corresponding fashion.

3. The general structure of the taxonomy

3.1 The main correction categories

The SweLL correction annotation taxonomy contains five main categories:

  • Orthographic corrections (O), including "regular spelling corrections" (corrections of the string of letters), corrections between upper and lower case, and corrections of the use of spaces and hyphens between words.

  • Lexical corrections (L), including 1) corrections of the choice of word and 2) corrections of the internal morphological structure of word stems - i.e. corrections regarding the formation of words through compounding and derivation.

  • Morphological corrections (M), by which we specifically mean corrections concerning inflectional morphology. This category also covers some extra-morphological corrections which are closely related to inflectional forms and grammatical categories involving inflections.

  • Punctuation corrections (P), including corrections of the choice of punctuation marks as well as the adding or removal of punctuation marks, and also instances of merging or splitting sentences.

  • Syntactical corrections (S), i.e. corrections regarding the structure of multi-word phrases and clauses, including corrections of missing or redundant words, word order, the choice between a compound and a multi-word expression, and more complex syntactic corrections such as corrections between a finite clause structure and an infinitive phrase.

In addition to the correction tags included in these five main correction categories, the Svala tool provides six other tags, including tags for corrections made as a consequence of other corrections (C), corrections not covered by any of the defined correction categories (Unid), unintelligible strings (X), strings cited from a foreign language (Cit-FL), and finally two tags for notes and comments -- OBS! for internal work notes, and Com! for comments intended for the corpus users.

3.2 Overview of the taxonomy

The following table provides an overview of all tags.

The left-most column lists the tag names in the order in which they appear in the Svala annotation tool, which is also the order in which they are presented in the section Descriptions of each tag. This means that the tags are primarily sorted according to the five major categories: The tags in the group of orthographic corrections (O-tags) come first, and the other four major categories in alphabetical order: lexical corrections (L-tags), morphological corrections (M-tags), punctuation corrections (P-tags), and syntactical corrections (S-tags). After these five major categories follow the group of miscellaneous other tags. Within each correction category, the tags are listed in alphabetical order.

The second column in the table provides a short description of the correction type.

In some cases, the tags are hierarchically ordered, so that a tag with lower priority is only applied in those instances when the tag with higher priority cannot be applied. This hierarchical ordering is indicated in the two columns Higher priority than and Lower priority than.

The discrimination between certain pairs or groups of tags requires special attention. Such tag relationships are indicated in the right-most column (Discrimination issues). Most of these discrimination issues are handled in the section Discriminating between specific correction categories, but some are also dealt with in the section Some more general categorization issues. References to the relevant sections are provided in the column Discrimination issues.

<style> table th:first-of-type { width: 15%; } table th:nth-of-type(2) { width: 25%; } table th:nth-of-type(3) { width: 15%; } </style>
Tag name Short description of the correction type Higher priority than Lower priority than Sections dealing with relevant discrimination issues
O spelling L-FL L-Der O vs punctuation tags (6.1) Spaces, hyphens and dashes (7.4)
O-Cap upper/lower case
O-Comp spaces and hyphens between words P-M,P-R O-Comp vs S-Comp (6.2) Verbal particles and reflexives (7.2) Spaces, hyphens and dashes (7.4)
L-Der word formation (derivation and compounding) O M-Adj/adv L-Der vs L-W (6.3) L-Der vs S-Comp (6.4) Verbal particles and reflexives (7.2)
L-FL non-Swedish word corrected to Swedish word O, L-Der Non-Swedish words and sequences (7.1)
L-Ref choice of anaphoric expression M-Num, M-Gend, L-W M-Def
L-W wrong word or phrase L-Ref L-Der vs L-W (6.3) L-W vs M-Case (6.5) L-W vs M-Verb (6.6) L-W vs S-Comp (6.8) Non-Swedish words and sequences (7.1) Verbal particles and reflexives (7.2)
M-Adj/adv adjective form of word corrected to adverb form L-Der, M-Gend
M-Case nominative vs genitive; nominative vs accusative L-W vs M-Case (6.5)
M-Def definiteness: articles; forms of nouns and adjectives L-Ref. S-M, S-R Singular indefinite article removed from plural indefinite NP (7.5)
M-F grammatical category kept, form changed gender M-Num
M-Gend gender L-Ref, M-Adj/adv
M-Num number M-F L-Ref
M-Other other morphological corrections, including change between different comparisons forms of adjectives All other M-categories
M-Verb verb forms; use of ha, komma and skola auxiliaries S-M, S-R L-W vs M-Verb (6.6) Clause corrected or created? (7.3)
P-M punctuation missing (added) O-Comp (spaces and hyphens) O vs punctuation tags (6.1) Spaces, hyphens and dashes (7.4)
P-R punctuation redundant (removed) O-Comp (spaces and hyphens) O vs punctuation tags (6.1) Spaces, hyphens and dashes (7.4)
P-Sent sentence segmentation
P-W wrong punctuation O-Comp (spaces and hyphens) O vs punctuation tags (6.1) Spaces, hyphens and dashes (7.4)
S-Adv adverbial placement S-FinV, S-WO S-Clause vs word order tags (6.9) Exceptions to the default ranking of the word order tags (7.6) S-Clause vs word order tags (6.9)
S-Clause change of basic clause structure: syntactic function of components, hierarchical clause structure S-Clause vs word order tags (6.9) S-Clause vs S-Comp (6.10) S-Clause vs S-Ext (6.11) S-Clause vs S-M (6.12) S-Clause vs S-Msubj (6.13) S-Clause vs S-R (6.14) Clause corrected or created? (7.3)
S-Comp compound vs multi-word expression, and other restructuring of the same lexical morphemes within a phrase O-Comp vs S-Comp (6.2) L-Der vs S-Comp (6.4) L-W vs S-Comp (6.8) S-Clause vs S-Comp (6.10) Verbal particles and reflexives (7.2)
S-Ext extensive and complex correction S-Clause vs S-Ext (6.11) S-Ext vs S-M (6.12) S-Ext vs X (6.16)
S-FinV finite verb placement S-WO S-Adv S-Clause vs word order tags (6.9) Exceptions to the default ranking of the word order tags (7.6)
S-M word missing (added) M-Def, M-Verb, S-Msubj S-Clause vs S-M (6.12) S-Ext vs S-M (6.15) Clause corrected or created? (7.3) Verbal particles and reflexives (7.2)
S-Msubj subject missing (added) S-M S-Clause vs S-Msubj (6.13) Clause corrected or created? (7.3)
S-Other other syntactical correction All other S-categories
S-R word redundant (removed) M-Def, M-Verb S-Clause vs S-R (6.14) S-Type vs S-M and S-R (6.17) Verbal particles and reflexives
S-Type change of phrase type/part of speech S-Type vs S-M and S-R (6.17)
S-WO word order, other S-Adv, S-FinV S-Clause vs word order tags (6.9) Exceptions to the default ranking of the word order tags (7.6)
C consistency correction, necessitated by other correction
Cit-FL non-Swedish word kept, i.e. not corrected Non-Swedish words and sequences (7.1)
Com! comments for the corps user
OBS! internal and temporary comments for the annotators
Unid unidentified correction All other categories
X unintelligible string S-Ext vs X (6.16)

3.3 Tag choice algorithm

While the correction types are primarily presented as belonging to the five major linguistically defined categories (orthographic, lexical, morphological, punctuation-related, and syntactical corrections), they may also be categorized based on the more straight-forward relationship between the original text and the normalized text: as additions, deletions, movements or changes of units (see section 2.2).

To some extent, the corrections within these categories may be hierarchically ordered, on different levels of priority, so that certain tags should only be considered in those cases when a tag with a higher priority is not applicable. In this section, such an algorithm for the choice of tag is sketched.

It must however be stressed that the algorithm presented below is a simplification of the actual decision flow, since in reality tags of different kinds also "compete" with each other to a certain extent; the same correction may for instance be considered both for an addition category and for a change category. Moreover, the limits between the categories are not as clear cut as a straight-forward application of the decision flow algorithm requires. A somewhat more complex picture of the relationships between the correction categories is presented in sections 3.2 (Overview of the taxonomy) and 5 (Descriptions of each tag), and more nuanced descriptions of how to discriminate between the categories are given in sections 6 (Discriminating between specific correction categories) and 7 (Other categorization issues).

With that said, here is the algorithm sketch:

When choosing a tag, the following four alternatives should first be considered (in the order listed):

  1. Is the correction a follow-up correction of another correction? → C

  2. Is the original unit unintelligible? → X

  3. Is the original unit a non-Swedish word or phrase (which is not interpretable as a misspelled Swedish word or phrase or as a non-standard composition of Swedish morphemes)? → L-FL

  4. Is the correction extensive, involving a greater than usual element of subjectivity or randomness, so that the syntactic structure of the normalized unit may rather be described as created than as corrected? → S-Ext

If none of the four cases above holds, proceed as follows:

  1. Is the correction an addition? → See Additions (3.3.1)

  2. Is the correction a deletion? → See Deletions (3.3.2)

  3. Is the correction a movement (word order change)? → See Movements (word order changes) (3.3.3)

  4. Is the correction a change?

    a. Is at least one of the units involved (the original or the normalized one) a multi-word unit? → See Changes involving a multi-word unit in either the original version, the normalized version or both (3.3.4)

    b. Is the correction a change between two one-word units (the original unit is not necessarily a one-token unit since it may also be a word which is incorrectly written as two tokens)?

    • Does the change involve inflectional morphology or a stem changed which is due to a change of a grammatical quality which is usually expressed with inflectional morphology (such as går → gick or mus → möss)? → See Changes: one-word unit changed to one-word unit, change of inflectional morphology or functionally parallel stem change (3.3.5)

    • Is the word stem exchanged (except according to i) or morphologically restructured? → See Changes: one-word unit changed to one-word unit, word stem exchanged or morphologically restructured (3.3.6)

    • Is the spelling, including the use of spaces and hyphens and the use of upper/lower case letters, changed? → See Changes: one-word unit changed to a one word unit, spelling (including uses of spaces and hyphens and token-internal punctuation) (3.3.7)

    c. Is at least one of the units a punctuation mark? → See Changes: at least one of the units is a punctuation mark (3.3.8)

3.3.1 Additions

  1. Priority one

    • The addition increases the number of clauses → S-Clause
  2. Priority two; alternatives with equal priority

    • Definite or indefinite article added → M-Def

    • Ha, skola or komma auxiliary added → M-Verb

    • The infinitive marker att, used in a construction with a komma auxiliary, added → M-Verb

    • Punctuation mark added → P-M

    • Subjunktion 'subordinating conjunction' or other bisatsinledare 'subordinating connector' added → S-Clause

    • Subject added (into a clause which exists in the original version) → S-Msubj

  3. OtherwiseS-M

3.3.2 Deletions

  1. Priority one

    • The deletion involves a reduction of the number of clauses → S-Clause
  2. Priority two; alternatives with equal priority:

    • Definite or indefinite article deleted → M-Def

    • ha, skola or komma auxiliary deleted → M-Verb

    • the infinitive marker att used in a construction involving a ha, skola or komma auxiliary deleted → M-Verb

    • Punctuation mark deleted → P-R

    • Subjunktion 'subordinating conjunction' or other bisatsinledare 'subordinating connector' deleted → S-Clause

  3. OtherwiseS-R

3.3.3 Movements (word order changes)

  1. Priority one

    • The unit has been moved as part of a change between a main clause structure and a subordinate clause structure which is also indicated by other means (as the removal or the addition of a subjunktion 'subordinating conjunction') or the unit has been moved because its syntactic function has changed → S-Clause
  2. Priority two

    • Choose the tag which gives one rather than two word order changes.
  3. Priority three

    • The fundament 'pre-finite element' is exchanged for textual rather than clause-internal reasons → S-WO
  4. Priority four

    • Adverbial moved → S-Adv
  5. Priority five

    • Finite verb moved → S-FinV
  6. OtherwiseS-WO

3.3.4 Changes involving a multi-word unit in either the original version, the normalized version or both

  1. Priority one

    • The change is limited to the mere addition of a space (or several spaces) between the words in a multi-word-phraseO-Comp
  2. Priority two

    • The change involves a change of the primary syntactic function of a word/phrase or the number of clauses is changed → S-Clause
  3. Priority three; alternatives with equal priority:

    • At least one of the units (the original one or the normalized one) is (an attempt at) a word or a fixed phrase, and at least one lexical morpheme is changed → L-W

      • The syntactic category/part of speech is changed The additional tag → S-Type is applied
    • The normalized unit is a morphosyntactic restructuring of the lexical morphemes which are present in the original unit → S-Comp

  4. Otherwise → S-Other

3.3.5 Changes: one-word unit changed to one-word unit, change of inflectional morphology or functionally parallel stem change

  1. Priority one; alternatives with equal priority:

    • Change of an adjective, noun, article or pronoun

      • Priority one: Definiteness change → M-Def

      • Priority two: An anaphoric expression has been changed to suit its correlate and textual position → L-Ref

      • Priority three: An adjective is changed from a form which is not used as an adverb to a form which is used as an adverb → M-Adj/adv

      • Priority four; alternatives with equal priority:

        • Case change → M-Case

        • Gender change → M-Gend

        • Number change → M-Num

    • Change of a verb form (which involves a change of function) → M-Verb

  2. Priority two: A declension/conjugation form (typically a suffix) which is used to express a specific grammatical category (e.g. plural or present tense) has been corrected to a form belonging to another declension/conjugation expressing the same grammatical category → M-F

  3. Otherwise → M-Other

3.3.6 Changes: one-word unit changed to one-word unit, word stem exchanged or morphologically restructured

  1. Priority one; alternatives with equal priority:

    • One ha, skola or komma auxiliary has been exchanged for another ha, skola or komma auxiliary → M-Verb

    • An anaphoric expression has been changed to suit its correlate and textual position → L-Ref

    • Change between an indefinite and a definite article → M-Def

  2. Priority two; alternatives with equal priority:

    • The root morpheme(s) of the category-defining part of the stem is kept → L-Der

      • The syntactic category/part of speech is changed The additional tag → S-Type is applied (in addition to L-Der)
    • The root morpheme(s) of the category-defining part of the stem is changed → L-W

      • The syntactic category/part of speech is changed The additional tag → S-Type is applied (in addition to L-W)

3.3.7 Changes: one-word unit changed to a one word unit, spelling (including uses of spaces and hyphens and token-internal punctuation)

  1. Priority one; alternatives with equal priority:

    • The change is limited to the mere usage of spaces and hyphens between the words in a compoundO-Comp

    • Regular spelling correction (letters changed) → O

    • Addition or removal of token-internal punctuation → O

    • Change between upper and lower case letters → O-Cap

3.3.8 Changes: at least one of the units is a punctuation mark

  1. Alternatives with equal priority:

    • Punctuation mark changed to another punctuation mark → P-W

    • Change between a conjunction and a sentence-separating punctuation mark → P-Sent

4. General directions for the correction annotation

This section explains the basic practices for using the Svala annotation tool, and provides directions for the annotation which are more general than the usage of specific tags.

4.1 Adjustment of links and attachment of tags

During the normalization process, links between the original text and the normalized texts are created automatically. These links may be adjusted both already during the normalization and during the correction annotation process. The correct link must be in place before a tag is inserted. Links may be adjusted in the following way:

In order to break a link, place the marker on one of the linked text elements or on the link itself, and press the orphan button on the menu to the left.

In order to create a new link, mark all of the tokens which you wish to link by clicking the tokens while holding ctrl (PC) or shift (Mac). Then press the group button on the menu to the left.

The tags are available in the Svala annotation tool in a list to the left on the screen. In order to place a tag on a link, mark the link and click on the tag in the tag list. Tags are removed from links in the very same fashion: Mark the link with the tag, and the click on the corresponding tag in tag list.


