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Stellar CLI Manual

This document contains the help content for the stellar command-line program.


Work seamlessly with Stellar accounts, contracts, and assets from the command line.

  • Generate and manage keys and accounts
  • Build, deploy, and interact with contracts
  • Deploy asset contracts
  • Stream events
  • Start local testnets
  • Decode, encode XDR
  • More!

For additional information see:

To get started generate a new identity:

stellar keys generate alice

Use keys with the --source flag in other commands.

Commands that work with contracts are organized under the contract subcommand. List them:

stellar contract --help

Use contracts like a CLI:

stellar contract invoke --id CCR6QKTWZQYW6YUJ7UP7XXZRLWQPFRV6SWBLQS4ZQOSAF4BOUD77OTE2 --source alice --network testnet -- --help

Anything after the -- double dash (the "slop") is parsed as arguments to the contract-specific CLI, generated on-the-fly from the contract schema. For the hello world example, with a function called hello that takes one string argument to, here's how you invoke it:

stellar contract invoke --id CCR6QKTWZQYW6YUJ7UP7XXZRLWQPFRV6SWBLQS4ZQOSAF4BOUD77OTE2 --source alice --network testnet -- hello --to world

Usage: stellar [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • contract — Tools for smart contract developers
  • events — Watch the network for contract events
  • env — Prints the environment variables
  • keys — Create and manage identities including keys and addresses
  • network — Configure connection to networks
  • container — Start local networks in containers
  • snapshot — Download a snapshot of a ledger from an archive
  • tx — Sign, Simulate, and Send transactions
  • xdr — Decode and encode XDR
  • completion — Print shell completion code for the specified shell
  • cache — Cache for transactions and contract specs
  • version — Print version information
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • -f, --filter-logs <FILTER_LOGS> — Filter logs output. To turn on stellar_cli::log::footprint=debug or off =off. Can also use env var RUST_LOG
  • -q, --quiet — Do not write logs to stderr including INFO
  • -v, --verbose — Log DEBUG events
  • --very-verbose — Log DEBUG and TRACE events
  • --list — List installed plugins. E.g. stellar-hello
  • --no-cache — Do not cache your simulations and transactions

stellar contract

Tools for smart contract developers

Usage: stellar contract <COMMAND>

  • asset — Utilities to deploy a Stellar Asset Contract or get its id
  • alias — Utilities to manage contract aliases
  • bindings — Generate code client bindings for a contract
  • build — Build a contract from source
  • extend — Extend the time to live ledger of a contract-data ledger entry
  • deploy — Deploy a wasm contract
  • fetch — Fetch a contract's Wasm binary
  • id — Generate the contract id for a given contract or asset
  • info — Access info about contracts
  • init — Initialize a Soroban contract project
  • inspect — (Deprecated in favor of contract info subcommands) Inspect a WASM file listing contract functions, meta, etc
  • install — Install a WASM file to the ledger without creating a contract instance
  • invoke — Invoke a contract function
  • optimize — Optimize a WASM file
  • read — Print the current value of a contract-data ledger entry
  • restore — Restore an evicted value for a contract-data legder entry

stellar contract asset

Utilities to deploy a Stellar Asset Contract or get its id

Usage: stellar contract asset <COMMAND>

  • id — Get Id of builtin Soroban Asset Contract. Deprecated, use stellar contract id asset instead
  • deploy — Deploy builtin Soroban Asset Contract

stellar contract asset id

Get Id of builtin Soroban Asset Contract. Deprecated, use stellar contract id asset instead

Usage: stellar contract asset id [OPTIONS] --asset <ASSET>

  • --asset <ASSET> — ID of the Stellar classic asset to wrap, e.g. "USDC:G...5"
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar contract asset deploy

Deploy builtin Soroban Asset Contract

Usage: stellar contract asset deploy [OPTIONS] --asset <ASSET> --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT>

  • --asset <ASSET> — ID of the Stellar classic asset to wrap, e.g. "USDC:G...5"

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

stellar contract alias

Utilities to manage contract aliases

Usage: stellar contract alias <COMMAND>

  • remove — Remove contract alias
  • add — Add contract alias
  • show — Show the contract id associated with a given alias
  • ls — List all aliases

stellar contract alias remove

Remove contract alias

Usage: stellar contract alias remove [OPTIONS] <ALIAS>

  • <ALIAS> — The contract alias that will be removed
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

stellar contract alias add

Add contract alias

Usage: stellar contract alias add [OPTIONS] --id <CONTRACT_ID> <ALIAS>

  • <ALIAS> — The contract alias that will be used
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --overwrite — Overwrite the contract alias if it already exists
  • --id <CONTRACT_ID> — The contract id that will be associated with the alias

stellar contract alias show

Show the contract id associated with a given alias

Usage: stellar contract alias show [OPTIONS] <ALIAS>

  • <ALIAS> — The contract alias that will be displayed
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

stellar contract alias ls

List all aliases

Usage: stellar contract alias ls [OPTIONS]

  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar contract bindings

Generate code client bindings for a contract

Usage: stellar contract bindings <COMMAND>

  • json — Generate Json Bindings
  • rust — Generate Rust bindings
  • typescript — Generate a TypeScript / JavaScript package
  • python — Generate Python bindings

stellar contract bindings json

Generate Json Bindings

Usage: stellar contract bindings json --wasm <WASM>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to wasm binary

stellar contract bindings rust

Generate Rust bindings

Usage: stellar contract bindings rust --wasm <WASM>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to wasm binary

stellar contract bindings typescript

Generate a TypeScript / JavaScript package

Usage: stellar contract bindings typescript [OPTIONS] --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR> <--wasm <WASM>|--wasm-hash <WASM_HASH>|--contract-id <CONTRACT_ID>>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Wasm file path on local filesystem. Provide this OR --wasm-hash OR --contract-id
  • --wasm-hash <WASM_HASH> — Hash of Wasm blob on a network. Provide this OR --wasm OR --contract-id
  • --contract-id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID/alias on a network. Provide this OR --wasm-hash OR --wasm
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR> — Where to place generated project
  • --overwrite — Whether to overwrite output directory if it already exists

stellar contract bindings python

Generate Python bindings

Usage: stellar contract bindings python

stellar contract build

Build a contract from source

Builds all crates that are referenced by the cargo manifest (Cargo.toml) that have cdylib as their crate-type. Crates are built for the wasm32 target. Unless configured otherwise, crates are built with their default features and with their release profile.

