diff --git a/docs/elements/balar/BalarInDepth.md b/docs/elements/balar/BalarInDepth.md
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+++ b/docs/elements/balar/BalarInDepth.md
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+title: Balar In Depth
+This doc provide some high level views on various aspects of *balar*.
+## balar CUDA calls dispatch mechanism
+In *balar*, every CUDA API call and return are represented by `SST::BalarComponent::BalarCudaCallPacket_t` and `SST::BalarComponent::BalarCudaCallReturnPacket_t`. These two structures contain necessary arguments for CUDA function calls and return values.
+Since *balar* is a [MMIO](https://sst-simulator.org/sst-docs/docs/elements/memHierarchy/stdmem#mmio) (memory mapped IO) device, it receives CUDA call packets via incoming writes to its mapped address. Specifically, it follows the dispatch sequence as follow:
+ autonumber
+ participant dmaEngine
+ participant balarMMIO
+ participant balarTestCPU
+ participant memory
+ balarTestCPU->>memory: Write CUDA API packet to
scratch memory location
+ balarTestCPU->>balarMMIO: Write pointer to
scratch memory location
+ balarMMIO->>dmaEngine: Issue a Read to
retrieve the CUDA packet
+ dmaEngine->>balarMMIO: Return packet
+ balarMMIO->>balarMMIO: Call GPGPU-Sim functions
+ balarMMIO->>memory: Write CUDA return packet to pointer
+ balarMMIO->>balarTestCPU: Send response to the initial write
+*BalarTestCPU* writes the pointer to the CUDA packet into *balar*'s MMIO address range, which *balar* will use this to copy the actual packet content into simulator memory space.
+With direct-execution, there are some differences with `cudaMemcpy()` function calls. Specifically, *balar* will need to copy data from SST memory system with `cudaMemcpyHostToDevice` and copy data from simulator memory space into SST memory with `cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost` using *dmaEngine*.
+## Custom CUDA runtime library
+Located in `src/sst/elements/balar/tests/vanadisLLVMRISCV`, the custom runtime lib `cuda_runtime_api_vanadis.cc` will be linked with CUDA programs. For most CUDA APIs, it will create `SST::BalarComponent::BalarCudaCallPacket_t` packets and send pointers to the packets to *balar*.
+For each CUDA call using `makeCudaCall()`, *balar* will first map its MMIO into *vanadis*'s virtual memory with memory fencing ops first. The actual `mmap` call is performed via inline assembly code to avoid invalid accesses into *balar*'s MMIO address due to OoO execution. *Balar* will unmap immediately after pointer is written for the same reason.
+- For blocking CUDA calls, *balar* will poll on the last CUDA API return status via `readLastCudaStatus()` until the operation is completed.
+- For non-blocking CUDA calls, *balar* will return immediately.
+## Trace-driven mode component setup
+We provided a config script `src/sst/elements/balar/tests/testBalar-testcpu.py` to run with trace information. The configuration graph roughly looks like this:
+flowchart TD
+ balarTestCPU
+ balarMMIO
+ dmaEngine
+ memory
+ router
+ balarTestCPU <--> router
+ balarMMIO <--mmio_iface--> router
+ dmaEngine <--mem_iface--> router
+ dmaEngine <--mmio_iface--> router
+ memory <--> router
+*dmaEngine* has two memory interfaces. One for receiving commands (`mmio_iface`) and the other is used to access data (`mem_iface`).
+## Direct-execution mode component setup
+For direct-execution with *vanadis*, the config script is at `src/sst/elements/balar/tests/testBalar-vanadis.py`, with configuration graph:
+flowchart TD
+ vanadisCore
+ coreTLB
+ coreCache
+ vanadisOS
+ osMMU
+ balar
+ balarTLB
+ dmaEngine
+ memory
+ router
+ coreCacheBus{{coreCacheBus}}
+ subgraph " "
+ direction LR
+ subgraph VanadisCPU
+ direction TB
+ vanadisCore <--> coreTLB
+ coreTLB <--> coreCacheBus
+ coreCacheBus <--> coreCache
+ end
+ subgraph OS
+ direction TB
+ vanadisOS <--> osMMU
+ end
+ balarTLB <--> coreCacheBus
+ balarTLB <--MMU::m_nicTlbLink--> osMMU
+ vanadisCore <--> vanadisOS
+ coreTLB <--MMU::m_coreLinks--> osMMU
+ subgraph Balar
+ direction TB
+ dmaEngine <--> balarTLB
+ balar
+ end
+ end
+ balar <--mmio interface--> router
+ coreCache <--> router
+ dmaEngine <--mmio interface--> router
+ router <--> memory
+Some details are omitted for simplicity.
