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Normalization guidelines

Lisa Rudebeck, Gunlög Sundberg, Mats Wirén (May 2021)

Online version of this document:


1. The purpose of the normalization

2. Fundamental values

3. Adherence to the norms of standard Swedish

4. Methodological practices

5. Non-Swedish words and sequences

6. Unintelligible and unreadable strings

7. Some special procedures with tokenization and punctuation

1. The purpose of the normalization

Normalization in SweLL means editing of the original learner text in such a way that the normalized version of the text adheres to standard Swedish text norms. The purpose of the normalization is twofold:

  1. To render the text in a version which is amenable to automatic annotation using a standard linguistic analysis pipeline. (For Swedish, such a pipeline is efselab or Sparv. The SweLL data is currently processed with the Sparv-pipeline. It is possible to re-annotate later with other pipelines.)
  2. To provide a basis for the correction annotation through an explicit representation of the specific standard version of the text to which the original version of the text is related. Such a representation is highly useful by allowing for many new types of search of the corpus, for instance:
  • Finding missing occurrences of a construction in the learner text in the sense that it could or should have been used, for example, when something that ought to have been expressed using a passive was not.
  • Finding mismatches between the learner and corrected text, for example, an adjective in the learner text that corresponds to an adverb in the corrected text, or cases when a content word in the original text has been changed in the normalized text.

2. Fundamental values

The normalization is carried out by balancing the following fundamental values:

  1. adherence to standard Swedish norms
  2. fidelity to the original text
  • a. similarity to the original text string
  • b. effective communication of the content intended by the writer (according to the normalizer’s interpretation)

The conflict between adherence to standard Swedish norms (1) and fidelity to the original text (2) is the very basis for the normalization; only in cases where the original text deviates from standard Swedish norms is a normalization called for. But the two sides of the fidelity to the original text may also be conflicting, so that a greater similarity to the original text string may mean a less effective communication of the assumed intended meaning, and vice versa, as the following example illustrates:

  • Firsta gång såg jag henne i gymnastik sckola (C151CT23)

Here, a strict application of principle 2a (in combination with principle 1), would yield the normalization gymnastikskola, but since the rest of the text makes this an unlikely interpretation of the writer’s intended meaning, the string gymnastik sckola is instead normalized as gymnasieskola, which seems to be what the writer meant.

The normalizer should thus strive to create a text version which adheres to the norms of standard Swedish, while staying as close to the original text string as possible and communicating the perceived intended content as effectively as possible. The result of this balancing act can be seen as an interpretation or translation of the original text into “standard Swedish”.

It should be clear that this process of normalization by necessity involves an element of subjectivity; in the typical case there are several possible normalizations of a text. This is a necessary consequence of our choice to provide one single normalization in the tool Svala, in which norms on all linguistic levels are considered simultaneously, from orthography to syntax and sentence-internal semantics. First of all, a normalization which includes wording and morphosyntax highly depends on the normalizer’s interpretation of the source text, and even on the basis of a specific interpretation it is far from always the case that there is one normalization which is unequivocally optimal, as the following example may serve to illustrate:

  • Original: Och det finns olika former av svarta tjänster exempelvis av detta är svartjobb , svart hyra och svartmarknad (E7ET8)
  • Normalization 1: Och det finns olika former av svarta tjänster, exempelvis svartjobb , svart hyra och svartmarknad
  • Normalization 2: Och det finns olika former av svarta tjänster. Exempel på detta är svartjobb , svart hyra och svartmarknad

Moreover, it is obviously impossible to base a normalization which includes wording and morphosyntax on a finite number of explicit principles. The most important basis for securing the quality of our normalizations and upholding the fundamental values is, instead, our methodological practices. These are presented below, after a section on adherence to the norms of standard Swedish.

We would like to stress that the Svala tool may be used for the visualization and analysis of deviations between a specific source text and any normalization of this text. Researchers who wish to use the Svala tool to relate the learner texts to their own normalizations, based on other principles or methods than ours, are free to do so.

3. Adherence to the norms of standard Swedish

The normalized text version should contain no obvious deviations from standard Swedish norms. (There are two exceptions to this: (1) Unintelligible strings may be X-marked without being changed, see section 6. (2) In some cases, non-Swedish strings are left untranslated and marked Cit-FL, see section 5.)

The norms considered are norms for spelling and inflection of specific words, general punctuation norms, general morphological and syntactic rules and patterns, as well as well-established collocational patterns and norms for the usage range of specific words and expressions. However, the acceptance for unusual expressions is fairly high, and the understanding of “standard Swedish” is quite encompassing, including expressions and constructions which are widespread throughout the Swedish language community within consciously edited texts of any prose genre.