In workspaces builds all crates unless a package name is specified, or the command is executed from the sub-directory of a workspace crate.

To view the commands that will be executed, without executing them, use the --print-commands-only option.

Usage: stellar contract build [OPTIONS]

  • --manifest-path <MANIFEST_PATH> — Path to Cargo.toml

  • --package <PACKAGE> — Package to build

    If omitted, all packages that build for crate-type cdylib are built.

  • --profile <PROFILE> — Build with the specified profile

    Default value: release

  • --features <FEATURES> — Build with the list of features activated, space or comma separated

  • --all-features — Build with the all features activated

  • --no-default-features — Build with the default feature not activated

  • --out-dir <OUT_DIR> — Directory to copy wasm files to

    If provided, wasm files can be found in the cargo target directory, and the specified directory.

    If ommitted, wasm files are written only to the cargo target directory.

  • --print-commands-only — Print commands to build without executing them

  • --meta <META> — Add key-value to contract meta (adds the meta to the contractmetav0 custom section)

stellar contract extend

Extend the time to live ledger of a contract-data ledger entry.

If no keys are specified the contract itself is extended.

Usage: stellar contract extend [OPTIONS] --ledgers-to-extend <LEDGERS_TO_EXTEND> --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT>

  • --ledgers-to-extend <LEDGERS_TO_EXTEND> — Number of ledgers to extend the entries

  • --ttl-ledger-only — Only print the new Time To Live ledger

  • --id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID to which owns the data entries. If no keys provided the Contract's instance will be extended

  • --key <KEY> — Storage key (symbols only)

  • --key-xdr <KEY_XDR> — Storage key (base64-encoded XDR)

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to Wasm file of contract code to extend

  • --wasm-hash <WASM_HASH> — Path to Wasm file of contract code to extend

  • --durability <DURABILITY> — Storage entry durability

    Default value: persistent

    Possible values:

    • persistent: Persistent
    • temporary: Temporary
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

stellar contract deploy

Deploy a wasm contract

Usage: stellar contract deploy [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> <--wasm <WASM>|--wasm-hash <WASM_HASH>> [-- <CONTRACT_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS>...]

  • <CONTRACT_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS> — If provided, will be passed to the contract's __constructor function with provided arguments for that function as --arg-name value
  • --wasm <WASM> — WASM file to deploy

  • --wasm-hash <WASM_HASH> — Hash of the already installed/deployed WASM file

  • --salt <SALT> — Custom salt 32-byte salt for the token id

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • -i, --ignore-checks — Whether to ignore safety checks when deploying contracts

    Default value: false

  • --alias <ALIAS> — The alias that will be used to save the contract's id. Whenever used, --alias will always overwrite the existing contract id configuration without asking for confirmation

stellar contract fetch

Fetch a contract's Wasm binary

Usage: stellar contract fetch [OPTIONS] --id <CONTRACT_ID>

  • --id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID to fetch
  • -o, --out-file <OUT_FILE> — Where to write output otherwise stdout is used
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

stellar contract id

Generate the contract id for a given contract or asset

Usage: stellar contract id <COMMAND>

  • asset — Deploy builtin Soroban Asset Contract
  • wasm — Deploy normal Wasm Contract

stellar contract id asset

Deploy builtin Soroban Asset Contract

Usage: stellar contract id asset [OPTIONS] --asset <ASSET>

  • --asset <ASSET> — ID of the Stellar classic asset to wrap, e.g. "USDC:G...5"
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar contract id wasm

Deploy normal Wasm Contract

Usage: stellar contract id wasm [OPTIONS] --salt <SALT> --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT>

  • --salt <SALT> — ID of the Soroban contract
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar contract info

Access info about contracts

Usage: stellar contract info <COMMAND>

  • interface — Output the interface of a contract
  • meta — Output the metadata stored in a contract
  • env-meta — Output the env required metadata stored in a contract

stellar contract info interface

Output the interface of a contract.

A contract's interface describes the functions, parameters, and types that the contract makes accessible to be called.

The data outputted by this command is a stream of SCSpecEntry XDR values. See the type definitions in stellar-xdr. See also XDR data format.

Outputs no data when no data is present in the contract.

Usage: stellar contract info interface [OPTIONS] <--wasm <WASM>|--wasm-hash <WASM_HASH>|--contract-id <CONTRACT_ID>>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Wasm file path on local filesystem. Provide this OR --wasm-hash OR --contract-id

  • --wasm-hash <WASM_HASH> — Hash of Wasm blob on a network. Provide this OR --wasm OR --contract-id

  • --contract-id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID/alias on a network. Provide this OR --wasm-hash OR --wasm

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Format of the output

    Default value: rust

    Possible values:

    • rust: Rust code output of the contract interface
    • xdr-base64: XDR output of the info entry
    • json: JSON output of the info entry (one line, not formatted)
    • json-formatted: Formatted (multiline) JSON output of the info entry

stellar contract info meta

Output the metadata stored in a contract.

A contract's meta is a series of key-value pairs that the contract developer can set with any values to provided metadata about the contract. The meta also contains some information like the version of Rust SDK, and Rust compiler version.

The data outputted by this command is a stream of SCMetaEntry XDR values. See the type definitions in stellar-xdr. See also XDR data format.