+*balar* needs a TLB as *vanadis* works in virtual memory space. That part of the configuration script is based on the test example for [*rdmaNic*](../rdmaNic/intro.md).
diff --git a/docs/elements/balar/CompilingRISCVCUDA.md b/docs/elements/balar/CompilingRISCVCUDA.md
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+title: Compiling RISCV + CUDA
+This page provides information to compile a CUDA program from source code into binary that can be run with *vanadis* and *balar*.
+This documentation assumes you have followed the [QuickStart](./QuickStart.md#llvm--riscv-gnu-toolchain) guide on setting up LLVM and RISCV GNU toolchain.
+Since no real GPU will be used during the simulation, a custom CUDA runtime library is needed to intercept the CUDA API calls from CPU code and dispatch those to *balar* and GPGPU-Sim. You can find the source code for the custom CUDA runtime at `src/sst/elements/balar/tests/vanadisLLVMRISCV/cuda_runtime_api_vanadis.cc`
+In the same folder, there is a Makefile handling compiling the custom runtime and a simple vector add program.
+```Makefile title="Makefile"
+# Custom Vanadis CUDA lib
+CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB_SRC := cuda_runtime_api_vanadis.cc
+CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB := cudart_vanadis
+# Clang prefix
+# RISCV Toolchain path
+# Need to set RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PATH env variable
+RISCV_PREFIX := $(RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PATH)/bin/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-
+RISCV_CXX := $(wildcard $(RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PATH)/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/include/c++/*/)
+# Clang flags
+C_FLAGS_RISCV_LINUX := --target=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu -march=rv64gc -static-libgcc --gcc-toolchain=$(RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PATH) --sysroot=$(RISCV_SYSROOT)
+CXX_FLAGS_RISCV_LINUX := -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -static --gcc-toolchain=$(RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PATH) --sysroot=$(RISCV_SYSROOT) -nostdlibinc -stdlib++-isystem$(RISCV_CXX)/ -stdlib++-isystem$(RISCV_SYSROOT)/usr/include -stdlib++-isystem$(RISCV_CXX)/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu --target=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu -march=rv64gc
+CXX_FLAGS_RISCV_LINUX_CLANG_ONLY := --gcc-toolchain=$(RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PATH) --sysroot=$(RISCV_SYSROOT) -I$(RISCV_SYSROOT)/usr/include --target=riscv64 -march=rv64gc
+CXX_FLAGS_CUDA := --cuda-gpu-arch=$(GPU_ARCH) --cuda-path=$(CUDA_INSTALL_PATH) -L$(CUDA_INSTALL_PATH)/lib64 -lcudart -ldl -lrt -pthread
+CXX_FLAGS_RISCV_CUDA := -static --cuda-gpu-arch=$(GPU_ARCH) --cuda-path=$(CUDA_INSTALL_PATH) -L. -Wl,-static -l$(CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB) -L$(CUDA_INSTALL_PATH)/lib64 -Wl,-static -ldl -lrt -pthread
+CXX_FLAGS_CUDA_WRAPPER := -include __clang_cuda_runtime_wrapper.h
+all: helloworld vecadd
+ $(error env LLVM_INSTALL_PATH is not set)
+ $(error env RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PATH is not set)
+ifeq ($(GPU_ARCH),)
+ $(error env GPU_ARCH is not set)
+# Sample helloworld program, pure CPU code
+# test if clang is working properly
+helloworld: helloworld.c test_llvm_env
+ $(CLANG_PREFIX)clang -static -mno-relax $(C_FLAGS_RISCV_LINUX) $< -o $@
+# Custom CUDA runtime target
+# Have to embed the CUDA version information for GPGPU-Sim
+vanadis_cuda: $(CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB_SRC) test_vanadis_envs
+ $(RISCV_PREFIX)gcc -c -static -I$(CUDA_INSTALL_PATH)/include -I. -DBALAR_CUDA_VERSION=\"libcudart_vanadis.a.$(shell echo $$CUDA_VERSION_NUMBER | cut -c 1-2)\" -fpic $<
+ $(RISCV_PREFIX)gcc -shared -o lib$(CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB).so $(CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB_SRC:.cc=.o)
+# RISCV + CUDA binary
+vecadd: vecadd.cu test_vanadis_envs test_llvm_env vanadis_cuda
+# x86 + CUDA binary
+vecadd_normal: vecadd.cu
+ rm -f lib$(CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB).so lib$(CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB).a $(CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB_SRC:.cc=.o) vecadd helloworld
+For more complicated CUDA program, you can refer to the flags and CC setup in [gpu-app-collection's Makefile](https://github.com/accel-sim/gpu-app-collection/blob/7db54738af0aed3760f496f6c968ee5a40c0ee46/src/cuda/common/common.mk#L77-L106).
