diff --git a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/batcher.rs b/crates/starknet_batcher/src/batcher.rs
index 17f083a2076..32896bfdf71 100644
--- a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/batcher.rs
+++ b/crates/starknet_batcher/src/batcher.rs
@@ -28,16 +28,17 @@ use starknet_batcher_types::errors::BatcherError;
 use starknet_mempool_types::communication::SharedMempoolClient;
 use starknet_mempool_types::mempool_types::CommitBlockArgs;
 use starknet_sequencer_infra::component_definitions::ComponentStarter;
-use tracing::{debug, error, info, instrument, trace};
+use tokio::sync::Mutex;
+use tracing::{debug, error, info, instrument, trace, Instrument};
 use crate::block_builder::{
+    BlockBuilderTrait,
 use crate::config::BatcherConfig;
-use crate::proposal_manager::{GenerateProposalError, ProposalManager, ProposalManagerTrait};
 use crate::transaction_provider::{
@@ -47,8 +48,10 @@ use crate::utils::{
+    ProposalError,
+    ProposalTask,
 type OutputStreamReceiver = tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Transaction>;
@@ -60,11 +63,30 @@ pub struct Batcher {
     pub storage_writer: Box<dyn BatcherStorageWriterTrait>,
     pub mempool_client: SharedMempoolClient,
+    // Used to create block builders.
+    // Using the factory pattern to allow for easier testing.
+    block_builder_factory: Box<dyn BlockBuilderFactoryTrait>,
+    // The height that the batcher is currently working on.
+    // All proposals are considered to be at this height.
     active_height: Option<BlockNumber>,
-    proposal_manager: Box<dyn ProposalManagerTrait>,
-    block_builder_factory: Box<dyn BlockBuilderFactoryTrait>,
+    // The block proposal that is currently being built, if any.
+    // At any given time, there can be only one proposal being actively executed (either proposed
+    // or validated).
+    active_proposal: Arc<Mutex<Option<ProposalId>>>,
+    active_proposal_task: Option<ProposalTask>,
+    // Holds all the proposals that completed execution in the current height.
+    executed_proposals: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<ProposalId, ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>>>>,
+    // The propose blocks transaction streams, used to stream out the proposal transactions.
+    // Each stream is kept until all the transactions are streamed out, or a new height is started.
     propose_tx_streams: HashMap<ProposalId, OutputStreamReceiver>,
+    // The validate blocks transaction streams, used to stream in the transactions to validate.
+    // Each stream is kept until SendProposalContent::Finish/Abort is received, or a new height is
+    // started.
     validate_tx_streams: HashMap<ProposalId, InputStreamSender>,
@@ -75,16 +97,17 @@ impl Batcher {
         storage_writer: Box<dyn BatcherStorageWriterTrait>,
         mempool_client: SharedMempoolClient,
         block_builder_factory: Box<dyn BlockBuilderFactoryTrait>,
-        proposal_manager: Box<dyn ProposalManagerTrait>,
     ) -> Self {
         Self {
             config: config.clone(),
-            active_height: None,
-            proposal_manager,
+            active_height: None,
+            active_proposal: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
+            active_proposal_task: None,
+            executed_proposals: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())),
             propose_tx_streams: HashMap::new(),
             validate_tx_streams: HashMap::new(),
@@ -112,7 +135,8 @@ impl Batcher {
         // Clear all the proposals from the previous height.
-        self.proposal_manager.reset().await;
+        self.abort_active_proposal().await;
+        self.executed_proposals.lock().await.clear();
@@ -134,6 +158,8 @@ impl Batcher {
+        self.set_active_proposal(propose_block_input.proposal_id).await?;
         let tx_provider = ProposeTransactionProvider::new(
             // TODO: use a real L1 provider client.
@@ -160,8 +186,7 @@ impl Batcher {
             .map_err(|_| BatcherError::InternalError)?;
-        self.proposal_manager
-            .spawn_proposal(propose_block_input.proposal_id, block_builder, abort_signal_sender)
+        self.spawn_proposal(propose_block_input.proposal_id, block_builder, abort_signal_sender)
         self.propose_tx_streams.insert(propose_block_input.proposal_id, output_tx_receiver);
@@ -180,6 +205,8 @@ impl Batcher {
+        self.set_active_proposal(validate_block_input.proposal_id).await?;
         // A channel to send the transactions to include in the block being validated.
         let (input_tx_sender, input_tx_receiver) =
@@ -206,8 +233,7 @@ impl Batcher {
             .map_err(|_| BatcherError::InternalError)?;
-        self.proposal_manager
-            .spawn_proposal(validate_block_input.proposal_id, block_builder, abort_signal_sender)
+        self.spawn_proposal(validate_block_input.proposal_id, block_builder, abort_signal_sender)
         self.validate_tx_streams.insert(validate_block_input.proposal_id, input_tx_sender);
@@ -229,11 +255,7 @@ impl Batcher {
         match send_proposal_content_input.content {
             SendProposalContent::Txs(txs) => self.handle_send_txs_request(proposal_id, txs).await,
             SendProposalContent::Finish => self.handle_finish_proposal_request(proposal_id).await,
-            SendProposalContent::Abort => {
-                self.proposal_manager.abort_proposal(proposal_id).await;
-                self.close_input_transaction_stream(proposal_id)?;
-                Ok(SendProposalContentResponse { response: ProposalStatus::Aborted })
-            }
+            SendProposalContent::Abort => self.handle_abort_proposal_request(proposal_id).await,
@@ -261,6 +283,8 @@ impl Batcher {
         let proposal_result =
             self.get_completed_proposal_result(proposal_id).await.expect("Proposal should exist.");
         match proposal_result {
+            // TODO(dafna): at this point the proposal result must be an error, since it finsisehd
+            // earlier than expected. Consider panicking instead of returning an error.
