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UTF-8 module for Lua 5.x

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This module adds UTF-8 support to Lua.

It uses data extracted from Unicode Character Database, and tested on Lua 5.2.3, Lua 5.3.0 and LuaJIT.

parseucd.lua is a pure Lua script which generates unidata.h, to support converting characters and checking characters' category.

It is compatible with Lua's own string module and passes all string and pattern matching tests in the Lua test suite2.

It also adds some useful routines against UTF-8 features, such as:

  • a convenient interface to escape Unicode sequences in strings.
  • string insert/remove, since UTF-8 substring extraction may be expensive.
  • calculate Unicode width, useful when implementing e.g. console emulator.
  • a useful interface to translate Unicode offsets and byte offsets.
  • checking UTF-8 strings for validity and removing invalid byte sequences.
  • converting Unicode strings to normal form.

Note that to avoid conflict with Lua5.3's built-in library 'utf8', this library produces a file like lua-utf8.dll or so use it like this:

local utf8 = require 'lua-utf8'

in your code :-(

LuaRocks Installation

luarocks install luautf8

It's now fully-compatible with Lua 5.3's utf8 library, so replacing this file (and headers) with lutf8lib.c from the Lua 5.3 sources is also okay.


Many routines are the same as Lua's string module:

  • utf8.byte
  • utf8.char
  • utf8.find
  • utf8.gmatch
  • utf8.gsub
  • utf8.len
  • utf8.lower
  • utf8.match
  • utf8.reverse
  • utf8.sub
  • utf8.upper

The documentation of these functions can be found in the Lua manual3.

Some routines in string module needn't support Unicode:

  • string.dump
  • string.format
  • string.rep

They are NOT in utf8 module.

Some routines are for compatibility with Lua 5.3's basic UTF-8 support library:

  • utf8.offset
  • utf8.codepoint

See Lua5.3's manual for usage.

Some routines are new, with some Unicode-spec functions:

utf8.escape(str) -> utf8 string

escape a str to UTF-8 format string. It supports several escape formats:

  • %ddd - which ddd is a decimal number at any length: change Unicode code point to UTF-8 format.
  • %{ddd} - same as %nnn but has bracket around.
  • %uddd - same as %ddd, u stands Unicode
  • %u{ddd} - same as %{ddd}
  • %xhhh - hexadigit version of %ddd
  • %x{hhh} same as %xhhh.
  • %? - '?' stands for any other character: escape this character.


local u = utf8.escape

utf8.charpos(s[[, charpos], index]) -> charpos, code point

convert UTF-8 position to byte offset. if only index is given, return byte offset of this UTF-8 char index. if both charpos and index is given, a new charpos will be calculated, by adding/subtracting UTF-8 char index to current charpos. in all cases, it returns a new char position, and code point (a number) at this position.[, charpos[, index]]) -> charpos, code point

iterate though the UTF-8 string s. If only s is given, it can used as a iterator:

for pos, code in, "utf8-string" do
   -- ...

if only s and charpos are given, return the byte offset of the next codepoint in the string. if charpos and index are given, a new charpos will be calculated, by adding/subtracting UTF-8 char offset to current charpos. in all cases, it returns a new char position (in bytes), and code point (a number) at this position.

utf8.insert(s[, idx], substring) -> new_string

insert a substring into s. If idx is given, insert the substring before the char at this index; otherwise, substring will be concatenated onto s. idx can be negative.

utf8.remove(s[, start[, stop]]) -> new_string

delete a substring in s. If neither start nor stop is given, delete the last UTF-8 char in s, otherwise delete chars from start to the end of s. if stop is given, delete chars from start to stop (including start and stop). start and stop can be negative.

utf8.width(s[, ambi_is_double[, default_width]]) -> width

calculate the width of UTF-8 string s. if ambi_is_double is given, characters with ambiguous width will be treated as having width 2. Otherwise, they will be treated as having width 1. the width of fullwidth/doublewidth characters is 2, and the width of other characters is 1. if default_width is given, it will be used as the width of unprintable characters. (If you will replace unprintable characters with a placeholder, pass its width as default_width.) if s is a code point, return the width of this code point.

utf8.widthindex(s, location[, ambi_is_double[, default_width]]) -> idx, offset, width

return the character index at given location in string s, where location is in width units. this is the inverse operation of utf8.width(). if the requested location does not fall at a character boundary, offset will be greater than 1; specifically, if the location is at the second column (middle) of a wide char, offset will be 2. the width of the character at idx is returned also.

utf8.title(s) -> new_string

utf8.fold(s) -> new_string

converts UTF-8 string s to title-case, or folded case (used for case-insensitive comparison). if s is a number, it's treated as a code point and a converted code point (number) is returned. utf8.lower/utf8.upper has the same extension.

utf8.ncasecmp(a, b) -> [-1,0,1]

compare a and b without case, -1 means a < b, 0 means a == b and 1 means a > b.

utf8.isvalid(s) -> boolean

check whether s is a valid UTF-8 string or not.

utf8.clean(s[, replacement_string]) -> cleaned_string, was_valid

replace any invalid UTF-8 byte sequences in s with the replacement string. if no replacement string is provided, the default is "�" (REPLACEMENT CHARACTER U+FFFD). note that any number of consecutive invalid bytes will be replaced by a single copy of the replacement string. the 2nd return value is true if the original string was already valid (meaning no replacements were made).

utf8.invalidoffset(s[, init]) -> offset

return the byte offset within s of the first invalid UTF-8 byte sequence. (1 is the first byte of the string.) if s is a valid UTF-8 string, return nil. the optional numeric argument init specifies where to start the search; its default value is 1 and can be negative.

utf8.isnfc(s) -> boolean

check whether s is in Normal Form C or not. "Normal Form C" means that whenever possible, combining marks are combined with a preceding codepoint. For example, instead of U+0041 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A) U+00B4 (ACUTE ACCENT), an NFC string will use U+00C1 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE). Also, some deprecated codepoints are converted to the recommended replacements. since the same sequence of characters can be represented in more than one way in Unicode, it is better to ensure strings are in Normal Form before comparing them. an error may be raised if s is not a valid UTF-8 string.

utf8.normalize_nfc(s) -> normal_string, was_nfc

convert s to Normal Form C. the 2nd return value is true if the original string was already in NFC (meaning no modifications were made). an error will be raised if s is not a valid UTF-8 string.

utf8.grapheme_indices(s[, start[, stop]]) -> iterator

return an iterator which yields the starting and ending byte index of each successive grapheme cluster in s. This range of bytes is inclusive of the endpoints, so the yielded values can be passed to string.sub to extract the grapheme cluster. if you provide start and stop byte indices, then the iterator will only cover the requested byte range. start and stop should fall on character boundaries, since an error will be raised if the requested byte range is not a valid UTF-8 string.

local i = 1
for from,to in utf8.grapheme_indices(s) do
  print("grapheme cluster "..i.." is from byte "..from.." to byte "
  i = i + 1

Improvement needed

  • add Lua 5.3 spec test-suite.
  • more test case.
  • grapheme-compose support, and affect in utf8.reverse and utf8.width


It uses the same license as Lua: