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Table of Contents

Contributing Guidelines

These guidelines are here to ensure that we maintain a clean, linear Git history. All contributions should be made in the form of pull requests (PRs).

For quick reference about Git commands and concepts, see John's notes on using Git.


  • Collaborators all have write access, so be mindful of what others are working on.

    • Each PR should have at least one approving review before being merged in, preferably from someone also responsible for the code that the PR affects (though not someone who has also worked on the PR). This repo is configured to require one approving review, though anyone may submit a review.

    • The author of the PR should be the one to merge in the PR, unless there they explicitly instruct someone else to do it.

    • Do not push directly to main. This branch is already configured with push protections to prevent this.

  • Write sensible, descriptive commit messages.

    • Commit messages on main should follow this guide: summarize in 50 characters or fewer, in the imperative tense, but elaborate in the message body if necessary. For instance, write "Use name mangling to fix name clash" instead of "used name mangling, fixes name clash".

    • Quick and dirty commit messages are fine in PRs, but make sure they are squashed by the time they are merged into main or anyone else's branch. If you squash and merge, GitHub's PR interface should give you an opportunity to edit the squashed commit message.

  • Keep the main commit history clean.

    • Always make sure to look at that your commits don't touch files

    • If your PR contains a sequence of such commits, make sure to "Squash and Merge", and provide a good commit message to summarize all the changes made.

    • If you want to land multiple clean commits onto main, make sure to clean them up locally, then use "Rebase and Merge".

    • Each commit should point to a working tree that is in a sensible state (i.e., builds, works (partially), no dead code etc.).

  • Follow the recommended code style.

Recommended Git Workflow

If you've never made a PR before, here's a basic workflow to follow:

  1. Start with the main branch (or whatever you intend to PR into later), and make sure it is up-to-date: git checkout main && git pull.

  2. Create a new feature branch: git checkout -b <branch-name>.

  3. Push your new branch to GitHub: git push -u origin <branch-name>. This also sets your upstream branch to origin/<branch-name>.

  4. Optionally, create a draft PR, so others can follow your work.

  5. Make changes, add them, commit them. If you notice new commits to main that might conflict, merge them in. Or rebase, but you may have to force push.

  6. Create a PR (if you haven't already), and request a review. There should be a menu to select reviewers in the top right of the PR page, with some suggestions.

  7. If changes are requested, make those changes, and re-request a review. Try to resolve all conversations.

  8. After receiving approval, "Squash and Merge". You may need to first resolve any merge conflicts with main.

Here's a diagram to help you illustrate where everything should take place:

                                                (4) Create Draft PR to main
                                                (6) Create PR to main
                                                (7) Respond to reviews

      main <--------- (8) Squash and Merge --------- my-branch
        |                                               |
        |                                               |
        |                                               | (origin)
        |                                               |             local repo
        |                                               |
  (1) git checkout main && git pull            (3) git push -u my-branch
        |                                      (5) git push
        |                                               |
        |                                               |
        v                                               |
      main ----- (2) git checkout -b my-branch ----> my-branch

                                                 (5) git add ...
                                                     git commit ...

Development Environment Setup

The sslang compiler, sslc, is written in the Haskell programming language, and is developed using the following tools:

This section will guide you through setting up your development environment with these tools.

  • We assume that development will take place in a UNIX-like environment (i.e., macOS, WSL, or some Linux distribution) running on x86_64 architecture.
  • Development on Apple Silicon (M1/M2) is supported, provided you use Rosetta 2 for x86_64 emulation.
  • Development in Windows is probably possible but unsupported.

Install Rosetta 2 (for Apple Silicon)

If you are using a machine with Apple Silicon (M1/M2 processors), you should install and run everything Haskell-related under x86_64 emulation using Rosetta 2.

You should install Rosetta with the following command:

/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

After Rosetta is installed, you should be able to run programs within an x86_64 environment. You can test this with the following command:

$ arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "uname -m"

The arch -x86_64 runs the following command under x86_64; here, we are running a shell (sh) and executing the command uname -m, which prints the name of the hardware architecture it is running on (x86_64).

If running that command fails, or it doesn't print x86_64, contact John.

Build Toolchain Setup

You can easily set up most of sslang's project dependencies using GHCup1, Haskell's toolchain manager.

