switch to fastapi-slim #1673
5 warnings
Store and benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 254.29273358511372 and current value is 176.9298377296711. It is 1.437251832975987x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.3
Store and benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 121.9281821927887 and current value is 86.57926319155362. It is 1.4082838973002902x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.3
Store and benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 56.87727096056023 and current value is 43.08712405297524. It is 1.3200526192147364x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.3
Store and benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 44.98905064920271 and current value is 34.389525490759524. It is 1.3082195816075242x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.3
Store and benchmark result
Performance alert! Previous value was 10.973894509618027 and current value is 8.390467058083578. It is 1.3079003151613011x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.3