Outputs no data when no data is present in the contract.

Usage: stellar contract info meta [OPTIONS] <--wasm <WASM>|--wasm-hash <WASM_HASH>|--contract-id <CONTRACT_ID>>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Wasm file path on local filesystem. Provide this OR --wasm-hash OR --contract-id

  • --wasm-hash <WASM_HASH> — Hash of Wasm blob on a network. Provide this OR --wasm OR --contract-id

  • --contract-id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID/alias on a network. Provide this OR --wasm-hash OR --wasm

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Format of the output

    Default value: text

    Possible values:

    • text: Text output of the meta info entry
    • xdr-base64: XDR output of the info entry
    • json: JSON output of the info entry (one line, not formatted)
    • json-formatted: Formatted (multiline) JSON output of the info entry

stellar contract info env-meta

Output the env required metadata stored in a contract.

Env-meta is information stored in all contracts, in the contractenvmetav0 WASM custom section, about the environment that the contract was built for. Env-meta allows the Soroban Env to know whether the contract is compatibility with the network in its current configuration.

The data outputted by this command is a stream of SCEnvMetaEntry XDR values. See the type definitions in stellar-xdr. See also XDR data format.

Outputs no data when no data is present in the contract.

Usage: stellar contract info env-meta [OPTIONS] <--wasm <WASM>|--wasm-hash <WASM_HASH>|--contract-id <CONTRACT_ID>>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Wasm file path on local filesystem. Provide this OR --wasm-hash OR --contract-id

  • --wasm-hash <WASM_HASH> — Hash of Wasm blob on a network. Provide this OR --wasm OR --contract-id

  • --contract-id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID/alias on a network. Provide this OR --wasm-hash OR --wasm

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Format of the output

    Default value: text

    Possible values:

    • text: Text output of the meta info entry
    • xdr-base64: XDR output of the info entry
    • json: JSON output of the info entry (one line, not formatted)
    • json-formatted: Formatted (multiline) JSON output of the info entry

stellar contract init

Initialize a Soroban contract project.

This command will create a Cargo workspace project and add a sample Stellar contract. The name of the contract can be specified by --name. It can be run multiple times with different names in order to generate multiple contracts, and files won't be overwritten unless --overwrite is passed.

Usage: stellar contract init [OPTIONS] <PROJECT_PATH>

  • --name <NAME> — An optional flag to specify a new contract's name.

    Default value: hello-world

  • --overwrite — Overwrite all existing files.

stellar contract inspect

(Deprecated in favor of contract info subcommands) Inspect a WASM file listing contract functions, meta, etc

Usage: stellar contract inspect [OPTIONS] --wasm <WASM>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to wasm binary

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Output just XDR in base64

    Default value: docs

    Possible values:

    • xdr-base64: XDR of array of contract spec entries
    • xdr-base64-array: Array of xdr of contract spec entries
    • docs: Pretty print of contract spec entries
  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar contract install

Install a WASM file to the ledger without creating a contract instance

Usage: stellar contract install [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> --wasm <WASM>

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to wasm binary

  • -i, --ignore-checks — Whether to ignore safety checks when deploying contracts

    Default value: false

stellar contract invoke

Invoke a contract function

Generates an "implicit CLI" for the specified contract on-the-fly using the contract's schema, which gets embedded into every Soroban contract. The "slop" in this command, everything after the --, gets passed to this implicit CLI. Get in-depth help for a given contract:

stellar contract invoke ... -- --help

Usage: stellar contract invoke [OPTIONS] --id <CONTRACT_ID> --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> [-- <CONTRACT_FN_AND_ARGS>...]

  • <CONTRACT_FN_AND_ARGS> — Function name as subcommand, then arguments for that function as --arg-name value
  • --id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID to invoke

  • --is-view — View the result simulating and do not sign and submit transaction. Deprecated use --send=no

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --send <SEND> — Whether or not to send a transaction

    Default value: default

    Possible values:

    • default: Send transaction if simulation indicates there are ledger writes, published events, or auth required, otherwise return simulation result
    • no: Do not send transaction, return simulation result
    • yes: Always send transaction

stellar contract optimize

Optimize a WASM file

Usage: stellar contract optimize [OPTIONS] --wasm <WASM>

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to wasm binary
  • --wasm-out <WASM_OUT> — Path to write the optimized WASM file to (defaults to same location as --wasm with .optimized.wasm suffix)

stellar contract read

Print the current value of a contract-data ledger entry

Usage: stellar contract read [OPTIONS]

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Type of output to generate

    Default value: string

    Possible values:

    • string: String
    • json: Json
    • xdr: XDR
  • --id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID to which owns the data entries. If no keys provided the Contract's instance will be extended

  • --key <KEY> — Storage key (symbols only)

  • --key-xdr <KEY_XDR> — Storage key (base64-encoded XDR)

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to Wasm file of contract code to extend

  • --wasm-hash <WASM_HASH> — Path to Wasm file of contract code to extend

  • --durability <DURABILITY> — Storage entry durability

    Default value: persistent

    Possible values:

    • persistent: Persistent
    • temporary: Temporary
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar contract restore

Restore an evicted value for a contract-data legder entry.

If no keys are specificed the contract itself is restored.