To do so on an x86_64 machine:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | \

And on Apple Silicon:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | \
  arch -x86_64 /bin/sh

This will run a short and possibly interactive script that installs GHC, Cabal, Stack, and HLS.

  • At various points, the script will print:

    Press ENTER to proceed or ctrl-c to abort.

    Make sure to press enter rather than wait for the script to do something!

  • Make sure the script is actually trying to install the x86_64 toolchain! x86_64 should appear in the URL where it downloads GHCup from, like this:

    [ Info  ] downloading: as file /Users/j-hui/.ghcup/tmp/ghcup-ad207a0b32adb343/ghcup
  • If it asks, tell the script where it should the PATH variable. This ensures commands such as ghcup, stack, ghc are available in your command line.

  • The BOOTSTRAP_HASKELL_INSTALL_* variables in the command above tell GHCup to also install Stack and HLS, and to tell Stack to use versions of GHC installed by GHCup (rather than going out and downloading its own copies, which can quickly eat up disk space).

  • On Linux, the setup script may also detect missing dependencies and ask you to install them; make sure to do so before proceeding!

    For example, on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, you will need to run:

    sudo apt install build-essential curl libffi-dev libffi8ubuntu1 libgmp-dev libgmp10 libncurses-dev libncurses5 libtinfo5

    Note that package names differ depending on your OS distribution and version, so make sure to read the suggestion.

    You shouldn't need to do anything like that macOS (even if the setup script mumbles something about "Darwin M1").

If installation that was successful, you should be able to use GHCup:

$ ghcup list -c installed  # list tools installed by ghcup
   Tool  Version  Tags                      Notes
✔✔ ghc   9.2.5    recommended,base- hls-powered
✔✔ cabal  recommended
✔✔ hls  latest,recommended
✔✔ stack 2.9.1    recommended
✔✔ ghcup latest,recommended


$ echo 'putStrLn "Hello, GHCi works!"' | ghci
GHCi, version 9.2.5:  :? for help
ghci> Hello, GHCi works!
ghci> Leaving GHCi.

And Stack:

$ stack --version
Version 2.9.1, Git revision 409d56031b4240221d656db09b2ba476fe6bb5b1 x86_64 hpack-0.35.0

When running those commands, you should be able to safely ignore any warnings and version differences, though for Stack you should make sure that it says x86_64.

Footnote 1: While you can also directly install Stack and use that to manage GHC versions, GHCup is more specialized toward coordinating versioning for just the core components of the toolchain, i.e., GHC, Cabal, Stack, and HLS. You can read more about its rationale here.

Development Tools Setup (optional)

If you are helping develop sslc, you may find it helpful to have HLint and Fourmolu available. You can install these with Stack:

stack install hlint
stack install fourmolu

Git Alias Setup (optional)

Convenience scripts are provided under the scripts subdirectory, to help lint, format, and build this repository's code. As long as your current working directory is within this repo, you may invoke these scripts directly.

These scripts may be added as Git aliases for even easier access (e.g., to lint your code, just run git lint). They are defined in .gitconfig, and can be set up by running the following command (from within this repo):

git config --local include.path ../.gitconfig

Though these convenience aliases are optional, they help outline a recommended command-line workflow that you may wish to follow.

Developing sslc

Building sslc

You can build sslc by running:

stack build

By default, Stack does not link in the test driver, and needs to recompile everything if you later decide to run tests. To work around this behavior, you can ask Stack to link in tests without running them:

stack build --test --no-run-tests
git build # equivalent convenience alias

You may also start a build server to continuously watch your file system and build as soon as it detects changes, eliminating the need to later run build manually:

git build --test --no-run-tests --file-watch
git watch # equivalent convenience alias

You can also continuously build code documentation, though that takes considerably longer, and is not recommended unless you are actively working on documentation:

git build --test --no-run-tests --file-watch --haddock
git watch --haddock # equivalent convenience alias

Running sslc

You may run sslc using:

stack exec sslc <args..>

You can optionally install sslc to ~/.local/bin/, so that you can invoke it directly (as long as ~/.local/bin/ is in your PATH):

stack install
sslc <args..>

All existing tests should be passing before merging a PR, and where appropriate, new tests should be added to demonstrate functionality and correctness of your code. Tests may be run using:

stack test

Building Code Documentation

Code documentation for this compiler is generated using Haddock. You can build the documentation by running:

stack haddock

This generates the documentation in haddock-out/, in the form of a navigable static website (similar to what is found on Hackage). You may view the HTML files in there using your browser.