+Vanadis currently only support programs that are statically linked.
diff --git a/docs/elements/balar/QuickStart.md b/docs/elements/balar/QuickStart.md
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index 00000000..640e17c6
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+title: QuickStart
+This page provides instructions to setup balar and run test examples.
+## Prerequisites
+### CUDA
+Please refer to [NVIDIA's website](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads) for setting up CUDA.
+After CUDA is installed, you would need to set this environment variable `CUDA_INSTALL_PATH`:
+# Assuming CUDA is installed at /usr/local/cuda
+export CUDA_INSTALL_PATH=/usr/local/cuda
+### GPGPU-Sim
+First, we shall install the prerequisites for GPGPU-Sim:
+sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential xutils-dev bison zlib1g-dev flex libglu1-mesa-dev
+Then to build GPGPU-Sim:
+git clone https://github.com/accel-sim/gpgpu-sim_distribution.git
+cd gpgpu-sim_distribution
+source setup_environment
+make -j4
+### LLVM + RISCV GNU Toolchain
+If you wish to run CUDA binary with [vanadis](../vanadis/intro.md) and balar, you will need to clone LLVM and RISCV GNU toolchain to compile CUDA source code.
+# Create installation dirs
+mkdir llvm-install
+mkdir riscv-gnu-install
+# Set up environment vars to LLVM and RISCV GCC installation folders
+export LLVM_INSTALL_PATH=$(pwd)/llvm-install
+export RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PATH=$(pwd)/riscv-gnu-install
+# Build LLVM with RISC-V, x86, and CUDA support from source
+# x86 is included for testing purpose, you can remove it if
+# you will only run the CUDA binary with SST
+git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git
+cd llvm-project
+mkdir build && cd build
+cmake --build . -j8
+cmake --build . --target install
+cd ..
+# Build RISC-V GCC toolchain
+git clone https://github.com/riscv-collab/riscv-gnu-toolchain.git
+cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
+./configure --prefix=$RISCV_INSTALL_PATH
+make linux -j8
+cd ..
+# Match with the GPU config file we have (V100)
+export GPU_ARCH=sm_70
+### GPU App Collection
+In order to run balar's unittest, we would need to clone the [GPU app collection repo](https://github.com/accel-sim/gpu-app-collection/tree/sst_support). The unittest script will handle compilation for these kernels with the custom CUDA runtime lib.
+git clone git@github.com:accel-sim/gpu-app-collection.git
+cd gpu-app-collection
+git checkout sst_support
+# Setup environ vars for apps, need to have
+# If you plan to compile the apps directly, you will
+# also need to set SST_CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB_PATH to
+# the directory of the custom CUDA library,
+# which normally will be `SST_ELEMENTS_SRC/src/sst/elements/balar/tests/vanadisLLVMRISCV`
+source ./src/setup_environment sst
+:::note Manual Compilation
+If you want to compile the Rodinia benchmarks manually or want to tested out other kernels in the gpu-app-collection repo, you will need to set the `SST_CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB_PATH` env var and compile the custom CUDA runtime first.
+export SST_CUSTOM_CUDA_LIB_PATH=SST_ELEMENTS_SRC/src/sst/elements/balar/tests/vanadisLLVMRISCV
+# Build custom CUDA runtime
+cd SST_ELEMENTS_SRC/src/sst/elements/balar/tests/vanadisLLVMRISCV
+# Compile Rodinia 2.0 and pull data
+cd PATH_TO/gpu-app-collection
+make rodinia_2.0-ft -i -j4 -C ./src
+make data -C ./src
+# The compiled binaries would be located
+# PATH_TO/gpu-app-collection/bin/CUDA_VERSION_NUM/release
+## Compilation
+There are some subtle details need to be taken care of for *sst-core* and *sst-elements*:
+# For sst-core, you will need to disable MPI and mempools
+./configure --prefix=$SST_CORE_HOME --disable-mpi --disable-mem-pools
+make -j4
+make install
+# For sst-elements, you will need to specify CUDA and GPGPU-Sim path
+# GPGPUSIM_ROOT will be set by sourcing the setup_environment script
+./configure --prefix=$SST_ELEMENTS_HOME --with-sst-core=$SST_CORE_HOME --with-cuda=$CUDA_INSTALL_PATH --with-gpgpusim=$GPGPUSIM_ROOT
+make -j4
+make install
+After configuring *sst-elements*, you should have a command line output stating balar will be built. If not, you would need to check if you have CUDA and GPGPU-Sim installed and compiled properly.