4.2 Some errors are not tagged

A consequence of the fundamental principle of annotating corrections, understood as differences between the original text and one specific interpretation of this text, rather than "errors in general", is that certain clear deviations from the norms of written standard Swedish in the original texts are left without annotations - because they are not deviations in relation to the normalized text. This occurs for instance when a misspelled word in the original text has been corrected to another word altogether. Such a correction will be annotated as an instance of a faulty choice of word (L-W), and since the word in the original text cannot be analyzed as a misspelling of the word in the normalized text, the spelling error will be left without annotation.

  • Du kan göra manga nognting → Du kan göra många saker

    The misspelling of någonting is not tagged, since nognting is related to saker and not to någonting.

4.3 Only visible corrections are tagged

Another fundamental principle of the correction annotation is that only "superficially visible" corrections are tagged - i.e. corrections which are reflected by differences between the original string and the normalized string. Here are some examples of the consequences of this principle:

In the following example, det is inserted as an expletive subject into a clause (and tagged S-Msubj). This correction also means that the subject of the original clause (marked with italics) is changed to an egentligt subjekt ('object-positioned subject'). The latter change is however not reflected in any additional difference (i.e. on top of the addition of det) between the original string and the normalized string. The change of the subject of the original string to an egentligt subjekt in the normalized string is thus left without any tag.

  • på andra sidan finns människor som har så mycket pengar att de kan köpa halva världen → Å andra sidan finns det människor som har så mycket pengar att de kan köpa halva världen 

In the following example a passive construction is changed to an active construction (and tagged as S-Clause). Consequently, the subordinate clause (marked with italics) is changed from an egentligt subjekt to an object. This changed is left untagged.

  • I texten sägs det av henne att hon efterlyser de som enbart talar finska och är positiva till svenskan och tvåspråkigheten . → I texten säger hon att hon efterlyser de som enbart talar finska och är positiva till svenskan och tvåspråkigheten .

4.4 Positive assumption principle

The positive assumption principle remains to be a working principle also for the correction annotation, just as for the transcription and the normalization. This means that, when in doubt about which of two tagging alternatives to choose, the alternative implying the "smallest correction" should be chosen. For instance, when it seems equally likely that a correction is due to a spelling mistake as to a word choice mistake, the O tag should be chosen rather than the L-W tag, since correcting the spelling of a word may be considered less invasive than exchanging the word altogether.

The positive assumption principle is particularly important when tagging strings including signs which have been marked as unreadable in the transcription process. See Annotation of strings including unreadable signs in transcribed texts (4.8).

4.5 Several tags on the same link

In many instances, the same unit is corrected in multiple ways reflecting separate correction categories, without one correction being included in or implied by another (cf. 4.7 Corrections of tokens included in group units). In these cases, the link should be marked with one tag for each correction type.

  • Both spelling and the use of a hyphen between two words in a compound is changed, the link is tagged with both O and O-Comp:

    • energi-niveåenerginivå
  • Both spelling and definiteness of a noun is changed, the link is tagged with both O and M-Def:

    • Finns många nya lagenheterna i dyrare delar i huvudstaden → Det finns många nya lägenheter i dyrare delar i huvudstaden
  • Both definiteness and number of a noun is changed, the link is tagged with M-Def and M-Num:

    • Alla sitter bakom sina skärmens sken → Alla sitter bakom sina skärmars sken
  • Both case and placement of a pronoun is changed, the link is tagged with M-Case and M-WO:

    • Man kan inte vänta att lägga de upp på social medier → Man kan inte vänta med att lägga upp dem på sociala medier

In the examples above, each correction category is reflected by its own separate difference between the original text and the normalized text. For instance, the changed spelling concerns another fragment of the string than the changed definiteness. There are however also some instances when one single corrected element reflects two correction categories simultaneously. Also in such cases the link should be tagged with tags for the both correction types.

In the following example, the correction from the infinitive phrase köpa mat to the compound noun mataffär is simultaneously a correction of the choice of word (L-W) and a correction of the phrase type (S-Type), and the link is tagged with both of these tags:

  • Tycker om min plats har en köpa mat ett , litet centrum en förskolan en vårdcentralen Jag tycker om platsen där jag bor , den har en mataffär , ett litet centrum , en förskola , en vårdcentral

Similarly, the following example is tagged with both L-Der (word formation correction) and S-Type (phrase type correction):

  • Jag ska solen och bada Jag ska sola och bada

In the following example the adjective nationell in the original text has a gender form (non-neuter) which is incongruent with the noun it modifies (språk, neuter), and its singular form does not match the co-ordinated subject (svenska och finska) with which the whole predicative NP (nationell språk) is associated.

  • Sedan 1919 bliv både svenska och finska nationell språk i Finland → Sedan 1919 är både svenska och finska nationella språk i Finland

In cases like this, arguments could be made both for the solution to tag this correction both as M-Num and M-Gend (since the correction eliminates both the gender error and the number error) and for the solution to mark such changes only with the M-Num tag (since the plural adjective is undifferentiated for gender). We have however decided for the former solution: Corrections of this kind are tagged both with M-Num and M-Gend.

4.6 Grouping of tokens

Corrections are by default tagged token by token. Group units are only created in the following cases:

  1. A movement correction concerns a phrase made up of several tokens.

  2. A change correction concerns strings without a token-to-token correspondence between the original and the normalized version, i.e. at least one of the corresponding units (the original unit or the normalized unit) is made up by more than one token.

Grouping of moved units may be made for all the word order correction categories, i.e. S-Adv, S-FinV and S-WO. Whenever a moved token is part of a multi-token phrase which is moved altogether, the whole phrase should be grouped. The only exception is when a single token included in such a moved phrase is also corrected, see Corrections of tokens included in group units (4.7) below.

Grouping of moved units is made also in the case of coordinated phrases being moved altogether:

  • Jag kunde inte att komma för jobbar och pluggar jag tillsamman → Jag kunde inte komma för att jag både jobbar och pluggar

Grouping of changed units is primarily made for the following correction types:

  • O-Comp:

    • Jag kände mig jätte konstig → jättekonstig
  • L-FL:

    • gas "bojler"gaskokare
  • L-W:

    • Jag maner att om vi har önskemål kan vi göra nånting utan pengar → Jag menar att om vi vill kan vi göra nånting utan pengar

    • Traditioner ger människorna tid att stå still och fundera över livet → ... att stanna upp och fundera över livet

    • Konsekvenserna man skulle få ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivillig så skulle mer än hälften av finska befolkningen avskaffa svenskan som modersmålsundervisning och istället fokusera på finska då dem sällan använder svenskan . → Konsekvenserna man skulle få ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivilligt är att då skulle mer än hälften av den finska befolkningen välja bort svenskan som modersmålsundervisning och istället fokusera på finska då de sällan använder svenskan .

  • S-Clause

    • I texten sägs det av henne att hon efterlyser de som enbart talar finska → I texten säger hon att hon efterlyser de som enbart talar finska

    • I artikeln " Tre röster om svenskan ställning i Finland " ( Parnass , 2013:3 ) skriver Catharina Söderbergh om tre personer som har sagt sin åsikt om tvångssvenskan och hur svenskan befinner sig. → I artikeln " Tre röster om svenskans ställning i Finland " ( Parnass 2013:3 ) skriver Catharina Söderbergh om tre personer som har sagt sin åsikt om tvångssvenskan och läget för svenskan .

    • Att växa upp som en flicka så var det väldigt många orättvisor man fick vänja sig vid. → När man växte upp som en flicka så var det väldigt många orättvisor man fick vänja sig vid.

  • S-Comp

    • det vardagliga livet → vardagslivet

    • Enligt Hyltenstam så kan minoritetsspråk räddas om man inblandar dem äldre som kan språket → Enligt Hyltenstam så kan minoritetsspråk räddas om man blandar in de äldre som kan språket

    • Skillnader är stor av Sveriges bostad → Skillnaderna är stora mot bostäder i Sverige

  • S-Ext

    • Det därför tycker jag om det är simma lungt och blåser  → Jag tycker om det för att jag tycker om att simma lugnt och när det blåser

    • Så hur mycket pojkarna bettalad värt inte deras äppelträd eftersom trädet var viktig för dem → Så hur mycket pojkarna betalade var mindre än vad deras äppelträd var värt eftersom trädet var viktigt för dem .

  • S-Type (and L-W)

    • jag behover pengar f$r liv och betalning av min hus → jag behöver pengar för att leva och betala för mitt hus

Note: M-Def corrections and M-Verb corrections involving more than one token in one or both text versions are not grouped, but tagged token by token.

  • Slutligen tror jag att sociala medier blev en essentiell del → Slutligen tror jag att sociala medier har blivit en essentiell del

    A link between blev and blivit is tagged with M-Verb, as well as a separate link between har and "nothing".

  • Tyvärr ska jag inte komma på kursen → Tyvärr kommer jag inte att komma på kursen

    A link between ska and kommer is tagged with M-Verb, as well as a separate link between att and "nothing".

  • När kommer den buss → När kommer bussen

    A link between buss and bussen is tagged M-Def, as well as a separate link between den and "nothing".

  • Han har egen rummet och jag egen → Han har ett eget rum och jag ett eget

    A link between rummet and rum is tagged M-Def, as well as separate links between each instance of the added indefinite article ett and "nothing".

4.7 Corrections of tokens included in group units

Corrections of tokens which are included in a corrected group unit may be of three kinds, which are handled in different ways:

  1. The correction of the included token is part of the correction which motivated the forming of the group unit.

    • The token correction is not tagged separately, but is considered included in the tag placed on the link from the group unit.

      • min plats → platsen där jag bor

      All words involved in this correction (min plats and platsen där jag bor) are grouped together, and the correction as a whole is tagged S-Clause. Accordingly, min is not tagged as S-R, jag is not tagged as S-Msubj, där and bor are not tagged as S-M, and the change from plats to platsen is not tagged as M-Def.

      • Att växa upp som en flicka så var det väldigt många orättvisor man fick vänja sig vid  → När man växte upp som en flicka så var det väldigt många orättvisor man fick vänja sig vid**

      Here, the change of structure from an infinitive phrase to a finite clause is analysed as an instance of S-Clause, and this tag is placed on the link between the group unit Att växa in the original text and the group unit När man växte in the normalized text. Man is thus not tagged as S-Msubj, the change from växa to växte is not tagged as M-Verb, etc.

      • Finns många nya lagenheterna i dyrare delar i huvudstaden , men detta är lång distans från räker nummer. → Det finns många nya lägenheter i dyrare delar i huvudstaden , men detta är långt ifrån tillräckligt

      This correction is analysed as an instance of L-W (wrong word or phrase). While the adverb långt in the normalized text could be seen as corresponding to the adjective lång in the original text, this correction is included in the exchange of the whole phrase. These two tokens (lång and långt) are thus not aligned separately, and the correction is not tagged as a separate correction.

  2. The correction of the included token is not part of the correction which motivated the forming of the group unit.

    1. The correction of the token may still be considered a correction of the whole group unit, since the token is the head of the grouped phrase.

      • The additional correction is marked by placing an additional tag on the group unit, which is not broken up.

        • Skillnader är stor av Sveriges bostad  Skillnaderna är stora mot bostäder i Sverige

        The forming of the group unit is motivated by the analysis of the change from Sveriges bostad to bostäder i Sverige as an instance of S-Comp, and that tag is placed on the link connecting the group in the original text with the group in the normalized text. The change from singular to plural of bostad affects the number of the whole phrase, and although this correction would not in itself motivate the forming of a group unit, the M-Num tag is also placed on the group link.

    2. The correction of the token specifically concerns the individual token - not the whole group unit

      • The group unit cannot be visualized as a group, but needs to be broken up.

      • The individually corrected token is tagged with the tag which concerns that token specifically.

      • The part of the broken group unit which contains the longest string or the phrase head is tagged with the tag which concerns the correction of the whole group unit.

      • The other part(s) of the broken group unit (including the individually corrected token) are marked with C.

        • Hon försätter skriva om att inte avskaffa den obligatoriska svenskan på skolan är fördel för ungdomar Hon fortsätter skriva om att det är en fördel för ungdomar att inte avskaffa den obligatoriska svenskan i skolan

        The infinitive phrase att inte avskaffa den obligatoriska svenskan på ( i) skolan is moved as a group unit. However, the change from på to I calls for breaking up the group in the Svala visualization. Thus, att inte avskaffa den obligatoriska svenskan is visually grouped together and the link is tagged with S-WO. The link between på and i is marked with L-W, but also with C, to indicate that the movement of this word is part of the movement of the already tagged part of the phrase. The link from skolan to skolan is exclusively tagged with C.

        • Jag hoppas att du intressant för din ny livs  Jag hoppas att du tycker att ditt nya liv är intressant

        tycker att in the normalization forms a unit which is tagged with S-Ext (the link runs between this normalized unit and "nothing"); din is linked with ditt and tagged M-Gend and C; ny is linked with nya and tagged M-Def and C; livs is linked with liv and tagged M-Case and C; intressant för is linked with är intressant and tagged C.*

4.8 Annotation of strings including unreadable signs in transcribed texts

Signs which are judged unreadable in handwritten originals are transcribed as "$". When possible (i.e. when the string as a whole is nevertheless interpretable) such signs are eliminated in the normalized version of the text. When annotating such corrections, the positive assumption principle should be applied. In other words:

If it is possible that the original string was correct, assume that it was correct and leave the correction (i.e. the difference between the original string including the "$" and the normalized string without the "$") without any tag representing a correction category. A Com! tag is however applied, with the edge comment "Original assumed to be correct." Cf. Com! (comments for the corpus users).

This holds in the following cases:

  • The $ has simply been removed in the normalized version; it is possible that $ marks a character which was intended to be marked as removed in the original.

    • ja$gjag
  • The $ corresponds to exactly one letter in the normalized version; it is possible that $ marks the letter to which it has been changed in the normalized version.

    • hi$$ahitta

Only if it is not possible that the original string was correct should the correction be annotated with a suitable tag.

4.9 Document comments

The Document comment field provides an opportunity to comment on deviations from the standard norm regarding text properties which cannot be adequately reflected by tags on individual links. The field may also be used for any kind of general comment on the text which the annotator regards as essential for the future corpus user.

This field may for instance be used when the verb tense choices in the text are inconsistent at a global text level, but when corrections of individual verb forms have generally not been made, since there is consistency more locally in the text.

5. Descriptions of each tag

In the following the annotation categories and their tags will be presented in the order in which they appear in the Svala annotation tool

  • i.e. the O tags first, followed by the four other main correction categories in alphabetic order (L, M, P, S), and, finally, the remaining six tags under the heading Other tags.

5.1 O-Orthographic corrections

The O tags represent the orthographic correction category. It includes three sub-categories.

5.1.1 O (regular spelling correction)

The plain O tag is used for regular spelling corrections, i.e. when the string of letters is different in the original text and the normalized text, due to a spelling mistake.

  • Det tåg 6 timmar från Teheran till Göteborg  → tog

  • Det finns monga affärer  → många

The O tag is also used for instances when token-internal punctuation marks have been removed or added. (See 6.1 O vs punctuation tags.)


    (The intended use of t.v. here is the noun teve, not the phrase tills vidare.)

  • vdar → vd:ar

Higher priority than:

  • L-FL; see Non-Swedish words and sequences.

Lower priority than:

  • L-Der; when a correction may be interpreted both as derivational correction and an orthographic correction, the L-Der tag should be applied rather than the O tag.

Discrimination issues

  • Concerning corrections of the use of spaces and hyphens between words, see 7.4 (Spaces, hyphens and dashes).

  • Concerning the use of other token-internal punctuation marks, see 6.1 (O vs punctuation tags).

5.1.2 O-Cap (upper/lower case)

The O-Cap tag is used for corrections regarding the choice between upper and lower case letters.

  • Det fanns en affär och vi gick dit. vi köpte flera saker → Det fanns en affär och vi gick dit. Vi köpte flera saker.

  • På Måndag är det den 3 Mars. → På måndag är det den 3 mars.

