diff --git a/.github/workflows/blockifier_compiled_cairo.yml b/.github/workflows/blockifier_compiled_cairo.yml
index c4111b1118d..f76e567dc80 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/blockifier_compiled_cairo.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/blockifier_compiled_cairo.yml
@@ -4,17 +4,20 @@ on:
     - main
+    - main-v[0-9].**
     - v[0-9].**
-    - 'crates/blockifier/feature_contracts/cairo0/**'
+      - 'crates/blockifier/feature_contracts/**'
+      - 'crates/blockifier/tests/**'
       - opened
       - reopened
       - synchronize
-     - 'crates/blockifier/feature_contracts/cairo0/**'
+      - 'crates/blockifier/feature_contracts/**'
+      - 'crates/blockifier/tests/**'
@@ -36,6 +39,48 @@ jobs:
           LD_LIBRARY_PATH: ${{ env.Python3_ROOT_DIR }}/bin
         run: echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+      # Checkout sequencer into a dedicated directory - technical requirement in order to be able to checkout `cairo` in a sibling directory.
+      - name: checkout sequencer into `sequencer` directory.
+        uses: actions/checkout@v4
+        with:
+          repository: 'starkware-libs/sequencer'
+          path: 'sequencer'
+      - name: Read Cairo1 Tag to compile contracts with from Blockifier.
+        id: read-tag
+        run: echo "TAG=$(cat sequencer/crates/blockifier/tests/cairo1_compiler_tag.txt)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+      - name: Read legacy Cairo1 Tag to compile the legacy contract with.
+        id: read-legacy-tag
+        run: echo "LEGACY_TAG=$(cat sequencer/crates/blockifier/tests/legacy_cairo1_compiler_tag.txt)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+      - name: checkout cairo1 repo in order to compile cairo1 contracts.
+        uses: actions/checkout@v4
+        with:
+          repository: 'starkware-libs/cairo'
+          fetch-tags: tags
+          ref: ${{ env.TAG }}
+          path: 'cairo'
+      - run:
+          cd sequencer &&
+          pip install -r crates/blockifier/tests/requirements.txt &&
+          cargo test -p blockifier --test feature_contracts_compatibility_test --features testing -- --include-ignored
+      # Legacy contract verification.
+      - name: checkout legacy tag of cairo1 repo in order to compile the legacy contract.
+        uses: actions/checkout@v4
+        with:
+          repository: 'starkware-libs/cairo'
+          fetch-tags: tags
+          ref: ${{ env.LEGACY_TAG }}
+          path: 'cairo'
+      - name: Verify the legacy contract.
+        uses: actions-rs/toolchain@master
+        with:
+          toolchain: nightly-2023-07-05
+      - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
       - run:
-          pip install -r crates/blockifier/tests/requirements.txt;
-          cargo test verify_feature_contracts -- --include-ignored
+          cd sequencer &&
+          LEGACY=1 cargo test -p blockifier --test feature_contracts_compatibility_test --features testing -- --include-ignored
diff --git a/crates/blockifier/src/test_utils/cairo_compile.rs b/crates/blockifier/src/test_utils/cairo_compile.rs
index 00addd12eb8..a9f7f9f5c0f 100644
--- a/crates/blockifier/src/test_utils/cairo_compile.rs
+++ b/crates/blockifier/src/test_utils/cairo_compile.rs
@@ -179,7 +179,6 @@ fn verify_cairo1_compiler_deps(git_tag_override: Option<String>) {
     // Checkout the required version in the compiler repo.
-        // TODO(Dori, 1/6/2024): Handle CI case (repo path will be different).
diff --git a/crates/blockifier/tests/feature_contracts_compatibility_test.rs b/crates/blockifier/tests/feature_contracts_compatibility_test.rs
index b95cfa62b8c..37bd07c6e93 100644
--- a/crates/blockifier/tests/feature_contracts_compatibility_test.rs
+++ b/crates/blockifier/tests/feature_contracts_compatibility_test.rs
@@ -19,33 +19,24 @@ const FIX_COMMAND: &str = "FIX_FEATURE_TEST=1 cargo test -- --ignored";
 // ```
 // Then, run the FIX_COMMAND above.
