This folder will contain some of the projects/assignments I had to do for graduate school/(some undergrad)
TODO: Go on to the csa2 computers and recover more of these assignments
All from Boston University except where noted.
CS 585: Image and Video Computing
Assignment 1: Create Warhol Filter
Assignment 2: Template Matching
Assignment 3: Characterizing Cancer Images
Assignment 4: Object Tracking
Written hw in tex and pdf format
A final project modeling the Seven Bridges of Konigsburg Problem in Alloy
CS 591: Computational Audio
HW1: Written HW + K-Nearest Neighbor Implementation in Python
HW2: Written HW + Polynomial Regression in Matlab
HW3: Written HW
HW4: Written HW + Implement Sparse AutoEncoder(Neural Network) in Matlab
HW4: Written HW + Markov Random Field in Matlab
CS 655: Introduction to Computer Networks
PA1: Echo Client-Server Application/Performing RTT and Throughput Measurements
PA2: Implementing Go-Back-N and Selective Repeat
PA3: TODO find this assignment
CS 552: Operating Systems ISE 415: Graduate Soft Computing (Binghamton)
Final Project: A Neural Network in Python used to detect forest fire
Some code in a mixture of Python, Matlab and R used when trying to do research