             Ok(_) => Err(BatcherError::ProposalAlreadyFinished { proposal_id }),
             Err(err) => Ok(SendProposalContentResponse { response: proposal_status_from(err)? }),
@@ -272,9 +296,11 @@ impl Batcher {
     ) -> BatcherResult<SendProposalContentResponse> {
         debug!("Send proposal content done for {}", proposal_id);
-        self.close_input_transaction_stream(proposal_id)?;
+        self.validate_tx_streams.remove(&proposal_id);
         if self.is_active(proposal_id).await {
-            self.proposal_manager.await_active_proposal().await;
+            if let Some(proposal_task) = self.active_proposal_task.take() {
+                proposal_task.join_handle.await.ok();
+            }
         let proposal_result =
@@ -286,11 +312,16 @@ impl Batcher {
         Ok(SendProposalContentResponse { response: proposal_status })
-    fn close_input_transaction_stream(&mut self, proposal_id: ProposalId) -> BatcherResult<()> {
-        self.validate_tx_streams
-            .remove(&proposal_id)
-            .ok_or(BatcherError::ProposalNotFound { proposal_id })?;
-        Ok(())
+    async fn handle_abort_proposal_request(
+        &mut self,
+        proposal_id: ProposalId,
+    ) -> BatcherResult<SendProposalContentResponse> {
+        if self.is_active(proposal_id).await {
+            self.abort_active_proposal().await;
+            self.executed_proposals.lock().await.insert(proposal_id, Err(ProposalError::Aborted));
+        }
+        self.validate_tx_streams.remove(&proposal_id);
+        Ok(SendProposalContentResponse { response: ProposalStatus::Aborted })
     #[instrument(skip(self), err)]
@@ -329,39 +360,96 @@ impl Batcher {
     #[instrument(skip(self), err)]
     pub async fn decision_reached(&mut self, input: DecisionReachedInput) -> BatcherResult<()> {
+        let height = self.active_height.ok_or(BatcherError::NoActiveHeight)?;
         let proposal_id = input.proposal_id;
-        let proposal_output = self
-            .proposal_manager
-            .take_proposal_result(proposal_id)
-            .await
-            .ok_or(BatcherError::ExecutedProposalNotFound { proposal_id })??;
+        let proposal_result = self.executed_proposals.lock().await.remove(&proposal_id);
         let ProposalOutput { state_diff, nonces: address_to_nonce, tx_hashes, .. } =
-            proposal_output;
-        // TODO: Keep the height from start_height or get it from the input.
-        let height = self.storage_reader.height().map_err(|err| {
-            error!("Failed to get height from storage: {}", err);
-            BatcherError::InternalError
-        })?;
+            proposal_result.ok_or(BatcherError::ExecutedProposalNotFound { proposal_id })??;
             "Committing proposal {} at height {} and notifying mempool of the block.",
             proposal_id, height
         trace!("Transactions: {:#?}, State diff: {:#?}.", tx_hashes, state_diff);
+        // Commit the proposal to the storage and notify the mempool.
         self.storage_writer.commit_proposal(height, state_diff).map_err(|err| {
             error!("Failed to commit proposal to storage: {}", err);
-        if let Err(mempool_err) =
-            self.mempool_client.commit_block(CommitBlockArgs { address_to_nonce, tx_hashes }).await
-        {
+        let mempool_result =
+            self.mempool_client.commit_block(CommitBlockArgs { address_to_nonce, tx_hashes }).await;
+        if let Err(mempool_err) = mempool_result {
             error!("Failed to commit block to mempool: {}", mempool_err);
             // TODO: Should we rollback the state diff and return an error?
-        }
+        };
     async fn is_active(&self, proposal_id: ProposalId) -> bool {
-        self.proposal_manager.get_active_proposal().await == Some(proposal_id)
+        *self.active_proposal.lock().await == Some(proposal_id)
+    }
+    // Sets a new active proposal task.
+    // Fails if there is another proposal being currently generated, or a proposal with the same ID
+    // already exists.
+    async fn set_active_proposal(&mut self, proposal_id: ProposalId) -> BatcherResult<()> {
+        if self.executed_proposals.lock().await.contains_key(&proposal_id) {
+            return Err(BatcherError::ProposalAlreadyExists { proposal_id });
+        }
+        let mut active_proposal = self.active_proposal.lock().await;
+        if let Some(active_proposal_id) = *active_proposal {
+            return Err(BatcherError::ServerBusy {
+                active_proposal_id,
+                new_proposal_id: proposal_id,
+            });
+        }
+        debug!("Set proposal {} as the one being generated.", proposal_id);
+        *active_proposal = Some(proposal_id);
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    // Starts a new block proposal generation task for the given proposal_id.
+    // Uses the given block_builder to generate the proposal.
+    #[instrument(skip(self, block_builder), err)]
+    async fn spawn_proposal(
+        &mut self,
+        proposal_id: ProposalId,
+        mut block_builder: Box<dyn BlockBuilderTrait>,
+        abort_signal_sender: tokio::sync::oneshot::Sender<()>,
+    ) -> BatcherResult<()> {
+        info!("Starting generation of a new proposal with id {}.", proposal_id);
+        let active_proposal = self.active_proposal.clone();
+        let executed_proposals = self.executed_proposals.clone();
+        let join_handle = tokio::spawn(
+            async move {
+                let result = block_builder
+                    .build_block()
+                    .await
+                    .map(ProposalOutput::from)
+                    .map_err(|e| ProposalError::BlockBuilderError(Arc::new(e)));
+                // The proposal is done, clear the active proposal.
+                // Keep the proposal result only if it is the same as the active proposal.
+                // The active proposal might have changed if this proposal was aborted.
+                let mut active_proposal = active_proposal.lock().await;
+                if *active_proposal == Some(proposal_id) {
+                    active_proposal.take();
+                    executed_proposals.lock().await.insert(proposal_id, result);
+                }
+            }
+            .in_current_span(),
+        );
+        self.active_proposal_task = Some(ProposalTask { abort_signal_sender, join_handle });
+        Ok(())
     // Returns a completed proposal result, either its commitment or an error if the proposal
@@ -370,8 +458,7 @@ impl Batcher {
         proposal_id: ProposalId,
     ) -> Option<ProposalResult<ProposalCommitment>> {
-        let completed_proposals = self.proposal_manager.get_completed_proposals().await;
-        let guard = completed_proposals.lock().await;
+        let guard = self.executed_proposals.lock().await;
         let proposal_result = guard.get(&proposal_id);
         match proposal_result {
@@ -380,6 +467,22 @@ impl Batcher {
             None => None,
+    // Ends the current active proposal.
+    // This call is non-blocking.