Usage: stellar contract restore [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT>

  • --id <CONTRACT_ID> — Contract ID to which owns the data entries. If no keys provided the Contract's instance will be extended

  • --key <KEY> — Storage key (symbols only)

  • --key-xdr <KEY_XDR> — Storage key (base64-encoded XDR)

  • --wasm <WASM> — Path to Wasm file of contract code to extend

  • --wasm-hash <WASM_HASH> — Path to Wasm file of contract code to extend

  • --durability <DURABILITY> — Storage entry durability

    Default value: persistent

    Possible values:

    • persistent: Persistent
    • temporary: Temporary
  • --ledgers-to-extend <LEDGERS_TO_EXTEND> — Number of ledgers to extend the entry

  • --ttl-ledger-only — Only print the new Time To Live ledger

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

stellar events

Watch the network for contract events

Usage: stellar events [OPTIONS]

  • --start-ledger <START_LEDGER> — The first ledger sequence number in the range to pull events

  • --cursor <CURSOR> — The cursor corresponding to the start of the event range

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Output formatting options for event stream

    Default value: pretty

    Possible values:

    • pretty: Colorful, human-oriented console output
    • plain: Human-oriented console output without colors
    • json: JSON formatted console output
  • -c, --count <COUNT> — The maximum number of events to display (defer to the server-defined limit)

    Default value: 10

  • --id <CONTRACT_IDS> — A set of (up to 5) contract IDs to filter events on. This parameter can be passed multiple times, e.g. --id C123.. --id C456.., or passed with multiple parameters, e.g. --id C123 C456.

    Though the specification supports multiple filter objects (i.e. combinations of type, IDs, and topics), only one set can be specified on the command-line today, though that set can have multiple IDs/topics.

  • --topic <TOPIC_FILTERS> — A set of (up to 4) topic filters to filter event topics on. A single topic filter can contain 1-4 different segment filters, separated by commas, with an asterisk (* character) indicating a wildcard segment.

    Example: topic filter with two segments: --topic "AAAABQAAAAdDT1VOVEVSAA==,*"

    Example: two topic filters with one and two segments each: --topic "AAAABQAAAAdDT1VOVEVSAA==" --topic '*,*'

    Note that all of these topic filters are combined with the contract IDs into a single filter (i.e. combination of type, IDs, and topics).

  • --type <EVENT_TYPE> — Specifies which type of contract events to display

    Default value: all

    Possible values: all, contract, system

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

stellar env

Prints the environment variables

Prints to stdout in a format that can be used as .env file. Environment variables have precedence over defaults.

If there are no environment variables in use, prints the defaults.

Usage: stellar env [OPTIONS]

  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar keys

Create and manage identities including keys and addresses

Usage: stellar keys <COMMAND>

  • add — Add a new identity (keypair, ledger, macOS keychain)
  • address — Given an identity return its address (public key)
  • fund — Fund an identity on a test network
  • generate — Generate a new identity with a seed phrase, currently 12 words
  • ls — List identities
  • rm — Remove an identity
  • secret — Output an identity's secret key
  • use — Set the default identity that will be used on all commands. This allows you to skip --source-account or setting a environment variable, while reusing this value in all commands that require it

stellar keys add

Add a new identity (keypair, ledger, macOS keychain)

Usage: stellar keys add [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name of identity
  • --secret-key — (deprecated) Enter secret (S) key when prompted
  • --seed-phrase — (deprecated) Enter key using 12-24 word seed phrase
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar keys address

Given an identity return its address (public key)

Usage: stellar keys address [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name of identity to lookup, default test identity used if not provided
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If identity is a seed phrase use this hd path, default is 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar keys fund

Fund an identity on a test network

Usage: stellar keys fund [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name of identity to lookup, default test identity used if not provided
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If identity is a seed phrase use this hd path, default is 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar keys generate

Generate a new identity with a seed phrase, currently 12 words

Usage: stellar keys generate [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name of identity
  • --no-fund — Do not fund address

  • --seed <SEED> — Optional seed to use when generating seed phrase. Random otherwise

  • -s, --as-secret — Output the generated identity as a secret key

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — When generating a secret key, which hd_path should be used from the original seed_phrase

  • -d, --default-seed — Generate the default seed phrase. Useful for testing. Equivalent to --seed 0000000000000000

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --fund — Fund generated key pair

    Default value: false

  • --overwrite — Overwrite existing identity if it already exists

stellar keys ls

List identities

Usage: stellar keys ls [OPTIONS]

  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • -l, --long

stellar keys rm

Remove an identity

Usage: stellar keys rm [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Identity to remove
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar keys secret

Output an identity's secret key

Usage: stellar keys secret [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name of identity to lookup, default is test identity
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If identity is a seed phrase use this hd path, default is 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar keys use

Set the default identity that will be used on all commands. This allows you to skip --source-account or setting a environment variable, while reusing this value in all commands that require it

Usage: stellar keys use [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Set the default network name
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar network

Configure connection to networks

Usage: stellar network <COMMAND>

  • add — Add a new network
  • rm — Remove a network
  • ls — List networks
  • start⚠️ Deprecated: use stellar container start instead
  • stop⚠️ Deprecated: use stellar container stop instead
  • use — Set the default network that will be used on all commands. This allows you to skip --network or setting a environment variable, while reusing this value in all commands that require it
  • container⚠️ Deprecated: use stellar container instead

stellar network add

Add a new network

Usage: stellar network add [OPTIONS] --rpc-url <RPC_URL> --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Name of network
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — Optional header (e.g. API Key) to include in requests to the RPC
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar network rm

Remove a network

Usage: stellar network rm [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Network to remove
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar network ls

List networks

Usage: stellar network ls [OPTIONS]

  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • -l, --long — Get more info about the networks

stellar network start

⚠️ Deprecated: use stellar container start instead

Start network

Start a container running a Stellar node, RPC, API, and friendbot (faucet).

stellar network start NETWORK [OPTIONS]

By default, when starting a testnet container, without any optional arguments, it will run the equivalent of the following docker command:

docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 --name stellar stellar/quickstart:testing --testnet --enable rpc,horizon

Usage: stellar network start [OPTIONS] <NETWORK>

  • <NETWORK> — Network to start

    Possible values: local, testnet, futurenet, pubnet

  • -d, --docker-host <DOCKER_HOST> — Optional argument to override the default docker host. This is useful when you are using a non-standard docker host path for your Docker-compatible container runtime, e.g. Docker Desktop defaults to $HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock instead of /var/run/docker.sock

  • --name <NAME> — Optional argument to specify the container name

  • -l, --limits <LIMITS> — Optional argument to specify the limits for the local network only

  • -p, --ports-mapping <PORTS_MAPPING> — Argument to specify the HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT mapping

    Default value: 8000:8000

  • -t, --image-tag-override <IMAGE_TAG_OVERRIDE> — Optional argument to override the default docker image tag for the given network

  • --protocol-version <PROTOCOL_VERSION> — Optional argument to specify the protocol version for the local network only

stellar network stop

⚠️ Deprecated: use stellar container stop instead

Stop a network started with network start. For example, if you ran stellar network start local, you can use stellar network stop local to stop it.

