- Geeta, Apurv, Saikrishna, Soujanya
- Ran through the status of labs.
- Contact Kaveri to check with the status of the tasks that she was assigned to.
- Move next set of labs to Amazon i.e to have 15 labs hosted on cloud before 15th Feburary 2015.
- Wednesday weekly meetings rescheduled to 12:00pm.
- Contact Yogesh to schedule for the presentation of his work in this week.
- Tasks alloted for the team
- Fixing the sandbox issue with Problem Solving Lab & get Linux lab hosted on cloud - Apurv and Anurag
- Host Data Mining and Databases lab on a single container with ADS - Sai Krishna.
- Test the last two experiments of VLSI lab on linux machine and bring it on cloud - Soujanya
- Check with the status of Basic Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials lab and Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics lab with Anurag - Soujanya