+    async fn abort_active_proposal(&mut self) {
+        self.active_proposal.lock().await.take();
+        if let Some(proposal_task) = self.active_proposal_task.take() {
+            proposal_task.abort_signal_sender.send(()).ok();
+        }
+    }
+    #[cfg(test)]
+    pub async fn await_active_proposal(&mut self) {
+        if let Some(proposal_task) = self.active_proposal_task.take() {
+            proposal_task.join_handle.await.ok();
+        }
+    }
 pub fn create_batcher(config: BatcherConfig, mempool_client: SharedMempoolClient) -> Batcher {
@@ -393,15 +496,7 @@ pub fn create_batcher(config: BatcherConfig, mempool_client: SharedMempoolClient
     let storage_reader = Arc::new(storage_reader);
     let storage_writer = Box::new(storage_writer);
-    let proposal_manager = Box::new(ProposalManager::new());
-    Batcher::new(
-        config,
-        storage_reader,
-        storage_writer,
-        mempool_client,
-        block_builder_factory,
-        proposal_manager,
-    )
+    Batcher::new(config, storage_reader, storage_writer, mempool_client, block_builder_factory)
 #[cfg_attr(test, automock)]
@@ -436,23 +531,4 @@ impl BatcherStorageWriterTrait for papyrus_storage::StorageWriter {
-impl From<GenerateProposalError> for BatcherError {
-    fn from(err: GenerateProposalError) -> Self {
-        match err {
-            GenerateProposalError::AlreadyGeneratingProposal {
-                current_generating_proposal_id,
-                new_proposal_id,
-            } => BatcherError::ServerBusy {
-                active_proposal_id: current_generating_proposal_id,
-                new_proposal_id,
-            },
-            GenerateProposalError::BlockBuilderError(..) => BatcherError::InternalError,
-            GenerateProposalError::NoActiveHeight => BatcherError::NoActiveHeight,
-            GenerateProposalError::ProposalAlreadyExists { proposal_id } => {
-                BatcherError::ProposalAlreadyExists { proposal_id }
-            }
-        }
-    }
 impl ComponentStarter for Batcher {}
diff --git a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/batcher_test.rs b/crates/starknet_batcher/src/batcher_test.rs
index b1d61b855e7..1178c291f6c 100644
--- a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/batcher_test.rs
+++ b/crates/starknet_batcher/src/batcher_test.rs
@@ -1,23 +1,13 @@
-use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
 use std::sync::Arc;
 use assert_matches::assert_matches;
-use async_trait::async_trait;
 use blockifier::abi::constants;
 use blockifier::test_utils::struct_impls::BlockInfoExt;
 use chrono::Utc;
-use futures::future::BoxFuture;
-use futures::FutureExt;
-use mockall::automock;
-use mockall::predicate::{always, eq};
+use mockall::predicate::eq;
 use rstest::rstest;
 use starknet_api::block::{BlockInfo, BlockNumber};
-use starknet_api::core::{ContractAddress, Nonce, StateDiffCommitment};
 use starknet_api::executable_transaction::Transaction;
-use starknet_api::hash::PoseidonHash;
-use starknet_api::state::ThinStateDiff;
-use starknet_api::transaction::TransactionHash;
-use starknet_api::{contract_address, felt, nonce, tx_hash};
 use starknet_batcher_types::batcher_types::{
@@ -36,57 +26,45 @@ use starknet_batcher_types::batcher_types::{
 use starknet_batcher_types::errors::BatcherError;
 use starknet_mempool_types::communication::MockMempoolClient;
 use starknet_mempool_types::mempool_types::CommitBlockArgs;
-use tokio::sync::Mutex;
 use crate::batcher::{Batcher, MockBatcherStorageReaderTrait, MockBatcherStorageWriterTrait};
 use crate::block_builder::{
-    BlockBuilderTrait,
+    BlockBuilderResult,
+    BlockExecutionArtifacts,
 use crate::config::BatcherConfig;
-use crate::proposal_manager::{GenerateProposalError, ProposalManagerTrait};
 use crate::test_utils::test_txs;
 use crate::transaction_provider::NextTxs;
-use crate::utils::{ProposalError, ProposalOutput, ProposalResult};
+use crate::utils::ProposalOutput;
 const INITIAL_HEIGHT: BlockNumber = BlockNumber(3);
 const STREAMING_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 3;
 const BLOCK_GENERATION_TIMEOUT: tokio::time::Duration = tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(1);
 const PROPOSAL_ID: ProposalId = ProposalId(0);
+const BUILD_BLOCK_FAIL_ON_ERROR: BlockBuilderError =
+    BlockBuilderError::FailOnError(FailOnErrorCause::BlockFull);
 fn initial_block_info() -> BlockInfo {
     BlockInfo { block_number: INITIAL_HEIGHT, ..BlockInfo::create_for_testing() }
 fn proposal_commitment() -> ProposalCommitment {
-    ProposalCommitment {
-        state_diff_commitment: StateDiffCommitment(PoseidonHash(felt!(u128::try_from(7).unwrap()))),
-    }
-fn proposal_output() -> ProposalOutput {
-    ProposalOutput { commitment: proposal_commitment(), ..Default::default() }
+    ProposalOutput::from(BlockExecutionArtifacts::create_for_testing()).commitment
 fn deadline() -> chrono::DateTime<Utc> {
     chrono::Utc::now() + BLOCK_GENERATION_TIMEOUT
-fn invalid_proposal_result() -> ProposalResult<ProposalOutput> {
-    Err(ProposalError::BlockBuilderError(Arc::new(BlockBuilderError::FailOnError(
-        FailOnErrorCause::BlockFull,
-    ))))
 struct MockDependencies {
     storage_reader: MockBatcherStorageReaderTrait,
     storage_writer: MockBatcherStorageWriterTrait,
     mempool_client: MockMempoolClient,
-    proposal_manager: MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper,
     block_builder_factory: MockBlockBuilderFactoryTrait,
@@ -98,7 +76,6 @@ impl Default for MockDependencies {
             storage_writer: MockBatcherStorageWriterTrait::new(),
             mempool_client: MockMempoolClient::new(),
-            proposal_manager: MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new(),
             block_builder_factory: MockBlockBuilderFactoryTrait::new(),
@@ -111,7 +88,6 @@ fn create_batcher(mock_dependencies: MockDependencies) -> Batcher {
-        Box::new(mock_dependencies.proposal_manager),
@@ -119,19 +95,25 @@ fn abort_signal_sender() -> AbortSignalSender {
-fn mock_create_builder_for_validate_block() -> MockBlockBuilderFactoryTrait {
+fn mock_create_builder_for_validate_block(
+    build_block_result: BlockBuilderResult<BlockExecutionArtifacts>,
+) -> MockBlockBuilderFactoryTrait {
     let mut block_builder_factory = MockBlockBuilderFactoryTrait::new();
         |_, _, mut tx_provider, _| {
-            // Spawn a task to keep tx_provider alive until all transactions are read.