5.1.3 O-Comp (spaces and hyphens between words)

The O-Comp tag is used for corrections which involve the removal of a space between two words which have been interpreted as making up a compound in the normalized text version, or, more rarely, the adding of a space between two words. It may also be used for corrections regarding the use of hyphens in compounds.

  • Jag kände mig jätte konstig  → jättekonstig

  • Det ligger ett kultur hus nära min bostad  → kulturhus

  • kultur-hus → kulturhus

  • han har jämförts " tvångsvenska " debatten i Finland med nynorska debatten i Norge han har jämfört "tvångssvenska"-debatten i Finland med nynorska-debatten i Norge

  • tv program  → tv-program

  • New York bor  → New York-bor

  • New Yorkbor  → New York-bor

  • buss-stationer → busstationer

  • för två årsen  → för två år sen

In the following example, the change from a comma to a long dash between Finland and Sverige is tagged with P-W, and the change from a space to a hyphen between Sverige and historien is tagged with O-Comp:

  • Författaren börjar med att beskriva det långa Finland , Sverige historien → Författaren börjar med att beskriva den långa Finland--Sverige-historien 

Corrections which involve both a removal of a space and a change of the form of the first part of the compound are tagged both with O-Comp and L-Der:

  • Kommunikation förändring → Kommunikationsförändring

Higher priority than

  • P-M; additions of hyphens and spaces are tagged O-Comp rather than P-M.

  • P-R; deletions of hyphens and spaces are tagged O-Comp rather than P-R.

  • P-W; changes between spaces and hyphens between words are tagged O-Comp rather than P-W.

Discrimination issues

  • The O-Comp tag should only be used for corrections concerning the mere orthographic rendering, with or without a space or a hyphen, of a compound or a multi-word expression, and not for corrections which are rather to be interpreted as involving an actual alternation between a compound and a multi-word expression. The latter case is covered by the S-Comp tag. See 6.2 O-Comp vs S-Comp.

  • Concerning other corrections involving spaces and hyphens, see 7.4 Spaces, hyphens and dashes.

5.2 L-Lexical corrections

The L tags represent the lexical correction category. It includes four sub-categories.

5.2.1 L-Der (word formation)

The L-Der tag represents the correction category deviant word formation. It is used for corrections of the internal morphological structure of word stems, both with regard to compounding and to derivation.

The L-Der tag is exclusively used for links between one-word units (not necessarily one-token units, since a word may mistakenly be written as two tokens), where the normalized word has kept at least one root morpheme from the original word, but where another morpheme has been removed, added, exchanged or had its form altered.

  • A derivational affix has been corrected:

    • De är stressiga på grund av studier → De är stressade på grund av studier
  • A derivational affix has been added:

    • ändring → förändring
  • A derivational affix has been removed:

    • förstöra → störa
  • The form of the first part of a compound has been corrected (for instance by adding or removing a "foge-s"):

    • tvångsvenska → tvångssvenska

    • sagabok → sagobok

    • solenkräm → solkräm

  • The first word of the compound has been exchanged, while the second, category-defining word, has been kept (cf. 6.3 L-Der vs L-W):

    • dagsskolan → förskolan
  • A verbal particle of a compound form of a particle verb has been added, removed or corrected:

    • Internet uppmanar vår förståelse → Internet utmanar vår förståelse

    • att debatten i båda länder är jätte lik varandra , bara hantering avskiljer  → att debatterna i de båda länderna är jättelika varandra , bara hanteringen skiljer

    • tre olika ställningar som finns om svenska inom Finland → tre olika inställningar som finns till svenska i Finland

      Cf. 7.2 Verbal particles and reflexives.

  • A verbal particle has been exchanged for a derivational affix: 

    • efterlyser → belyser

Note: When the correction of a word tagged with L-Der involves a change of phrase type or part of speech, the correction is tagged with S-Type, in addition to L-Der.

  • norska bokmål → norskt bokmål

  • jag talar kurdisk → jag talar kurdiska

  • en nybyggnad lägenhet → en nybyggd lägenhet

  • Jag ska solen och bada → Jag ska sola och bada

  • Jag behöver pengar för liv och betalning av min hus → Jag behöver pengar för att leva och betala mitt hus

  • Eller det skapar kontakter och trivs? → Eller skapar de kontakter och trivsel?

  • något ha en " svart " avställning båda i jobbet och från bostad Någon → har en " svart " inkomst både från jobbet och från bostaden

  • vi har precis flyttad till Norrby → vi har precis flyttat till Norrby

Higher priority than

  • O; when a correction may be interpreted both as derivational correction and an orthographic correction, the L-Der tag should be applied rather than the O tag.

  • L-FL; see 7.1 Non-Swedish words and sequences.

Lower priority than

  • M-Adj/adv; corrections of an adjective form of a word to and adverb form of the same verb should be tagged with the specific tag M-Adj/adv rather than with L-Der.

Discrimination issues

  • Corrections of verbal particles which are part of phrasal forms of particle verbs are not tagged with the L-Der tag, but with the L-W tag. (See 7.2 Verbal particles and reflexives.)

  • See 6.3 L-Der vs L-W

  • See 6.4 L-Der vs S-Comp

5.2.2 L-FL (foreign word corrected to Swedish)

The L-FL tag is used for words from a foreign (non-Swedish) language which have been corrected to a Swedish word. It may also be applied to words which have certain non-Swedish traits due to influence from a foreign language.

  • Det fanns flera rum, två kök, balkony och trädgård → balkong

  • Jag och min family → familj

  • varför man ens lär sig svenska idag i Finland som beror på historiska event → varför man ens lär sig svenska idag i Finland , vilket beror på historiska händelser

  • Bostad i D-hemland är litet het topik för att diskussera → Bostäder i D-hemland är ett lite hett ämne att diskutera

The L-FL tag is used for corrections with the following characteristics:

  • The word in the original text is recognizable as a word from a foreign language to the annotator (who is obviously not equally proficient in all languages). Alternatively, the annotator recognizes certain non-Swedish traits in the word which are due to influence from a foreign language.

  • The word in the original text may or may not be correctly formed and used according to the norms of the assumed influencing language.

Lower priority than

  • O and L-Der; see 7.1 Non-Swedish words and sequences.

Discrimination issues

If a corrected word is identifiable as an existing well-established Swedish word which has been replaced by an altogether different word, it should not be marked as L-FL, but as L-W, regardless of how likely it is that the mistake is due to influence from another language. See 7.1 Non-Swedish words and sequences.

5.2.3 L-Ref (anaphoric expressions)

The L-Ref tag is used for anaphoric expressions (particularly pronouns and pronominal adverbs) which have been corrected in order to have the grammatical form (gender, number, reflexive/non-reflexive), semantic content (masculine/feminine, directional/locational etc.), and specificity which suits its correlate and its textual position.

  • Jag har en bror, hon heter xx → han heter xx

  • Stämmer det att våra sociala media skapar individualism och ensamhet? Eller skapar det kontakter och trivs? → Eller skapar de kontakter ...

    (In cases like this, the L-Ref tag has higher priority than the M-Num tag.)

  • Innan trädet blev borta dem fick fars äpplen och sin fru lagade saft och mos av äpplena Innan trädet var borta fick de fars äpplen → och hans fru lagade saft och mos av äpplena

  • Östling skriver om politiker som tycker att obligatorisk språkundervisningen och prov på nynorska krävs för att försäkra ett minoritets språk som har ett gamal kulturarv knutet till den . → Östling skriver om politiker som tycker att obligatorisk språkundervisning och prov på nynorska krävs för att skydda ett minoritetsspråk som har ett gammalt kulturarv knutet till sig .

  • " Finns det något som är mer värt än pengar ? " Jag vet faktiskt inte , den är en svår fråga . → " Finns det något som är mer värt än pengar ? " Jag vet faktiskt inte , det är en svår fråga .

    (In cases like this, and in the following examples the L-Ref tag has higher priority than the M-Gend tag.)

  • Om man jobbar åtta timmar varje vardag för att få pengar , sedan är det lite hycklande att säga något som , " Ja , det finns jo viktigare saker i livet ! " Den är en tredjedel av din dag ! → Om man jobbar åtta timmar varje vardag för att få pengar , är det sedan lite hycklande att säga något som : " Ja , det finns ju viktigare saker i livet ! " Det är en tredjedel av din dag !

  • Jag tycker om Gotland och den ligger i Sverige . → Jag tycker om Gotland , och det ligger i Sverige .

  • I artikeln " Svenskan tynar i Finland " ( Forsknings & Framsteg 2009:2 ) Cecilia Christner Raid om varför man ens lär sig svenska idag i Finland som beror på historiska event . → I artikeln " Svenskan tynar i Finland " ( Forskning & Framsteg 2009:2 ) skriver Cecilia Christner Riad om varför man ens lär sig svenska idag i Finland , vilket beror på historiska händelser .

    (In cases like this, and in the following example, the L-Ref tag has higher priority than the L-W tag.)

  • Man kan flyga till Gotland eller åka till Nynäshamn och åka båt till där → Man kan flyga till Gotland eller åka till Nynäshamn och åka båt dit .

The L-Ref tag may also be used when a noun which is used anaphorically has been exchanged for a pronoun, or the other way around, in order for the specificity of the anaphoric expression to suit its textual position:

  • Heter Jag Karin och Jag har änmält mig till danskursen och bitalad för det men tyvär fick Jag inte tid för att koma . Jag kunde inte att komma för jobbar och pl$ggar Jag tillsamman och det passar inte med min tiden → Jag heter Karin och jag har anmält mig till danskursen och betalat för den , men tyvärr hade jag inte tid att komma . Jag kunde inte komma för att jag både jobbar och pluggar , och kursen passar inte med mina tider

Higher priority than

  • M-Num

  • M-Gend

  • L-W

Lower priority than

  • M-Def; concerns changes between indefinite and definite forms of nouns

5.2.4 L-W (wrong word or phrase)

The L-W tag represents the correction category wrong word or phrase. It is used when a word or phrase in the original text has been replaced by another word or phrase in the normalized version. It is placed on units which are exchanged rather than corrected.

The L-W tag is applied when the following conditions hold:

  • At least one of the units (the original unit or the normalized unit) is (an attempt at) a word or a fixed phrase.

  • If both the original unit and the normalized unit are one-word units, the root morpheme(s) of the category-defining part of the stem is corrected, which typically means one of the following:

    • A word is completely exchanged (no common morpheme).

    • The second word of a compound is exchanged.

    See 6.3 L-Der vs L-W for further explanations and examples.

  • If at least one of the strings is a multi-word unit, at least one lexical morpheme has to be changed (cf. 6.8 L-W vs S-Comp).

One word replaced by one word:

  • Uppfinningen som transformerade hela kommunikationsområdet → Uppfinningen som förändrade hela kommunikationsområdet

  • Jag bor i D-område  en lägenhet → Jag bor i D-område i en lägenhet

  • På det sättet kan kommunen motionera alla medborgare att träna → På det sättet kan kommunen motivera alla medborgare att träna

  • vi solade och badade mycket och träffäde några personer från flera länder → Vi solade och badade mycket och träffade människor från flera länder

  • Alla blir busiga med sina sociala medier → Alla blir upptagna med sina sociala medier

    (See 7.1 Non-Swedish words and sequences for further comments on this example.)

  • man väljer att använda engelska stället av svenska → man väljer att använda engelska i stället för svenska

    (The addition of i is tagged with S-M.)

One word replaced by a multi-word expression:

  • Med detta som bakgrund så kan man konstatera att majoriteten av Finland på olika missnöjesnivåer avskyr inlärning av svenska på grund- och gymnasieskolor → Med detta som bakgrund så kan man konstatera att majoriteten av Finlands befolkning , på olika missnöjesnivåer , avskyr inlärning av svenska på grund- och gymnasieskolor

Multi-word expression replaced by one word:

  • Jag maner att om vi har önskemål kan vi göra nånting utan pengar → Jag menar att om vi vill kan vi göra nånting utan pengar

Multi-word expression replaced by another multi-word expression:

  • Finns många nya lagenheterna i dyrare delar i huvudstaden , men detta är lång distans från räker nummer → Det finns många nya lägenheter i dyrare delar i huvudstaden , men detta är långt ifrån tillräckligt

    (This correction is also tagged as S-type, see below.)

Phrasal verb replaced by another phrasal verb, both verb and particle exchanged:

  • Traditioner ger människorna tid att stå still och fundera över livet → ... att stanna upp och fundera över livet

Phrasal verb replaced by another phrasal verb, different verb but the same particle; only the verb is tagged, not the particle:

  • men på debattsidor debatterar de oftast språkfrågan eftersom dem inte hittar på något annat att diskutera om → men på debattsidor debatterar de oftast språkfrågan eftersom de inte kommer på något annat att diskutera om

Verbal particle replaced by another verbal particle, but verb kept; the verbal particle rather than the whole phrasal verb is tagged with L-W:

  • Han torkade bort bordet → Han torkade av bordet

Compound particle verb replaced by a phrasal verb, both verb and particle replaced:

  • Konsekvenserna man skulle få ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivillig så skulle mer än hälften av finska befolkningen avskaffa svenskan som modersmålsundervisning → Konsekvenserna man skulle få ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivilligt är att då skulle mer än hälften av den finska befolkningen välja bort svenskan som modersmålsundervisning

Phrasal verb replaced by a simple verb:

  • Men jag bestämde mig själv för att hänga ihop båda att studera och jobba → Men jag bestämde mig själv för att kombinera att både studera och jobba

Fixed expression consisting of a lexical word (e.g. a noun) and a grammatical word (e.g. a preposition) replaced by another fixed expression consisting of the same lexical word but another grammatical word; the grammatical word rather than the full fixed expression is tagged with L-W:

  • såsom våra "moderna" språk är ibland en blandning av flera utrotade minoritetsspråk som under tiden skapade något nytt och unik → såsom våra "moderna" språk ibland är en blandning av flera utrotade minoritetsspråk som med tiden skapade något nytt och unikt

Note: When a correction tagged with L-W involves a change of phrase type/part of speech, the correction is also marked with the additional tag S-Type.

  • plötsligt bröt muren sinsemellan  → plötsligt rasade muren mellan dem

  • jag behover pengar f$r liv och betalning av min hus → jag behöver pengar för att leva och betala för mitt hus

  • Tycker om min plats har en köpa mat ett , litet centrum en förskolan en vårdcentralen → Jag tycker om platsen där jag bor , den har en mataffär , ett litet centrum , en förskola , en vårdcentral

  • Man kan promonera lång tid finns det blåser → Man kan promenera länge när det blåser

  • Några tider vi kan titta och lyssna på hur funkar det →  Ibland kan vi titta och lyssna på hur det funkar

  • jag bor in lägenhet plan ett → Jag bor i en lägenhet på plan ett

Lower priority than

  • L-Ref

Discrimination issues

The principle that the L-W tag is placed on strings which are exchanged rather than corrected underlies many of the more specific principles for discriminating between the L-W tag and other tags, described or referred to below.

  • Corrections consisting in the mere removal or addition of the reflexive sig or a verbal particle are not tagged with L-W, but with S-R or S-M respectively - even if both the bare verb and the phrasal verb may be characterized as lexical units. See 7.2 Verbal particles and reflexives.

  • Regarding L-W vs L-FL, see 7.1 Non-Swedish words and sequences**.**

  • Regarding the tagging of changes between pronoun and article uses of de and dem, see 6.5 L-W vs M-Case**.**

  • See 6.3 L-Der vs L-W**.**

  • See 6.6 L-W vs M-Verb.

  • See 6.8 L-W vs S-Comp**.**

5.3 M-Morphological corrections

The M tags represent the category morphological corrections. It covers corrections related to inflections. This includes primarily corrections of individual inflectional forms, but in some cases also corrections of more complex grammatical constructions closely related to inflectional forms. The latter concerns basic definiteness constructions (see 5.3.3) periphrastic comparative and superlative adjective constructions (see 5.3.4 and 5.3.7), and tense-related verbal constructions involving auxiliaries (see 5.3.8).

