- automation of the ECOICOP product classification process
- replacement of the manual classification by the Machine Learning methods
The dataset is located in the .xlsx file: products_allshops_dataset.xlsx.
It includes the list of nearly 16700 products names which are labelled by the 61 unique Ecociop categories.
In our project we were testing 4 methods:
- Logistic Regression
- Random Forest
- Naive Bayes
Best model parameters have been searched in two ways:
First two methods have been tested with the use of for loop:
- Logistic Regression - tested parameters:
- c (0.1, 1, 2, 3)
- fit_intercept (True, False)
- class_weight (None, 'balanced')
- solver ("newton-cg", "lbfgs", "liblinear", "sag", "saga")
- multi_class ("ovr", "multinomial")
- max_iter = 200
- Random Forest - tested parameters:
- n_estimators (30, 100, 150, 200)
- criterion ('gini', 'entropy')
- min_samples_leaf (1, 2, 3)
- min_samples_split (2, 3)
- max_features (None, "sqrt", "log2")
- bootstrap (True, False)
- oob_score (True, False)
- warm_start (True, False)
- class_weight (None, 'balanced', 'balanced_subsample')
When you run the file logistic_regression.py, all the results will be included in the file results_logistic_regression.xlsx.
When you run the file random_forest.py, all the results will be included in the file results_random_forest.xlsx. - Logistic Regression - tested parameters:
Last two methods have been tested with the use of Gridsearch cross-validation over a parameter grids presented below:
- Naive Bayes - tested parameters:
- alpha (np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 6))
- fit_prior (True, False)
- max_df (np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10))
- sublinear_tf (True, False)
- ngram_range ((1,1),(1,2))
- stop_words (stop_words_list, None)
- SVM - tested parameters:
- penalty ('l1', 'l2')
- multi_class ('ovr','crammer_singer')
- C (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000)
- loss: ('hinge','squared_hinge')
The results of running the script file linear_SVC_params_tunn.py will be included in the GridsearchCV_results_LinSVC.xlsx file.
The results of running the script file naive_bayes_params_tunn.py will be included in the GridsearchCV_results_NB.xlsx file. - Naive Bayes - tested parameters:
Best chosen parameters were implemented and analysed. The results are presented below.
Script file logistic_regression_results.py generates results:
- training data:
- accuracy: 0.98
- F1-score: 0.98
- MCC: 0.98
- validation data:
- accuracy: 0.92
- F1-score: 0.92
- MCC: 0.92
- test data:
- accuracy: 0.91
- F1-score: 0.91
- MCC: 0.90
Script file random_forest_results.py generates results:
- training data:
- accuracy: 1.00
- F1-score: 1.00
- MCC: 1.00
- validation data:
- accuracy: 0.93
- F1-score: 0.93
- MCC: 0.93
- test data:
- accuracy: 0.91
- F1-score: 0.91
- MCC: 0.91
Script file naive_bayes_results.py generates results:
- training data:
- accuracy: 0.98
- F1-score: 0.98
- MCC: 0.98
- validation data:
- accuracy: 0.89
- F1-score: 0.89
- MCC: 0.89
- test data:
- accuracy: 0.91
- F1-score: 0.91
- MCC : 0.91
Script file linear_SVC_results.py generates results:
- training data:
- accuracy: 0.995
- F1-score: 0.995
- MCC: 0.995
- validation data:
- accuracy: 0.91
- F1-score: 0.91
- MCC: 0.90
- test data:
- accuracy: 0.92
- F1-score: 0.92
- MCC: 0.92
By running the scripts mentioned above there will be also generated:
- confusion matrix
- classification report
- joblib files (commented - to create the file, you have to uncomment the code)
- xlsx file with the predicted category and its probability for the test set
Script file categories_distribution.py presents the way how to plot the histogram of the ecoicop categories included in the main dataset and how to save it into image file.
polish_stopwords.txt is a file which includes polish stopwords which can be removed from the vectorizer.
- Marta Kruczek-Szepel
- Krystyna Piątkowska