-            // Without this, the provider would be dropped, causing the batcher to fail when sending
-            // transactions to it during the test.
-            tokio::spawn(async move {
-                while tx_provider.get_txs(1).await.is_ok_and(|v| v != NextTxs::End) {
-                    tokio::task::yield_now().await;
-                }
+            let mut block_builder = MockBlockBuilderTrait::new();
+            block_builder.expect_build_block().times(1).return_once(move || {
+                // Spawn a task to keep tx_provider alive until all transactions are read.
+                // Without this, the provider would be dropped, causing the batcher to fail when
+                // sending transactions to it during the test.
+                tokio::spawn(async move {
+                    while tx_provider.get_txs(1).await.is_ok_and(|v| v != NextTxs::End) {
+                        tokio::task::yield_now().await;
+                    }
+                });
+                build_block_result
-            Ok((Box::new(MockBlockBuilderTrait::new()), abort_signal_sender()))
+            Ok((Box::new(block_builder), abort_signal_sender()))
@@ -139,52 +121,32 @@ fn mock_create_builder_for_validate_block() -> MockBlockBuilderFactoryTrait {
 fn mock_create_builder_for_propose_block(
     output_txs: Vec<Transaction>,
+    build_block_result: BlockBuilderResult<BlockExecutionArtifacts>,
 ) -> MockBlockBuilderFactoryTrait {
     let mut block_builder_factory = MockBlockBuilderFactoryTrait::new();
         |_, _, _, output_content_sender| {
-            // Simulate the streaming of the block builder output.
-            for tx in output_txs {
-                output_content_sender.as_ref().unwrap().send(tx).unwrap();
-            }
-            Ok((Box::new(MockBlockBuilderTrait::new()), abort_signal_sender()))
+            let mut block_builder = MockBlockBuilderTrait::new();
+            block_builder.expect_build_block().times(1).return_once(move || {
+                // Simulate the streaming of the block builder output.
+                for tx in output_txs {
+                    output_content_sender.as_ref().unwrap().send(tx).unwrap();
+                }
+                build_block_result
+            });
+            Ok((Box::new(block_builder), abort_signal_sender()))
-fn mock_start_proposal(proposal_manager: &mut MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper) {
-    proposal_manager.expect_wrap_reset().times(1).return_once(|| async {}.boxed());
-    proposal_manager
-        .expect_wrap_spawn_proposal()
-        .times(1)
-        .with(eq(PROPOSAL_ID), always(), always())
-        .return_once(|_, _, _| { async move { Ok(()) } }.boxed());
-fn mock_completed_proposal(
-    proposal_manager: &mut MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper,
-    proposal_result: ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>,
-) {
-    proposal_manager.expect_wrap_get_completed_proposals().times(1).return_once(move || {
-        async move { Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::from([(PROPOSAL_ID, proposal_result)]))) }.boxed()
-    });
 async fn batcher_with_validated_proposal(
-    proposal_result: ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>,
+    build_block_result: BlockBuilderResult<BlockExecutionArtifacts>,
 ) -> Batcher {
-    let block_builder_factory = mock_create_builder_for_validate_block();
-    let mut proposal_manager = MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new();
-    mock_start_proposal(&mut proposal_manager);
-    mock_completed_proposal(&mut proposal_manager, proposal_result);
-    proposal_manager.expect_wrap_get_active_proposal().returning(|| async move { None }.boxed());
-    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies {
-        proposal_manager,
-        block_builder_factory,
-        ..Default::default()
-    });
+    let block_builder_factory = mock_create_builder_for_validate_block(build_block_result);
+    let mut batcher =
+        create_batcher(MockDependencies { block_builder_factory, ..Default::default() });
     batcher.start_height(StartHeightInput { height: INITIAL_HEIGHT }).await.unwrap();
@@ -199,27 +161,10 @@ async fn batcher_with_validated_proposal(
-fn mock_proposal_manager_validate_flow() -> MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper {
-    let mut proposal_manager = MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new();
-    mock_start_proposal(&mut proposal_manager);
-    proposal_manager
-        .expect_wrap_get_active_proposal()
-        .returning(|| async move { Some(PROPOSAL_ID) }.boxed());
-    proposal_manager
-        .expect_wrap_await_active_proposal()
-        .times(1)
-        .returning(|| async move { true }.boxed());
-    mock_completed_proposal(&mut proposal_manager, Ok(proposal_output()));
-    proposal_manager
 async fn start_height_success() {
-    let mut proposal_manager = MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new();
-    proposal_manager.expect_wrap_reset().times(1).return_once(|| async {}.boxed());
-    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies { proposal_manager, ..Default::default() });
+    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies::default());
     assert_eq!(batcher.start_height(StartHeightInput { height: INITIAL_HEIGHT }).await, Ok(()));
@@ -240,20 +185,14 @@ async fn start_height_success() {
 async fn start_height_fail(#[case] height: BlockNumber, #[case] expected_error: BatcherError) {
-    let mut proposal_manager = MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new();
-    proposal_manager.expect_wrap_reset().never();
-    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies { proposal_manager, ..Default::default() });
+    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies::default());
     assert_eq!(batcher.start_height(StartHeightInput { height }).await, Err(expected_error));
 async fn duplicate_start_height() {
-    let mut proposal_manager = MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new();
-    proposal_manager.expect_wrap_reset().times(1).return_once(|| async {}.boxed());
-    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies { proposal_manager, ..Default::default() });
+    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies::default());
     let initial_height = StartHeightInput { height: INITIAL_HEIGHT };
     assert_eq!(batcher.start_height(initial_height.clone()).await, Ok(()));
@@ -263,8 +202,7 @@ async fn duplicate_start_height() {
 async fn no_active_height() {
-    let proposal_manager = MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new();
-    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies { proposal_manager, ..Default::default() });
+    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies::default());
     // Calling `propose_block` and `validate_block` without starting a height should fail.