The category of morphological corrections includes eight sub-categories.

5.3.1 M-Adj/adv (adjective corrected to adverb)

The M-Adj/adv tag is used for corrections involving the change of an adjective to its t-form, when the t-form is called for due to the adjective being used as an adverb.

  • Användaren mår dålig → dåligt

  • Hur påverkar detta våra måenden långsiktig? → långsiktigt

  • Jag tror att man måste hitta balansen mellan rikdom och andra saker som är riktiga viktiga → Jag tror att man måste hitta balansen mellan rikedom och andra saker som är riktigt viktiga

The M-Adj/adv is also used for similar changes, when an adjective or adjective-like word is changed to a morphologically closely related but distinct adverb form:

  • När jag kommer första i 2012 , jag bodde i en social lagenhet med 3 andra person → När jag först kom 2012 bodde jag i en kommunal lägenhet med 3 andra personer

Moreover, the M-Adj/adv tag is used when an adjectival form of the word liten is changed to the adverb form of the same word, i.e. lite. This holds also when the form litet is changed to the form lite. Although the form litet is occasionally used as an adverb in standard Swedish, it is too archaic to be used in most of the Swell text genres, and adverbial uses of the form litet are thus normally corrected to the form lite during normalization. Such changes are also tagged with M-Adj/adv:

  • Bostad i D-hemland är litet het topik för att diskussera → Bostäder i D-hemland är ett lite hett ämne att diskutera

Higher priority than

  • L-Der

  • M-Gend

5.3.2 M-Case

The M-Case tag is used for corrections regarding the choice of case form for nouns (nominative vs genitive) and pronouns (nominative vs accusative).

  • 50 kilometer avstånd  → kilometers

  • Som kan bidra till samhället utveckling  → samhällets

  • Det ger man en positiv energi → Det ger en en positiv energi

  • Folk hinner inte prata med de  → Folk hinner inte prata med dem

  • Ingen förstår hon  → Ingen förstår henne

Discrimination issues

  • When the form dem is changed to the form de used as a definite article, the correction is tagged as L-W and S-Type, not as M-Case (see 6.5 L-W vs M-Case).

    • den obligatoriska svenskundervisningen i dem finska skolorna → den obligatoriska svenskundervisningen i de finska skolorna

5.3.3 M-Def (definiteness)

The M-Def tag is used for corrections regarding definiteness constructions. The kinds of corrections which are involved in this correction category are:

  • Change between indefinite and definite forms of nouns (bok vs bokenrum vs rummet)

  • Change between, removal of and addition of indefinite and definite articles (enettdendetde)

  • Change between indefinite and definite forms of adjectives and adjective-like pronouns (stor/stort vs storaegen/eget vs egna)


  • Vi gick till McDonalds och åt matenmat

  • Jag trivs bättre på jobb här  → jobbet

  • Jag har läst ditt mejlet  → ditt mejl

  • min stor dag → min stora dag

  • De gränserna som fanns mellan kvinnor och män har nästan försvunnit → De gränser som fanns

  • När kommer den buss  → När kommer bussen

  • Då kommer svenska språket försvinna ur Finska samhället → Då kommer svenska språket försvinna från det finska samhället

  • Han har egen rummet och jag egen → Han har ett eget rum och jag ett eget

Note (1): M-Def corrections involving more than one token in one or both text versions are tagged token by token. See 4.6 Grouping of tokens.

Note (2): The M-Def tag is generally used for removals and additions of articles, even when the correction is due to a change between the use of a noun as a countable vs a non-countable noun.

  • Jag tycker att du kan baka kakor för dina arbetskamrater och bjuda dem för en fika → Jag tycker att du kan baka kakor till dina arbetskamrater och bjuda dem på fika

Higher priority than

  • L-Ref; concerns changes between indefinite and definite forms of nouns

  • S-M; concerns the addition of articles

  • S-R; concerns the removal of articles

Discrimination issues

  • When a singular indefinite article is removed from a plural indefinite NP, the removed article should be tagged M-Num rather than M-Def or S-R. See 7.5 Singular indefinite article removed from plural indefinite NP.

5.3.4 M-F (wrong form, correct grammatical category)

The M-F tag is used when a declension/conjugation form (typically a suffix) which is used to express a specific grammatical category (e.g. plural or present tense) has been corrected to a form belonging to another declension/conjugation expressing the same grammatical category.

The tag is used for the following correction types:


  • Correction from one to another plural-associated form (suffix or stem changed form): båter → båtarhuvudproblemer → huvudproblem, musar → möss


  • Correction from one to another form associated with present tense: jag lager mat → jag lagar mat

  • Correction from one to another form associated with past tense: böjade → böjde, sjungde → sjöng

  • Correction from one to another supine-associated form: kunnit → kunnat, drickit → druckit


  • Correction from one to another comparative-associated form: högare → högre, långare → längre

  • Correction from one to another superlative-associated form: högast → högst, ungast → yngst

  • Correction of the choice between a periphrastic and an inflectional comparative or superlative construction: I Sverige är mer kallt än i xx → I Sverige är det kallare än i xx

The tag may also be used for some analogous changes of pronouns:

  • Enligt Hermanssons artikel debatten om huruvida nynorska skulle behållas eller om dens öde skulle vara upp till folket och marknaden att bestämma över resulterar i blandade åsikter → Enligt Hermanssons artikel resulterar debatten om huruvida nynorskan ska bevaras eller om dess öde ska vara upp till folket och marknaden att bestämma över i blandade åsikter

  • Jag bo i ett lägenhet med min sambo och våras yng dotter → Jag bor i en lägenhet med min sambo och vår lilla dotter

Lower priority than

  • M-Num; unsuffixed noun forms will be interpreted as singular when corrected to a suffixed plural form, although unsuffixed plurals exist. Corrections like båt → båtar will thus be tagged with the M-Num tag and not with the M-F tag.

5.3.5 M-Gend (gender)

The M-Gend tag is used to mark corrections of gender forms (neuter vs non-neuter) of nouns, articles, adjectives, and pronouns with adjective-like functions.

  • Det är en mycket trevlig område → Det är ett mycket trevligt område

  • Den viktigaste är att ...  → Det viktigaste är att ...

  • Den första telefonnät →  Det första telefonnätet

  • Kommunikationen är möjligt  → Kommunikationen är möjlig

  • ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivillig → frivilligt

  • Han har egen rummet och jag egen → Han har ett eget rum och jag ett eget (cf. the same example in section 5.3.3)

  • Köken är storKöket är stort

Note: Corrections from the distinctly masculine form of adjectives -e to the general/feminine form -a are tagged M-Other rather than M-Gend. See 5.3.7 M-Other.

Lower priority than

  • L-Ref; gender corrections of pronouns which are due to their anaphoric reference will be covered by the L-Ref tag.

  • M-Adj/adv; changes from the non-neuter form to the neuter form of adjectives which are due to the adjective being used as an adverb should be tagged M-Adj/adv rather than M-Gend.

5.3.6 M-Num (number)

The M-Num tag is used to mark number corrections of nouns, articles, adjectives, participles, and pronouns with adjective-like functions.

  • Stress kan komma i många form → Stress kan komma i många former

  • Så fort bilder är tagen → Så fort bilderna är tagna

  • Alla sitter bakom sina skärmens sken → Alla sitter bakom sina skärmars sken

Note: When several words in the same NP are changed with regard to number, the tag M-Num should only be placed on the main word. The other words are tagged with C, since these corrections are a consequence of the number change of the main word.

  • därför kommer det att leda till ett negativt konsekvens → därför kommer det att leda till negativa konsekvenser

    The number change from konsekvens to konsekvenser is tagged M-Num. The change from negativt to negativa is tagged with C (as consistency changed caused by the adjective depending on the corrected noun) and with M-Gend (since the gender error of the original negativt is also eliminated through this change, cf. 4.5 Several tags on the same link). The removal of the article ett is, for the same reasons, also tagged with both C and M-Gend.

Higher priority than

  • M-F; unsuffixed noun forms will be interpreted as singular when corrected to a suffixed plural form, although unsuffixed plurals exist. Corrections like båt → båtar will thus be tagged with the M-Num tag and not with the M-F tag.

Lower priority than

  • L-Ref; number corrections of pronouns which are due to their anaphoric reference are covered by the L-Ref tag.

Discrimination issues

  • When a singular indefinite article is removed from a plural indefinite NP, the removed article should be tagged M-Num rather than M-Def or S-R. See 7.5 Singular indefinite article removed from plural indefinite NP.

5.3.7 M-Other

The M-Other tag is used for corrections involving inflectional morphology for which none of the other M tags are suited.

The usage of the M-Other tag covers corrections between the comparational forms of adjectives, including corrections between non-morphologically related words functioning as different comparational forms of the same adjective (e.g. dålig and sämre or många and fler):

  • Morfar ville visa de att det finns nånting som är viktigaste → Morfar ville visa dem att det finns nånting som är viktigare

  • I slutligen kan jag säga utifrån texterna jag läste att det finns många nackdelar än fördelar med att avskaffa den obligatorisk svenskan i Finland → Slutligen kan jag säga , utifrån texterna jag har läst , att det finns fler nackdelar än fördelar med att avskaffa den obligatoriska svenskan i Finland

The M-Other tag is also used for corrections from the distinctly masculine form -e of adjectives to the general/feminine form -a:

  • förre året anmälde jag till en kurs för simna → förra året anmälde jag mig till en simkurs

  • min käre mamma → min kära mamma

    (Since the masculine form -e is never obligatory, corrections from the feminine/common form -a to the masculine form are not made during the normalization, and thus do never occur in the correction annotation process.)

Examples of other uses of the M-Other tag:

  • flera folker → mycket folk

    The folker form is clearly an attempt at creating a plural form with the plural suffix -er. However, the M-Num tag cannot be used since folker is not a plural form of folk. Nor can the M-F tag be used, although plural uses of the form folk occur, since the correct usage of folk here is a singular usage.

The M-Other tag has lower priority than all other M-categories.

5.3.8 M-Verb

The M-Verb tag covers corrections regarding inflectional verb forms and basic tense-related constructions involving auxiliaries.

The verb-related grammatical categories involved are primarily tense, mode and voice.

The verb forms involved are the non-finite verb forms (infinitive and supine), the basic tense forms (present and past), the imperative, and the s-form variants of all these forms (both in passive and other usages).

The extra-inflectional constructions involved are the tense-related constructions including auxiliary uses of the verbs haskola and komma and the non-finite verb forms.

The M-Verb tag is thus used for the following correction types:

  • Changes between the following verb forms: infinitive (dansa, äta), supine (dansat, ätit), present (dansar, äter), past (dansade, åt), imperative (dansa, ät), and s-form variants of these forms (dansas, ätas etc.).

  • Additions and removals of forms of ha, skola and komma, when these verbs are used as auxiliaries.

  • Changes from one ha, skola or komma auxiliary to another.

  • Additions or removals of att which are due to changes of tense-related constructions involving auxiliary uses of the verbs ha, skola and komma.


  • Jag trivs där för att jag hade fler vänner → Jag trivdes där för att jag hade fler vänner

  • Slutligen tror jag att sociala medier blev en essentiell del → Slutligen tror jag att sociala medier har blivit en essentiell del

  • Det betyder inte att vi glomma bort vår tradition → Det betyder inte att vi ska glömma bort vår tradition

  • Världen utvecklar i teknologin i varje minut → Världen utvecklas i teknologin i varje minut

  • Om ni behöver något mer för att jag kan få pengarna tillbaka bara skriv till mig → Om ni behöver något mer för att jag ska kunna få pengarna tillbaka, bara skriv till mig!

  • Tyvärr ska jag inte komma på kursen Tyvärr kommer jag inte att komma på kursen

  • Min mormor har kommat att bli jättesjuk → Min mormor har blivit jättesjuk

Note (1): M-Verb corrections involving more than one token in one or both text versions are tagged token by token. See 4.6 Grouping of tokens.

Note (2): Corrections between participle forms and supine forms are tagged L-Der.


  • vi har precis flyttad till Norrby → vi har precis flyttat till Norrby

Higher priority than

  • S-M; concerns the addition of ha, skola and komma auxiliaries.

  • S-R; concerns the removal of ha, skola and komma auxiliaries.

Discrimination issues

  • See 6.6 L-W vs M-Verb

  • Concerning M-Verb vs S-Clause, see 7.3 Clause corrected or created?

5.4 P-Punctuation corrections

The P tags represent the category of punctuation corrections, including instances of merging or splitting sentences. It has four sub-categories.

5.4.1 P-M (missing punctuation)

The P-M tag is used for corrections involving the addition of a punctuation mark.

  • Jag har fyra barn två pojkar och två flickor → Jag har fyra barn, två pojkar och två flickor

  • År 1972 togs den sista manuella växeln ur bruk anger Björkkvist → År 1972 togs den sista manuella växeln ur bruk, anger Björkkvist

  • Det ger en positiv energi därmed kan man bli av med stress → Det ger en positiv energi. Därmed kan man bli av med stress

  • Efter fem dagar kom till mig och sa vad vill du mig och jag sa att jag älskar dig → Efter fem dagar kom hon till mig och sa: Vad vill du mig? Och jag sa: Jag älskar dig.

  • Min mamma lagar så god mat jag trivs med hennes mat → Min mamma lagar så god mat. Jag trivs med hennes mat

Lower priority than

  • O-Comp; additions of hyphens and spaces between words are covered by the O-Comp tag, not by the P-M tag.

Discrimination issues

  • Concering additions of spaces and hyphens, see 7.4 Spaces, hyphens and dashes.

  • Concerning the addition of other token-internal punctuation marks, see 6.1 O vs punctuation tags.

5.4.2 P-R (redundant punctuation)

The P-R tag is used for corrections involving the removal of a punctuation mark.

  • Jag minns inte exakt . vad det var med det var gott → Jag minns inte exakt vad det var men det var gott

Lower priority than

  • O-Comp; removals of hyphens and spaces between the constituent words in a compound are covered by the O-Comp tag, not by the P-R tag.

Discrimination issues

  • Concering removals of spaces and hyphens, see 7.4 Spaces, hyphens and dashes.

  • Concerning the removal of other token-internal punctuation marks, see 6.1 O vs punctuation tags.

5.4.3 P-Sent (sentence segmentation)

The P-Sent tag is used for corrections involving splitting a sentence or merging two sentences into one, when this correction involves more than the pure insertion or removal of a punctuation mark - in the typical case the adding or removal of a conjunction.

  • Jag heter xxx och jag pratar arabiska och engelska och lite svenska och vi har tre rum i huset Jag heter xxx och jag pratar arabiska och engelska och lite svenska . Vi har tre rum i huset

    In this example, the P-Sent tag is placed on a link between och in the original text and the period in the normalized text. The link between vi and Vi is tagged with C, as a consistency correction.

5.4.4 P-W (wrong punctuation)

The P-W tag is used when a punctuation mark in the original text has been replaced with another punctuation mark in the normalized text.

  • Mina barn heter Peter; Maria; Elisabeth och John → Mina barn heter Peter, Maria, Elisabeth och John

Lower priority than

  • O-Comp; instances where a space has been corrected to a hyphen between the constituent words in a compound are not marked with this tag, but with O-Comp or S-Comp. The same holds for instances where a hyphen between words has been corrected to a space.

Discrimination issues

  • Concerning corrections of spaces, hyphens and dashes, see 7.4 Spaces, hyphens and dashes.

  • Concerning corrections of other token-internal punctuation marks, see 6.1 O vs punctuation tags.

5.5 S-Syntactical corrections

The S tags represent the syntactical correction category. It contains eleven sub-categories.

5.5.1 S-Adv (adverbial placement)

The S-Adv tag is used for corrections involving the placement of an adverbial.

  • Jag ofta är vaken länge på kvällarna → Jag är ofta vaken länge på kvällarna

  • Å ena sidan idag har → Å ena sidan har idag

  • Jag är jättetrött eftersom jag sover inte på nätterna → Jag är jättetrött eftersom jag inte sover på nätterna

  • som i sin tur har tydligt påverkat → som i sin tur tydligt har påverkat

  • och med hela världen dela sina idéer och tankar → och dela sina idéer och tankar med hela världen

  • om hur under 600 år Finland var en del av Sverige → om hur Finland var en del av Sverige under 600 år

Higher priority than

  • S-FinV

  • S-WO

But see also 7.6 Exceptions to the default ranking of the word order tags.

Discrimination issues

  • See 6.9 S-Clause vs word order tags.

5.5.2 S-Clause (basic clause structure)

The S-Clause tag is used for corrections involving changes of the most basic clause structure. The corrections in this category may be divided into the three following main types:

  1. The structure of a clause is changed in a way which involves changing the primary syntactic function (subject, finite verb, object, egentligt subjekt 'object-positioned subject' and predicative) of one or more of the words/phrases involved, for instance:

    • Subject changed to egentligt subjekt 'object-positioned subject':

      • För att sammanfatta och svara på frågan om likheter och skillnader finns mellan nynorskans ställning i Norge och svenkans ställning i Finland → För att sammanfatta och svara på frågan om det finns likheter och skillnader mellan nynorskans ställning i Norge och svenskans ställning i Finland

        The inserted expletive subject det is tagged S-Msubj. The movement of the phrase likheter och skillnader indicates its change of function from subject to egentligt subjekt 'object-positioned subject', and the link between this unit in the original text and the same unit in the normalized text is thus tagged S-Clause. (Cf. 6.13 S-Clause vs S-Msubj and 6.9 S-Clause vs word order tags.)

    • Changes between a passive construction and an active construction:

      • I texten sägs det av henne att hon efterlyser de som enbart talar finska → I texten säger hon att hon efterlyser de som enbart talar finska

        A link is created between the group unit sägs det av henne and the group unit säger hon. This link is tagged S-Clause, and this categorization covers all of the corrections involved, none of which should be tagged separately (cf. 4.7 Corrections of tokens included in group units).

    • Subject or object changed to a prepositional complement in an adverbial:

      • du blir bättre → det blir bättre för dig

        A link is created between du and för dig. This link is tagged S-Clause. The inserted det subject is tagged S-Msubj. (Cf. 6.13 S-Clause vs S-Msubj.)

      • I Norge har politiker laggt ner stora summar av pengar för att försvara språket och håller det fast som ett obligatorisk språk för att hålla det levande bland ungdomar → I Norge har politiker lagt ner stora summor pengar för att försvara språket och håller fast vid det som ett obligatoriskt språk för att hålla det levande bland ungdomar

    • Object predicative changed to an attribute of an object NP:

      • Hon skriver också om att ha svenska som obligatorisk i Finland visar att alla är ju finnar och att " finlandssvenska " är bara påhittat → Hon skriver också om att det att ha obligatorisk svenska i Finland visar att alla är ju finnar och att " finlandssvenska " är bara påhittat
  2. The structure of a phrase or a clause is changed in a way which involves a change of the number of clauses involved, for instance:

    • The structure of a noun phrase is changed by changing a framförställt attribut ('preceding attribute') to an efterställt attribut ('succeeding attribute') in the form of a relative clause:

      • min plats → platsen där jag bor (Cf. 7.3 Clause corrected or created?)
    • An attribute in the form of a relative clause is changed to an attribute in the form of a particip 'participle':

      • Människor använder pengar eller nånting som är lika till dem från alltid → Människor har alltid använt pengar eller nånting liknande
    • A finite clause is changed to a noun phrase:

      • tre personer som har sagt sin åsikt om tvångssvenskan och hur svenskan befinner sig → tre personer som har sagt sin åsikt om tvångssvenskan och** läget för svenskan**
    • A finite clause (or a clear attempt at a finite clause, as in the following example) is changed to an infinitive phrase:

      • Men om man åka båt bätre för att båten är jatte stor → Men att åka båt är bättre för att båten är jättestor
    • An infinitive phrase is changed to a finite clause:

      • Att växa upp som en flicka så var det väldigt många orättvisor man fick vänja sig vid. → När man växte upp som en flicka så var det väldigt många orättvisor man fick vänja sig vid (See 7.3 Clause corrected or created?)

      • Riad pratar om den minskande procent av svensktalare i Finland och hur det leds till några att tycka att svenska ska inte vara ett officiellt språk längre → Riad pratar om den minskande procenten svensktalande i Finland och hur detta leder till att några tycker att svenska inte ska vara ett officiellt språk längre

    • A clause is created by adding (at least) a finite verb to a "potential clause" which has no verb at all (finite or infinite) in the original text. (Cf. 7.3 Clause corrected or created?)

      • Konsekvenserna man skulle få ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivillig så skulle mer än hälften av finska befolkningen avskaffa svenskan som modersmålsundervisning och istället fokusera på finska då dem sällan använder svenskan → Konsekvenserna man skulle få ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivilligt **är **att då skulle mer än hälften av den finska befolkningen välja bort svenskan som modersmålsundervisning och istället fokusera på finska då de sällan använder svenskan

        (See also the same example further down in this section.)

      • Hon fördelen med att behålla den obligatoriska svenskan → Hon beskriver fördelen med att behålla den obligatoriska svenskan

      When the creation of the clause involves the addition of a subject, on top of the addition of a finite verb, the added subject is also tagged with S-Clause (cf. 7.3 Clause corrected or created?)

      • Jag studerar på eftermiddag Sfi och förmiddag praktik → Jag studerar sfi på eftermiddagen och på förmiddagen har jag praktik

      • och han tycker att misstänksamheten mellan grupperna som befinner sig i södra Finland lyser med sin frånvaro → och han tycker att den misstänksamhet som finns mellan grupperna i södra Finland lyser med sin frånvaro

  3. The basic clause type (main clause, subordinate clause or main clause with question structure) is changed or specified:

    • A main clause is changed to a subordinate clause, for instance by adding a subjunktion 'subordinating conjunction':

      • Konsekvenserna man skulle få ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivillig skulle mer än hälften av finska befolkningen avskaffa svenskan som modersmålsundervisning och istället fokusera på finska då dem sällan använder svenskan → Konsekvenserna man skulle få ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivilligt är att då skulle mer än hälften av den finska befolkningen välja bort svenskan som modersmålsundervisning och istället fokusera på finska då de sällan använder svenskan

        The added subjunktion 'subordinating conjunction' att indicates that the clause has been changed to a subordinate clause, and att is thus tagged S-Clause, while the change of to is tagged C, as a consequence correction. (The added finite verb är is also tagged S-Clause, since this addition involves an addition of a clause in the clausal hierarchy. See the same example above.)

  • A subordinate clause is changed to a main clause, for instance by removing a subjunktion 'subordinate conjunction':

    • Om du skapar något för att inte känner dig ensam Du kan göra något för att inte känna dig ensam (Cf. 6.14 S-Clause vs S-R.)
  • An "ordinary" main clause is changed to a main clause with question structure:

    • Jag vill att vet vad är problemet som jag inte kan gå till kursen det finns ingen plats eller ni har stoppade den här kurs och ni ska inte har det igen → Jag vill veta vad det är för problem som gör att jag inte kan gå på kursen : Finns det ingen plats eller har ni stoppat den här kursen och ska inte ha den igen ?

      In this case, the changed placement of the finite verb relative to the subject is marked with an S-Clause tag on the finite verb instead of an S-FinV tag.

  • The relationship between two clauses is specified, for instance by the addition of a subjunktion 'subordinating conjunction' or another bisatsinledare ('subordinating connector'):

    • Sådana känslor gör användaren mår dåligt → Sådana känslor gör att användaren mår dåligt

    • Man kan promonera lång tid finns det blåser → Man kan promenera länge när det blåser

Discrimination issues

  • See 6.7 L-W vs S-Clause.

  • See 6.9 S-Clause vs word order tags.

  • See 6.10 S-Clause vs S-Comp.

  • See 6.12 S-Clause vs S-M.

  • See 7.3 Clause corrected or created?

  • See 6.11 S-Clause vs S-Ext.

5.5.3 S-Comp (compound vs multi-word expression)

The S-Comp tag is used for corrections involving the restructuring of the same lexical words within a multi-word expression. It may also be used for changes between a multi-word expression and a one-word expression, when the one-word expression contains a derivational morpheme with the same semantic function as one of the words in the multi-word expression.

Corrections regarding the choice between a compound and a multi-word expression:

  • det vardagliga livet → vardagslivet

  • livsskillnaden  → skillnaden i liv

  • svenska undervisningar →  svenskundervisning

  • avsnittet av texten  → textavsnittet

  • Om det händer att det finns planhalvor så kan det bero på blyghet, osäkerhet, rädsla eller socialfobi → social fobi

    (See 6.2 O-Comp vs S-Comp for further discussion of this example.)

  • Hejdlös sociala medier användning orsakar ensamhet → Hejdlös användning av sociala medier orsakar ensamhet

    (See 6.2 O-Comp vs S-Comp for further discussion of this example.)

Corrections regarding the choice between a compound and a phrasal structure for the combination of a verb and a verbal particle:

  • Enligt Hyltenstam så kan minoritetsspråk räddas om man inblandar dem äldre som kan språket → Enligt Hyltenstam så kan minoritetsspråk räddas om man blandar in de äldre som kan språket

Other corrections involving the restructuring of the same lexical morphemes within a phrase:

  • Skillnader är stor av Sveriges bostad  → Skillnaderna är stora mot bostäder i Sverige

  • Hon var yngre än jag i ett år → Hon var ett år yngre än jag

  • Cecila Christner skriver om hur det svenska språket i skolor blir kallad tvångsvenska i samma tid svenska har blivit icke populärt i Finland → Cecilia Christner skriver om hur det svenska språket i skolorna blir kallat tvångssvenska samtidigt som svenska har blivit impopulärt i Finland

Changes between a multi-word expression and a one-word expression, when the one-word expression contains a derivational morpheme with the same semantic function as one of the words in the multi-word expression:

  • Cecila Christner skriver om hur det svenska språket i skolor blir kallad tvångsvenska i samma tid svenska har blivit icke populärt i Finland → Cecilia Christner skriver om hur det svenska språket i skolorna blir kallat tvångssvenska samtidigt som svenska har blivit impopulärt i Finland

Discrimination issues

  • See 6.2 O-Comp vs S-Comp

  • See 6.4 L-Der vs S-Comp

  • See 6.8 L-W vs S-Comp

  • See 6.10 S-Clause vs S-Comp

  • See 7.2 Verbal particles and reflexives

5.5.4 S-Ext (extensive correction)

The S-Ext tag is used for extensive, often complex, corrections. The syntactic structure of the normalized text segment may rather be described as created than as corrected, and the correction often also involves additions or removals of lexical words. The original text gives a fair indication of an intended meaning (otherwise the correction would be X-marked), but in most S-Ext cases it gives a poor basis for assuming a specific syntactic goal structure and/or a specific wording. In some cases, the wording and the syntactic goal structure may be fairly self-evident, but the S-Ext tag is chosen simply because the correction is too extensive or too complex to be covered by the other S-tags in any meaningful way.

While all normalizations are to be considered interpretations of the original texts, the S-Ext tag indicates that the range of possible normalizations is especially wide, and that the particular normalization chosen thus involves a greater element of subjectivity or randomness.

When categorizing a correction as S-Ext, more specific syntactic corrections involved in the correction (additions or removals of words, word order changes, etc.) are not individually tagged. (Cf. 4.7 Corrections of tokens included in group units.)

  • Det därför tycker jag om det är simma lungt och blåser  → Jag tycker om det för att jag tycker om att simma lugnt och när det blåser

  • Så hur mycket pojkarna bettalad värt inte deras äppelträd eftersom trädet var viktig för dem → Så hur mycket pojkarna betalade var mindre än vad deras äppelträd var värt eftersom trädet var viktigt för dem .

  • Det är lite bättre i huvudstad , när många manniskor bo tilsammans eftersom de kan e betala för  → Det är lite bättre i huvudstaden , när många människor bor tillsammans eftersom det gör att de kan betala

  • Men har det hänt något problem med mig → Men jag har fått ett problem

  • att ta det lugnt och njuta av livet och allt som sker i de, inte bara pengarna → att ta det lugnt och njuta av livet och allt som sker i det, inte bara tänka på pengar (cf. 6.15 S-Ext vs S-M)

  • Riad skriver om ett positiv framtid för svenska i Finland på allt folk har gemensamt kulturell → Riad skriver om en positiv framtid för svenskan i Finland med tanke på allt folk har gemensamt kulturellt (cf. 6.15 S-Ext vs S-M)

Discrimination issues

  • See 6.11 S-Clause vs S-Ext.

  • See 6.15 S-Ext vs S-M.

  • See 6.16 S-Ext vs X.

5.5.5 S-FinV (placement of finite verb)

The S-FinV tag is used for corrections of a finite verb placement, unless the correction concerns the ordering between the finite verb and an adverb, in which case the correction is tagged with the S-Adv tag.

  • Vor du bor? → Var bor du?

  • I morgon jag åker  → I morgon åker jag

  • Efteråt man surfar på internet → Efteråt surfar man på internet

  • När jag ätiti, jag sover → När jag ätit, sover jag

  • Eller det skapar kontakter och trivs? → Eller skapar de kontakter och trivsel?

Higher priority than

  • S-WO

Lower priority than

  • S-Adv

But see also 7.6 Exceptions to the default ranking of the word order tags.

5.5.6 S-M (word missing, other)

The S-M tag is used when a word is missing in the original text and has been added in the normalized version. This includes the addition of reflexives and verbal particles. (See Verbal particles and reflexives.)

  • Jag gillar inte tapeterna i min kusins lägenhet men han inte byta dem eftersom det är hyresrätt → ... han kan inte byta dem ... (Cf. 7.3 Clause corrected or created?)

  • Jag trivs mycket bo med dem → jag trivs mycket med att bo med dem

  • men känner bara fysiskt närvarande → men känner sig bara fysiskt närvarande

  • Jag slår ord i ordboken när jag inte vet → Jag slår upp ord i ordboken när jag inte vet...

Lower priority than

  • M-Def; added articles should be tagged M-Def rather than S-M.

  • M-Verb; added ha, komma and skola auxiliaries should be tagged M-Verb rather than S-M.

  • S-Msubj; added subjects should be tagged S-Msubj rather than S-M.

Discrimination issues

  • Additions of subjunktioner ('subordinating conjunctions') are tagged S-Clause rather than S-M. See 6.12 S-Clause vs S-M.

  • Finite verbs which are added as part of creating a whole new clause in the normalization should be tagged S-Clause rather than S-M. See 7.3 Clause corrected or created?

  • See 6.15 S-Ext vs S-M.

  • See 6.17 S-Type vs S-M and S-R.

  • See 7.2 Verbal particles and reflexives.

5.5.7 S-Msubj (subject missing)

The S-Msubj tag is used to mark corrections involving the addition of a subject which is missing in a clause in the original text. This includes cases when the pronoun/subjunktion 'subordinating conjunction' som has been inserted as a subject. It also includes typical instances when a det has been inserted due to platshållartvånget 'the placeholder requirement'.