Usage: stellar network stop [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Container to stop
  • -d, --docker-host <DOCKER_HOST> — Optional argument to override the default docker host. This is useful when you are using a non-standard docker host path for your Docker-compatible container runtime, e.g. Docker Desktop defaults to $HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock instead of /var/run/docker.sock

stellar network use

Set the default network that will be used on all commands. This allows you to skip --network or setting a environment variable, while reusing this value in all commands that require it

Usage: stellar network use [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Set the default network name
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar network container

⚠️ Deprecated: use stellar container instead

Commands to start, stop and get logs for a quickstart container

Usage: stellar network container <COMMAND>

  • logs — Get logs from a running network container
  • start — Start a container running a Stellar node, RPC, API, and friendbot (faucet)
  • stop — Stop a network container started with stellar container start

stellar network container logs

Get logs from a running network container

Usage: stellar network container logs [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Container to get logs from
  • -d, --docker-host <DOCKER_HOST> — Optional argument to override the default docker host. This is useful when you are using a non-standard docker host path for your Docker-compatible container runtime, e.g. Docker Desktop defaults to $HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock instead of /var/run/docker.sock

stellar network container start

Start a container running a Stellar node, RPC, API, and friendbot (faucet).

stellar container start NETWORK [OPTIONS]

By default, when starting a testnet container, without any optional arguments, it will run the equivalent of the following docker command:

docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 --name stellar stellar/quickstart:testing --testnet --enable rpc,horizon

Usage: stellar network container start [OPTIONS] <NETWORK>

  • <NETWORK> — Network to start

    Possible values: local, testnet, futurenet, pubnet

  • -d, --docker-host <DOCKER_HOST> — Optional argument to override the default docker host. This is useful when you are using a non-standard docker host path for your Docker-compatible container runtime, e.g. Docker Desktop defaults to $HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock instead of /var/run/docker.sock

  • --name <NAME> — Optional argument to specify the container name

  • -l, --limits <LIMITS> — Optional argument to specify the limits for the local network only

  • -p, --ports-mapping <PORTS_MAPPING> — Argument to specify the HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT mapping

    Default value: 8000:8000

  • -t, --image-tag-override <IMAGE_TAG_OVERRIDE> — Optional argument to override the default docker image tag for the given network

  • --protocol-version <PROTOCOL_VERSION> — Optional argument to specify the protocol version for the local network only

stellar network container stop

Stop a network container started with stellar container start

Usage: stellar network container stop [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Container to stop
  • -d, --docker-host <DOCKER_HOST> — Optional argument to override the default docker host. This is useful when you are using a non-standard docker host path for your Docker-compatible container runtime, e.g. Docker Desktop defaults to $HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock instead of /var/run/docker.sock

stellar container

Start local networks in containers

Usage: stellar container <COMMAND>

  • logs — Get logs from a running network container
  • start — Start a container running a Stellar node, RPC, API, and friendbot (faucet)
  • stop — Stop a network container started with stellar container start

stellar container logs

Get logs from a running network container

Usage: stellar container logs [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Container to get logs from
  • -d, --docker-host <DOCKER_HOST> — Optional argument to override the default docker host. This is useful when you are using a non-standard docker host path for your Docker-compatible container runtime, e.g. Docker Desktop defaults to $HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock instead of /var/run/docker.sock

stellar container start

Start a container running a Stellar node, RPC, API, and friendbot (faucet).

stellar container start NETWORK [OPTIONS]

By default, when starting a testnet container, without any optional arguments, it will run the equivalent of the following docker command:

docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 --name stellar stellar/quickstart:testing --testnet --enable rpc,horizon

Usage: stellar container start [OPTIONS] <NETWORK>

  • <NETWORK> — Network to start

    Possible values: local, testnet, futurenet, pubnet

  • -d, --docker-host <DOCKER_HOST> — Optional argument to override the default docker host. This is useful when you are using a non-standard docker host path for your Docker-compatible container runtime, e.g. Docker Desktop defaults to $HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock instead of /var/run/docker.sock

  • --name <NAME> — Optional argument to specify the container name

  • -l, --limits <LIMITS> — Optional argument to specify the limits for the local network only

  • -p, --ports-mapping <PORTS_MAPPING> — Argument to specify the HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT mapping

    Default value: 8000:8000

  • -t, --image-tag-override <IMAGE_TAG_OVERRIDE> — Optional argument to override the default docker image tag for the given network

  • --protocol-version <PROTOCOL_VERSION> — Optional argument to specify the protocol version for the local network only

stellar container stop

Stop a network container started with stellar container start

Usage: stellar container stop [OPTIONS] <NAME>

  • <NAME> — Container to stop
  • -d, --docker-host <DOCKER_HOST> — Optional argument to override the default docker host. This is useful when you are using a non-standard docker host path for your Docker-compatible container runtime, e.g. Docker Desktop defaults to $HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock instead of /var/run/docker.sock

stellar snapshot

Download a snapshot of a ledger from an archive

Usage: stellar snapshot <COMMAND>

  • create — Create a ledger snapshot using a history archive

stellar snapshot create

Create a ledger snapshot using a history archive.