+## Testing
+Balar divides its testcases into three testsuites based on time cost:
+- *simple*: takes about 10 mins to complete
+- *medium*: takes about 1 hr to complete
+- *long*: takes 1~2 hrs to complete
+Each All of them can be run in parallel with `-c NUM_CORES` flags.
+# Run simple tests sequentially
+$SST_CORE_HOME/bin/sst-test-elements -w "*balar*simple*"
+# Run medium testcases with 2 processes
+$SST_CORE_HOME/bin/sst-test-elements -c 2 -w "*balar*medium*"
+# Run long tests with 4 processes
+$SST_CORE_HOME/bin/sst-test-elements -c 4 -w "*balar*long*"
+# Run all tests with 8 processes
+$SST_CORE_HOME/bin/sst-test-elements -c 8 -w "*balar*"
+When running each testsuite, it will first compiled the custom CUDA library under at `SST_ELEMENT_SOURCE/src/sst/elements/balar/tests/vanadisLLVMRISCV/` and link this with Rodinia 2.0 kernels in [gpu-app-collection](https://github.com/accel-sim/gpu-app-collection/tree/sst_support).
+## Running examples
+# cd into balar's tests folder
+cd SST_ELEMENT_SOURCE/src/sst/elements/balar/tests
+# With testcpu
+make -C vectorAdd
+sst testBalar-testcpu.py --model-options="-c gpu-v100-mem.cfg -x ./vectorAdd/vectorAdd -t cuda_calls.trace"
+# With vanadis
+# Run helloworld example, pure CPU code, no CUDA calls
+make -C vanadisLLVMRISCV
+vanadis_EXE=./vanadisLLVMRISCV/helloworld \
+vanadis_ISA=RISCV64 \
+sst testBalar-vanadis.py --model-options='-c gpu-v100-mem.cfg'
+# Run a simple integer vector add example
+vanadis_EXE=./vanadisLLVMRISCV/vecadd \
+vanadis_ISA=RISCV64 \
+sst testBalar-vanadis.py --model-options='-c gpu-v100-mem.cfg'
diff --git a/docs/elements/balar/TracingCUDAProgram.md b/docs/elements/balar/TracingCUDAProgram.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0726e5fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/elements/balar/TracingCUDAProgram.md
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+title: Tracing CUDA Program
+This page provides steps to use tracer tool to generate CUDA API traces to run *balar* with *BalarTestCPU*.
+We are working on providing a more robust version of the tracer with the new NVBit release. Including better trace format and better computation validation.
+In order to run *balar* in trace-driven mode, you will need to supply the *BalarTestCPU* component with a trace file and associated GPU memory copy data dump. We have created an instruction tracer tool based on [NVBit](https://github.com/NVlabs/NVBit) to generate those. You can find relevant code inside [Accel-Sim](https://github.com/accel-sim/accel-sim-framework) framework: `ACCEL_SIM_SRC/util/tracer_nvbit/others/cuda_api_tracer_tool`.
+To setup the tool and generate traces, you will need a machine with a NVIDIA GPU installed. Also [NVBit](https://github.com/NVlabs/NVBit) has some requirements for both GPU hardware and software versions. Refer to its README for more info.
+To pull and compile the tracer tool:
+# Get the Accel-Sim framework
+git clone git@github.com:accel-sim/accel-sim-framework.git
+# cd into tracer tool folder
+cd accel-sim-framework/util/tracer_nvbit
+# Install nvbit
+# Compile tracer tool
+# Which will generate a 'cuda_api_tracer_tool.so' file at
+# './others/cuda_api_tracer_tool/cuda_api_tracer'
+make -C ./others/cuda_api_tracer_tool
+Then, in order to dump traces, put path to the tracer tool shared object in `LD_PRELOAD`:
+LD_PRELOAD=PATH_TO/cuda_api_tracer_tool.so CUDA_PROG
+Which will generate the following files when exiting:
+- `cuda_calls.trace`: the API trace file tracking
+ - `cudaMemcpy`
+ - `cudaMalloc`
+ - cuda kernel launches
+ - `cudaFree`
+- `cuMemcpyD2H-X-X.data`: cuda memcpy device to host data payload
+- `cuMemcpyH2D-X-X.data`: cuda memcpy host to device data payload
diff --git a/docs/elements/balar/intro.md b/docs/elements/balar/intro.md
index 3574cf07..1784cbf8 100644
--- a/docs/elements/balar/intro.md
+++ b/docs/elements/balar/intro.md
@@ -2,9 +2,16 @@
title: balar
-The *BalarTestCPU* component is a trace-based test CPU that is included inside `balarMMIO` to run simulations with CUDA API call traces and data collected from a real GPU. It works by consuming a trace file and associated CUDA memory copy data files. The cudaMemcpyH2D data payload is collected for program correctness. The cudaMemcpyD2H data is collected to validate computation.