  • Regnar ute  → Det regnar ute

  • Det är inte bara arbetet och arbetslivet kan ge stress → Det är inte bara arbetet och arbetslivet som kan ge stress

  • Det är viktigt att veta vad händer → Det är viktigt att veta vad som händer

  • I annan text " Tre röster om svenskans ställning i Finland " Parnass 2013:3 som är skriven av författaren Catharina Söderbergh beskriver dem tre olika ställningar som finns om svenska inom Finland → I en annan text , " Tre röster om svenskans ställning i Finland " ( Parnass 2013:3 ) , som är skriven av författaren Catharina Söderbergh , beskriver författaren de tre olika inställningar som finns till svenska i Finland

  • Finns många nya lagenheterna i dyrare delar i huvudstaden →  Det finns många nya lägenheter i dyrare delar i huvudstaden

The S-Msubj tag should be placed on a det which has been inserted as a subject, even when the original clause contains a subject (see 6.13 S-Clause vs S-Msubj), i.e. also in cases like the following:

  • Det is inserted as a subject in the normalized text, and the subject in the original text is changed to an egentligt subjekt ('object-positioned subject'):

    • på andra sidan finns människor som har så mycket pengar att de kan köpa halva världen → Å andra sidan finns det människor som har så mycket pengar att de kan köpa halva världen

      Det is tagged with S-Msubj. In this particular example, no additional visible correction (besides the insertion of det) corresponding to the change of the original subject to an egentligt subjekt ('object-positioned subject') is made, and this correction is therefore not tagged at all (cf. 4.3 Only visible corrections are tagged).

    • För att sammanfatta och svara på frågan om likheter och skillnader finns mellan nynorskans ställning i Norge och svenkans ställning i Finland → För att sammanfatta och svara på frågan om det finns likheter och skillnader mellan nynorskans ställning i Norge och svenskans ställning i Finland

      The inserted expletive subject det is tagged S-Msubj. The movement of the phrase likheter och skillnader indicates its change of function from subject to egentligt subjekt 'object-positioned subject'. The link between this unit in the original text and the same unit in the normalized text is thus tagged S-Clause. (Cf. 6.9 S-Clause vs word order tags.)

  • A heavy subject is moved to a position further back in the clause, and det is inserted in the subject position:

    • Hon försätter skriva om att inte avskaffa den obligatoriska svenskan på skolan är fördel för ungdomar → Hon fortsätter skriva om att det är en fördel för ungdomar att inte avskaffa den obligatoriska svenskan i skolan

      The inserted det is tagged as S-Msubj and the moved subject is tagged as S-WO.

  • Det (possibly followed by att) is inserted as a subject before an infinitive phrase already functioning as a subject (and the infinitive phrase becomes an attribute to det):

    • Hon skriver också om att ha svenska som obligatorisk i Finland visar att alla är ju finnar och att " finlandssvenska " är bara påhittat . -> Hon skriver också om att det att* ha obligatorisk svenska i Finland* visar att alla är ju finnar och att " finlandssvenska " är bara påhittat .

      det is tagged as S-Msubj, att is tagged S-M. The function shift of the infinitive phrase is an "invisible" correction, and is thus not tagged at all (cf. 4.3 Only visible corrections are tagged).

Higher priority than

  • S-M

Discrimination issues

  • The S-Msubj tag should only be applied in those cases when the clause is already present in the original text. When a subject has been added as part of a correction involving the creation of a clause which was not present in the original text, the subject should be tagged as S-Clause, just as the rest of the added or changed elements involved in the creation of the clause. See 7.3 Clause corrected or created?

  • The S-Msubj tag should however be applied to a det which is added as a subject to an already present clause even when this clause already contains another subject. See examples above and 6.13 S-Clause vs S-Msubj.

5.5.8 S-Other

The S-Other tag is used for syntactic corrections not covered by any of the other S-tags. Its usage includes:

  • A negated pronoun is exchanged for a negation and a non-negated pronoun:

    • Det finns platser i världen, där manga har ingen att ätta → Det finns platser i världen där många inte har någonting att äta

    • jag önskar att det finns inget problem att få min pengar tillbaka → jag hoppas att det inte finns något problem med att få mina pengar tillbaka

  • A double negation is corrected to a simple negation:

    • seden har jag fått att anm$la till andra kurs utan betala ingeting → sedan har jag fått anmäla mig till en annan kurs utan att betala någonting

Lower priority than all other S-tags.

5.5.9 S-R (word redundant)

The S-R tag is used when a word is redundant in the original text and has been removed in the normalized version. This includes the removal of reflexives and verbal particles. (See 7.2 Verbal particles and reflexives.)

  • Man behöver inte att klä på sig → Man behöver inte klä på sig

  • Det är ett personligt ansvar för att välja → Det är ett personligt ansvar att välja

  • X-stad är närmare till X-land än X-stad → X-stad är närmare X-land än X-stad

  • De första mobiltelefonerna kom i 1957 → De första mobiltelefonerna kom 1957

  • De nya kommunikationssätten har medfört med stora möjligheter → De nya kommunikationssätten har medfört stora möjligheter

  • sociala medier blev en essentiell del av våra liv som vi inte kan slänga det i den moderna världen → sociala medier blev en essentiell del av våra liv som vi inte kan slänga i den moderna världen

  • De promenerade sig i parken → De promenerade i parken

  • Hon gav bort honom en blomma → Hon gav honom en blomma

Lower priority than

  • M-Def; concerns the removal of articles.

  • M-Verb; concerns the removal of ha, komma and skola auxiliaries.

Discrimination issues

  • Removals of subjunktioner 'subordinate conjunctions' should be tagged S-Clause rather than S-R. See 6.14 S-Clause vs S-R.

  • Removals of words which are part of restructuring a phrase or a clause in a way which removes a clause altogether should also be tagged S-Clause rather than S-R. See 6.14 S-Clause vs S-R.

  • When a singular indefinite article is removed from a plural indefinite NP, the removed article should be tagged M-Num rather than M-Def or S-R. See 7.5 Singular indefinite article removed from plural indefinite NP.

  • See 6.17 S-Type vs S-M and S-R.

  • See 7.2 Verbal particles and reflexives.

5.5.10 S-Type (change of phrase type/part of speech)

The S-Type tag is used when a word or phrase has been changed to a word with another part of speech or another phrase type.

The S-Type tag is usually combined with an L-Der or an L-W tag.

Example, S-Type and L-W

  • Tycker om min plats har en köpa mat ett , litet centrum en förskolan en vårdcentralen → Jag tycker om platsen där jag bor , den har en mataffär , ett litet centrum , en förskola , en vårdcentral

    See 5.2.4 L-W (wrong word or phrase) for more examples.

Example, S-Type and L-Der

  • Jag ska solen och bada → Jag ska sola och bada

    See 5.2.1 L-Der (word formation) for more examples.

Discrimination issues

  • Whenever the syntactic category of a phrase is changed only by the addition or removal of one or more words, the S-M and S-R tags should be used rather than the S-Type tag, see 6.17 S-Type vs S-M and S-R.

5.5.11 S-WO (word order, other)

The S-WO tag is used for word order corrections which are not covered by the S-Adv or the S-FinV categories.

In corrections regarding the relative placement of a phrasal head and a modifying element (for instance a noun and its attribute), the modifying element should be marked rather than the phrasal head (e.g. min rather than bostad in the example below):

  • Bostaden min → Min bostad

In cases when the word order change may be interpreted as moving an element "out of" a normally fairly fixed structure, that element should be marked rather than an element included in the more fixed structure (dem rather than upp in the example below).

  • Man kan inte vänta att lägga de upp på social medier → Man kan inte vänta med att lägga upp dem på sociala medier

In other cases the placement of the tag may be chosen freely between the elements which have been moved relative to each other, but the readability of the resulting visualization should be taken into consideration.

Lower priority than

  • S-Adv

  • S-FinV

But see also 7.6 Exceptions to the default ranking of the word order tags.

Discrimination issues

  • See 6.9 S-Clause vs word order tags.

5.6 Other tags

The final group of tags, collected under the heading Other, contains six tags used for various purposes:

  • The C tag is used for corrections which are necessitated by other corrections, but which do not reflect mistakes in the original text.

  • The Cit-FL tag is used for segments of foreign language which have not been corrected during normalization.

  • The Com! and OBS! tags are used for notes and comments - the Com! tag for comments intended for the future corpus user, and the OBS! tag for work notes on pending analyses meant for internal project use.

  • The Unid tag is used for "unidentified" corrections, i.e. corrections which are not covered by any of the correction categories defined in the taxonomy.

  • The X tag is used for unintelligible strings.

Four of these tags, namely Cit-FL, Com!, OBS! and X are available already during the normalization process, and are normally inserted already by the normalizer.

5.6.1 C-Consistency corrections

The C tag represents consistency corrections, a category which covers necessary (follow-up) corrections in the normalized text that come as a result of a previous correction, i.e. originally there was no mistake in the segment, but due to an introduced correction in the neighboring context, a correction is necessary in the segment. By using this tag we indicate that the error was not made originally by the learner.

In some instances it may not be self-evident which one of two related corrections that should be considered as necessitating the other, but by marking one of them with C we avoid marking a single mistake in the original text as two.

  • Bostaden min → Min bostad

    The shift of word order is marked as a word order correction (S-WO). The change from definite form (bostaden) to indefinite form (bostad) of the noun is made necessary because of the shift of word order, and is thus marked as a consistency correction (C).

  • Det ger en en positiv energi därmed kan man bli av med stress → Det ger en en positiv energi . Därmed kan man bli av med stress

    The insertion of the full stop is tagged as a punctuation correction (P-M). The capitalization of the following D is made necessary because of the insertion of the full stop, and is thus marked as a consistency correction (C).

  • Min bostanden ser ut som lilla centrum med vlere affere →  Mitt bostadsområde ser ut som ...

    The change from bostanden to bostadsområde is marked as a lexical correction (L-W) and a morphological correction (M-Def). The gender change of the pronoun, from min (non-neuter) to mitt (neuter) is made necessary because of the change of word (from the non-neuter bostad to the neuter bostadsområde), and is thus marked as a consistency correction (C).

  • För det första är vi går skolan från dagsskolan till allika nivå för att vi hittar jobb sen tjänar vi lön → För det första går vi i skolan från förskolan till olika nivåer för att vi ska hitta ett jobb , sen får vi lön

    The removal of är is marked as S-R, while the movement of går to the finite verb position (where it replaces the likewise finite verb är) is tagged with C.

  • När jag kommer första i 2012 , jag bodde i en social lagenhet med 3 andra person → När jag först kom 2012 bodde jag i en kommunal lägenhet med 3 andra personer

    The link between första and först is tagged with S-Adj/adv (see this section) and with C, which indicates that the word order change is a consequence of the change from adjective to adverb. (An alternative normalization would be to keep the adjective form första and add the noun gången.)

  • Jag stoppade i lång tid att saga till mina vänner i D-hemland hur jag bo här , vad extra vi ha här , e.g. tvättstuga → Jag slutade för länge sen att säga till mina vänner i D-hemland hur jag bor här , vilka extra saker vi har här , t.ex. tvättstuga

    The addition of saker is tagged as S-M, and the correction of vad to vilka is tagged with C, since it is the congruence with saker which determines the choice of pronoun.

5.6.2 Cit-FL (cited foreign word judged acceptable in the normalization)

The Cit-FL tag is used for foreign (non-Swedish) words, phrases or text segments, which have been kept by the normalizer since their usage has been judged acceptable given the norms of the text type in question. This may be the case for instance for explicitly marked citations or intentional code switching appropriate for the genre. The Cit-FL tag is thus used to mark words and text segments which have not been corrected in the normalized version, but which nevertheless are not passable as standard Swedish.

Note that the only requirement for applying this code is that the word or text segment is recognizable as another language than Swedish, and that the choice to use this other language is judged appropriate for the genre and the text. No judgement or correction of the word or text segment is made relative to the norms of the foreign language in questions. For instance, spelling mistakes are left uncorrected.

The Cit-FL tag is usually added already during normalization.

Judged as appropriate code switching:

  • Badrum var basic men rent → Badrummet var basic men rent

  • gillar du quiz nights? → gillar du quiz nights?

Clearly marked citation of Norwegian passage:

  • I samma artikel skriver Bengt Östling om man läser några webbsidor där norska ungdomar debatterar , förstår man att diskussionen om den obligatoriska nynorskan är inflammerad . " Ett språk som holdes kunstig i live gjennom tvan og finansiering gjennom skatt , og sakte men sikkert dör ut ja . Det finns ikke vilje hos folk til å beholde nynorsk " , lyder det i ett debattinlägg . → I samma artikel skriver Bengt Östling att om man läser några webbsidor där norska ungdomar debatterar , förstår man att diskussionen om den obligatoriska nynorskan är inflammerad . " Ett språk som holdes kunstig i live gjennom tvan og finansiering gjennom skatt , og sakte men sikkert dör ut ja . Det finns ikke vilje hos folk til å beholde nynorsk " , låter det i ett debattinlägg .

Discrimination issues

  • See 7.1 Non-Swedish words and sequences.

5.6.3 Com! (comments for the corpus users)

The Com! tag is connected to an edge comment field, which is open for freely composed comments. It is available already during the normalization process.

The Com! tag is used for comments on specific tokens or text sequences which are relevant for future users of the corpus, and which are thus meant to be kept in the published corpus. (Comments regarding the text as a whole or recurring properties in the text may be added in the Document comment field, see section 4.9.)

The Com! tag may for instance be used to mark text segments which are copied from the task formulation. If a significant portion of the text consists of copied text, this should preferably be indicated also in the Document comment field, in addition to the edge comment field connected to the Com! tag.

The Com! tag is also used when a string which in the transcribed original includes a "$" (representing an unreadable character) has been assumed to be correct, and thus has not been annotated with a tag representing any correction category. In such cases the comment "Original assumed to be correct" is written in the edge comment field. Cf. 4.8 Annotation of strings including unreadable signs in transcribed texts.

5.6.4 OBS! (notes and pending analyses)

The OBS! tag is, like the Com! tag, connected to an edge comment field, and is available already during the normalization process.

The OBS! tag is used to mark pending analyses to which the annotator wants to return, remarks which the normalizer wishes to pass on to the correction annotator, etc.

5.6.5 Unid (unidentified correction)

The Unid tag is used for any type of correction which cannot be covered by any of the correction categories defined in the taxonomy.

Lower priority than all other tags

5.6.6 X (unintelligible string)

The X tag is used to mark unintelligible strings in the original text. The tag is available and usually added already during the normalization process. The marked original string may be left unchanged in the normalized version, or the normalizer may replace it with some more or less wild guess of the intended message.

The X tag may be used both in cases when there is no reasonable interpretation of the string, and when there are several somewhat reasonable interpretations, but none of these interpretations may be settled as better than the other.

  • En argumentera på är viktigt hur man bor är bor på en bra hem

  • och vi har 3 rum it huset dar rum är meka bra liv med maen familija dar huset familjbostder och jag vill sta och jog kan ante skriv meka ord → och vi har 3 rum i huset . dar rum är mycket bra liv med min familj där i huset från Familjebostäder och jag vill stanna och jag kan inte skriva många ord

    The text from which this example is collected has some German or possibly Dutch traits, and a fairly resonable guess is that dar rum is meant to be darum. Another, less likely, possibility is that dar rum is intended to mean där rum, but that interpretation necessitates extensive changes in the rest of the text passage in order to create a syntactically functional string. By marking dar rum with X and keeping the rest of the sentence unchanged in the normalized text version, the normalization as a whole is better adjusted to the principle of minimal change.

    Stanna is a reasonable guess about the intention with sta, but not well founded enough for the correction to be marked as an orthographic correction. Many other interpretations are obviously also possible.

  • Jag bo i ett lägenhet med min sambo och våras yng dotter → Jag bor i en lägenhet med min sambo och vår lilla dotter

    While the string yng suggests that the intended word might be yngsta, the rest of the text makes lilla appear more likely.

Discrimination issues

  • See 6.16 S-Ext vs X.

6. Discriminating between specific correction categories

6.1 O vs punctuation tags

The removal, addition or change of token-internal punctuation is in some instances tagged as O, and in some instances tagged with the suitable punctuation tag.

  • Removal or addition of periods from abbreviations is tagged O:


    (tv is used as for television, not tills vidare)

  • Additions of colons between abbreviations (etc.) and suffixes are tagged O:

    • vdar → vd:ar
  • Change of punctuation in tokens mainly consisting of numbers is generally tagged with the suitable punctuation tag:

    • Forskning och framsteg 2009.2 → Forskning och framsteg 2009:2 (P-W)

    • 5.5 procent → 5,5 procent (P-W)

Cf. also 7.4 Spaces, hyphens and dashes.