Norms concerning the composition of texts at a discourse level, i.e. beyond those which may be dealt with sentence-internally, are generally not considered. The normalization thus involves no changes of the ordering of sentences or paragraphs, etc., nor any deletions of whole sentences, not even in cases of seemingly unintended repetitions. However, the delimitation of sentences may be changed, for instance by exchanging a conjunction for a sentence-delimiting punctuation mark in a very long list of clauses joined by conjunctions.

While only intra-sentence changes are made, the context provided by the rest of the text is taken into consideration when judging each sentence. For instance, anaphoric expressions and conjunctions may be changed due to intra-sentential relationships. And the interpretation of an expression in one sentence is often affected by contextual information.

In the following, we comment on our implementation of norm-adherence for orthography and inflectional patterns of specific words, and for punctuation and sentence segmentation. When it comes to norms for wording, collocational patterns, and general morphosyntactic rules and patterns, we refer directly to the section on methodological practices. The treatment of non-Swedish words is discussed in a separate section.

3.1 Orthography and inflectional patterns of specific words

Norms for orthography, as well as for inflectional patterns of specific words (i.e. their adherence to a specific conjugation or declination), are generally the most clearly codified and stable ones, only occasionally giving room for subjective judgement or acceptable alternatives. In the minority of cases when alternative spellings or inflectional patterns are widely spread and/or codified in central lexicographic sources (such as Svenska Akademiens ordlista), either of these forms are accepted. If the source text contains one in a pair or set of such alternative forms, this form should not be changed on the basis of, for instance, style, frequency, text-internal consistency, or explicit recommendation in normative sources.

Examples of such alternative, and thus equally accepted, orthographic forms are sen/sedan, mejl/mail, nån/någon, dom/de(m) and ska/skall. And examples of alternative and equally accepted inflectional patterns for specific words are partner (null plural)/partners, kolleger/kollegor, dåligare/sämre, givit/gett and lyste/lös.

3.2 Punctuation and sentence segmentation

Swedish punctuation norms include both stricter and softer ones. One example of a strict punctuation norm is that in a list of items, separated by commas and by a conjunction before the last item on the list, a comma should not occur before the conjunction. Deviations from such strict norms should always be corrected in the normalization, as illustrated in the following example.

  • Jag köpte bananer, apelsiner , och päron. --> Jag köpte bananer, apelsiner och päron.

However, the normalization of punctuation also involves alterations of punctuation for the sake of readability, even when no strict norm is involved. This includes, for instance, addition of commas separating long main clauses. A similar approach is taken to the segmentation of sentences; very long sentences may be divided for the sake of readability, as in this example.

  • Efteråt inträffade revolution inom kommunikation område i det tjugonde och tjugoförsta talet som uppfinningen av tv och utveckling av internet i hela världen och denna uppfinningar underlättade den globala kommunikationen så att världen har blivit en liten by --> Därefter inträffade en revolution inom kommunikationsområdet i det tjugonde och tjugoförsta århundradet , såsom uppfinningen av tv och utvecklingen av internet i hela världen. Dessa uppfinningar underlättade den globala kommunikationen så att världen har blivit en liten by

The acceptance for satsradning, i.e. the practice of separating main clauses with a comma (without a conjunction) instead of with a period or another sentence-dividing punctuation mark, varies between genres. On the basis of our encompassing understanding of “standard Swedish” our acceptance for satsradning is fairly high. We do not correct instances of satsradning solely on the basis of style considerations, but may correct it because the separated clauses are not closely related by a causal relationship or the like, or for the sake of readability.

4. Methodological practices

  1. The team of normalizers has been small (4 persons) but includes expertise in linguistic structure, Swedish language norms, and Swedish as a second language.
  2. The first 20 normalizations of a normalizer are double-checked altogether by another team-member.
  3. Whenever a normalizer comes across a particularly difficult decision, a second opinion from a co-normalizer should be sought. The resulting discussions should be documented for future reference, as a basis for similar normalization decisions as well as for future accounts of the decisions both within and outside the project group.
  4. Often an overview and reading of the whole text renders clues for the interpretation of the writer’s intentions or use of vocabulary. A needed and helpful practice can be therefore be to read a text several times, and not normalize sentence by sentence.
  5. When several texts belong to the same writing task, and are written by learners in the same group, it is good practice to normalize them together. It gives the normalizer a better understanding of the texts in relation to the given task.