@@ -292,13 +230,10 @@ async fn no_active_height() {
 async fn validate_block_full_flow() {
-    let block_builder_factory = mock_create_builder_for_validate_block();
-    let proposal_manager = mock_proposal_manager_validate_flow();
-    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies {
-        proposal_manager,
-        block_builder_factory,
-        ..Default::default()
-    });
+    let block_builder_factory =
+        mock_create_builder_for_validate_block(Ok(BlockExecutionArtifacts::create_for_testing()));
+    let mut batcher =
+        create_batcher(MockDependencies { block_builder_factory, ..Default::default() });
     batcher.start_height(StartHeightInput { height: INITIAL_HEIGHT }).await.unwrap();
@@ -333,8 +268,9 @@ async fn validate_block_full_flow() {
 async fn send_content_after_proposal_already_finished() {
-    let successful_proposal_result = Ok(proposal_output());
-    let mut batcher = batcher_with_validated_proposal(successful_proposal_result).await;
+    let successful_build_block_result = Ok(BlockExecutionArtifacts::create_for_testing());
+    let mut batcher = batcher_with_validated_proposal(successful_build_block_result).await;
+    batcher.await_active_proposal().await;
     // Send transactions after the proposal has finished.
     let send_proposal_input_txs = SendProposalContentInput {
@@ -368,7 +304,8 @@ async fn send_content_to_unknown_proposal() {
 async fn send_txs_to_an_invalid_proposal() {
-    let mut batcher = batcher_with_validated_proposal(invalid_proposal_result()).await;
+    let mut batcher = batcher_with_validated_proposal(Err(BUILD_BLOCK_FAIL_ON_ERROR)).await;
+    batcher.await_active_proposal().await;
     let send_proposal_input_txs = SendProposalContentInput {
         proposal_id: PROPOSAL_ID,
@@ -381,7 +318,7 @@ async fn send_txs_to_an_invalid_proposal() {
 async fn send_finish_to_an_invalid_proposal() {
-    let mut batcher = batcher_with_validated_proposal(invalid_proposal_result()).await;
+    let mut batcher = batcher_with_validated_proposal(Err(BUILD_BLOCK_FAIL_ON_ERROR)).await;
     let send_proposal_input_txs =
         SendProposalContentInput { proposal_id: PROPOSAL_ID, content: SendProposalContent::Finish };
@@ -396,16 +333,13 @@ async fn propose_block_full_flow() {
     let expected_streamed_txs = test_txs(0..STREAMING_CHUNK_SIZE * 2 + 1);
     let txs_to_stream = expected_streamed_txs.clone();
-    let block_builder_factory = mock_create_builder_for_propose_block(txs_to_stream);
-    let mut proposal_manager = MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new();
-    mock_start_proposal(&mut proposal_manager);
-    mock_completed_proposal(&mut proposal_manager, Ok(proposal_output()));
+    let block_builder_factory = mock_create_builder_for_propose_block(
+        txs_to_stream,
+        Ok(BlockExecutionArtifacts::create_for_testing()),
+    );
-    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies {
-        proposal_manager,
-        block_builder_factory,
-        ..Default::default()
-    });
+    let mut batcher =
+        create_batcher(MockDependencies { block_builder_factory, ..Default::default() });
     batcher.start_height(StartHeightInput { height: INITIAL_HEIGHT }).await.unwrap();
@@ -449,16 +383,12 @@ async fn propose_block_full_flow() {
 async fn propose_block_without_retrospective_block_hash() {
-    let mut proposal_manager = MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new();
-    proposal_manager.expect_wrap_reset().times(1).return_once(|| async {}.boxed());
     let mut storage_reader = MockBatcherStorageReaderTrait::new();
         .returning(|| Ok(BlockNumber(constants::STORED_BLOCK_HASH_BUFFER)));
-    let mut batcher =
-        create_batcher(MockDependencies { proposal_manager, storage_reader, ..Default::default() });
+    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies { storage_reader, ..Default::default() });
         .start_height(StartHeightInput { height: BlockNumber(constants::STORED_BLOCK_HASH_BUFFER) })
@@ -479,10 +409,7 @@ async fn propose_block_without_retrospective_block_hash() {
 async fn get_content_from_unknown_proposal() {
-    let mut proposal_manager = MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new();
-    proposal_manager.expect_wrap_get_completed_proposals().times(0);
-    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies { proposal_manager, ..Default::default() });
+    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies::default());
     let get_proposal_content_input = GetProposalContentInput { proposal_id: PROPOSAL_ID };
     let result = batcher.get_proposal_content(get_proposal_content_input).await;
@@ -493,40 +420,39 @@ async fn get_content_from_unknown_proposal() {
 async fn decision_reached() {
     let mut mock_dependencies = MockDependencies::default();
-    mock_dependencies
-        .proposal_manager
-        .expect_wrap_take_proposal_result()
-        .times(1)
-        .with(eq(PROPOSAL_ID))
-        .return_once(move |_| {
-            async move {
-                Some(Ok(ProposalOutput {
-                    state_diff: ThinStateDiff::default(),
-                    commitment: ProposalCommitment::default(),
-                    tx_hashes: test_tx_hashes(),
-                    nonces: test_contract_nonces(),
-                }))
-            }
-            .boxed()
-        });
+    let expected_proposal_output =
+        ProposalOutput::from(BlockExecutionArtifacts::create_for_testing());
         .with(eq(CommitBlockArgs {
-            address_to_nonce: test_contract_nonces(),
-            tx_hashes: test_tx_hashes(),
+            address_to_nonce: expected_proposal_output.nonces,
+            tx_hashes: expected_proposal_output.tx_hashes,
         .returning(|_| Ok(()));
-        .with(eq(INITIAL_HEIGHT), eq(ThinStateDiff::default()))
+        .with(eq(INITIAL_HEIGHT), eq(expected_proposal_output.state_diff))
         .returning(|_, _| Ok(()));
+    mock_dependencies.block_builder_factory =
+        mock_create_builder_for_validate_block(Ok(BlockExecutionArtifacts::create_for_testing()));
     let mut batcher = create_batcher(mock_dependencies);
+    batcher.start_height(StartHeightInput { height: INITIAL_HEIGHT }).await.unwrap();
+    batcher
+        .propose_block(ProposeBlockInput {
+            proposal_id: PROPOSAL_ID,
+            retrospective_block_hash: None,
+            deadline: deadline(),
+            block_info: initial_block_info(),
+        })
+        .await
+        .unwrap();
+    batcher.await_active_proposal().await;
     batcher.decision_reached(DecisionReachedInput { proposal_id: PROPOSAL_ID }).await.unwrap();
@@ -536,92 +462,10 @@ async fn decision_reached() {
 async fn decision_reached_no_executed_proposal() {
     let expected_error = BatcherError::ExecutedProposalNotFound { proposal_id: PROPOSAL_ID };
-    let mut proposal_manager = MockProposalManagerTraitWrapper::new();
-    proposal_manager
-        .expect_wrap_take_proposal_result()
-        .times(1)
-        .with(eq(PROPOSAL_ID))
-        .return_once(|_| async move { None }.boxed());
+    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies::default());
+    batcher.start_height(StartHeightInput { height: INITIAL_HEIGHT }).await.unwrap();
-    let mut batcher = create_batcher(MockDependencies { proposal_manager, ..Default::default() });
     let decision_reached_result =
         batcher.decision_reached(DecisionReachedInput { proposal_id: PROPOSAL_ID }).await;
     assert_eq!(decision_reached_result, Err(expected_error));
-// A wrapper trait to allow mocking the ProposalManagerTrait in tests.