6.2 O-Comp vs S-Comp

Corrections concerning the forming of an expression as a compound or a multi-word expression are divided into two categories in the SweLL correction taxonomy: Corrections which are judged to concern the mere orthographic rendering with or without a space between two words are marked with the O-Comp tag, while corrections which are judged to concern the actual choice between a compound and a multi-word expression are marked with the S-Comp tag. Borderline or unclear cases between these two categories obviously exist, but for the most part one of the options is clearly the better one.

The O-Comp tag is primarily used for corrections of standard cases of särskrivning (the faulty writing of a compound with a space in between the two compounded words):

  • Det ligger ett kultur hus nära min bostad → kulturhus

It may also be used for corrections which involve changing the first word of the compound into a specific compound form, in addition to the removal of the space between the two words. In such cases, the correction is marked with both the O-Comp tag and the L-Der tag:

  • Kommunikation förändring → Kommunikationsförändring

More rarely, the O-Comp tag may be applied when a multi-word expression in the original text has been corrected through the adding of a space between two of the words:

  • engång → en gång

The S-Comp tag is used whenever the correction is more complex than the mere addition or removal of a space between two words (and possibly changing the form of the first word of a compound).

  • det vardagliga livet → vardagslivet

  • livsskillnaden → skillnaden i liv

  • svenska undervisningar → svenskundervisning

  • Enligt Hyltenstam så kan minoritetsspråk räddas om man inblandar dem äldre som kan språket → Enligt Hyltenstam så kan minoritetsspråk räddas om man blandar in de äldre som kan språket

However, in some cases the S-Comp tag is more suitable than the O-Comp tag, although the correction superficially merely involves the presence of a space. This is the case when two words may be correctly formed as a compound (without a space) and as a two-word expression (with a space), and the meaning of the compound version and the two-word version are either the same or else both plausible in the context. The correction made is thus not due to the chosen expression being unthinkable, but due to the other expressions happening to be the established lexical unit:

  • Om det händer att det finns planhalvor så kan det bero på blyghet, osäkerhet, rädsla eller socialfobi → social fobi

In this case, socialfobi is a perfectly well formed compound, but it is corrected to the two-word expression social fobi because this is the established way to express the intended meaning. The mistake made by the writer is therefore not judged to be a case of having missed a space in between two words in a two-word expression, but it is judged to be a case of the writer actually having chosen the compound expression instead of the established two-word expression. The correction is thus marked with the S-Comp tag.

Moreover, in some cases the S-Comp tag may be applied although neither the original nor the normalized string is a single orthographic word. This includes cases when the string in the original text may be interpreted as an instance of a compound, although it includes spaces:

  • Hejdlös sociala medier användning orsakar ensamhet → Hejdlös användning av sociala medier orsakar ensamhet

In this particular case, the string in the original text may be interpreted as a compound between a two-word phrase (sociala medier) and the word användning. According to the norms of written standard Swedish, such compounds should be written as sociala medier-användning etc. While such a minimal correction is not an unthinkable solution for the normalization, the normalizer has here judged a restructuring of the NP as a better solution, and the correction should be tagged S-Comp.

6.3 L-Der vs L-W

When the stem of a one-word unit is completely exchanged or morphologically restructured, the correction is tagged either with L-Der or with L-W. (Changes of non-Swedish words to Swedish words are excepted, these are tagged L-FL, see 7.1 Non-Swedish words and sequences.)

The following general rule determines which of the L-Der and L-W tags that should be chosen:

  • If the root morpheme(s) of the category-defining part of the stem is kept, the L-Der tag should be chosen. If not, the L-W tag should be chosen.

This general rule implies the following:

  1. The word is completely exchanged (no common morphemes) → L-W

    • transformerade → förändrade
  2. Only derivational morphemes are corrected (added, removed or exchanged) → L-Der

    • stressiga → stressade

    • ändring → förändring

    • förstöra → störa

  3. Corrections of the first word of a compound → L-Der

    a. The form of the first word of a compound is corrected → L-Der

    • tvångsvenska → tvångssvenska

    • sagabok → sagobok

    b. The first word of a compound is exchanged → L-Der

    • dagsskolan  → förskolan

    • människogrupper → folkgrupper

  4. Corrections of the second word of a compound

    a. The second word of a compound is completely exchanged (no common morphemes) → L-W

    • vårsemestern → vårterminen

    b. The second word of a compound is changed in a way which also involves root morphemes (additions, removals, exchanges) → L-W

    • maktfull → maktfullkomlig

    c. The second word of a compound is changed with regard to derivational morphemes (additions, removals, exchanges), but the root is kept → L-Der

    • nybyggnadnybyggd
  5. An additional word is added to the word in the original text, forming a compound out of a simplex, or a longer compound out of a shorter one

    a. A word is added before the original word, forming a compound in which the second, i.e. the category-defining, word in the normalized version is identical to the word in the original version → L-Der

    • ställning → inställning

    b. A word is added after the original word, forming a compound in which the second, i.e. the category-defining, word in the normalized version is another than the word in the original version → L-W

    • historianhistorieskrivningen
  6. A part of a compound is removed, forming a simplex or a shorter compound

    a. The last, category-defining, part of the compound is kept → L-Der

    • orsaksföljdenföljden

    b. The last, category-defining, part of the compound is removed → L-W

    • fikatidfikat

    • semesterdagsemester

Note: Changes from båda to både, or the other way around, are tagged as L-Der (and S-Type) rather than as L-W:

  • något ha en " svart " avställning båda i jobbet och från bostad → Någon har en " svart " inkomst både från jobbet och från bostaden

6.4 L-Der vs S-Comp

The L-Der tag is exclusively used for changes between one-word units (not necessarily one-token units, since a word may be mistakenly written as two tokens). Both the original unit and the normalized unit should thus consist of just one word for the L-Der tag to be applicable.

When the same lexical morphemes are arranged as a multi-word unit in one text version and as a single word unit in the other text version, the S-Comp tag should be applied rather than the L-Der tag, even when derivational morphemes are involved in the correction:

  • Cecila Christner skriver om hur det svenska språket i skolor blir kallad tvångsvenska i samma tid svenska har blivit icke populärt i Finland → Cecilia Christner skriver om hur det svenska språket i skolorna blir kallat tvångssvenska samtidigt som svenska har blivit impopulärt i Finland

6.5 L-W vs M-Case

When the form dem is changed to the form de used as a definite article, the correction is tagged as L-W and S-Type, not as M-Case:

  • den obligatoriska svenskundervisningen i dem finska skolorna → den obligatoriska svenskundervisningen i de finska skolorna

6.6 L-W vs M-Verb

The L-W tag is normally used for complete exchanges of words (no root morpheme kept, cf. 6.3 L-Der vs L-W). This includes most exchanges of auxiliary verbs. Only when a ha, skola or komma auxiliary is exchanged for another ha, skola or komma auxiliary is the M-Verb tag used instead.

  • Ha, skola or komma auxiliary exchanged for another ha, skola or komma auxiliary, tagged M-Verb:

    • Tyvärr ska jag inte komma på kursen → Tyvärr kommer jag inte att komma på kursen
  • Change between a ha, skola or komma auxiliary and another verb, tagged L-W:

    • Jag tror att det vill bli bra → Jag tror att det kommer att bli bra
  • Change between other auxiliary verbs, tagged L-W:

    • Det måste inte gå fel → Det får inte gå fel

6.7 L-W vs S-Clause

Word changes made to change a main clause to a subordinate clause or the other way around are tagged S-Clause rather than L-W:

  • Jag är jättetrött därför sover jag inte på nätterna → Jag är jättetrött eftersom jag inte sover på nätterna

6.8 L-W vs S-Comp

Both the L-W tag and the S-Comp tag may be used for changes between a one-word unit and a multi-word unit, and for changes between two multi-word units.

The L-W tag may only be used when at least one lexical morpheme is different between the two strings:

  • Finns många nya lagenheterna i dyrare delar i huvudstaden , men detta är lång distans från räker nummer . → Det finns många nya lägenheter i dyrare delar i huvudstaden , men detta är långt ifrån tillräckligt .

If both the original string and the normalized string contain the same lexical morphemes but with another internal structure, the S-Comp tag should be applied rather than the L-W tag:

  • det vardagliga livet → vardagslivet

6.9 S-Clause vs word order tags

There are three cases when a word order change should be tagged S-Clause rather than with one of the word order tags (S-Adv, S-FinV or S-WO). These three cases are described below.

Case 1: A unit is moved because its syntactic function has been changed

When a phrase is moved because its syntactic function has changed, this phrase should be tagged S-Clause, instead of a word order tag being used. For instance, in the following example, the phrase likheter och skillnader is moved relative to the finite verb finns because its syntactic function has changed, which means that likheter och skillnader should be tagged S-Clause rather than the finite verb being tagged S-FinV:

  • För att sammanfatta och svara på frågan om likheter och skillnader finns mellan nynorskans ställning i Norge och svenkans ställning i Finland → För att sammanfatta och svara på frågan om det finns likheter och skillnader mellan nynorskans ställning i Norge och svenskans ställning i Finland

    The inserted expletive subject det is tagged S-Msubj. The movement of the phrase likheter och skillnader indicates its change of function from subject to egentligt subjekt 'object-positioned subject', and the link between this unit in the original text and the same unit in the normalized text is thus tagged S-Clause.

Case 2: A unit has been moved as part of a change between a main clause structure and a subordinate clause structure which is also indicated by other means

When a clause is changed from a main clause to a subordinate clause, or the other way around, the correction is tagged S-Clause.

Many S-Adv and S-FinV corrections concern changes between the word order typical for main clauses (fa-ordföljd '*fa-*word order') and the word order typical for subordinate clauses (af-ordföljd '*af-*word order'). However, Swedish allows some main clauses with *af-*word order and some subordinate clauses with *fa-*word order. Therefore, a word order change of this type is not in itself considered to indicate a shift between a main clause structure and a subordinate clause structure. Such a change has to be indicated by the removal or the addition of a conjunction, the change from a co-ordinating to a subordinating conjunction, or the like.

For mere word order changes between an *af-*word order and a *fa-*word order, the S-Adv and S-FinV tags are used:

  • Jag är jättetrött eftersom jag sover inte på nätterna. → Jag är jättetrött eftersom jag inte sover på nätterna. (S-Adv)

  • Jag berättade vad ville jag helst göra → Jag berättade vad jag helst ville göra (S-FinV)

When a correction between a main clause structure and a subordinate clause structure is indicated by a conjunction change/addition or the like, but also involves a word order change, the word order change is treated as involved in or a consequence of the change of clause structure:

  • där berättare Matts Lindqvist hatet som finns mot finlandssvenska eller svenska språket är inte resultat av partiet Sannfinländarna → där berättar Matts Lindqvist om att hatet som finns mot finlandssvenska eller svenska språket inte är ett resultat av partiet Sannfinländarna

    The addition of att is tagged with S-Clause, while the movement of the negation inte relative to the finite verb är is tagged with C rather than with S-Adv, since this word order change is a consequence of the change from a main clause structure to a subordinate clause structure.

  • Tråkigt att det är tyst och folk hälsar knappt på varandra i din område → Tråkigt att det är tyst och att folk knappt hälsar på varandra i ditt område

    This example is a parallel to the example above. The addition of att is tagged S-Clause and the movement of knappt is tagged C.

Case 3: Change between an "ordinary" main clause structure and a question structure

  • Jag vill att vet vad är problemet som jag inte kan gå till kursen det finns ingen plats eller ni har stoppade den här kurs och ni ska inte har det igen → Jag vill veta vad det är för problem som gör att jag inte kan gå på kursen : Finns det ingen plats eller har ni stoppat den här kursen och ska inte ha den igen ?

    In this case, the changed placement of the finite verb relative to the subject is marked with an S-Clause tag on the finite verb instead of an S-FinV tag.

6.10 S-Clause vs S-Comp

The S-Comp tag is only used for restructuring of the same lexical morphemes within the same phrase and without affecting the primary syntactic function of the words/phrases involved.

In the following example the object predicative som obligatorisk in the verb phrase is turned into the attribute obligatorisk in the object NP, and the S-Clause tag is thus applied rather than the S-Comp tag:

  • Hon skriver också om att ha svenska som obligatorisk i Finland visar att alla är ju finnar och att " finlandssvenska " är bara påhittat . → Hon skriver också om att det att ha obligatorisk svenska i Finland visar att alla är ju finnar och att " finlandssvenska " är bara påhittat .

6.11 S-Clause vs S-Ext

The distinction between S-Clause and S-Ext corrections is not clear cut, and borderline cases exist.

The following correction has been tagged with S-Clause on each of the added tokens (där, man, kan), but is to be considered a borderline case for an S-Ext classification:

  • Du kan vila på skogen där och finns bad simma → Du kan vila i skogen där och det finns bad där man kan simma (G54GT3)

This corrections involves:

  • a creation of a clause by adding both a subject and a finite verb

  • a creation of a relationship between the created clause and the rest of the sentence, by adding the adverb där, thus making the created clause into a subordinate clause

The clause which is created in the normalized version is suggested in the original version only by the infinitive simma, and the relationship between the main clause and the created clause is completely implicit in the original version. This lack of support for a specific syntactic organization of the normalized interpretation speaks in favor of an S-Ext classification of the correction. On the other hand, the additions in the normalized version are not that semantically specific or syntactically complex, and both the clause creation (the addition of the subject and the finite verb) and the creation of a subordination relationship (the addition of the adverb där) are in themselves standard examples of S-Clause corrections, which speaks in favor of an S-Clause classification.

6.12 S-Clause vs S-M

Additions of subjunktioner ('subordinating conjunctions') and other bisatsinledare ('subordinating connectors') are tagged S-Clause rather than S-M. The additions may indicate a change from a main clause structure to a subordinate clause structure, or specify an otherwise unspecified relationship between the clauses in the original version:

  • Sådana känslor gör användaren mår dåligt → Sådana känslor gör att användaren mår dåligt

  • Man kan promonera lång tid finns det blåser → Man kan promenera länge när det blåser

  • Konsekvenserna man skulle få ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivillig så skulle mer än hälften av finska befolkningen avskaffa svenskan som modersmålsundervisning och istället fokusera på finska då dem sällan använder svenskan → Konsekvenserna man skulle få ifall undervisning i svenska blev frivilligt är att då skulle mer än hälften av den finska befolkningen välja bort svenskan som modersmålsundervisning och istället fokusera på finska då de sällan använder svenskan (Cf. this example under S-Clause.)

  • I samma artikel skriver Bengt Östling om man läser några webbsidor där norska ungdomar debatterar, förstår man att diskussionen om den obligatoriska nynorskan är inflammerad → I samma artikel skriver Bengt Östling att om man läser några webbsidor där norska ungdomar debatterar, förstår man att diskussionen om den obligatoriska nynorskan är inflammerad

See also 7.3 Clause corrected or created?

6.13 S-Clause vs S-Msubj

When det is added as subject to a clause, det should be tagged S-Msubj even in those cases when the original clause already contains a subject. This means that the S-Msubj should be used instead of or, in some instances, in addition to the S-Clause tag in these cases.

The S-Clause tag is otherwise used for changes of the primary syntactic function of a word in a clause, e.g. changing the function of the original subject. Instances of adding a det subject are thus treated as a special case, in order to have all additions of det subjects tagged with the same tag - S-Msubj.


  • du blir bättre → det blir bättre för dig

    A link is created between du and för dig. This link is tagged S-Clause. The inserted det subject is tagged S-Msubj. (See the same example under 5.5.2 S-Clause (basic clause structure).)