+The *balar* library provides an interface between SST and [GPGPU-Sim](https://github.com/accel-sim/gpgpu-sim_distribution), a cycle-level simulator modeling contemporary graphics processing units (GPUs) running GPU computing workloads written in CUDA. It supports two execution modes: trace-driven and direct-execution.
-*BalarMMIO* is responsible for relaying CUDA API requests from SST to GPGPU-Sim. Currently it supports running with CUDA traces without a real CPU model (with BalarTestCPU) or with a [Vanadis](../vanadis/intro) core (under active development with limited support for MIPS32 and no support for RV64).
+- Trace-driven: balar is driven by a test CPU that consume CUDA API traces and launch CUDA calls.
+- Direct-execution: a CPU model execute a CUDA binary linked with custom `libcudart` and dispatch CUDA API calls to balar and GPGPU-Sim.
+The *BalarTestCPU* component is a trace-based test CPU that is included inside balar folder (`./testcpu/`) to run simulations with CUDA API call traces and data collected from a real GPU. It works by consuming a trace file and associated CUDA memory copy data files. The `cudaMemcpyH2D` data payload is collected for program correctness. The `cudaMemcpyD2H` data is collected to validate computation.
+*BalarMMIO* is responsible for relaying CUDA API requests from SST to GPGPU-Sim. Currently it supports running with CUDA traces without a real CPU model (with BalarTestCPU) or with a [Vanadis](../vanadis/intro) core running RISCV + CUDA binary with a custom CUDA runtime (`libcudart_vanadis` inside `./tests/vanadisLLVMRISCV/`). This mode has been tested with a subset of Rodinia 2.0 benchmark kernels in unittest.
+The *dmaEngine* component performs memory data transfers between SST cache memory space and simulator memory space. It is required as balar will read/write the CPU data (i.e. `cudaMemcpy()` with vanadis) and place them into GPGPU-Sim's memory space for functional simulation. In addition, dmaEngine is also used to read CUDA dispatch packet and write return value for the custom CUDA runtime.
:::note At a Glance
@@ -16,13 +23,32 @@ The *BalarTestCPU* component is a trace-based test CPU that is included inside `
-### Required dependencies
-* **CUDA** Version 10.1 is recommended
-* **GPGPUSim** A link to the GPGPUSim version can be found in balar's [README](https://github.com/sstsimulator/sst-elements/tree/master/src/sst/elements/balar/README.md).
-### Optional dependencies
+Support for trace-driven mode currently is limited as it was used as early stage validation for balar implementation. It has only been tested with a simple integer vector add example.
-## Additional documentation
-A detailed [README](https://github.com/sstsimulator/sst-elements/tree/master/src/sst/elements/balar/README.md) on the balar element can be found in the balar source code.
+We are working on providing a more robust version of this with the new NVBit release. Including better trace format and better computation validation.
+### Required dependencies
+* **CUDA** Version 11.0+ is recommended
+* **GPGPUSim** Use the *dev* branch from [accel-sim/gpgpu-sim_distribution](https://github.com/accel-sim/gpgpu-sim_distribution)
+### Optional dependencies
+* [**LLVM**](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project) For compiling RISCV + CUDA binary
+* [**RISCV GNU Toolchain**](https://github.com/riscv-collab/riscv-gnu-toolchain) For compiling RISCV + CUDA binary
+* [**gpu-app-collection**](https://github.com/accel-sim/gpu-app-collection/tree/sst_support) For running unittest with Rodinia 2.0 kernels
+* **Test Docker image** You can also opt in the prebuilt docker image with all dependencies setup except for GPGPU-Sim
+ * OS: Ubuntu 22.04
+ * CUDA: 11.7
+ * LLVM: 18.1.8
+ * RISCV: 2024.08.06-nightly
+ * ```bash
+ # Pull prebuilt image
+ docker pull tgrogers/accel-sim_regress:SST-Integration-Ubuntu-22.04-cuda-11.7-llvm-18.1.8-riscv-gnu-2024.08.06-nightly
+ ```
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