-trait ProposalManagerTraitWrapper: Send + Sync {
-    fn wrap_spawn_proposal(
-        &mut self,
-        proposal_id: ProposalId,
-        block_builder: Box<dyn BlockBuilderTrait>,
-        abort_signal_sender: tokio::sync::oneshot::Sender<()>,
-    ) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<(), GenerateProposalError>>;
-    fn wrap_take_proposal_result(
-        &mut self,
-        proposal_id: ProposalId,
-    ) -> BoxFuture<'_, Option<ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>>>;
-    fn wrap_get_active_proposal(&self) -> BoxFuture<'_, Option<ProposalId>>;
-    fn wrap_get_completed_proposals(
-        &self,
-    ) -> BoxFuture<'_, Arc<tokio::sync::Mutex<HashMap<ProposalId, ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>>>>>;
-    fn wrap_await_active_proposal(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, bool>;
-    fn wrap_abort_proposal(&mut self, proposal_id: ProposalId) -> BoxFuture<'_, ()>;
-    fn wrap_reset(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, ()>;
-impl<T: ProposalManagerTraitWrapper> ProposalManagerTrait for T {
-    async fn spawn_proposal(
-        &mut self,
-        proposal_id: ProposalId,
-        block_builder: Box<dyn BlockBuilderTrait>,
-        abort_signal_sender: tokio::sync::oneshot::Sender<()>,
-    ) -> Result<(), GenerateProposalError> {
-        self.wrap_spawn_proposal(proposal_id, block_builder, abort_signal_sender).await
-    }
-    async fn take_proposal_result(
-        &mut self,
-        proposal_id: ProposalId,
-    ) -> Option<ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>> {
-        self.wrap_take_proposal_result(proposal_id).await
-    }
-    async fn get_active_proposal(&self) -> Option<ProposalId> {
-        self.wrap_get_active_proposal().await
-    }
-    async fn get_completed_proposals(
-        &self,
-    ) -> Arc<tokio::sync::Mutex<HashMap<ProposalId, ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>>>> {
-        self.wrap_get_completed_proposals().await
-    }
-    async fn await_active_proposal(&mut self) -> bool {
-        self.wrap_await_active_proposal().await
-    }
-    async fn abort_proposal(&mut self, proposal_id: ProposalId) {
-        self.wrap_abort_proposal(proposal_id).await
-    }
-    async fn reset(&mut self) {
-        self.wrap_reset().await
-    }
-fn test_tx_hashes() -> HashSet<TransactionHash> {
-    (0..5u8).map(|i| tx_hash!(i + 12)).collect()
-fn test_contract_nonces() -> HashMap<ContractAddress, Nonce> {
-    HashMap::from_iter((0..3u8).map(|i| (contract_address!(i + 33), nonce!(i + 9))))
diff --git a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/lib.rs b/crates/starknet_batcher/src/lib.rs
index 199f3544695..a17a44409cd 100644
--- a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/starknet_batcher/src/lib.rs
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ mod block_builder_test;
 pub mod communication;
 pub mod config;
 pub mod fee_market;
-mod proposal_manager;
-mod proposal_manager_test;
 mod test_utils;
 mod transaction_executor;
diff --git a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/proposal_manager.rs b/crates/starknet_batcher/src/proposal_manager.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 055a532f327..00000000000
--- a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/proposal_manager.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use async_trait::async_trait;
-use starknet_batcher_types::batcher_types::ProposalId;
-use thiserror::Error;
-use tokio::sync::Mutex;
-use tracing::{debug, error, info, instrument, Instrument};
-use crate::block_builder::{BlockBuilderError, BlockBuilderTrait};
-use crate::utils::{ProposalError, ProposalOutput, ProposalResult, ProposalTask};
-#[derive(Debug, Error)]
-pub enum GenerateProposalError {
-    #[error(
-        "Received proposal generation request with id {new_proposal_id} while already generating \
-         proposal with id {current_generating_proposal_id}."
-    )]
-    AlreadyGeneratingProposal {
-        current_generating_proposal_id: ProposalId,
-        new_proposal_id: ProposalId,
-    },
-    #[error(transparent)]
-    BlockBuilderError(#[from] BlockBuilderError),
-    #[error("No active height to work on.")]
-    NoActiveHeight,
-    #[error("Proposal with id {proposal_id} already exists.")]
-    ProposalAlreadyExists { proposal_id: ProposalId },
-pub trait ProposalManagerTrait: Send + Sync {
-    async fn spawn_proposal(
-        &mut self,
-        proposal_id: ProposalId,
-        mut block_builder: Box<dyn BlockBuilderTrait>,
-        abort_signal_sender: tokio::sync::oneshot::Sender<()>,
-    ) -> Result<(), GenerateProposalError>;
-    async fn take_proposal_result(
-        &mut self,
-        proposal_id: ProposalId,
-    ) -> Option<ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>>;
-    async fn get_active_proposal(&self) -> Option<ProposalId>;
-    async fn get_completed_proposals(
-        &self,
-    ) -> Arc<Mutex<HashMap<ProposalId, ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>>>>;
-    async fn await_active_proposal(&mut self) -> bool;
-    async fn abort_proposal(&mut self, proposal_id: ProposalId);
-    // Resets the proposal manager, aborting any active proposal.