-// This test currently doesn't support Cairo1 contracts. To fix them you'll need to compile them one
-// by one:
-// 1. Clone the [cairo repo](https://github.com/starkware-libs/cairo).
-// 2. Checkout the commit defined in [the root Cargo.toml](../../../../Cargo.toml).
-// 3. From within the compiler repo root directory, run:
-// ```
-// PREFIX=~/workspace/blockifier/crates/blockifier/feature_contracts/cairo1
-// CONTRACT_NAME=<contract_base_filename>
-// cargo run --release --bin starknet-compile -- --single-file \
-//   $PREFIX/$CONTRACT_NAME.cairo \
-//   $PREFIX/compiled/$CONTRACT_NAME.sierra.json
-// cargo run --release --bin starknet-sierra-compile \
-//   $PREFIX/compiled/$CONTRACT_NAME.sierra.json \
-//   $PREFIX/compiled/$CONTRACT_NAME.casm.json
-// ```
-// TODO(Gilad, 1/1/2024): New year's resolution: support Cairo1 in the test.
+// To test Cairo1 feature contracts, first clone the Cairo repo and checkout the required tag.
+// The repo should be located next to the sequencer repo:
+// - sequencer/
+// - cairo/
+// Then, run the FIX_COMMAND above.
 // Checks that:
 // 1. `TEST_CONTRACTS` dir exists and contains only `.cairo` files and the subdirectory
 // 2. for each `X.cairo` file in `TEST_CONTRACTS` there exists an `X_compiled.json` file in
 // `COMPILED_CONTRACTS_SUBDIR` which equals `starknet-compile-deprecated X.cairo --no_debug_info`.
-fn verify_feature_contracts_compatibility(fix: bool, cairo_version: CairoVersion) {
+fn verify_feature_contracts_compatibility(
+    fix: bool,
+    contracts_to_test: impl Iterator<Item = FeatureContract>,
+) {
     // TODO(Dori, 1/10/2024): Parallelize this test.
-    for contract in FeatureContract::all_feature_contracts()
-        .filter(|contract| contract.cairo_version() == cairo_version)
-    {
+    for contract in contracts_to_test {
         // Compare output of cairo-file on file with existing compiled file.
         let expected_compiled_output = contract.compile();
         let existing_compiled_path = contract.get_compiled_path();
@@ -136,15 +127,28 @@ fn verify_feature_contracts_match_enum() {
     assert_eq!(compiled_paths_from_enum, compiled_paths_on_filesystem);
+fn is_env_var_set(env_var: &str) -> bool {
+    std::env::var(env_var).is_ok()
 fn verify_feature_contracts(
     #[values(CairoVersion::Cairo0, CairoVersion::Cairo1)] cairo_version: CairoVersion,
 ) {
-    // TODO(Dori, 1/9/2024): Support Cairo1 contracts in the CI and remove this `if` statement.
-    if std::env::var("CI").is_ok() && matches!(cairo_version, CairoVersion::Cairo1) {
-        return;
-    }
-    let fix_features = std::env::var("FIX_FEATURE_TEST").is_ok();
-    verify_feature_contracts_compatibility(fix_features, cairo_version)
+    let fix_features = is_env_var_set("FIX_FEATURE_TEST");
+    let legacy_mode = is_env_var_set("LEGACY");
+    let ci_mode = is_env_var_set("CI");
+    let contracts_to_test = FeatureContract::all_feature_contracts().filter(|contract| {
+        // If called with LEGACY environment variable set, only test legacy contracts (from CI
+        // or not).
+        // If tested from the CI *without* the LEGACY environment variable set, test only
+        // non-legacy contracts of the respective cairo version.
+        // If not tested from CI, test all contracts of the requested cairo version.
+        contract.cairo_version() == cairo_version
+            && (if legacy_mode { contract.is_legacy() } else { !ci_mode || !contract.is_legacy() })
+    });
+    verify_feature_contracts_compatibility(fix_features, contracts_to_test)