5. Non-Swedish words and sequences

When coming across a word or a sequence of words stemming from a non-Swedish language, the normalizer has the following options:

  1. The word or sequence is left unchanged.

    1.1 The normalizer judges the word/sequence as having been incorporated into written standard Swedish, and the word/sequence is thus kept unchanged. This judgement is based on the normalizer’s acquaintance with written Swedish, and may, in case of doubt, be informed by a secondary opinion from another member of the team of normalizers, by searches in corpuses or on the Internet, or, in some instances, by information in lexicographic sources. (The fact that a certain word or phrase is not included in dictionaries is in itself not sufficient to judge it as not belonging to standard Swedish.)

    1.2 The normalizer judges the word/sequence as a genre appropriate usage of cited foreign language (explicitly signaled citations, code switching etc.). In such cases the word/sequence is left unchanged, but marked with the tag Cit-FL (see the Svala manual). The word/sequence is not corrected to fit the norms of the source language.

    Judged as appropriate code switching:

    • Badrum var basic men rent --> Badrummet var basic men rent
    • gillar du quiz nights? --> gillar du quiz nights?

    Clearly marked citation of Norwegian passage:

    • I samma artikel skriver Bengt Östling om man läser några webbsidor där norska ungdomar debatterar , förstår man att diskussionen om den obligatoriska nynorskan är inflammerad . " Ett språk som holdes kunstig i live gjennom tvan og finansiering gjennom skatt , og sakte men sikkert dör ut ja . Det finns ikke vilje hos folk til å beholde nynorsk " , lyder det i ett debattinlägg . --> I samma artikel skriver Bengt Östling att om man läser några webbsidor där norska ungdomar debatterar , förstår man att diskussionen om den obligatoriska nynorskan är inflammerad . " Ett språk som holdes kunstig i live gjennom tvan og finansiering gjennom skatt , og sakte men sikkert dör ut ja . Det finns ikke vilje hos folk til å beholde nynorsk " , lyder det i ett debattinlägg .

    1.3 If a word or string is recognized as likely belonging to another language, and the language knowledge within the team of normalizers does not suffice to interpret it, no further efforts is made to interpret the word/string. It is left unchanged and marked with the X-tag (unintelligible string, see below).

  2. The word or sequence is translated into Swedish.

The normalizer does not judge the word/sequence as part of standard Swedish, nor as a genre appropriate usage of cited Swedish language. The normalizer is however able to interpret the word/sequence, and thus translates it into Swedish

6. Unintelligible and unreadable strings

When the normalizer comes across a string which she is unable to interpret, it is marked with the X-tag. The word/passage may either be left unchanged, or the normalizer may provide a guess as to its interpretation in the normalization.

  • Jag gick till dem och frågade henne om hennes namn och inte berätta något han blyg av mig så jag spårade tills jag kände hennes hem och bad henne och pjäsen idag dig varje morgon jag går att se det och låta dig gå till skolan --> Jag gick till dem och frågade om hennes namn och bad dem att inte berätta något . Jag var blyg av mig så jag letade tills jag hittade hennes hem och bad henne och pjäsen idag dig varje morgon jag går att se det och låta dig gå till skolan

Both of the marked strings are X-marked as unintelligible, but in the first case a guess is provided in the normalization, while the second string is left unchanged.

Note: Since an X-marked passage may be left unchanged in the normalized version, a normalized text may include some passages which do not adhere to the norms of standard Swedish.

Strings which have been marked as unreadable by the transcriber (with “$” representing an unreadable symbol) are treated as any other string; if the surrounding context provides a basis for a sound interpretation, the normalization is based on this interpretation. If the unreadable string is also uninterpretable, it is marked with the X-tag, and the normalizer may either provide a guess in the normalization, or keep the string unchanged.

7. Some special procedures with tokenization and punctuation

The normalization procedure involves some exceptions to the regular use of punctuation and spaces. These exceptions are due to tokenization procedures, and to the fact that many of our originals are hand written, which may make it hard to distinguish a hyphen from a dash, etc. (The effects of tokenization on the handling of the texts in Svala are described in the Svala manual.)

These special procedures with tokenization and punctuation are:

  • Errors involving the incorrect placement of a space before a punctuation mark (which is not part of an abbreviation or another one-token string) will not be corrected, since a space is always inserted before such punctuation marks in the process of tokenization.

  • Errors involving the lack of a space between a punctuation mark and the following word are corrected in the normalization process (a space is inserted), but will nevertheless be left untagged in the correction annotation process.

    • Jog kan ante skriv meka ord .tack --> Jag kan inte skriva många ord. Tack.
  • Instances where a hyphen has been used in the original text where a dash would be more appropriate are left uncorrected.