-    async fn reset(&mut self);
-/// Main struct for handling block proposals.
-/// Taking care of:
-/// - Proposing new blocks.
-/// - Validating incoming proposals.
-/// - Committing accepted proposals to the storage.
-/// Triggered by the consensus.
-pub(crate) struct ProposalManager {
-    /// The block proposal that is currently being built, if any.
-    /// At any given time, there can be only one proposal being actively executed (either proposed
-    /// or validated).
-    active_proposal: Arc<Mutex<Option<ProposalId>>>,
-    active_proposal_task: Option<ProposalTask>,
-    executed_proposals: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<ProposalId, ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>>>>,
-impl ProposalManagerTrait for ProposalManager {
-    /// Starts a new block proposal generation task for the given proposal_id.
-    /// Uses the given block_builder to generate the proposal.
-    #[instrument(skip(self, block_builder), err)]
-    async fn spawn_proposal(
-        &mut self,
-        proposal_id: ProposalId,
-        mut block_builder: Box<dyn BlockBuilderTrait>,
-        abort_signal_sender: tokio::sync::oneshot::Sender<()>,
-    ) -> Result<(), GenerateProposalError> {
-        self.set_active_proposal(proposal_id).await?;
-        info!("Starting generation of a new proposal with id {}.", proposal_id);
-        let active_proposal = self.active_proposal.clone();
-        let executed_proposals = self.executed_proposals.clone();
-        let join_handle = tokio::spawn(
-            async move {
-                let result = block_builder
-                    .build_block()
-                    .await
-                    .map(ProposalOutput::from)
-                    .map_err(|e| ProposalError::BlockBuilderError(Arc::new(e)));
-                // The proposal is done, clear the active proposal.
-                // Keep the proposal result only if it is the same as the active proposal.
-                // The active proposal might have changed if this proposal was aborted.
-                let mut active_proposal = active_proposal.lock().await;
-                if *active_proposal == Some(proposal_id) {
-                    active_proposal.take();
-                    executed_proposals.lock().await.insert(proposal_id, result);
-                }
-            }
-            .in_current_span(),
-        );
-        self.active_proposal_task = Some(ProposalTask { abort_signal_sender, join_handle });
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    async fn take_proposal_result(
-        &mut self,
-        proposal_id: ProposalId,
-    ) -> Option<ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>> {
-        self.executed_proposals.lock().await.remove(&proposal_id)
-    }
-    async fn get_active_proposal(&self) -> Option<ProposalId> {
-        *self.active_proposal.lock().await
-    }
-    async fn get_completed_proposals(
-        &self,
-    ) -> Arc<Mutex<HashMap<ProposalId, ProposalResult<ProposalOutput>>>> {
-        self.executed_proposals.clone()
-    }
-    // Awaits the active proposal.
-    // Returns true if there was an active proposal, and false otherwise.
-    async fn await_active_proposal(&mut self) -> bool {
-        if let Some(proposal_task) = self.active_proposal_task.take() {
-            proposal_task.join_handle.await.ok();
-            return true;
-        }
-        false
-    }
-    // Aborts the proposal with the given ID, if active.
-    // Should be used in validate flow, if the consensus decides to abort the proposal.
-    async fn abort_proposal(&mut self, proposal_id: ProposalId) {
-        if *self.active_proposal.lock().await == Some(proposal_id) {
-            self.abort_active_proposal().await;
-            self.executed_proposals.lock().await.insert(proposal_id, Err(ProposalError::Aborted));
-        }
-    }
-    async fn reset(&mut self) {
-        self.abort_active_proposal().await;
-        self.executed_proposals.lock().await.clear();
-    }
-impl ProposalManager {
-    pub fn new() -> Self {
-        Self {
-            active_proposal: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
-            active_proposal_task: None,
-            executed_proposals: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())),
-        }
-    }
-    // Sets a new active proposal task.
-    // Fails if either there is no active height, there is another proposal being generated, or a
-    // proposal with the same ID already exists.
-    async fn set_active_proposal(
-        &mut self,
-        proposal_id: ProposalId,
-    ) -> Result<(), GenerateProposalError> {
-        if self.executed_proposals.lock().await.contains_key(&proposal_id) {
-            return Err(GenerateProposalError::ProposalAlreadyExists { proposal_id });
-        }
-        let mut active_proposal = self.active_proposal.lock().await;
-        if let Some(current_generating_proposal_id) = *active_proposal {
-            return Err(GenerateProposalError::AlreadyGeneratingProposal {
-                current_generating_proposal_id,
-                new_proposal_id: proposal_id,
-            });
-        }
-        debug!("Set proposal {} as the one being generated.", proposal_id);
-        *active_proposal = Some(proposal_id);
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    // Ends the current active proposal.
-    // This call is non-blocking.
-    async fn abort_active_proposal(&mut self) {
-        self.active_proposal.lock().await.take();
-        if let Some(proposal_task) = self.active_proposal_task.take() {
-            proposal_task.abort_signal_sender.send(()).ok();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/proposal_manager_test.rs b/crates/starknet_batcher/src/proposal_manager_test.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 67646a6f28d..00000000000
--- a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/proposal_manager_test.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-use assert_matches::assert_matches;
-use rstest::{fixture, rstest};
-use starknet_api::executable_transaction::Transaction;
-use starknet_batcher_types::batcher_types::ProposalId;
-use crate::block_builder::{BlockBuilderTrait, BlockExecutionArtifacts, MockBlockBuilderTrait};
-use crate::proposal_manager::{GenerateProposalError, ProposalManager, ProposalManagerTrait};
-use crate::utils::{ProposalError, ProposalOutput};
-const BLOCK_GENERATION_TIMEOUT: tokio::time::Duration = tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(1);
-fn output_streaming() -> (
-    tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<Transaction>,
-    tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Transaction>,
-) {
-    tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel()
-fn proposal_manager() -> ProposalManager {
-    ProposalManager::new()
-fn mock_build_block() -> Box<MockBlockBuilderTrait> {
-    let mut mock_block_builder = MockBlockBuilderTrait::new();
-    mock_block_builder
-        .expect_build_block()
-        .times(1)
-        .return_once(move || Ok(BlockExecutionArtifacts::create_for_testing()));
-    Box::new(mock_block_builder)
-// This function simulates a long build block operation. This is required for a test that
-// tries to run other operations while a block is being built.
-fn mock_long_build_block() -> Box<MockBlockBuilderTrait> {
-    let mut mock_block_builder = MockBlockBuilderTrait::new();
-    mock_block_builder.expect_build_block().times(1).return_once(move || {
-        std::thread::sleep(BLOCK_GENERATION_TIMEOUT * 10);
-        Ok(BlockExecutionArtifacts::create_for_testing())
-    });
-    Box::new(mock_block_builder)
-async fn spawn_proposal_non_blocking(
-    proposal_manager: &mut ProposalManager,
-    proposal_id: ProposalId,
-    block_builder: Box<dyn BlockBuilderTrait>,
-) -> Result<(), GenerateProposalError> {
-    let (abort_sender, _rec) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel();
-    proposal_manager.spawn_proposal(proposal_id, block_builder, abort_sender).await
-async fn spawn_proposal(
-    proposal_manager: &mut ProposalManager,
-    proposal_id: ProposalId,
-    block_builder: Box<dyn BlockBuilderTrait>,
-) {
-    spawn_proposal_non_blocking(proposal_manager, proposal_id, block_builder).await.unwrap();
-    assert!(proposal_manager.await_active_proposal().await);
-async fn spawn_proposal_success(mut proposal_manager: ProposalManager) {
-    spawn_proposal(&mut proposal_manager, ProposalId(0), mock_build_block()).await;
-    proposal_manager.take_proposal_result(ProposalId(0)).await.unwrap().unwrap();
-async fn consecutive_proposal_generations_success(mut proposal_manager: ProposalManager) {
-    // Build and validate multiple proposals consecutively (awaiting on them to
-    // make sure they finished successfully).
-    spawn_proposal(&mut proposal_manager, ProposalId(0), mock_build_block()).await;
-    spawn_proposal(&mut proposal_manager, ProposalId(1), mock_build_block()).await;
-// This test checks that trying to generate a proposal while another one is being generated will
-// fail. First the test will generate a new proposal that takes a very long time, and during
-// that time it will send another build proposal request.
-async fn multiple_proposals_generation_fail(mut proposal_manager: ProposalManager) {
-    // Build a proposal that will take a very long time to finish.
-    spawn_proposal_non_blocking(&mut proposal_manager, ProposalId(0), mock_long_build_block())
-        .await
-        .unwrap();
-    // Try to generate another proposal while the first one is still being generated.
-    let mut block_builder = MockBlockBuilderTrait::new();
-    block_builder.expect_build_block().never();
-    let another_generate_request =
-        spawn_proposal_non_blocking(&mut proposal_manager, ProposalId(1), Box::new(block_builder))
-            .await;
-    assert_matches!(
-        another_generate_request,
-        Err(GenerateProposalError::AlreadyGeneratingProposal {
-            current_generating_proposal_id,
-            new_proposal_id
-        }) if current_generating_proposal_id == ProposalId(0) && new_proposal_id == ProposalId(1)
-    );
-async fn take_proposal_result_no_active_proposal(mut proposal_manager: ProposalManager) {
-    spawn_proposal(&mut proposal_manager, ProposalId(0), mock_build_block()).await;
-    let expected_proposal_output =
-        ProposalOutput::from(BlockExecutionArtifacts::create_for_testing());
-    assert_eq!(
-        proposal_manager.take_proposal_result(ProposalId(0)).await.unwrap().unwrap(),
-        expected_proposal_output
-    );
-    assert_matches!(proposal_manager.take_proposal_result(ProposalId(0)).await, None);
-async fn abort_active_proposal(mut proposal_manager: ProposalManager) {
-    spawn_proposal_non_blocking(&mut proposal_manager, ProposalId(0), mock_long_build_block())
-        .await
-        .unwrap();
-    proposal_manager.abort_proposal(ProposalId(0)).await;
-    assert_matches!(
-        proposal_manager.take_proposal_result(ProposalId(0)).await,
-        Some(Err(ProposalError::Aborted))
-    );
-    // Make sure there is no active proposal.
-    assert!(!proposal_manager.await_active_proposal().await);
-async fn reset(mut proposal_manager: ProposalManager) {
-    // Create 2 proposals, one will remain active.
-    spawn_proposal(&mut proposal_manager, ProposalId(0), mock_build_block()).await;
-    spawn_proposal_non_blocking(&mut proposal_manager, ProposalId(1), mock_long_build_block())
-        .await
-        .unwrap();
-    proposal_manager.reset().await;
-    // Make sure executed proposals are deleted.
-    assert_matches!(proposal_manager.take_proposal_result(ProposalId(0)).await, None);
-    // Make sure there is no active proposal.
-    assert!(!proposal_manager.await_active_proposal().await);
diff --git a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/test_utils.rs b/crates/starknet_batcher/src/test_utils.rs
index 73f251de039..31a9e67a77b 100644
--- a/crates/starknet_batcher/src/test_utils.rs
+++ b/crates/starknet_batcher/src/test_utils.rs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use blockifier::state::cached_state::CommitmentStateDiff;
 use indexmap::IndexMap;
 use starknet_api::executable_transaction::Transaction;
 use starknet_api::test_utils::invoke::{executable_invoke_tx, InvokeTxArgs};
-use starknet_api::tx_hash;
+use starknet_api::{class_hash, contract_address, nonce, tx_hash};
 use crate::block_builder::BlockExecutionArtifacts;
@@ -23,9 +23,18 @@ pub fn test_txs(tx_hash_range: Range<usize>) -> Vec<Transaction> {
 impl BlockExecutionArtifacts {
     pub fn create_for_testing() -> Self {
+        // Use a non-empty commitment_state_diff to make the tests more realistic.
         Self {
             execution_infos: IndexMap::default(),
-            commitment_state_diff: CommitmentStateDiff::default(),
+            commitment_state_diff: CommitmentStateDiff {
+                address_to_class_hash: IndexMap::from_iter([(
+                    contract_address!("0x7"),
+                    class_hash!("0x11111111"),
+                )]),
+                storage_updates: IndexMap::new(),
+                class_hash_to_compiled_class_hash: IndexMap::new(),
+                address_to_nonce: IndexMap::from_iter([(contract_address!("0x7"), nonce!(1_u64))]),
+            },
             visited_segments_mapping: VisitedSegmentsMapping::default(),
             bouncer_weights: BouncerWeights::empty(),