Filters (address, wasm-hash) specify what ledger entries to include.

Account addresses include the account, and trustlines.

Contract addresses include the related wasm, contract data.

If a contract is a Stellar asset contract, it includes the asset issuer's account and trust lines, but does not include all the trust lines of other accounts holding the asset. To include them specify the addresses of relevant accounts.

Any invalid contract id passed as --address will be ignored.

Usage: stellar snapshot create [OPTIONS] --output <OUTPUT>

  • --ledger <LEDGER> — The ledger sequence number to snapshot. Defaults to latest history archived ledger

  • --address <ADDRESS> — Account or contract address/alias to include in the snapshot

  • --wasm-hash <WASM_HASHES> — WASM hashes to include in the snapshot

  • --output <OUTPUT> — Format of the out file

    Possible values: json

  • --out <OUT> — Out path that the snapshot is written to

    Default value: snapshot.json

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --archive-url <ARCHIVE_URL> — Archive URL

stellar tx

Sign, Simulate, and Send transactions

Usage: stellar tx <COMMAND>

  • hash — Calculate the hash of a transaction envelope from stdin
  • new — Create a new transaction
  • operation — Manipulate the operations in a transaction, including adding new operations
  • send — Send a transaction envelope to the network
  • sign — Sign a transaction envelope appending the signature to the envelope
  • simulate — Simulate a transaction envelope from stdin

stellar tx hash

Calculate the hash of a transaction envelope from stdin

Usage: stellar tx hash [OPTIONS]

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

stellar tx new

Create a new transaction

Usage: stellar tx new <COMMAND>


stellar tx new account-merge

Transfers the XLM balance of an account to another account and removes the source account from the ledger

Usage: stellar tx new account-merge [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> --account <ACCOUNT>

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --account <ACCOUNT> — Muxed Account to merge with, e.g. GBX..., 'MBX...'

stellar tx new bump-sequence

Bumps forward the sequence number of the source account to the given sequence number, invalidating any transaction with a smaller sequence number

Usage: stellar tx new bump-sequence [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> --bump-to <BUMP_TO>

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --bump-to <BUMP_TO> — Sequence number to bump to

stellar tx new change-trust

Creates, updates, or deletes a trustline Learn more about trustlines

Usage: stellar tx new change-trust [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> --line <LINE>

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --line <LINE>

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Limit for the trust line, 0 to remove the trust line

    Default value: 9223372036854775807

stellar tx new create-account

Creates and funds a new account with the specified starting balance

Usage: stellar tx new create-account [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> --destination <DESTINATION>

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --destination <DESTINATION> — Account Id to create, e.g. GBX...

  • --starting-balance <STARTING_BALANCE> — Initial balance in stroops of the account, default 1 XLM

    Default value: 10_000_000

stellar tx new manage-data

Sets, modifies, or deletes a data entry (name/value pair) that is attached to an account Learn more about entries and subentries:

Usage: stellar tx new manage-data [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> --data-name <DATA_NAME>

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --data-name <DATA_NAME> — String up to 64 bytes long. If this is a new Name it will add the given name/value pair to the account. If this Name is already present then the associated value will be modified

  • --data-value <DATA_VALUE> — Up to 64 bytes long hex string If not present then the existing Name will be deleted. If present then this value will be set in the DataEntry

stellar tx new payment

Sends an amount in a specific asset to a destination account

Usage: stellar tx new payment [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> --destination <DESTINATION> --amount <AMOUNT>

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --destination <DESTINATION> — Account to send to, e.g. GBX...

  • --asset <ASSET> — Asset to send, default native, e.i. XLM

    Default value: native

  • --amount <AMOUNT> — Amount of the aforementioned asset to send. e.g. 10_000_000 (1 XLM)

stellar tx new set-options

Set option for an account such as flags, inflation destination, signers, home domain, and master key weight Learn more about flags: Learn more about the home domain: Learn more about signers operations and key weight:

Usage: stellar tx new set-options [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT>

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --inflation-dest <INFLATION_DEST> — Account of the inflation destination

  • --master-weight <MASTER_WEIGHT> — A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the weight of the master key. If the weight of the master key is updated to 0, it is effectively disabled

  • --low-threshold <LOW_THRESHOLD> — A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a low threshold.

  • --med-threshold <MED_THRESHOLD> — A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a medium threshold.

  • --high-threshold <HIGH_THRESHOLD> — A number from 0-255 (inclusive) representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a high threshold.

  • --home-domain <HOME_DOMAIN> — Sets the home domain of an account. See

  • --signer <SIGNER> — Add, update, or remove a signer from an account

  • --signer-weight <SIGNER_WEIGHT> — Signer weight is a number from 0-255 (inclusive). The signer is deleted if the weight is 0

  • --set-required — When enabled, an issuer must approve an account before that account can hold its asset.

  • --set-revocable — When enabled, an issuer can revoke an existing trustline's authorization, thereby freezing the asset held by an account.

  • --set-clawback-enabled — Enables the issuing account to take back (burning) all of the asset.

  • --set-immutable — With this setting, none of the other authorization flags (AUTH_REQUIRED_FLAG, AUTH_REVOCABLE_FLAG) can be set, and the issuing account can't be merged.