  • på andra sidan finns människor som har så mycket pengar att de kan köpa halva världen  → Å andra sidan finns det människor som har så mycket pengar att de kan köpa halva världen

    Det is tagged with S-Msubj. In this particular example, no additional visible correction (besides the insertion of det) corresponding to the change of the original subject to an egentligt subjekt ('object-positioned subject') is made, and this correction is therefore not tagged at all (cf. 4.3 Only visible corrections are tagged.).

  • För att sammanfatta och svara på frågan om likheter och skillnader finns mellan nynorskans ställning i Norge och svenkans ställning i Finland → För att sammanfatta och svara på frågan om det finns likheter och skillnader mellan nynorskans ställning i Norge och svenskans ställning i Finland

    The inserted expletive subject det is tagged S-Msubj. The movement of the phrase likheter och skillnader indicates its change of function from subject to egentligt subjekt 'object-positioned subject', and the link between this unit in the original text and the same unit in the normalized text is thus tagged S-Clause. (Cf. 6.9 S-Clause vs word order tags.)

Additional examples are given under 5.5.7 S-Msubj (subject missing).

Note: The S-Msubj tag should only be applied in those cases when the clause is already present in the original text. When a subject has been added as part of a correction involving the creation of a clause which was not present in the original text, the subject should be tagged as S-Clause, just as the rest of the added or changed elements involved in the creation of the clause. See 7.3 Clause corrected or created?

6.14 S-Clause vs S-R

Restructuring of phrases and clauses which involve the removal of a clause should be tagged with S-Clause rather than S-R, for instance:

  • The structure of a noun phrase is changed by changing an attribute in the form of a relative clause to an attribute in the form of a PP:

    • och han tycker att misstänksamheten mellan grupperna som befinner sig i södra Finland lyser med sin frånvaro → och han tycker att den misstänksamhet som finns mellan grupperna i södra Finland lyser med sin frånvaro

      The underlined string, which is removed in the normalized version, is tagged S-Clause (the link runs between the string in the original version and "nothing").

    • man kan betala hela avgift kommer från en lagenhet → man kan betala hela avgiften för en lägenhet

      The underlined strings are linked and the link is marked with S-Clause.

The removal of a subjunktion 'subordinate conjunction' or another bisatsinledare ('subordinating connector'), indicating the shift from a subordinate clause structure to a main clause structure, should also be tagged S-Clause rather than S-R:

  • Om du skapar något för att inte känner dig ensam → Du kan göra något för att inte känna dig ensam

6.15 S-Ext vs S-M

The distinction between S-Ext and S-M is not clear cut, and borderline cases exist. When the added words may be seen as a correction of a goal structure which is fairly clearly aimed at in the original text, the S-M tag should be used. But when the added words are rather a creation of a structure, the S-Ext tag should be used.

The following examples are borderline cases between S-Ext and S-M corrections, which have been tagged as S-Ext:

  • att ta det lugnt och njuta av livet och allt som sker i de, inte bara pengarna → att ta det lugnt och njuta av livet och allt som sker i det, inte bara tänka på pengar

    In this case, the added verb becomes the main word in the infinitive phrase of the normalized text, which speaks in favor of considering the structure created rather than corrected.

  • Riad skriver om ett positiv framtid för svenska i Finland på allt folk har gemensamt kulturell → Riad skriver om en positiv framtid för svenskan i Finland med tanke på allt folk har gemensamt kulturellt

The following example has however been tagged as S-M, since the added words are a repetition of the words in the preceding clause, and thus not subject to interpretation to the same extent as in the examples above:

  • I Finland och i Norge ungdommar har känslan att de blir tvingat att lära ett språk som majoritet av dem ville inte för att språket inte längre har eller aldrig har haft ett stort betydelse i samhället I Finland och i Norge har ungdomar känslan att de blir tvingade att lära sig ett språk som majoriteten av dem inte vill lära sig för att språket inte längre har eller aldrig har haft en stor betydelse i samhället

6.16 S-Ext vs X

The S-Ext tag should only be applied in cases when a correction has actually been made, and when the original text gives fairly sound support for the interpretation presented in the normalized version. Text segments which are so difficult to interpret that they are either left unchanged or normalized on the basis of guesses rather than interpretations should be tagged with X.

Drawing the line between unintelligible text segments (X) and text segments with a very fuzzy but still interpretable structure (S-Ext) is not easy and in many cases a matter of subjective judgement. The following example represents a borderline case between an X case and an S-Ext case:

  • Det är lite bättre i huvudstad , när många manniskor bo tilsammans eftersom de kan e betala för  → Det är lite bättre i huvudstaden , när många människor bor tillsammans eftersom det gör att de kan betala

The choice to categorize this correction as S-Ext - i.e. as an interpretation with sound support from the original string - rather than as an X case - i.e. as a mere guess - is not self-evident.

6.17 S-Type vs S-M and S-R

Quite often, the addition or removal of a word also means that the syntactic category of a phrase is changed. For instance, the addition of a preposition may turn an NP to a PP, and the removal of a preposition may result in the opposite transformation. This calls for a clarification of when to use the S-M and S-R tags and when to use the S-Type tag.

Whenever the syntactic category of a phrase is changed only by the addition or removal of one or more words, the S-M and S-R tags should be used rather than the S-Type tag:

  • jag bor in lägenhet plan ett → Jag bor i en lägenhet plan ett (S-M)

  • Bostad i D-hemland är litet het topik för att diskussera → Bostäder i D-hemland är ett lite hett ämne att diskutera (S-R)

However, when the syntactic category of a phrase involves an addition or a removal of a word on top of another correction, the correction as a whole (including the addition/removal) is tagged S-Type:

  • jag behover pengar f$r liv och betalning av min hus → jag behöver pengar för att leva och betala för mitt hus

    att leva in the normalized text is grouped as one unit linked with liv in the original text, and the link is exclusively tagged with S-Type.

7. Other categorization issues

7.1 Non-Swedish words and sequences

There are a number of ways to handle non-Swedish words during normalization and correction annotation. Many of the fundamental choices are made during the normalization process rather than during the correction annotation process.

The first judgement to be made when coming across a word stemming from another language in the material is naturally whether the word may be recognized as having been incorporated into written standard Swedish; in such cases the word is left uncorrected and untagged. This judgement is made during normalization.

When a word (or sequence) in an original text is recognized as belonging to a foreign language - or as having traits from a foreign language -- and when this word may not be recognized as part of written standard Swedish, a number of options are at hand:

  1. The word/sequence is judged as a genre appropriate usage of cited foreign language (explicitly signaled citations, code switching etc.). → Not corrected, tagged Cit-FL during normalization.

  2. The word is not judged as a genre appropriate usage of cited foreign language and is thus corrected to a Swedish word during normalization:

    a. The form used may be interpreted as a misspelled Swedish word. → Corrected during normalization, tagged O during correction annotation: kaffee → kaffecan → kan

    b. The form used may be interpreted as a Swedish word with an incorrect usage of derivational affixes etc. → Corrected during normalization, tagged L-Der during correction annotation: national → helgdag  nationell → helgdag

    c. Neither a nor b applies. → Corrected during normalization, tagged L-FL during correction annotation: balkony  → balkongfamily → familjgas bojler → gaskokare

Note: A word in the original text which is identifiable as a Swedish word, but which is used with another meaning in a way which is likely to be due to influence from a similar non-Swedish word, should be corrected and marked as L-W (not as L-FL):

  • Alla blir busiga med sina sociala medier. → Alla blir upptagna med sina sociala medier

In this example, it is likely that the incorrect usage of the correct Swedish word busiga is influenced by the word's similarity to the English word busy - and it is partly based on this assumption that the writer's intended meaning has been interpreted as 'upptagna'. But since busiga is a correct Swedish word, with a distinctly Swedish morphological structure, the correction is tagged as L-W rather than as L-FL.

7.2 Verbal particles and reflexives

Several tags are used for corrections involving phrasal or compound verbs made up by a verb and verbal particle or a reflexive marker, primarily O-Comp, S-Comp, L-Der, L-W, S-M and S-R. This section provides an overview of the usage of these six tags for this category of corrections.

  • O-Comp: A space is removed between a verbal particle and a following verb, making up a compound verb:

    • upp mana → uppmana
  • S-Comp: A compound form of a particle verb is changed to a phrasal form, or the other way around:

    • Enligt Hyltenstam så kan minoritetsspråk räddas om man inblandar dem äldre som kan språket → Enligt Hyltenstam så kan minoritetsspråk räddas om man blandar in de äldre som kan språket

    • Tåget går av från spår 3 → Tåget avgår från spår 3

  • L-Der: A particle of a compound particle verb is changed, removed or added. Both the original and the normalized string consist of one single token. The original string may or may not be an existing Swedish word.

    • Internet uppmanar vår förståelse → Internet utmanar vår förståelse

    • Han inhämtade väskorna från hotellrummet → Han hämtade väskorna från hotellrummet

    • Hon minde honom om mötet på eftermiddagen → Hon påminde honom om mötet på eftermiddagen

  • L-W, placed on the whole phrasal verb: Either the original string or the normalized string (or both) is a phrasal verb, and the verb itself is changed, not just the particle/reflexive marker:

    • Traditioner ger människorna tid att stå still och fundera över livet → ... att stanna upp och fundera över livet.
  • L-W, placed on the particle: A verbal particle is replaced by another verbal particle, but the verb is kept:

    • Han torkade bort bordet → Han torkade av bordet
  • S-M: An independent (non-compound) verbal particle or a reflexive marker is added:

    • men känner bara fysiskt närvarande → men känner sig bara fysiskt närvarande

    • Jag slår ord i ordboken när jag inte vet → Jag slår upp ord i ordboken när jag inte vet...

  • S-R: An independent (non-compound) verbal particle or a reflexive is removed.

    • De promenerade sig i parken → De promenerade i parken

    • Hon gav bort honom en blomma → Hon gav honom en blomma

7.3 Clause corrected or created?

In some cases, the choice of tag is dependent on whether a clause in the normalized version is present already in the original version or has been created as part of the normalization.

When a clause is created in the normalization, the following applies:

  • Subjects which are added as part of the creation of that clause are tagged S-Clause rather than S-Msubj.

  • Finite verbs which are added as part of the creation of that clause are tagged S-Clause rather than S-M or M-Verb.

  • Non-finite forms of verbs which are changed to finite forms are tagged S-Clause rather than M-Verb.

A clause is considered created in the normalization in the two following cases:

  1. Both the subject and the finite verb of the normalized clause are lacking in the original version. (A non-finite verb may be present.)

    • Jag studerar på eftermiddag Sfi och förmiddag praktik → Jag studerar sfi på eftermiddagen och på förmiddagen har jag praktik

      Both har and jag are tagged as S-Clause, not as S-M and S-Msubj respectively.

  • Att växa upp som en flicka så var det väldigt många orättvisor man fick vänja sig vid. → När man växte upp som en flicka så var det väldigt många orättvisor man fick vänja sig vid.

    Att växa and när man växte are grouped together, and the link between these two group units is tagged S-Clause; no additional tagging is made. Thus, man is not tagged S-Msubj, and the change of the infinite verb form växa to the finite form växte is not tagged M-Verb.

  • min plats → platsen där jag bor

    min plats and platsen där jag bor are grouped together, and the link between these two group units is tagged S-Clause; no additional tagging is made. Thus, jag is not tagged S-Msubj and and bor is not tagged S-M.

  • Dem som tycker att avskaffa den obligatoriska svenskan i skolan i Finland är Tuija Nikko och Maria Tolppanen → De som tycker att man ska avskaffa den obligatoriska svenskan i skolan i Finland är Tuija Nikko och Maria Tolppanen

    Both man and ska are tagged as S-Clause, not as S-Msubj and S-M respectively.

  1. The subject of the normalized clause exists already in the original text, but no verb at all (finite or infinite) corresponding to or part of the VP of the normalized clause is present in the original version.

    • Hon fördelen med att behålla den obligatoriska svenskan → Hon beskriver fördelen med att behålla den obligatoriska svenskan.

      The added finite verb beskriver is tagged as S-Clause rather than as S-M.

A clause is considered corrected rather than created when none of these two conditions hold, and the tags S-Msubj, S-M and M-Verb are applied rather than S-Clause.

  • Jag gillar inte tapeterna i min kusins lägenhet men han inte byta dem eftersom det är hyresrätt → ... han kan inte byta dem ...

    Here, the added finite verb kan is tagged as S-M rather than as S-Clause, since both the subject (han) and a non-finite verb (byta) is present already in the original version.

7.4 Spaces, hyphens and dashes

Only some errors involving spaces, hyphens and dashes are corrected, and not all of the corrected errors are tagged.

  • The O-Comp tag is used for corrections which involve the removal of a space between two words which have been interpreted as making up a compound in the normalized text version, or, more rarely, the adding of a space between two words. It may also be used for corrections regarding the use of hyphens in compounds.

  • The P-R tag is used for removals of hyphens used in other ways, and for removals of dashes.

  • The P-M tag is used for added dashes.

  • The P-W tag is used for changes between, on the one hand, a hyphen or a dash, and, on the other hand, another punctuation mark (not including a space).


  • Instances where a hyphen has been used in the original text where a dash would be more appropriate are left uncorrected and should thus not appear as corrections to be annotated.

  • Possible errors involving the incorrect placement of a space before a punctuation mark will not be corrected in the normalization process, since spaces are always inserted before punctuation marks for the sake of tokenization. Consequently, such errors will not be tagged.

  • Possible errors involving the lack of a space between a punctuation mark and the following word are corrected in the normalization process (a space is inserted), but are nevertheless left untagged.

    • Jog kan ante skriv meka ord .tack → Jag kan inte skriva många ord. Tack.

      In this example, a space is inserted between the period and tack, and the t in tack is changed from lower to upper case. Tack will be tagged with O-Cap, but the insertion of the space will not be tagged.

7.5 Singular indefinite article removed from plural indefinite NP

When a singular indefinite article is removed from a plural indefinite NP, the removed article should be tagged M-Num rather than M-Def or S-R; such a correction concerns number rather than definiteness.

  • kanske där kan du träffa en nya vänner → kanske kan du träffa nya vänner där

7.6 Exceptions to the default ranking of the word order tags

The three word order tags (S-Adv, S-FinV and S-WO) are in most cases ranked in the following way:

  1. S-Adv

  2. S-FinV

  3. S-WO

There are however two exceptions to this default ranking:

Exception 1: Choose the word order tag which gives the least number of tags

When the choice of one word order tag means that one tag suffices, while the choice of another word order tag requires an additional word order tag, the single tag should always be chosen rather than the multiple tags, regardless of the ranking presented above.


  • Jag berättade vad ville jag helst göra → Jag berättade vad jag helst ville göra

    This correction involves the movement of the finite verb ville relative to both the subject jag and the adverbial helst. The word order tag should be placed on the finite verb, and the S-FinV tag should be chosen. (If the S-Adv tag had been used for the movement of helst, an additional S-WO tag would have had to be placed on the subject jag.)

  • Jag berättade vad helst ville jag göra → Jag berättade vad jag helst ville göra

    This correction involves the movement of the subject jag relative to both the adverbial inte and the finite verb ville. The word order tag should be placed on the subject, and the S-WO tag should be chosen. (Otherwise both the S-Adv tag and the S-FinV tag would have had to be used.)

Exception 2: Word order changes which are due to a change of fundament ('pre-finite element') are tagged S-WO

In some (rare) cases the word order of a clause has been changed not for the sake of clause-internal correctness, but because the textual flow demands it. This is then generally done by changing the element in the fundament 'pre-finite position' of the clause. Such corrections are tagged with S-WO rather than with S-FinV or S-Adv, regardless of the function of the moved elements. The finite verb should not be marked with a word order tag as long as this is correctly positioned in the original clause.


  • Med min familj bor jagJag bor med min familj

    Here, the subject jag has replaced the adverbial med min familj in the fundament 'pre-finite position' in the normalized version. Superficially, this means that jag and med min familj have switched places. Both these elements are tagged with S-WO. The finite verb bor should not be tagged with a word order tag since it is correctly placed in the original version.