The language reference manual is maintained separately in the doc/ folder; see build instructions there.

Adding Test Suites

All existing tests should be passing before merging a PR, and where appropriate, new tests should be added to demonstrate functionality and correctness of your code. Tests may be run using:

stack test

New test suites can be declared by adding items to the tests section in package.yaml. For instance, the scanner test is declared as:

  scanner-test:     # Name of test suite
    main: Spec.hs   # Name of test entry point module, in source-dirs
    - test/scanner  # Source directories to include in test target
    - sslang        # Allows us to import modules from sslang
    - hspec         # Used for managing unit tests; see below
  # Other tests...

To run an individual test, you may specify sslang:<test-name> as a parameter to stack test. For instance, to run the scanner test:

stack test sslang:scanner-test

By convention, the main module of tests for Haskell projects is typically named Spec.hs.

Adding Regression Tests

Test with, e.g.,

cd regression-tests && ./

TODO: Stephen to write more about

Adding New Unit Tests

Unit tests provide access to Haskell modules in a way that is more direct than specifying an additional --dump option to the executable CLI, and more persistent than using the GHCi REPL. Note, however, that unit tests do not supplant regression tests; code should not be considered tested until it is covered by some regression test. Rather, unit tests provide a way to run your code before you fully integrate it with the rest of the compiler. They should be used throughout the development process to directly test and document the isolated behavior of specific compiler components.

This project manages unit tests using Hspec, which provides a basic test driver interface and a plugin for automatic test discovery. For example, the scanner-test example declares an Hspec test. The directory structure under test/scanner might look like this:

|_  scanner/
    |_  Spec.hs  # main
    |_  Tests/
        |_  ScanBlockSpec.hs
        |_  ScanCommentSpec.hs
        | # etc.

test/scanner/Spec.hs consists of only the following, which tells the hspec-discover plugin to look for tests in all subdirectories:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}

Tests must always end in Spec.hs to be included by hspec-discover. For instance, ScanCommentSpec.hs might look like:

module Tests.ScanCommentsSpec where
import           Test.Hspec                     (Spec(..), it, shouldBe)

-- Imports from sslang:
import           Front.Scanner                  (scanTokenTypes)
import           Front.Token                    (TokenType(..))

spec :: Spec
spec = do
  it "ignores single-line comments" $ do
    scanTokenTypes "// no"      `shouldBe`  Right []

  it "scans tokens before single-line comments" $ do
    scanTokenTypes "42 // no"   `shouldBe`  Right [TInteger 42]
    scanTokenTypes "24// no"    `shouldBe`  Right [TInteger 24]

The entry point of each test is the spec :: Spec function, which allows individual test cases to be specified in a monadic context. The it combinator should be used to provide a succinct description of the behavior in prose (which is reported by the test driver on success), while shouldBe tests that its left operand (actual) is equal to its right operand (expected) using their Eq instances. If a test fails, Hspec reports the expected and actual outputs using their Show instances, and highlights any differences.

You can also run individual test modules or test cases. For instance, to run only the test cases in ScanCommentsSpec, run:

stack test sslang:scanner-test --ta '--match "/Tests.ScanComments/"'

Or to run only a specific test case:

stack test sslang:scanner-test --ta '--match "/Tests.ScanComments/ignores single-line comments/"'

Linting and Formatting

To keep code on the main branch clean and consistent, you should always make sure to lint (with Hlint) and format (with Fourmolu) your code before merging any PR. You may invoke Hlint and Fourmolu manually, but the following convenience aliases are provided to coordinate with your development workflow.

To lint:

git lint                  # lint all files modified since HEAD
git lint [<files..>]      # lint specified files
git lint --since <commit> # lint all files modified since <commit>
git lint --help           # show help menu

To format:

git fmt                   # format all files modified since HEAD
git fmt [<files..>]       # format specified files
git fmt --since <commit>  # format all files modified since <commit>
git fmt --help            # show help menu