  • --clear-required

  • --clear-revocable

  • --clear-immutable

  • --clear-clawback-enabled

stellar tx new set-trustline-flags

Allows issuing account to configure authorization and trustline flags to an asset The Asset parameter is of the TrustLineAsset type. If you are modifying a trustline to a regular asset (i.e. one in a Code:Issuer format), this is equivalent to the Asset type. If you are modifying a trustline to a pool share, however, this is composed of the liquidity pool's unique ID. Learn more about flags:

Usage: stellar tx new set-trustline-flags [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> --trustor <TRUSTOR> --asset <ASSET>

  • --fee <FEE> — fee amount for transaction, in stroops. 1 stroop = 0.0000001 xlm

    Default value: 100

  • --cost — Output the cost execution to stderr

  • --instructions <INSTRUCTIONS> — Number of instructions to simulate

  • --build-only — Build the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --sim-only — (Deprecated) simulate the transaction and only write the base64 xdr to stdout

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint

  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider

  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server

  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config

  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail

  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --trustor <TRUSTOR> — Account to set trustline flags for

  • --asset <ASSET> — Asset to set trustline flags for

  • --set-authorize — Signifies complete authorization allowing an account to transact freely with the asset to make and receive payments and place orders

  • --set-authorize-to-maintain-liabilities — Denotes limited authorization that allows an account to maintain current orders but not to otherwise transact with the asset

  • --set-trustline-clawback-enabled — Enables the issuing account to take back (burning) all of the asset. See our section on Clawbacks:

  • --clear-authorize

  • --clear-authorize-to-maintain-liabilities

  • --clear-trustline-clawback-enabled

stellar tx operation

Manipulate the operations in a transaction, including adding new operations

Usage: stellar tx operation <COMMAND>

  • add — Add Operation to a transaction

stellar tx operation add

Add Operation to a transaction

Usage: stellar tx operation add <COMMAND>


stellar tx operation add account-merge

Transfers the XLM balance of an account to another account and removes the source account from the ledger

Usage: stellar tx operation add account-merge [OPTIONS] --account <ACCOUNT>

  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • --operation-source-account <OPERATION_SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Source account used for the operation
  • --account <ACCOUNT> — Muxed Account to merge with, e.g. GBX..., 'MBX...'

stellar tx operation add bump-sequence

Bumps forward the sequence number of the source account to the given sequence number, invalidating any transaction with a smaller sequence number

Usage: stellar tx operation add bump-sequence [OPTIONS] --bump-to <BUMP_TO>

  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • --operation-source-account <OPERATION_SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Source account used for the operation
  • --bump-to <BUMP_TO> — Sequence number to bump to

stellar tx operation add change-trust

Creates, updates, or deletes a trustline Learn more about trustlines

Usage: stellar tx operation add change-trust [OPTIONS] --line <LINE>

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --operation-source-account <OPERATION_SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Source account used for the operation

  • --line <LINE>

  • --limit <LIMIT> — Limit for the trust line, 0 to remove the trust line

    Default value: 9223372036854775807

stellar tx operation add create-account

Creates and funds a new account with the specified starting balance

Usage: stellar tx operation add create-account [OPTIONS] --destination <DESTINATION>

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --operation-source-account <OPERATION_SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Source account used for the operation

  • --destination <DESTINATION> — Account Id to create, e.g. GBX...

  • --starting-balance <STARTING_BALANCE> — Initial balance in stroops of the account, default 1 XLM

    Default value: 10_000_000

stellar tx operation add manage-data

Sets, modifies, or deletes a data entry (name/value pair) that is attached to an account Learn more about entries and subentries:

Usage: stellar tx operation add manage-data [OPTIONS] --data-name <DATA_NAME>

  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • --operation-source-account <OPERATION_SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Source account used for the operation
  • --data-name <DATA_NAME> — String up to 64 bytes long. If this is a new Name it will add the given name/value pair to the account. If this Name is already present then the associated value will be modified
  • --data-value <DATA_VALUE> — Up to 64 bytes long hex string If not present then the existing Name will be deleted. If present then this value will be set in the DataEntry

stellar tx operation add payment

Sends an amount in a specific asset to a destination account

Usage: stellar tx operation add payment [OPTIONS] --destination <DESTINATION> --amount <AMOUNT>

  • --global — Use global config

  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

  • --operation-source-account <OPERATION_SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Source account used for the operation

  • --destination <DESTINATION> — Account to send to, e.g. GBX...

  • --asset <ASSET> — Asset to send, default native, e.i. XLM

    Default value: native

  • --amount <AMOUNT> — Amount of the aforementioned asset to send. e.g. 10_000_000 (1 XLM)

stellar tx operation add set-options

Set option for an account such as flags, inflation destination, signers, home domain, and master key weight Learn more about flags: Learn more about the home domain: Learn more about signers operations and key weight:

Usage: stellar tx operation add set-options [OPTIONS]


stellar tx operation add set-trustline-flags

Allows issuing account to configure authorization and trustline flags to an asset The Asset parameter is of the TrustLineAsset type. If you are modifying a trustline to a regular asset (i.e. one in a Code:Issuer format), this is equivalent to the Asset type. If you are modifying a trustline to a pool share, however, this is composed of the liquidity pool's unique ID. Learn more about flags:

Usage: stellar tx operation add set-trustline-flags [OPTIONS] --trustor <TRUSTOR> --asset <ASSET>

  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • --operation-source-account <OPERATION_SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Source account used for the operation
  • --trustor <TRUSTOR> — Account to set trustline flags for
  • --asset <ASSET> — Asset to set trustline flags for
  • --set-authorize — Signifies complete authorization allowing an account to transact freely with the asset to make and receive payments and place orders
  • --set-authorize-to-maintain-liabilities — Denotes limited authorization that allows an account to maintain current orders but not to otherwise transact with the asset
  • --set-trustline-clawback-enabled — Enables the issuing account to take back (burning) all of the asset. See our section on Clawbacks:
  • --clear-authorize
  • --clear-authorize-to-maintain-liabilities
  • --clear-trustline-clawback-enabled

stellar tx send

Send a transaction envelope to the network

Usage: stellar tx send [OPTIONS]

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar tx sign

Sign a transaction envelope appending the signature to the envelope

Usage: stellar tx sign [OPTIONS]

  • --sign-with-key <SIGN_WITH_KEY> — Sign with a local key. Can be an identity (--sign-with-key alice), a secret key (--sign-with-key SC36…), or a seed phrase (--sign-with-key "kite urban…"). If using seed phrase, --hd-path defaults to the 0 path
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase to sign, sets which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0
  • --sign-with-lab — Sign with
  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar tx simulate

Simulate a transaction envelope from stdin

Usage: stellar tx simulate [OPTIONS] --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT>

  • --rpc-url <RPC_URL> — RPC server endpoint
  • --rpc-header <RPC_HEADERS> — RPC Header(s) to include in requests to the RPC provider
  • --network-passphrase <NETWORK_PASSPHRASE> — Network passphrase to sign the transaction sent to the rpc server
  • --network <NETWORK> — Name of network to use from config
  • --source-account <SOURCE_ACCOUNT> — Account that where transaction originates from. Alias source. Can be an identity (--source alice), a public key (--source GDKW...), a muxed account (--source MDA…), a secret key (--source SC36…), or a seed phrase (--source "kite urban…"). If --build-only or --sim-only flags were NOT provided, this key will also be used to sign the final transaction. In that case, trying to sign with public key will fail
  • --hd-path <HD_PATH> — If using a seed phrase, which hierarchical deterministic path to use, e.g. m/44'/148'/{hd_path}. Example: --hd-path 1. Default: 0
  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."

stellar xdr

Decode and encode XDR

Usage: stellar xdr [CHANNEL] <COMMAND>

  • types — View information about types
  • guess — Guess the XDR type
  • decode — Decode XDR
  • encode — Encode XDR
  • compare — Compare two XDR values with each other
  • version — Print version information
  • <CHANNEL> — Channel of XDR to operate on

    Default value: +curr

    Possible values: +curr, +next

stellar xdr types

View information about types

Usage: stellar xdr types <COMMAND>

  • list
  • schema

stellar xdr types list

Usage: stellar xdr types list [OPTIONS]

  • --output <OUTPUT>

    Default value: plain

    Possible values: plain, json, json-formatted

stellar xdr types schema

Usage: stellar xdr types schema [OPTIONS] --type <TYPE>

  • --type <TYPE> — XDR type to decode

  • --output <OUTPUT>

    Default value: json-schema-draft201909

    Possible values: json-schema-draft7, json-schema-draft201909

stellar xdr guess

Guess the XDR type

Usage: stellar xdr guess [OPTIONS] [FILE]

  • <FILE> — File to decode, or stdin if omitted
  • --input <INPUT>

    Default value: single-base64

    Possible values: single, single-base64, stream, stream-base64, stream-framed

  • --output <OUTPUT>

    Default value: list

    Possible values: list

  • --certainty <CERTAINTY> — Certainty as an arbitrary value

    Default value: 2

stellar xdr decode

Decode XDR

Usage: stellar xdr decode [OPTIONS] --type <TYPE> [FILES]...

  • <FILES> — Files to decode, or stdin if omitted
  • --type <TYPE> — XDR type to decode

  • --input <INPUT>

    Default value: stream-base64

    Possible values: single, single-base64, stream, stream-base64, stream-framed

  • --output <OUTPUT>

    Default value: json

    Possible values: json, json-formatted, rust-debug, rust-debug-formatted

stellar xdr encode

Encode XDR

Usage: stellar xdr encode [OPTIONS] --type <TYPE> [FILES]...

  • <FILES> — Files to encode, or stdin if omitted
  • --type <TYPE> — XDR type to encode

  • --input <INPUT>

    Default value: json

    Possible values: json

  • --output <OUTPUT>

    Default value: single-base64

    Possible values: single, single-base64, stream

stellar xdr compare

Compare two XDR values with each other

Outputs: -1 when the left XDR value is less than the right XDR value, 0 when the left XDR value is equal to the right XDR value, 1 when the left XDR value is greater than the right XDR value

Usage: stellar xdr compare [OPTIONS] --type <TYPE> <LEFT> <RIGHT>

  • <LEFT> — XDR file to decode and compare with the right value
  • <RIGHT> — XDR file to decode and compare with the left value
  • --type <TYPE> — XDR type of both inputs

  • --input <INPUT>

    Default value: single-base64

    Possible values: single, single-base64

stellar xdr version

Print version information

Usage: stellar xdr version

stellar completion

Print shell completion code for the specified shell

Ensure the completion package for your shell is installed, e.g. bash-completion for bash.

To enable autocomplete in the current bash shell, run: source <(stellar completion --shell bash)

To enable autocomplete permanently, run: echo "source <(stellar completion --shell bash)" >> ~/.bashrc

Usage: stellar completion --shell <SHELL>

  • --shell <SHELL> — The shell type

    Possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh

stellar cache

Cache for transactions and contract specs

Usage: stellar cache <COMMAND>

  • clean — Delete the cache
  • path — Show the location of the cache
  • actionlog — Access details about cached actions like transactions, and simulations. (Experimental. May see breaking changes at any time.)

stellar cache clean

Delete the cache

Usage: stellar cache clean

stellar cache path

Show the location of the cache

Usage: stellar cache path

stellar cache actionlog

Access details about cached actions like transactions, and simulations. (Experimental. May see breaking changes at any time.)

Usage: stellar cache actionlog <COMMAND>

  • ls — List cached actions (transactions, simulations)
  • read — Read cached action

stellar cache actionlog ls

List cached actions (transactions, simulations)

Usage: stellar cache actionlog ls [OPTIONS]

  • --global — Use global config
  • --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR> — Location of config directory, default is "."
  • -l, --long

stellar cache actionlog read

Read cached action

Usage: stellar cache actionlog read --id <ID>

  • --id <ID> — ID of the cache entry

stellar version

Print version information

Usage: stellar version